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OGL 360


Rose Reynolds
part 1:
Where you
want to be
means to m
My Still Life shows the sun reflecting off
the water. This is still representation of
how I reflect on what I may say or do
can affect others and to still be mindful
of that. It still takes wizardly magic to
come up with creative solutions. One
aspect that has changed from the first
time this picture was taken is that I
used to run against the clock. I have
noticed that I take more time to
appreciate things in my life that is
important to me.
honesty Good
One can’t get anywhere
unless you’re honest with It is important to have
yourself. The rest usually good communication.
falls in line once you’re true The plaque says
to yourself. The reflection of Wizards Welcome to
the water is representative invite dialogue.
of this.

authenticity Respect of time

It seems like I am
Core values
I value authenticity always running against
because it seems like the clock so I value
with social media, you time. The watch is
never really know a representative of this.
person. As a leader, it is
important to portray
that as well. The respect
basketball hoop The jigsaw pieces represent
represents that that we are all unique
sometimes someone is individuals with diverse needs.
going to try and fake It is important that I respect
you out. those differences.
To inspire others to do what they thought they couldn’t do. To be who they
were afraid to be. To give back even when you don’t think you have the time.

The logo RT is representative of the e-commerce store I have started. My

personal and professional vision is to see it become successful so I can be
my own boss, working my own hours, and to be there for my family.

Part ii: where
you are
My family and friends are my strengths and
keeps me going. I originally had added my
stepson’s family since he is important to me,
therefore, his family on his mom’s side was
important to me. I have realized that it is a
shortcoming and sometimes I don’t need to
include them in my inner circle if they do not
draw positive influences into my life.
Lpi assessment

I was pretty balanced with all the
skills. I am more likely to enable
others while I could work on
inspiring a shared vision.
My learning style is Balancing. This
was humorous to me because the
report states that a challenge of this
style is “jack of all trades, master of
none.” My bio for work literally says -
jack of all trades. This challenge
would be accurate.

Learning A strength of the balancing style that

I do possess is that I have the ability
to work with a diverse group of
style people and have flexibility to move
around the different learning styles.

What is your single biggest
limiting assumption? Limiting
Speaking up

If I can get out of my head

and be confident in what I
know and am passionate
about, I might be able to do a
TED Talk someday and inspire
What matters most to you

Keeping my Always Giving back

family safe learning
It is important to keep my family safe during these crazy times, while always learning to keep our brains
sharp and to always think of our community and give back however and whenever we can.
Part iiI: getting from where you are to
where you want to be
● Take more risks when there
development are opportunities for me in
my field
● Expand my professional
strategy ●
Develop action plans and
stick to them when it comes to
personal and professional
● My coaching relationships helped me see
different perspectives that I didn’t think of
● I would love to implement coaching in my
workplace and continue it to grow
Learning style
and flexibility
● Learning about myself more was
rewarding and will help me
develop my competencies. ● My learning style will help me build
strong professional relationships
due to my flexible outlook and
● My authenticity will show through
open mindness
and that will foster trust among my
Action plan

● Speak up more when there are opportunities

● When we have speakers that come to our
workplace, take the opportunity to network
● Join social circles that relate to my e-commerce
business to network
● Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals to monitor progress
● Check goals off as they are completed and
analyze using D.A.R.T.
● Adjust goals and timeframes if I see that goals
are not being reached as I anticipate
● Create vision boards to keep the momentum of

summer Spring 2021 Spring 2022 Fall 2022

2020 Finish graduate Be a TED Talk
Create vision board Attend TED Talk school speaker
and join social
circles that relate to
Part Iv: overall conclusion
● Working on this portfolio really opened my eyes on what my actual goals are.
● It helped me take a step back and think about what was really important to me.
● I loved how each module had a purpose and connected in some way, whether it was
through peer coaching or within this portfolio and didn’t feel as if it were a “filler” class.
● Recognizing and having to put my goals on paper made me accountable and
goal-driven to reach my goals.
● I learned a lot about myself and will carry those lessons with me.

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