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98 Engineering Hydrology

Time since start 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100

in minutes
Cumulative 21.5 37.7 52.2 65.8 78.4 89.5 101.8 112.6 123.3
infiltration in mm

3.12 Results of an infiltrometer test on a soil are as follows:

Time since start

in minutes 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 120 150
infiltration in mm 1.00 1.80 2.50 3.10 4.20 5.10 6.60 11.00 12.90

Determine the parameters of (i) Kostiakov’s equation, (ii) Green–Ampt equation, and
(iii) Philips equation
3.13 Determine the best values of the parameters of Horton’s infiltration capacity equation
for the following data pertaining to infiltration tests on a soil using double ring

Time since start 5 10 15 25 40 60 75 90 110 130

in minutes
infiltration in mm 21.0 36.0 47.6 56.9 63.8 69.8 74.8 79.3 87.0 92.0

3.14 For the infiltration data set given below, establish (a) Kostiakov’s equation, (b) Philips
equation, and (c) Green–Ampt equation.

Time since
start in
minutes 10 20 30 50 80 120 160 200 280 360
in mm 9.8 18.0 25.0 38.0 55.0 76.0 94.0 110.0 137.0 163.0

3.15 Following table gives the values of a field study of infiltration using flooding type
infiltrometer. (a) For this data plot the curves of (i) infiltration capacity fp (mm/h) vs time
(h) on a log–log paper and obtain the equation of the best fit line, and (ii) Cumulative
infiltration (mm) Fp vs time (h) on a semi-log paper and obtain the equation of the best
fit line. (b) Establish Horton’s infiltration capacity equation for this soil.

Time since start in minutes 2 10 30 60 90 120 240 360

Cumulative Infiltration
in cm 7.0 20.0 33.5 37.8 39.5 41.0 43.0 45.0

3.16 The infiltration capacity of a catchment is represented by Horton’s equation as

fp = 0.5 + 1.2e–0.5t
where fp is in cm/h and t is in hours. Assuming the infiltration to take place at capacity
rates in a storm of 4 hours duration, estimate the average rate of infiltration for the
duration of the storm.
3.17 The infiltration process at capacity rates in a soil is described by Kostiakov’s equation as
Fp = 3.0 t0.7 where Fp is cumulative infiltration in cm and t is time in hours. Estimate the
infiltration capacity at (i) 2.0 h and (ii) 3.0 h from the start of infiltration.

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