Louis Niko Goco

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Louis Niko Goco

Invitation to Sociology
Peter Berger

Guide Questions:
What are some other behaviors and situations that might capture the attention of the sociologist?
How does sociologist differ from the psychologist, or the economist or the historian?
Are these fields of study likely to be in competition with sociology or to complement it?


Sociology is the study of the society, social institutions and social relationship meaning this
Meriam-Webster Dictionary definition tends to describe that a person who study and specialized in this
field is no other than sociologist. And to my understanding a sociologist is top-notch scientist that I am
very certain dedicates itself in understanding its surroundings. Putting myself in the shoes of a
sociologist I might say that will capture my attentions is peculiarity. Whereas I may be or might be get
hook in the demise of the situation in a place where stumble or lounge in. If a behavior might trigger me
it would be the ambiversions of a person or any individual that may able to coop-up in the flow of the
situational scheme. Though sociologist deal with these types of people it is, I think, he or she must be a
natural or studied to be ambivert. Because it is the only way he or she can blend in in the society of the
two groups of unique individualism. In the situational abyss, a sociologist may captivate in the events or
tradition of certain community that tries to conserve their traditional heritage and culture or to a
community that even in the middle of the modernized world they remain the same and unchanged for
millennia. These peculiar oddities of a an individual and a community can truly capture a sociologist’s
attention. By chance, a difference between a single family can also captivate the sociologist’s attention
hence when it encounters oddities in the family of singularity of the situation they may encounter. The
signaled events of commotion may also capture its attention by which answer the questions “how these
people enjoy a hardcore music while others are not or vice versa?”. The point of interest of many
different individuals in a community. For example, a community of different races may celebrate a
common traditions or festivities that might not understand by others could lead the sociologist to puzzle
out. In our rich history around the globe, we might think that archeologists are mainly studying their
craft in learning what truly happened in the past. But in reality, the very reason why they fully
understand it is with the help of a sociologist. In one of the famous segments of Discovery Channel:
Blowing up History and National Geographic’s Secret of Past, both segments are rediscover things,
events and crimes in the past. And it happened to be that they were helped by sociologists to
understand the real score of the event. To make it shorter this also capture the attention of a
sociologist, rediscovering what has already discovered. In the modern world that we are lingering
around and the presence of the modernize and upgraded technology sociologists’ foci became broad
and vast. As we grow continue in the amidst of robotics era and mechanize surroundings. They are
continuously creating and preserving the best for humanity. These changes that many of us embraces is
the biggest interest that a sociologist could questions because we might be the most powerful creation
in this world but we only exist here only a million years ago to think our earth existed four billion years

Likewise, the question how sociologist differs form psychologist, economist and historian is very
observable. Although, these professions require an intricate knowledge about their field of
specialization. These rendezvous of ingenuity propel the greater venture of significant differences
amongst the given specializations are the following. Since we are talking about sociologist that studies
the societies, social relationships and social institutions, it doesn’t mean that it is differed in the other
yet between sociologist and psychologist they have some interesting differences. If sociologist tends to
study the society and its relationship psychologist specialized in the state of mind of an individual. This
mends the divinity and secrecy of minds, inert thoughts, subconscious feelings, conscious feelings, id
personality, ego and superego. The functionality of one’s minds differs from the other even if they are
having common personality and equal perspectivity. Psychologist rapport the flow of mind’s perceptions
and flow of messages runs through the neurons. The focal bid of psychologist centered in the activity
inside an individual’s thoughts. Hence, the rapporteur of sociologist flows in, on and out to surroundings
of the an individual and itself. Their connectivity to the community and to the bigger feature they dwelt
in. For the economist and sociologist differences they are tend to be alike than psychologist. But in this
venture, economist foci are on the situation of the realms of economic state. The stature of economy in
a country were become the spine of an economist. I said that economist is more alike to sociologist
because they are studying also the relationship between the countries’ economy and situation but not in
the individuality of a business venture. The economist resolved and find solutions to any mutuality in the
economical state of an economic situation. The bigger feature here is that an economist’s foci on the
consistency of the economic status and economic relationship. Though these gave a flicker in our
thoughts what I am trying to say. Economist is differed to sociologist because they focus on the state od
economics of a wide area and its relationship to the bigger economy.

Lastly, the difference of sociologist to historian, earlier I aforementioned that history right now
is being rediscovered and corrected. Though through the sociologists, historians are able to uncover
hidden mysteries and conflicts. But historians are far greater different to sociologist because their foci of
studies are on the events of the past. History doesn’t called history if they are studying the present.
Historians are clearing and answering some queries that linger in this world for a long time ago and this
makes their job more important to us. They have written write-ups and pass it to the next generation to
study, discover and broadcast to the world. The particular differences are sociologist continues from
past to future relationship of the society while historians unearth the hidden stories of the past.

In the last questions, as far I reconciled these four specializations doesn’t compete to each other
although there are some overlapping of their works area it doesn’t mean that they are over doing their
specialization. Likewise, they are complementing each other. The things that they are working together
in secret or in broadcast it still reveals that whatever they are doing they helping to discover the
functionality of their fields in their own. More likely, the memento of the sociologist will always be
considering to the commonality of the other three. With this, I concluded that no matter how differ they
definition are and they specialization they are still connected in the pertaining the mysteries between an
individual, society and community.

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