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TAHUN 2020
Jl. Raya Timur No. 1/456 Ciborelang Kecamatan Jatiwangi
Kabupaten Majalengka Kode Pos 45454 AlMizanjtw2002@gmail.com


A. Introduction : 20 Soal
B. Identity : 25 Soal
C. Time, Day, Date, Month, Year : 30 Soal
D. Things, Animals and Places : 30 Soal
The Summative Test Of The First Semester : 45 Soal
Jumlah Soal : 150 Soal

E. Short Text Of Describing Things, Animals, and People : 30 Soal
F. Describing Action Of Animals, People and Things : 25 Soal
G. Descriptive Text : 35 Soal
H. A Song : 20 Soal
The Summative Test Of The Second Semester : 55 Soal
Jumlah Soal : 165 Soal
TOTAL SOAL : 315 Soal

A. Introduction
I. Choose the correct answer!
1. It is at night. You meet your teacher at supermarket. What will you say?
a. Good morning, sir
b. Good afternoon, sir.
c. Good evening, sir.
d. Good night, sir.
2. Yoga : Morning, Fitri
Fitri : Morning, Yoga.
Yoga : ....
Fitri : I am fine, thanks. And you?
Yoga : Pretty well. Thanks.
a. How are you?
b. How do you do?
c. What’s up?
d. What’s the matter?
3. Nala : Good morning, sir.
Mr.Ali : Morning, Nala!
Nala : I’m waiting for Sari. Oh, there she is. I’m sorry, I must go now. …. sir
Mr.Ali : Good bye. Take care.
a. Take care
b. See you tomorrow
c. Good bye
d. See you
4. Agus : Nice to meet you, Risma.
Risma : ............ , Agus.
a. Nice to meet you, too
b. Good bye
c. I’m fine, thank you
d. See you later
5. Satria : I will go to bed now.
Faruq : OK. ...
a. Good afternoon
b. Good morning
c. Good night
d. Good evening
6. Ingga : You promised to buy the doll.
Susi : …I couldn’t find it.
a. Did I say that?

b. Check it again.
c. It doesn’t matter.
d. Please forgive me
7. Ani : I apologize to make you angry yesterday
Farid : …… I think it is only misunderstanding.
a. Don’t worry, it’s ok
b. I will not forgive you.
c. Thank you very much
d. Forget me forever
8. Wulan : Let me help you to plant flowers, dad!
Father : You are so kind, dear. Thank you.
Wulan : …….
a. Noproblem
b. I’m so sorry
c. It’s so good
d. Good bye
9. Riri : Rini, this is a present for you. I hope you like it.
Rini : Oh, this is so wonderful ......
a. Thank you very much
b. I like it very much
c. You are so kind to me
d. May I have it?
10. A : …………………………………..
B : No worries.
a. Thank you.
b. Sorry, I can’t see you tomorrow.
c. Alright, thanks.
d. See you. Take care.

II. Give symbol A for apologizing or T for thanking in each expression below
11. Please excuse me. (… )
12. Thank you very much. ( … )
13. Sorry. ( … )
14. I am very sorry. ( …. )
15. Please accept my apology. ( …. )

III. Essay
16. Arrange the following dialogs into correct order for number 1-2!
a) Rara : Just fine. Where are you going?
b) Husna : To the library. O.K. I’ll see you later. See you

c) Rara : Hi! How are you?
d) Husna : Fine, thanks—and you?
e) Rara : See you.
17. a) Eko : It is pleased to see you
a) Dewi : Morning, Eko. How are you doing?
b) Eko : Morning,Dewi. Not bad, thank c) Ninuk: It is pleased to see too.
d) Eko : How do you do Ninuk?
e) Dewi : Eko, this is my cousin, Ninuk. And Ninuk, Eko is my class mate.
f) Ninuk : How do you do?
18. Complete the dialog with the right expressions!
Romi : This is your book. I find it on the floor.
Anita : I am looking for it.
Romi : Never mind.
19. Give the right response for the expression below!
Deni : Do you bring my book, Risma? Risma : I am so sorry, Deni. I forgot.
Deni : ……..
20. Arrange the words into the correct sentence!
For- I’m- sorry- you- disturbing- really

B. Identity
I. Choose the correct answer!
1. Putra : Hi, I am Putra. ........ is you name?
Siti : My name is Siti.
a. When
b. What
c. Who
d. Why
2. Reza : “.... are you?”
Ima : “I am ten years old.”
a. What
b. What is
c. How old
d. How do
3. Syifa : ”...are you from?
Kayla : “I am from Bogor.”
a. How
b. What
c. When
d. Where

4. Yudi : ….
Arya : My name is Arya Saputra.
a. What’s your nickname?
b. What’s your last name?
c. What’s your forename?
d. What’s your full name?
Text for number 5-7!
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Fatya Kartika. My nick name is Fatya.
I am 10 years old. I am a student. I am from Bogor. I love swimming.
5. The girl is ... her self.
a. drawing
b. studying
c. listening
d. introducing
6. What is the girl‘s full name?
a. Fatya
b. Kartika
c. Kartika Fatya
d. Fatya Kartika
7. How old is Fatya? She is ... years old.
a. seven
c. nine
b. eight
d. ten
8. Sasya : Where is Beni?
Rafi : … goes to teacher’s room.
a. He
b. Him
c. His
d. She
9. Dedi : I like Indonesian movies.
Emi : I enjoy playing calung and angklung.
a. How about you?
b. Do you love watching?
c. What kind of angklung?
d. What kind of calung?
10. Rama : Where do you ...?
Indri : I live at jalan Bunga.
a. old
b. live
c. life

d. born

II. Circle the correct words in the bracket to complete the sentences!
11. Hello, my name is John, what is (you/your/yours)?
12. This is not your pen, it is (me/mine/my).
13. (My/Mine/ I) pencil is lost, can I borrow (your/yours/you)?
14. (She/Her/Hers) talks with her parents.
15. That is not their ball. It is (we/us/ours).
16. (You/Yours/Your ) house is beside (mine/my/me).
17. We cannot eat the food. It is (theirs/their/they).
18. (He/Him/His) teacher is sick.
19. I’m so sorry I cannot come to (we/us/our ) group study after school.
20. Is this book (you/yours/your)? I find it on the table over there.

