Historia: On The Other Hand Important Have Led The Flamencothroughout The Five

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Flamenco history has only been documented for the past two hundred years or so, and anything before this
time is open to debate and speculation.

Much of what we know from before this time comes from stories and legends that have been passed down
through family dynasties, in a similar way to the flamenco song itself.

Lo que tengo que decir

One thing we can be sure of is that flamenco in its original form was only voice, a primitive cry or chant
accompanied only by the rhythm which would be beaten out on the floor by a wooden staff or cane.

These styles are known as Palo Secos, or dry styles, and they are the oldest forms of song known today.

The Toñas are the family of songs which represent these style and they include the toña, one of the oldest
known styles, the martinetes, which are the songs of the blacksmiths, the rhythm being supplied by the
hammer beating on the anvil, the carceleras or prison songs, and the debla, which at one time was thought
to have had connections with a gypsy religious rite.


Flamenco continues to evolve to become universal.

On one side we notice new trends in fusion with other musical styles in the hands of some artists. At this
point, there is enough controversy; entre los defensores de la conservación de la ortodoxia flamenca,among
the advocates of conservation of flamenco orthodoxy,(as in his day failure, did and which served to preserve
this valuable heritage), and others more interested in its evolution and its permeability.

El flamenco sigue evolucionando para convertirse en universal.

De un lado notamos nuevas tendencias de mestizaje con otros estilos musicales de la mano de algunos
artistas. A este punto hay bastante polémica; entre los defensores de la conservación de la ortodoxia flamenca,
(como ya en su día lo hiciera Falla, y que sirvió para conservar tan valioso patrimonio), y otros más
interesados en su evolución y su permeabilidad.

Lo que leere

On the other hand, important artists have led the flamencothroughout the five continents,
reaching a new it was where the media are witnesses of his grace, his strength and his
De otro lado, importantes artistas han llevado el flamenco por los cinco continentes, llegando a una nueva
era donde los medios de comunicación son testigos de su gracia, su fuerza y su duende

Analucia remains its current capital located in the valle del cauca.

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