AnnaB Tutorial

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Anna Bitzinger

Design a concert poster

1. Find an image of a musician or music group off of the internet. Save this
image to your folder as a jpg. Note: Image should be bigger than 300 by 300

2. Create a new Photoshop document, saving it as "YournameFlyer".

• Document must be 8.5" by 11".
• It may be horizontal or vertical to your preference.

3. Add a solid color or pattern to the background. This will be your Background
layer. Special patterns can be found on website links listed below.

4. Open up the image of musical artist. Then use the Move tool button to
move it onto your new document. You can adjust transparency on the layer

5. The image may be rotated or cropped. If resizing (found under Edit>Free

Transform) remember to press down Shift key to have an even measurement.

6. Play with the color adjustment on the image layer under Image>Adjustments.

• Using the Hue and Saturation tool, you can decide how much of each
color you want the image to have.
• Using the curves tool, you can adjust contrast and white/black balance.
The key is to explore! Play around with these effects.
• By lassoing the image , you can edit certain parts. Or erase specific
Anna Bitzinger

7. Next, insert a text.

• The text should include: the artist's name, the venue they are performing at,
the time of performance and any added information such as ticket price or
special guests.
• Play with the type of font and the color/size. Text should be no smaller than
36 pt.
• Text design may include shape variation such as arc form, bulge or diagonal.
As viewed in the poster examples, there are endless ways to create
interesting text effects.
• Make sure the text is harmonious with the rest of the image. We want it to
work with the over all concept and design, rather than distract from it.

8. Add any finishing touches.

• Download free brush tools to add interesting texture and background
effects. (see below)

9. Go over the checklist below to make sure you really are all done.

Checklist: 20 Points Possible (2.5 each)

____ Text that is harmonious with the
____ Image of the artist is bigger than flyer.
300 by 300 pixels.
____ Text is 36 pts or larger.
____ Use of color adjustment is
demonstrated. ____ Doc. is saved as "Your NameFlyer"

____ Image is 8.5" by 11". ____ Overall completion and

____ Solid background layer and/or

Once finished, send the document to me via drop box. I will print it out.
Anna Bitzinger

Links /Additional Resources:

Background Patterns:



(** make sure these downloads are compatable with Photoshop 7.0**)

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