III. Essay
21. Arrange the word into the right order!
a. colors- My-are- black- favorite and-white.
b. I -79- at- street- live- Garut – Leuwigoong -number
22. Complete the dialog with the right pronoun
Desi is a new student. He meets Hari in the canteen.
Desi : Hi, …. a) name is Desi.
What is …. b) name?
Hari : Hi, my name is Hari. Are …. c) a new student?
Desi : Yes, I am. …. d) ain 1C, and you?
Hari : Me, too. Then…. e) are classmates.
23. `Give response the questions!
Edo : Hi, I am Edo. Where do you live?
Ana : Hi, I am Ana… ..........a)
Edo : How do you go to school? Ana ...................... b)
24. Answer the questions about the text!

a. How many people are there in the text?

b. What does Nania’s mother look like?
c. What are Nania’s hobbies?
25. Write down your hobby and describe your family members.

C. Time, Day, Date, Month, Year

I. Choose the correct answer!
1. Dany : What time it is?
Tina : It is ….
a. Ten past two
b. Ten to three
c. Fifty past ten
d. Fifty to two
2. What is the first day of the week?
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
d. Wenesday
3. What month is the Education’s day after the Kartini’s day?
a. May
b. June
c. July
d. August
4. Rafa : When did your sister graduate from University?
Aldi : She graduated four years ago.
Aldi says that her sister graduated in ….
a. Two thousand and fifteen
b. Two thousand fifteen
c. Two thousand and ten
d. Two thousand and fifty
5. Which picture goes with the following conversation?

Andra : Do you have the time?
Firsa : Sure. It’s a quarter past twelve.
a. b. c. d.

The text is for number 6-10

Mr. Roni, a Biology teacher meets Donny at school library
Mr. Roni : Donny, what are you doing here?
Donny : Hello, Sir. I’m reading a Harry Potter novel.
Mr. Roni : You have an English Class right now, don’t you?
Donny : Oh, I forgot. What time is it, Sir? Mr. Roni : It’s already 11 am.
Donny : Oh my Goodness. It’s too late. Thank you Sir.
Mr. Roni : Anytime…You’d better to be hurry
6. Where does the conversation take place?
a. at home
b. in the class
c. in the yard
d. in the library
7. What is Donny doing in school library?
a. talking with the English teacher
b. reading a novel
c. borrowing book
d. waiting class
8. What does Donny ask to Mr. Roni?
a. the time
b. the novel
c. the schedule
d. the class agenda
9. What did Mr. Roni say to answer Donny’s question? It colud be ….
a. a half past ten
b. eleven o’clock
c. more than at eleven
d. for the break time
10. Why should Donny be hurry?
a. Because he is in the library
b. Because he is in trouble
c. Because Mr.Roni is angry
d. Becuse he is reading novels

II. Fill in the blanks using the correct ordinal number.
11. Tuseday is the .................... day of the week`
12. Saturday is the ................... day o the week.
13. Friday is the ....................... day of the week
14. June is the .......................month of the year.
15. September is the ............... month of the year.

III. Complete the following days, months and dates.

16. The day before Monday.

17. Two days after Wednesday.


18. The third month in a year.


19. The month before September.


20. The month before the last month of ayear.


IV. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition at, in, or on in!
21. I have a chat with Bagas ... lunch time.
22. I love to see the flowers ... the spring.
23. The movie starts ... the night.
24. Her birthday is ... October ... thesummer.
25. I saw a comet ... midnight ... Saturday ... October 31 ... 1998.

3. Look at the calendar you have, complete this Statement. What month is ….
26 I was born on February. My younger brother was born after my birthday. What month
was he born ?
27. The field trip of class 7 will be held on March. But the study tour of the upper class was
held on a month before, What month is it ?
28. The May day comes after Kartini’s day. When was Kartini’s day commemorated ?

29. My Mom’s birthday is Desember. My birthday is two months later. What month is
my birthday ?
30. The fasting day is on July. When is the Muslims will celebrate the Idul Fitri day?

D. Things, Animals and Places

I. Choose the correct answer!
1. Ayu : Where is car now?
Bani : The car in the garage.
How many cars did Bani father buy?
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
2. Anna : Do you use new handphone Fitri?
Fitri : No, this is hers.
Anna : Who?
Fitri : This is mala’s handphone.
Anna : Waw! That’s so beautiful, its color is pink.
Fitri : Yes, mala said that this handphone from her dady.
“That’s so beautiful”. The word “that” resfers to ….
a. Anna’s handphone
b. Fitri’s handphone
c. Mala’s handphone
d. Dady’s handphone
3. Alifah : Echa,do you see my eraser?
Echa : Sorry,I use it. I don’t know it is...
Alifah : That is ok.
Echa : Here it is, thank you anyway.
a. his
b. mine
c. yours
d. ours.
4. What is the picture for?
a. practicing
b. studying
c. playing
d. sport

5. What are they? They are….
a. two ducks, a rabbit and a cat.
b. one cat, two duckiesm one mouse
c. two swans, one hamster, one cat
d. mice, duck, cat

Complete the paragraph for number 6-9!

My name is Dea. I live at Jl. Benteng No.20 Sukabumi. I have a big house. ………6) is
painted blue. There are two lamps, a sofa and a carpet in the……… (7). There are
blanket, pillow and bolster on the ……… 8) to sleep on. We have breakfast every
morning in the dinning room. There is also a refrigerator ……… 9). My mother is very
kind. She always makes delicious food for me in the kitchen. There are also garage
and garden. We love my house very much.
6. a. It
b. He
c. She
d. They
7. a. Kitchen
b. Bed room
c. Bath room
d. Living room
8. a. Bed
b. Chair
c. table
d. Cupboard
9. a. to sit on
b. to have clothes
c. to keep drinks cold
d. to maintain the tools
10. There are some … in the zoo.They have dot skin and brown. They eat vegetables.
a. deer
b. deers
c. tigers
d. rhinoceros

II. Look at the fllowing things in your bed room and find its functions!

11. I have this thing in my bedroom. I used it for sleeping. It is comfortable. It is a ….

12. It’s cylindrical. I use it for drinking. It is ….
13. I have a cupboard. It is for …
14. It is ringing to wake me up. This thing is a ….
15. An eraser is to ….

