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Primer punto stiven

1) before finishing reading the book Dorothy opened the window to let in

some air

2) 2) Ben was confused because he knew he was doing something wrong

3) Donna was relieved that she passed the test

4) Deborah was furious when she saw what painters did to her house

5) Kevin remembered that he saw this girl somewhere before

6) after lighting the fire, dad had decorated the tree

7) Kitty used her freedom to play the piano while everyone went out

8) Charles fell asleep because he drank a bottle of brandy

9) The driver ran over the cyclist because he did not see it

10)edwar was in a very good mood because his girlfriend accepted the

marriage proposal

11)laddy feed the puppy before going to bed

12)after receiving an email amber sent some emails to her boss

13)already when some of the parents arrived, they saw the PTA finished

14)after he fell asleep a strange creature appeared in his room

15)Satisfied that he delivered the goods, brion drove back to the garage

16)Audrey had to go shopping again because I forgot the flowers

Segundo punto stiven

1) he joined the army before he found a good job

2) it was before he fell too low

3) It was before he fell very low in his life

4) He got a good writing job after losing his job at the cafe

5) It was before he got organized and after he started his work as a writer

6) It was after being a writer and before he became a millionaire

7) it was after being good with his team

8) he got married after having many millions

9) brought the chain after marrying his pretty wife

10)had a child after he was fine with finishing his editorial chain

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