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a Q [i = a moorish national republic federal government ‘> ~ sotietas republicae ea al maurikanos~ S moorish divine and national movement of the earth northwest amexem / south amexem / central amexem / north gate all adjoining islands the true and de jure natural people — heirs to the land &~ islam. > universal affidavit of fact and command with notice of lien document number: macs000000104-r218254-100 from: muriel montia el & hezekiah chastanet montia el c/o 100 commerce drive, unit 454 near tyrone, Georgia without the U.S. to. Chad F. Wolf dba United States Secretary of Homeland Security washington, district of columbia [20528] Ed Bastia dba Chief Executive Officer Delta Airlines 1030 delta blvd. atlanta, georgia [30320] copy: chief grantor lamont durrell belton sui juris general aboriginal martial law chief general commander re _.ex rel [HEZEKIAH MONTIA & MURIEL BYRD MONTIA] date: 5 october 2020 notice to principal is notice to agent. notice to agent is notice to principal. wwe are standing squarely on the five principles of life: love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. we are the ab original indigenous sovereign natural divine moorish american nationals. we are in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes at all times. we are decedens spiritum returned alive and the descendants of the great pharaohs of kemet and of the ancient moabites and canaanites. we are the ministers, creditors, executors, claimants, trustees, beneficiaries, and heirs of our own vast estate. we hereby express our ancient sovereign universal trust as we are in the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate at this time and at all points in time. we have declared and proclaimed peace on our land at all times and we are exercising all of our sovereign rights at this time and at all points in time. we are the living! we do not stand under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION as we are sovereign and alive. we are the empire of ancient morocco. you are well aware; we are not the CORPORATION OF THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO, 1956. we are the empire of morocco which is the land of “north, central and south america including all the adjoining atlantis and pacific islands “americana”. you and your foreign universal affidavit of fact and command with notice of intent for TSA/Delta Airlines: aborigines popes’ dotmen rte wnekem artes afte merit mh amexcnvsoahwes aexemacjoning alas ant america ands Me morocan ep / ciel ued aes, empl of ‘the moon and sun'/“turle island’ non domestic, non resident, non subject; moors uur, fee white person! Beng he rightfl ets and primogencure irvight, inheritors of the land BRITISH ACCREDITATION REGISTRY (BAR MEMBERS) "LEGAL" department are currently occupying our land and you are in breach of your obligations to us. we have declared peace on our land and are not at war, therefore any further breach of the treaty of peace and friendship 1786 /1836 and the constitution for the united states 1789/1791 is un law full and constitutes war crimes, fraud, denationalization, and crimes against humanity. no [UNITED STATES CITIZEN/CORPORATION. | has jurisdiction over any and all moorish american nationals at morocco, northwest amexem. ali Corporate/CORPORATE contracts are terminated. (see link below) you are commanded to correct your records to reflect this for these moors and all moors that notify you and your organization. these moors are not to be harassed or detained. we do not stand as security for the false debt of the Jesuit Order being the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and its franchised MUNICIPALITIES, and CORPORATE BUSINESSES. as outlined in the de jure judicial notice given by the aboriginal martial law officer, chief belton lamont durrell, sui juris, sui generi, all foreign colonial statutory legislatures is operating, illegally under color of law, color of authority and color of office on the aboriginal title, cooper tone, woolly haired 1st nations, americans land and are null and void; suspended via bankruptcy, and have no authority to charge aboriginal people, the de jure american land lords with crimen falsi. aboriginals cannot be Debtors which is only for Civilians, Employee(s) and your Civil Process is same as Criminal Process. Civilian States neither Federal Procedures, Proceedings, accusations, citation, tickets, et alli and any Notices of Interest issued via Police or via Municipalities are null and void! Pope Francis Revocation Romanis Pontifex defines all COLONIAL IMMIGRANTS, as Trespassers! So if you desire to not be deported, respect. aboriginals. the mandamus command all STATUTORY, FEDERAL or STATE, Et Alli style and or acting POLICE to comply! all STATUTORY legislature is null and void! See world court law forums of iej/ice under jurisdictions and (special forces) or contact the aboriginal marshal, chief belton for guidance. you are commanded to honor each and every command from these aboriginal, moors/muurs, free white persons and all aboriginals (see links below). when these moorish nationals travel on their lands, they are not to be detained or harassed. these aboriginal nationals will always stand in honor and command you and your agents to do the same. as outlined by the aboriginal marshal, we are not governed by your statutory legislature, you are commanded to correct your records to reflect such. upon traveling, these moors will present their moorish american national identification cards and you are commanded to accept it whenever or wherever identification