III. Match the picture in the left and name of animal in the right!
No Animal Picture Description The Name Of Animal

………… a. three elephants

………… b. one buffalo

………… c. one rhinocero

………… d. Two swans

………… e. One frog

IV. Fill in the blanks with the right words of public places!
21. A place to watch sports is …………
22. There is a robbery in the street. I have to report the crime in the …………
23. Jack wants to go to the ………… He wants to movie.
24. ………… is a place to save money.
25. I want to eat curry. I have to go to the ……………
26. We post a letter in …………
27. He is going to ………… to borrowbook.
28. Mother goes to ………… for buying vegetables and meat.
29. There is an accident, people brings the injury men to …………
30. We buy gasoline for our car in a …………

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d.
1. Anisa : Good afternoon. Where are going?
Rafadra : …. I’ll have lunch at the school canteen.
Yumna : Let’s go together.
a. Good bye.
b. Good morning.
c. Good afternoon.
d. Nice to meet you.
The dialogue is for questions number 2-3
Zaqi : Hi, Nalla, good evening!
Nalla : Good evening, Zaqi. How are you?
Zaqi : I’m fine and how about you?
Nalla : (2) ….
Zaqi : Well, Nalla, I think we have to go now, the movie is started to play.
Nalla : Oh okay, (3) ….
Zaqi : see you`
2. ….
a. I’m fine.
b. Glad to see you
c. Good afternoon
d. Nice to meet you
3. ….
a. Where are you going?
b. Nice to meet you
c. See you later
d. Thank you
4. Putri : Can you help me to do this exercise? It is rather difficult for me.
Keisa : Yes, of course.
Putri : ….
a. You are welcome
b. It is very hard
c. It sounds good
d. Thank you.
5. Teacher :Aldi, you didn’t show me your homework.
Aldi : ..., Sir. I haven’t done it.
a. Pardon me
b. Thank you
c. I’m sorry
d. It’s okay

The dialogue is for questions number 6-7
Karin : Mega, why you didn’t come to my birthday last night?
Mega : …. (6) for it Karin, I really want to come to your party, but my mother is sick.
Karin : Oh my Goodness. I’m sorry, Mega.
I didn’t know that. You have to tell me earlier.
Mega : …. (7), Karin.
6. ....
a. I do apologize
b. Thank you
c. I’m glad
d. It’s okay
7. ....
a. That’s okay
b. It is very nice
c. You are welcome
d. That’s very sorry
8. Rita : Ahmad, can you lend me your calculator?
Ahmad : I’m sorry, Rita. I’m still using it.
Rita : ............I’ll borrow another.
a. It would be not bad
b. It doesn’t matter
c. I’m sorry
d. It’s good
The dialogues is for questions number 9-10.
Hery : `What is your name?
Priyo : My name is Priyo.
Hery : Where do you live?
Priyo : … (9).
Hery : How do you go to school?
Priyo : … (10).
9. ….
a. I live with my family.
b. I am 13 years old.
c. It is my address.
d. On Jl Tendean.
10. ....
a. fine
b. on foot
c. on the bus
d. with my friend

Text for questions number 11-13
Dani : I’m in class 7.1. What is your address?
Yeni : On Jl nanas 35. Where do you live?
Dani : On Jl Teratai 12. What is your hobby, Dani?
Yeni : Do you like badminton?
Dani : Yes, I do. I also like volleyball. Do you have any brother or sister?
Yeni : No, I don’t` I’m the only child of my family.
Dani : I see. Listen, the bell is ringing. Let’s get to the class.
Yeni : O.K. Let’s go.
11. Where is the conversation take place?
a. on the way home
b. in the classroom
c. at the park
d. at school
12. Who likes badminton?
a. Dani and Yeni
b. Dani does
c. Yeni does
d. Noone
13. Based on the dialogue above, we can conclude that ….
a. Yeni lives with her big family.
b. Dani has no brother and sister.
c. Dani and Yeni are in the same class.
d. Dani and Yeni live in the same address.
Text is for questions number 14-16
Hello friends, I am Rina. My full name is Rina Ayuningtyas. I was born in Surabaya,
September 18th, 2004. I study at SMP Harapan Surabaya. It is on Jl. Pramuka no.25,
Surabaya. Mr. Wibowo is my mother. He is a taxi driver. Mrs. Lestari is my mother.
She is a nurse of Sarjito Hospital.
14. Who is introducing in the text?
a. Mrs Lestari
b. Mr Wibowo
c. Rina’s mother
d. Rina Ayuningtyas
15. Where does live? She lives ….
a. In Surabaya
b. In Sarjito Hospital
c. At SMP Harapan Surabaya
d. On Jl Pramuka no 25 Surabaya
16. How old is Rina? Rina is ... years old.
a. twelve

b. thirteen
c. fourteen
d. fifteen
The text is for questions number 17-19.
Hi, my friends. I would like to introduce myself. (17) ... is Rahayu Malika. You can call
(18)...., Ika. I’m thirteen years old.I (19) ....in Tanah Baru Bogor.
17. ….
a. Her name
b. Our name
c. Your name
d. My name.
18. ….
a. I
c. Us
b. Me
d. His
19. ....
a. come from
c. live
b. move
d. set
20. Aisah : What time do you pick your sister up everyday?
Shane : I usually pick her up at ….
a. Ten to two
b. Two past forty
c. One past forty
d. Forty past one
The test is for questions number 21-22.
This is Mira’s time schedule. `

21. What time does Mira have a quarter to eight?

a. Math
b. Music
c. English
d. Sundanese
22. From the table above, Mira has Sundanese lesson for ... minutes.
a. One hour

c. Fifteen
b. Forty five
d. A half
This text is for questions number 23-25. OBSERVE RIA’S ACTIVITY
I usually get up at five o’clock in the morning. To keep healthy, I go jogging on
Saturday morning for two hours. Then I have breakfast. In the next day, I also join
gymnastics. Because it is free day. At 12 o’clock after performing prayer I have lunch
and take a nap. Another sport I do at 3 p.m. is swimming. And for tomorrow
preparation, I usually review school lessons until 8 p.m. Then, I watch TV for about an
hour before I finally go to bed at 9 p.m.
23. When does Ria do gymnastics ?
a. On Saturday
b. On Sunday
c. On Monday
d. On Wednesday
24. In the text, you can find the meaning of “to sleep a moment in the afternoon”. What is
a. to go to bed
b. to take a rest
c. to take anap
d. to go to sleep
25. The students of SMP Harapan Jaya usually holds the flag ceremony on ….
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
d. Wednesday
26. Teacher : When do wecelebrate Kartini day?
Alvin : Kartini Day is in April. It is on … of April.
a. twenty one
b. twenty first
c. two one
d. 21
27. Teacher : Asep, can you mention the things in your school bag?
Asep : Sure, Mam. There are ….
a. Pencil, book, rubber, and dictionary
b. Rubber, stove, shoes, comb and bowl
c. Blanket, mat, brush, soup, and bowl
d. Pillow, chair, globe and cloth.
28. Look at the picture! What are they?
They are ….
a. deer

c. giraffes
b. horses
d. elephants
29. People usually fill the petrol in this place. It is a ….

a. Railway station
b. Gas station
c. Bus station
d. Mall

30. Look at the picture!

There are some books … the table.
a. on
c. under
b. above
d. beside
31. Look at the picture!

