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A question was asked about the chances and period of recovery

CHENNAI of a lady who was hospitalized due to ill health. Date of query :
JYOTISH VISHARADA EXAMINATIONS - JUNE 2019. 7.11.2018, Time : 03.11 hours, Delhi
PAPER I Asc. Vir 04:34, Sun Lib 20;18, Moon Lib 10:47, Mars Aqu 00:27,
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 50 Mer Sco 13:27, Jup Sco 05:31, Ven (R) Lib 2:58, Sat Sag 11:19,
Answer any five questions. Questions 1 and 6 are compulsory. Rah Can 05:51
Attempt three more questions choosing at least one from each part.
All questions carry equal marks. 7. Explain the following Yoga's with suitable examples
a. Gairy Kambool Yoga b. Ikkawal Yoga c. Ishraaf Yoga d.
Yamaya Yoga
8. Write short notes on :
a. Karya Sidhi Yoga b. Limitations of Prashana chart
1. Answer the following:
c. Use of Tazik aspects in Horary
a. Calculate the Bhinnashtakavarga and Prastarashtakavarga
9. Describe in detail various factors to be considered to answer the
Charts for Venus for the given horoscope? Date of birth :
7.11.2018, Time : 03.11 hours, Delhi, Asc. Vir 04:34, Sun Lib
a. Marriage of a girl b. Legal case
20;18, Moon Lib 10:47, Mars Aqu 00:27, Mer Sco 13:27, Jup Sco
10. Indicate True or False
05:31, Ven (R) Lib 2:58, Sat Sag 11:19, Rah Can 05:51
a. In case of theft, if Sun and Moon both aspect Lagna then thief
b. Discuss the utility of ashtakvarga.
is a neighbour.
2. Correlate Ashtakavarga and Vimshottri Dasha. Discuss result of
b. Lost property will not be recovered if 2nd from Lagna has no
Venus MD (Sept 1990 to Sept 2010) and AD of all planets on
aspect of Lagnesh, though it is recovered from the thief.
the native of horoscope given below using Ashtakavarga.
c. Male child is indicated if Saturn is in odd house/sign but it
Date of birth : 14.3.1965, Time : 09.45 hours, Asc. Taurus
should not be in Lagna.
04:16, Sun Pisces 00:06, Moon Cancer 15:37, Mars R Leo
d. Early marriage for male if Moon posited in 2nd, 7th or
23:24, Mer Pisces 15:50, Jup Aries 28:46, Ven Aquarius 22:42,
Upchaya house aspected by Jupiter.
Sat Aquarius 16:08, Rah Taurus 24:37.
e. If Lagnesh is in Kendra and have ithasal with Moon, person
Sarvashtaka points: I – 34, II – 25, III – 26, IV – 29, V – 28, VI –
will be released soon from Imprisonment.
28, VII – 26, VIII – 34, IX – 29, X – 29, XI – 28, XII - 21
f. Change of job is beneficial if Lagnesh is in Kambool Yoga with
3. Explain the concept of Kakshya. Write a note on effect of
Venus’s transit in Aquarius in different Kakshya on the native of
g. In case if Litigation, if Sun is in 10th H, judgement is punitive.
horoscope given in Q. No. 2.
h. Exchange of 6th and 8th Lord's gives delayed recovery of
4. Write a short note on the following:
a. Rashi Gunakara (Multiplier),
i. Delayed return of Traveller is indicated if Jupiter in Lagna and
b. Shodhya Pinda,
Venus in 2nd or 3rd H.
c. Utility of Ashtakavarga in Muhurta.
j. Lagnesh in 6th or 7th H from 7th Lord indicates death of the
5. Answer the following w.r.t. Ashtakavarga:
a. Determine the timing of marriage,
b. Whether a particular year be good or bad for the native.


