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Ramisa Chowdhury

Gr-X S.F

A mother in Mannville
I live in an orphanage for boys; which is located toward the bottom of a chilly valley with

low visibility due to fog.My name is Jerry and I am a 12-year-old orphan boy and have

been living here since I was 4. Few days back, a narrator came to our orphanage who

was seeking a new place to write.I was told to help her with the household and that's how

we both very soon grew closer.

One day, it was cold and she needed someone to help chop firewood, and so I

volunteered.I could tell she was reluctant at first because I appeared very timid but once I

proved myself, she was impressed by my skills at a young age.

She and I grew closer as she witnessed how honest I was. She watched Pat and I; her

dog, bond. We got along so well that she let me take care of Pat when she has to drive

across the state for the weekend. I did my best to take good care of the dog. Afterall, she

had faithfully given me the responsibility. Even though I was busy with Pat, I couldn’t help

worrying when she’s delayed by heavy fog.When she arrived home, we would talk about

how I looked after Pat. I felt as though I’m a part of the family.

One day, while warming myself near the fire, I lied that I have a mother in Mannville. I

didn't want to lie but I loved the way she treated me. I felt like she was my own mother

and in order to get her sympathy and grow even closer to her, I said that.Its not like she is

ever going to find out it is a lie anyway. I could figure out she was shocked and intensely

angry at my mom for abandoning me. I told her that my mother occasionally sends him

gifts, such as roller skates and Christmas suits.

I told her that I would use the dollar she gave me for watching Pat to buy my mother

white gloves. We continued our cordial relationship and she didn’t bring up my mother

again. When her time at the cottage was up, she informed me that she will be leaving the

next day. I responded with silence. I didn't return to the cottage to see her off, and that

was the last time I saw her.

After that, I felt so miserable that i didn’t even feel like having dinner that night. I was too
upset about the fact that for the first time in my life I found someone who gave me
motherly love and it will be gone again,forever.

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