Based on the picture, we know that ….

a. There are four chicks
b. There are four chicken
c. There is a chick
d. There are hens
32. The right order of these words is ….
morning – in – Saturday – the – usually – she - jogs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. 6-5-3-1-4-2-7
b. 6-5-7-2-4-3-1
c. 6-2-4-3-1-5-7
d. 6-2-1-3-4-7-5
33. The right order of these word is ....
Meatball – favourite - food – is – my
1 2 3 4 5
a. 1-3-4-2-5
b. 5-2-3-4-1
c. 1-4-5-2-3
d. 1-3-2-4-5

34. Arrange the following sentences into good paragraph!
1. I am one of the students at SMPN 4 Jakarta.
2. My friends usually call me “Sheren.”
3. Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Sheren Aulia.
4. Well, that’s a simple introduction I can do.
a. 4-3-2-1
b. 2-3-1-4
c. 3-2-1-4
d. 1-2-3-4
35. Arrange the following sentences into good paragraph.
1. Helen : Ok. See you later.
2. Jane : Oh, no, the teacher comes. Well I’ll see you then. Good luck!
3. Helen : To library. I’ll have a math test next week and need to start studying.
4. Jane : Just fine. Where are you going?
5. Helen : Fine, thanks. And you?
6. Jane : Hi, Helen. How is it going?
a. 6-5-2-1-4-3
c. 6-4-5-3-2-1
b. 6-3-5-2-1-4
d. 6-5-4-3-2-1
36. The secretary uses it for keeping data. It is a .…




37. This animal has four legs. It lives in water and land. It can jump. It is a ...
a. fish
c. duck
b . frog
d. turtle
38. The right statement for the picture beside is …
a. We use it for making bread and it is in the bed room.
b. We use it for smoothing food and it is in the kitchen.
c. We use it for cutting food and it is in the living room
d. We use it for baking food and it is in the dining room

39. This thing is to make you warm in the cold weather. You wear ….




40. There are some…. In the aquarium. I like how they swim in water and their colors
a. fish
b. deer
c. fishes
d. hamsters

41. Complete the following dialogue!
Alvin : Hi, Santi Santi : Hello, Alvin.
Alvin : How are doing?
Santi : ……… (a). By the way, where are you going, Alvin?
Alvin : I’m going to football practice. Can you join me, Santi?
Santi : ……… (b). I must help my mother to repair the fence.
Avin : It’s okay, . ……… (c), Santi.
Santi : See you. Have a nice day.
42. Introduce yourself (at least 5 sentences)!
Good morning, friends. Let me introduce myself.
My name is ………………………………………….
43. Complete the following table. Number 1) is as an example.

No Picture Tell the time

1) It is twelve o’clock.

2) ………………………………….

3) ………………………………….

4) ………………………………….

5) ………………………………….

6) ………………………………….

44. Mention 6 things you find in the classroom. The picture below helps you.

a. ……………………. c. ……………………. e. …………………….

b. ……………………. d. ……………………. f. …………………….

45. Read and answer the following questions.

The new school year begins. Students of class VII enter the new school. The new
school is SMPN 2 Leuwigoong. Tuti is one of the new students. She sits in class VII B.
When she comes to school, she meets a girl in the school yard. Tuti says,”I

would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Tuti. I am in class VII B. I live
on Jl. H. Hasan Arief 27 Banyuresmi. What is your name?” The girl answered, ”How
do you do, Tuti? I am glad to meet you. I am Linawati. We are in the same class.
My address is on Jl. Ahmad Yani.
a. What is Linawati?
b. Where does Tuti’s friend live?

E. Short Text Of Describing Things, Animals, and People
I. Choose the correct answer!
Agnes Monica is a multi talented artist. She was born on April 2nd, 1988 in Jakarta. She
is slim and tall. She is beautiful with short black
hair. Her skin is white. She has a nice smile. It makes her pretty and very friendly.
She finished her study at London Public School. She was an host in 2003 until 2006.
She can speak English and Mandarin well. Once she acted in some TV movies and films.
Her voice is very good. She moves to America to improve his talents and career. She
has a project of duet singing with Amrican singers. She is famous and wonderful.
1. What is the text about?
a. A good person
b. Agnes Monica
c. American singer
d. A famous presenter
2. It makes her pretty. The underlined word refers to ….
a. Hair
b. Her skin
c. Her smile
d. An artist
3. Which line tells us that Her abilities in language master ?
a. line 3 & 4
b. line 5 & 6
c. line 6 & 7
d. line 7 & 8
4. “ She is famous... “ What is the simmilar meaning of the word “famous”?
a. dilligent
b. amazing
c. well known
d. very completed

Kediri is a name of a town. It is situated in a valley between the Kelud and Wilis
mountains and inhabited by about 1.3 million people. In the center of the town there is
a large hill whic his called the Dathok the locals. There is a big river called Brantas
cutting off the center of the town.
Besides temples, Kediri is also famous for its products like cigarettes and a special kind
of tofu or bean curd. This highly nutritious food is a delicacy of Kediri and
has a distinctive taste. The cigarette factory dominates the town’s economy and
employs the majority of the women labor force. Kediri and the cigarette factory are
inseparable and it is considered the biggest cigarette factory in Indonesia. Most of the
local people work in this factory. Those who do not work here are farmers or traders.