is, requested from any moorish american national. any Corporation/Citizen who violate these commands, will be lien according to the following schedule: $3,000,000,000,000,000 in gold backed currency per PERSON/CORPORATION in violation of the supreme law of the land, the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1787/1836 and the constitution for the united states of america at north america 1791 and this affidavit. the marshal shall also be commanded to detain or deport any violators. these moorish nationals, on whose land you live, breathe, and have your being, stand in honor of our ancestors and command you to do the same. there is much division and dis ease within your UNITED STATE CORPORATIONS that can only be rectified by law full actions and honoring of your obligations tous. unless you honor your obligations, the spiritual chaos will continue until you are no longer doing business on our lands, as foretold by our ancestors. nature provides freely and abundantly for all, the time for greed and deceit is over. for those who do not honor the law full commands for peace, nature will create the balance. we are the living! sal affidavit of fret and command with notice of intent for TSA/Delta Airlines bocginal and indigenous peoples’ document: northwest amexem / northwest frie orth america “the north gate eral amexersouhestamexem/adjining ts and american llands he moroccan empire! continental unted sae: Yemple of the moon an sun “trl sland’: non demesi, non resides, non subject; moors must, fe white persons! Being the rig ois end primogeniture Birhriht, inheritors ofthe land forthe flowing documents vist: hns//unes.nooishamneicanconistar/moorishameccan: moorish on cannen coumdate ‘notice of existence library of congress certified copy of the treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836 macw-cr000000004_moorish american treasury - sovereign credit instrument 666, trillion moorish_ sovereign dollarium visit the links below for moor documents/notices: treaty of peace and friendship in capitis diminution nolo htps:// 7-treaty-of-peace-and- friendship-in-capitis-diminutio-nolo universal sovereign security affidavit hittps:// affidavit-hezekiah-montia-el universal sovereign security affidavit affidavit-muriel-montia-el judicial notice and proclamation hezekiah chastanet montia el | judicial notice and proclamation muriel montia el https://www.seribd,com/document/4566485 14/macs000000103-judicial- muriel-montia-el universal sovereign applellation and procalamation affidavit hezekiah chastanet montia el htips://www. scribd. com/document/456648078/macs000000 104-universal-sovereign-appellation-and- proclamation-affidavit-hezekiah-montia-el universal sovereign applellation and procalamation affidavit muriel montia el htips/Avww. scribd com/document/456647890/macs000000103-universal-sovereign-appellation-and- Saheim ateciael “universal affidavit of termination of all Corporate/CORPORATE contracts hezekiah & muriel montia el https://www all-corporate-contracts universal affidavit of sovereign personam jurisdiction invocation hezekiah & muriel montia el 1 04-1218254-1-affidavit-of-sovereign- -jurisdiction- ice-of-intent affidavit of written initial universal commercial financing statement [DEPOSITORY TRUST & CLEARING CORPORATION] 1 04-1218254-28-affidavit-of-ucc-statement- DEPOSITORY-TRUST-CLEARING universal affidavit of fact and command with notice of intent for TSA/Delta Airlines shorginal and indigenous peoples’ decument: northwest amexem / northwest afi north america ‘the north gate cer amexenVsouthwest amexen/ adjoining allan ard americana islands he moroccan empire / continental united states; temple of ‘the moon and sun / ture island" non domestic, non resident, non subject, moors /muurs,fce white person! being the righ ets and primogencure irdight, inheritors of he land allodial declaration of trust for muriel and hezekiah el|-Declaration-of-Trust-MACS000000104- #218254-2. allodial titles for conveyances international affidavit of right to travel // ional it-of- right-to-travel this document is placed on the public record and for the records at: ‘https:/ 104-r218254-101-universal-affidavit-of-fact- and-command-for-TSA-Delta-Airlines nothing in this lawful document is consent to any jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction of ‘my ancestral moorish estate, chronos: day: Ss month: clube, year, 2O2O eae do bi usceut lige sae ern et tae cit utc seri sper ram ta tle ad ‘men e008 suum se terror eu gaat ye cide QEOOME thers pr ram et saat 06 en oren deo bi umcmaue ligt sae erent glee inci tate ters pram at ast ade muriel montia el aboriginal autochthonous indigenous of northeast amexem ter natural person , in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona, sut s proprio:. free white person, washita/ moor / muur/authorized representative; all rights exercised,. iam: ye f Pad hed ne ale hezekiah chastanet montia el aboriginal autochthonous indigenous of northeast amexem territory proprio. free white person, washita/ moor / muur/authorized representative; all Fights exercised,. enslocures: national identification (2) ‘universal affidavit of fact and command with notice of intent for TSA/Delta Airlines sheriginal and indigenous peoples" document: ponhwest amcxem / noes afi nrth america the next ateertra amexemsuthvestanerem/ sing tants and americana lads he moroccan ompite/comnetl ied tats Yemple of ‘the moon and sun" wre lan” non domestic, non resident, non sujet. moors / mu, ee white person being he rihial eis and primogenitare Dithrgh, inert ofthe land

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