5 What does the above text tell us about?
a. The history of Kediri
b. The famous products of Kediri c. The description of Kediri
d. The people of Kediri
6. “Those who do not work here….”(Last sentence)
The underlined word refers to….
a. the local people
b. the factory workers
c. the farmers
d. the traders
Doraemon is one of the characters in a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko Fujio.
Doraemon is a robotic cat. He has small body and white hands and feet.
Although he can hear perfectly well, Doraemon has no ears.
Doraemon possesses a large pocket that can produce many gadgets from the future.
The pocket is called yojigen-pocket, or fourth- dimensional pocket. Doraemon’s
favorite food is dorayaki, a Japanese treat filled with red bean paste. This robotic cat
has the tendency to panic during emergencies. In an This robotic cat has the tendency to
panic during emergencies. In an emergency situation, he will frantically pull out every
unnecessary gadget from his pocket. Nevertheless, Doraemon is a good cat. He always
helps Nobita.
7. What does the text mainly talk about?
a. Doraemon
b. Fujiko Fujio
c. Robotic cats
d. Nobita
8. “….. he will frantically pull out every unnecessary … “ (paragraph 3).
The underline word can be best replaced by …
a. Happily
b. Calmly
c. Worriedly
d. Diligently
9. What is the weakness of Doraemon?
a. He has a magic pocket
b. He gets panic easily
c. He is only a robotic cat
d. He likes eating Dorayaki
10. The appropriate statement for the picture is ….
a. They are big, black, square and for drinking.
b. They are small, black, tube and for lighting
c. It is bright, black, square and useful
d. It is black, tube, long and for placing water.

11. Putra : Wow! Our class is very messy and ….
Putri : Let’s sweep it.
a. Tidy
b. Clean
c. Dirty
d. Neat
12. Teacher : Why are You late, Ivanka ?
Ivana : I’m sorry Mam. My house is … from here. It’s about 10 km.
a. Far
b. Near
c. Large
d. Crowded
13. Look at the picture!
What is the teacher’s room look like ?
a. small
b. clean
c. dirty
d. messy
Read the dialogue below to answer number 14-15
Shani : Wow! Your classroom is clean and tidy, nothing is dirty and messy.
Rara : Thank you.
Shani : Look! Our school yard is very large.
We can do exercise and many other activities there.
Rara : Yes, it’s big enough to do activities.
There are many trees surrounding the schoolyard.
The students are comfortable to stay there.
Shani : Let’s keep clean and tidy it.

14. “ … Look! Our school yard is very large.”

The underlined word has opposite meaning with ….
a. big
b. wide
c. small
d. messy
15. Based on the dialogue above, we can know that the students feel … in the school yard.
a. comfortable
c. enjoyable
b. interesting
d. Happy
16. Asri : Look. The rabbit is cute animal. It has … ears and white fur.
Sasa : It likes to eat carrot and vegetables.

a. Small
b. Large
c. Long
d. Big
17. Look at the picture below!
They have … neck and … stripes
a. Small – white
c. Long – nice
b. Large – ugly
d. Big – bad

17. Look at the picture below!

He have … ears and … nouse
a. Small – big
c. Long – short
b. Large – long
d. Big – small

This dialogue for number 19-20, read and complete

Beni : Edo, you look so …. (19).
Edo : Yes, I am. My mother just bought me a new bike as a birthday’s gift.
Beni : That’s great! Your mother is very …(20).
Edo : It’s red, my favourite colo, it is big.
19. ….
a. happy
b. bored
c. tired
d. sad
20. ….
a. arrogant
c. patient
b. helpful
d. Kind

II. Essay
Read the text and answer the questions about it!
Lusia is my classmate. She is very beautiful and friendly. Her hair is aslong as her
shoulders. She is very energetic. She is very active in her school and takes some
extracurricular subjects. One of them is dancing.

She has been practicing dance since she was six years old. She can dance both traditional
and modern dances, but she prefers traditional dances to modern ones. Her
favourite dance is pakarena dance. It is from makassar.
Every time she performs the dance on the stage, she always gives her best performance
to her audience so they really enjoy her dance .
21. Who is Lusia?
22. What does “ they “ refer to? See the last sentences of the 3rd paragraph.
23. What kind of dance does she prefer?
24. How did she become very popular?
25. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
26. Why does the audience like her performance?
27. What is her experience?
28. What is a good title of the text above?
29. What doest the text describe? Person or thing?
30. What kind of a person is she?

F. Describing Action Of Animals, People and Things

I. Choose the correct answer!
My name is Sendi. I am student of 2 Leuwigoong Junior High School. I live at
Jalan Dungusiku 23rd Leuwigoong. My father is a police man. He works at a police
station and catches people of crimes. My mother is a nurse. She takes care
patients. My parents have three children. Ely, the eldest, works as a programmer
in a private company. Budiman is my brother. We are students. He goes to 10th
Leuwigoong Senior High School. I really love my family.
1. What is Sendi’s brother? He is a .......
a. Senior High School student
b. Junior High School student
c. policeman
d. nurse
2. Where does Sendi’s mother go to work ? She goes to ...
a. the police station
b. the school
c. the hospital
d. an office
3. “ …We are Students...”, The word “ we “ refers to .....
a. The writer and Mr. Sendi
b. The writer and Budiman
c. The writer and Ely

d. The writer and Mrs.Sendi
4. What does Ely do?
a. She catches thief
b. She examines patients
c. She operates computer
d. She studies in the school
5. This animal has four legs. It lives in water and land. It can jump. It is a ...
a. fish
c. duck
b. frog
d. turtle
6. Lions, tigers and snakes are..... animals.
a. pet
b. tame
c. wild
d. domestic
7. thick – there – table – books – are – the – on
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The best arrangement is ...
a. 7-6-3-1-4-2-5
b. 7-6-5-4-1-2-5
c. 2-5-1-4-7-6-3
d. 2-5-1-3-6-7-4
8. Kate always........... sandwiches for her lunch.
a. ate
b. eat
c. eats
d. is eating
9. Arrange the sentences into a good paragraph!
Her job is flying the plane
She is a pilot
Mrs. Nayla is my aunt
She works in Soekarno Hatta airport
a. 3-2-4-1
b. 3-2-1-4
c. 3-1-4-2
d. 3-4-1-2
10. Widya : Raisa, do you know Robby?
Raisa : Yes, I do.He is a new student .He is friendly and smart
Widya : ......................................... ?
Raisa : His skin is white with a sharp nose. He has black hair. He is tall.

a. How does he do
b. What does he look like
c. What does he do
d. What is he like
11. Shella : Do you arrive at school early every day?
Agus : Yes, I do. ….
a. He always comes at school at 6 a.m.
b. I always leave home at 6 a.m
c. I always come school at 6 a.m.
d. I don’t come to school at 6 a.m
12. Birds …. high in the sky.
a. Fly
b. Flies
c. Flew
d. Flying
13. A swan does not give birth, it … eggs.
a. Lay
b. Laid
c. Lays
d. Laying
14. Birds …. high in the sky.
a. Fly
b. Flies
c. Flew
d. Flying
15. A frog ... in water.
a. Live
b. Lives
c. Living
d. To live

II. Answer the questions!

16. What does it do?

17. What does the tiger do?

18. What does he do?

19. What does she do?

20. What do the students do?

21. Name the profession of the pictures below!

…………… …………… …………… …………… ……………

22. Fill in these blanks with suitable words!
Miss Nina is my neighbor. She is a librarianin the … (1). Her job is to … (2) the students
who want to borrow books from the library. She also arranges the books in the … (3).
She … (4) from 9 a.m to 01.30 p.m every day.
23. “Treating plants and flowers”. What the profession from this skills?
24. “Examines the patients”. What the profession from this skills?
25. “Delivering letters and parcels”. What the profession from this skills?

G. Descriptive Text
I. Choose the correct answer!
Read the following text to answer questions 1-3.
I have a new backpack. Its color is light green. I always take it when I go to school. It is
made of strong fabric.
My backpack has several parts. The first part is the pocket where I put my money
and library card. The second part is the main part. I always put my books and pencil case
in it. The third part is a small pocket at the left side of the backpack. I keep a bottle of
water in this pocket.
1. What does the text tell us about?
a. The backpack’s material
b. The parts of the backpart
c. The writer’s new backpack
d. The writer’s favourite color
2. How mmany parts does the backpart have?
a. One part
b. Two parts
c. Four parts
d. Three parts
3. Where does the writerput his water bottle? In the … part of the Backpart.
a. First c. Fourth
b. Third d. Second
The following text is for questions 4-7.
Milo is my cat. He is my lovely cat. He is not an expensive cat. I found him in front of
my house. Though he is not a pricey cat. I love him so much.
Milo has longwhickers and green eyes. He is orange with two gradations of colors. He
in not fat though he eats a lot because he is very active. He likes to play with balls,
but his favourite toy is a ball of yam. He like to roll it and then chase it. Once he catches
it, he trhrows it from one of his front paws to the other one. At night, he always sleeps
with me.
4. How many gradations of colors does the cat have?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
5. What does Milo do if he catches the yarn?
a. He eats it.
b. He kicks it
c. He throws it
d. He gets one the yarn.

6. What is the text about?
a. Instructions to have a cat
b. A description of cats in general
c. A description of the writer’s cat. d.
A story about a cat’s adventure.
7. What does the word “pricey” mean?
a. Cheap
b. Expensive
c. Reasonable
d. Ecomical
The text is for questions 8-11.
I have best friend. His name is Dafa. Dafa is my classmate. He is tall and a bit fat. He
has curly hair. He wears a pair of glasses. His hobyy is reading and playing \play
Station. When we have spare time, we always play PS together. We usually
play it in the afternoon from three to four. Dafa is the same age as I am. He is thirteen
years old. Most of my friemnds like Dafa because he is a nice boy. He polite and helpful.
8. What does Dafa look like?
a. He is fat and wears a pair of glasses.
b. He is short with curly hair.
c. He is fat and short
d. He is tall and thin
9. When does the writer usually play PlayStation?
a. In th afternoon from 2 to 4
b. After reading books
c. In his spare time
d. After studying
10. How old is the writer?
a. 11 years old
b. 12 years old
c. 13 Complteyears old
d. 14 years old
11. He is tall and a bit fat. The opposite of the underlined word is ….
a. Thin
c. Thick
b. Slim
d. Short
12. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. Dafa is polite boy.
b. The writer wears glasses.
c. The writer doren’t like playing PlayStation.
d. Dafa always play PlayStatiob in the evening.

Complete the text to answer question 13-15.
I want to describe my mother. He is about forty-five years old. He is about 170
centimetre … (13) He has a round face and short, black hair. He has big eyes and a flat
nose. My mother likes doing sports, especially …. (14) His favourite is Tae Kwon Do.
He has red belt. My mother usually helps me when I find … (15) in doing my
homework. He is also
nice to my friends. My mother is my idol.
13. .…
a. Short
b. Thin
c. Fat
d. Tall
14. ….
a. Running
c. Martial arts
b. Wrestling
d. Water sports
15. ….
a. Stories
b. Bonuses
c. Difficulties
d. Information
II. Essay
Read this text to answer question numbers 15-20
There is a lake my hometown. It’s very large and panoramic. The forest around
the lake is very green and cool. But, I want to say some sad things about it. It is very
dirty and the foods and drinks are very expensive. People liter everywhere because there
are not many garbage bins there. The vendors leave their waste everywhere.
Some wooden benches are broken, so we cannot sit on them
16. What is the text about ?
17. How is about the lake environment?
18. Who make dirty this lake ?
19. Why is this place very dirty?
20. People liter everywhere because there are not many garbage bins there

III. Answer the questions!

21. I like this fruit. It contains a lot of water. It is yellow or red inside. Its shape like a ball.
It has a sweet taste. What is it? It is ….
22. Students use it.It is for correcting wrong writing of a pen. What is it? It’s a …

23. This fruit is like a star. It is yellow and sweet.It has much water.What is it? It’s a …
24. It is a useful for a tailor.It is for cutting clothes.What is it? It is a ….
25. This animal is domestic.It has four legs and produces milk.It sounds mow.What is it?

IV. Answer the question about the text!

26. What kind of text is it?

27. What is the name of Orang
28. Where does she come from?
29. Does she like human in
physical features?
30. What does she have?
31. How does she walk?
32. Is she mammal?
33. What is the meaning of
34. Find the meaning: Fur, dense,
forest, human
35. What do they look like?

H. A Song
I. Choose the correct answer!
The following text is for number 1-5!
The first song : I will be here
Whenever you are sad
Just call on me
I will be here for you
Whenever you are happy
Just call on me
You will be glad that you had
Cause I will be there with open arms
To hold your hand
So when you are lonely
Just think of me
And I will come to you
1. From the poem above we know that….
a. A friend is in need and a friend id indeed
b. A friend is important in sadness
c. A friend is someone who help us
d. A friend is on the dream
2. What will the writer do when her friend are not happy?
a. She will go to give a praise
b. She will be angry at her friend
c. She will let her sad and go away
d. She will arrive to accompany her friend
3. The sinonim of the word “come” is …
a. go
b. leave
c. arrive
d. depart
The second song : I have a dream
I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me

I’ll cross the stream - I have a dream
I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness, still another mile
4. What is the message of the song?
a. We must be pesimistic
b. We must be optimistic
c. It’s my ideal
d. Take your time
5. The same rhyme / sound of “mile” is...
a. tell
b. while
c. believe
d. fairy tale
The third song “Down to Earth” Song by: Peter Gabriel
[Verse 1]
Did you …. (6) that your feet had been bound
By what gravity brings …. (7) the ground?
Did you feel you were tricked
By the future you picked?
Well, come on down
All those rules don’t apply
When you’re high in the sky
So, come on down
Come on down
We’re coming down to the ground
There’s no better place to go
We’ve got snow up on the mountains
We’ve got rivers down below
We’re coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seed out in the breeze
[Verse 2]
Did you think you’d escaped from routine
By charging the script and the scene?
….(8) all you made of it
You’re always afraid
Of the change
You’ve got a lot on your chest
Well, you can come as my guest
….(9), come on down
Come on down
Like the fish ….(10) the ocean
We felt at home in the sea
We learned to live off the good land
Learned to climb up a tree
Then we got up on two legs
But we wanted to fly
When we messed up our homeland
6. ....
a. say
b. think
c. hear
d. feel
7. ....
a. on
b. to
c. of
d. off
8. ....
a. despite
b. because
c. although
d. nevertheless
9. ....
a. but
c. let’s
b. so
d. and
10. ....
a. on
c. at
b. in
d. under

II. Essay
Read the following lyric and then answer the questions!
“You Are Not Alone”
Another day has gone
I’m still all alone

How could this be
You’re not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
I am here with you
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay

But you are not alone

I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
But you are not alone
‘Lone, ‘lone
Why, ‘lone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear

But first I need your hand

Then forever can begin
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
I am here with you
Though you’re far away

I am here to stay
you are not alone
I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
you are not alone

11. What is theme of the song above?
12. What does “you are not alone,I am here with you” means?
13. What was still remembered by the singer?
14. Is the writer selfish?
15. What is represented by lyrics: I can hear your prayers Your burdens I will bear But first
I need your hand ?

The second songs : “Songs for A Dying Planet” by: Joe Walsh
Is anyone out there?
Does anybody listen or care anymore?
We are living on a dying planet,
We’re killing everything that’s alive,
And anyone who tries to deny it
Wears a tie
And gets paid to lie
So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?
Answer the questions:
16. What kind of planet are we living now?
17. Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
18. Who is the singer of the song above?
19 For whom does the singers wrote that song?
20. Why does the singer feel sorry?

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d.
1. Firsta : Hello, Mom.
Mom : Hello, Firsta. Why are you still awake?
Firsta : I’m finishing my Englishassignment.
Mom : All right. But don’t sleep late.
Firsta : OK, Mom. Good night.
Mom : .....
a. Good evening
b. Good morning
c. Good night
d. Goodbye
2. Sakha : Hi, Refi. Are you coming to the English Course?
Refi : Hi, Sakha. Yes, I’m coming to the Course.
Sakha : OK, then. See you there. Bye.
Refi : ......
a. OK
b. Hello
c. Good morning
d. Bye
3. Sani : Adi, can I borrow your pen?
Adi : Sure, here it is.
Sani : ......
Adi : You are welcome.
a. I’m sorry
b. Don’t mention it
c. Thank you
d. That’s OK
4. Mother : Erli, Did you break my glasses ?
Erli : Yes, I did. I’m very sorry, Mom.
Mother : .....
a. I’m sorry, too
b. That’s quite all right
c. Don’t mention it
d. You’re welcome
5. Pasha : What’s your...... ?
Ilham : My name’s Ilham
a. job
c. address
b. name
d. Phone number

6. Secondra : Jane, this is Romeo.
Romeo, this is Jane ?
Jane : How do you do, Romeo?
Romeo : ......
a. How are you, Jane?
b. How do you do, Jane?
c. What do you do, Jane?
d. I’m Jane, thanks.
7. Ane : Where are you from?
Asa : .......
a. My name’s Asa
b. I’m from Bali
c. I’m a student
d. I’m fine
8. The children of my aunt and uncle are my ........
a. daughters
b. sons
c. cousins
d. brothers
9 . My mother’s mother is my ......
a. grandmother
b. mother
c. aunt
d. uncle
10. My mother’s younger sister is my .....
a. mother
b. mother
c. uncle
d. aunt
11. A : Hello. I ..... Secondra.
B : Hi, my name ......Firsta.
a. am - are
b. am - am
c. am - is
d. is - am
12. What .... your name?
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. was
13. Hello, .... ’m William.

a. I
b. He
c. It
d. She
14. Sakha : What’s the time?
Rafi : ….
a. It’s quarter to eleven.
b. It’s quarter past eleven.
c. It’s quarter past twelve.
d. It’s half past eleven.
15. Salsa : What’s thetime?
Putri : It’s ten past ten.





16. Mom : Do you see this building ?

Son : Yes. This is .......
a. mall
b. market
c. supermarket
d. hipermarket
17. This picture is ......
a. Railway station
b. Bus station
c. Gas station
d. Airport

18. Shane : How many pens are there in your

Asa : There .... three pens.

a. is
c. were
b. are
d. have
19. Rando : Wow! Your bedroom is large and clean, nothing is messy and dirty.
It to study.
Rafi : Thank you.
a. Boring
b. Inresting
c. Comfortable
d. Uncomfortable
20. Edo : Our School library is very complete to find the reading books and
comfortable to spend our leisure time.
Udin : There also is television hang on the wall.
a. a
b. some
c. many
d. much
21. Lina : Look ! Edwin is very .....
Rudy : Yes, He likes to bring teacher’s book to the techer’s room.
a. Lazy
b. hard
c. Helpful
d. Nughty
22. Look at the picture

...... are horses. They have black and brown skin. They run fast.
a. It
b. This
c. That
d. These
23. Observe the picture below !
There is a globe ..... the cupboard
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. above

24. Tania : Putri, you look very .....
Putri : Yes, I am very happy. My mother just gave me a nice present for my
Tania : That’s great. What is it ?
Putri : It is a silver watch. It is my favourite color.
a. Sad
b. Angry
c. Happy
d. Gloomy
25. Riri : Ray, do you have any pets ?
Ray : Yes I have two rabbits.
Riri : I love rabbits. What do they look like ?
Ray : They have long ears, .....fur, and very cute.
a. soft
b. hard
c. rough
d. clean
26. Ashane : Bella, do you see the park of class 9.1 ?
Bella : Yes, I do.
Ashane : It’s ......There are so many flowers and trees.
a. kind
b. dirty
c. clean
d. beautiful
27. Mr Fadly works in the hospital. Everyday he examines the patients and writes the
prescription for them. He is a ....
a. Doctor
b. Police
c. Army
d. Pilot
28. Mr Shandy works in the workshop. He repairs motorcycles and cars. He is a ...
a. driver
b. seller
c. Manager
d. Mechanic
29. Mr Karyo makes wooden furnitures, such as chairs, cupboards, and tables. He is a .....
a. Doctor
b. Dentist
c. Surgeon
d. Carpenter
30. Mrs Rati : Rafi, What does your mother do ?

Rafi : She is a teacher. She .... an English in Elementary School.
a. works
b. teaches
c. operates
d. performs
31. Miss Ann : ..........does your mother do, Ariq ?
Ariq : My mother is surgeon. He performs operations on his patients.
a. Why
b. How
c. When
d. What
32. Miss Hasty : Do you do a student, Edo ?
Edo : .............
a. No, I am
b. No, I do
c. Yes, I do
d. Yes, I don’t
33. Asa : Do you know a peacock ?
Alvin : Yes, I know.
Asa : What do you think about a peacock ?
Alvin : I think It is a......animal.
a. wild
b. funny
c. playful
d. beautiful
The text for question number 34 - 38
I am Kenny. I am in year 1 SMP Negeri 1 Jogyakarta. I go to school on foot. I wear a
uniform to school. I wear a white shirt and a pair of blue trousers. I wear a badge too. I
wear black shoes and white socks. I like to wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts at home. I
like to wear slippers, too.
Text by Artono Wardiman
34. What does Kenny wear to school?
He wears ...... to school.
a. a uniform
c. a T-shirt
b. slippers
d. sandals
35. What does Kenny like to wear athome?
He likes to wear T-shirt, a pair of shorts and ......
a. shoes
b. slippers

c. a hat
d. a tie
36. Kenny goes to .....
a. SMA N 1 Jogjakarta.
b. Junior High School 1 Jogjakarta.
c. Senior High School of Yogyakarta.
d. Elementary school Yogyakarta
37. Why does Kenny wear a badge?
a. To look smart.
b. To seem cute
c. To be neat and tidy.
d. To show which school he is studying in
38. Kenny goes to school .......
a. by bus
b. on food
c. by bicycle
d. by motorcycle
The text for question number 39-41
Mrs Martha is my English teacher. I’m a proud of her. She is smart and very ..... (35).
Her English is very good and very clear. She ...... (36) English to us, and we speak
English to her too. She ... (37) reads us good stories from different parts of Indonesia.
She knows many stories from other countries too.
39. …..
a. Freindly
b. Patiently
c. Dilligently
d. Generously
40. …..
a. Reads
b. Speaks
c. Practices
d. Participates
41. …..
a. Ever
b. Never
c. Often
d. Sometimes
Text for question number 42 - 44
I love my cat, Mew. She makes me happy. When I tickle her, she rolls around and taps
her paws on my hand. I like the feeling. She has three colors, white, yellow, and black.

She often lies on my feet when I study or watch TV. Sometimes she sleeps in my bed
with me, on my feet. It feels warm.
42. What is the writer’s cat name?
a. Cat
b. Mew
c. Manis
d. Happy
43. She makes me happy. The word she refers to .....
a. Mew
b. The writer
c. The reader
d. The owner of cat
44. The following are Mew’s colors. They are ......
a. White, black and brown
b. Brown, white and green
c. White, yellow and black
d. Brown, black and red
45. Arrange these words into good sentence.
medical - doctor – my mother – is - a
1 2 3 4 5
a. 5-3-4-1-4
b. 5-2-1-4-3
c. 3-4-5-1-2
d. 3-4-5-2-1
46. The right order of these word is ?
Plants - grows- and – rice – the farmer
1 2 3 4 5.
a. 51324
b. 53124
c. 13425
d. 43125
This text is for questions number 47 and 48
Hi, I am Richard I go to SMPN 2 Bogor. This time I would like to describe my school.
The school of SMPN 2 Bogor is quite big. It has many rooms. It also has a big yard
with flag ceremony pole in the middle. The school is very green. The teachers and
students are friendly. There are also many plants and trees inside the school.
47. What is the text about?
a. Rooms.
b. School buildings.
c. Richard’s School.
d. Trees at school.

48. Where is the flag pole?
a. In the classroom.
b. In front of school
c. In the middle of the yard.
d. In the field of the school’s garden.
Part of a song below for question number 49-50
. . . I have a dream a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail . . .
49. What is the suitable title for the song?
a. song ofdream
b. A fantasy dream
c. A dreamsong
d. I have a dream
50. to help me cope with anything.
The underlined word has the opposite meaning with . . .
a. Weak
b. Nervous
c. Hopeless
d. Helpless

II. Essay
51. Read the text and answer the questions!
I have a teacher. His name is Mr. Yos. He is descipline, smart, creative, dilligent and
friendly. He always comes to class on time.He never brings books in the class and
brings his note pad. It contains interesting materials of teaching. They are slide, videos
and songs. He makes the students brave and fun in studying. He likes to support us to
develop our talents and be honest.I always wait for him and remember his wise words.
They are “Plesae be careful with the word because people will hurt with it and is not
easy to forget !”. The students like him very much.
a. What is the best title for the text above ?
b. “ They are slides, videos and songs’. The word they refers to ….
c. What is the synonim of the word : smart ?
d. How does Mr Yos teach?
e. Why does the writer like him?
52. Arrange the wordsinto the right order
a. many – there – table – books – are – the – on
b. She – has – body – slim – long – and - hair
c. Radit - grand – office – father’s- his-renovates
53. Complete the paragraph with the words in the box!

This is my classroom. It is small and clean. Everything is tidy and completed. … a) one
whiteboard, some pictures and an AC on the wall.In front of the class … b) a teacher
table.The classroom has … c) tables and fifty chairs.There is a globe … d) cupboard.
There is a clock beside a map. There are books on the teacher`s table. I love my class.

- Twenty five - there is - there are - on - in - one

54. I am Satria. I was born on 2nd of August 2000. I am the … a) child in my family. There
is Dian, my oldest sister. My parents have two.... b) . I like to visit ...c) for saving some
money. I also like to go to the book store on …..d) It is on Saturday or Sunday. And my
sister accompanies me there. It is on Jl. Merdeka Bogor.
- children - Week end - week days - bank
- first - child - second - clinic

55. Write what they do according to the pictures below!




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