INDIAN COUNCIL OF ASTROLOGICAL SCIENCES Asc. Pisces 16:45; Sun Cancer 04:27; Moon Pisces 09:27; Mars
(REGD.) CHENNAI Taurus 02:04; Mercury R Cancer 23:41; Jupiter Leo 19:16; Venus
JYOTISH VISHARADA EXAMINATIONS - JUNE 2019. Cancer 14:39; Saturn R Capricorn 22:40; Rahu Sagittarius 05:21
Time : 3 Hours PAPER II Max. Marks : 50
7. Describe the factors (at least 4) for native to be:
Answer any five questions. Questions 1 and 6 are compulsory.
a. Rich b. Educated
Attempt three more questions choosing at least one from each part.
c. Actor d. Politician.
All questions carry equal marks.
8. Explain the following in reference to the horoscope given in Q.
No. 6:
a. Karakatwa Bhavam b. Paap Karttari
1. Calculate House directional strength (Bhava Digbala) for the c. 64th Navamsha d. Nakshatra Parivartan
horoscope given below: Xth Bhava Madhya Aries 15:26 Sun 9. What are the significations of 3rd House? Explain the prospects
Rise 06:01 hrs Sun Set 18:42 hrs Sunday of 3rd house for horoscope given in Q. No. 6.
Asc Cancer 15:26 Sun Pisces 29:57 Moon Cancer 19:50 Mars 10. How will you judge the strength of a house? List out factors to
Taurus 15:08; Mercury Pisces 02:28; Jupiter R Sagittarius 00:12 decide if a house is strong or weak (5 each).
Venus Aquarius 28:10 Saturn Sagittarius 26:11 Rahu Gemini
2. Calculate Natural Strength (Naisargika Bala) of planets for
horoscope given in Q. No. 1.
3. Answer the following on the basis of horoscope given in Q. No.
1 (any two):
a. Ochcha Bala of Sun, Moon and Mercury,
b. Fourteenth Hora of the day,
c. Paksha Bala of Mars, Jupiter and Venus
4. Answer the following:
a. What is Ahargana?
b. Discuss utility of Ishta and Kashtaphala.
5. Write a short note:
a. Vimshopaka Bala b. Planetary War
c. Drishti Bala d. Maasa Bala
e. Vaara Bala


6. Judge the professional aspects of the native for horoscope given

below using divisional charts (D1, D9, D10): 20 July 1992, 23;00
hrs, Bhiwani Haryana
INDIAN COUNCIL OF ASTROLOGICAL SCIENCES (REGD.) 9. In Saturn/Ketu dasha native suffered from tuberculosis. Explain
CHENNAI the planetary combinations and afflicted houses with suitable
JYOTISH VISHARADA EXAMINATIONS - JUNE 2019. reasons for the horoscope given below:
Time: 3 Hours PAPER III Max. Marks: 50 Asc. Scorpio 22:15; Sun Sagittarius 13:01; Moon Taurus
Answer any five questions. Questions 1 and 6 are compulsory. 05:24; Mars Aquarius 04:34; Mercury Scorpio 23:14; Jupiter
Attempt three more questions choosing at least one from each part. R Aries 17:53; Venus Capricorn 27:04; Saturn Libra 02:46;
All questions carry equal marks. Rahu Capricorn 21:05
10. Discuss combinations for the following eye diseases:
a. Defective vision b. Blindness
c. Cataract d. Injury
1. Calculate the Pindayurdaya for the given horoscope: 31 October
1875; 18:45hrs; Nadiad, India
Asc. Taurus 01:43; Sun Libra 15:36; Moon Scorpio 11:16; Mars
12:57; Mercury R Libra 12:36; Jupiter Libra 19:02; Venus Libra
25:30; Saturn Capricorn 27:19; Rahu Pisces 14:28
2. Discuss in detail Balarishta. How does it get negated ina
3. Discuss Jaimini method of calculating longevity in detail giving
4. Write short notes on the following:
a. Amitayu b. Maraka planets
c. Chiddra Grahas d. Sarpa Drekkanas
5. Calculate the following for horoscope given in Q. No. 1:
a. 22nd Drekkana b. 64th Navamsha
c. Planets in Gandanta Rashi
d. Planets in Gandanta Nakshatra’s


6. Answer the following:

a. Explain basic principles of medical astrology
b. Use of divisional charts in medical astrology.
7. Discuss the health of the native of horoscope given in Q. No. 1
in the dasha – Mars/Moon and Rahu/Rahu. Find out the disease
and explain planetary combinations.
8. State the planetary combinations for the following diseases.
a) Deafness b) Recovery of disease
c) Liver problem d) Diabetes.
INDIAN COUNCIL OF ASTROLOGICAL SCIENCES (REGD.) 5. Distinguish between Vimshottari Dasa and Yogini Dasa System.
CHENNAI Which one you prefer? State with reasons.
Time: 3 hours PAPER – IV Max. Marks: 50 Part II: TRANSIT

Answer any five questions. Questions 1 and 6 are compulsory. 6. Answer the following:
Attempt three more questions choosing at least one from each part. a. What are stellar Occupational effects?
All questions carry equal marks. b. Describe Nakshatra Anga Phala

7. Discuss the transit result for natives of all 12 signs for Rahu’s
movement in Punarvasu (Gemini).
1. Study the following Chart and answer the questions given below:
DOB: July 12, 1960; TOB: 06-05-00 hours; POB: 77°E55´ –
8. Explain with illustration the importance of slow moving planets in
27°N53´; Male: Balance Dasa at Birth: Rahu:12Y-1M-5D;
transit to time an event.
Ascendant: Cancer 04° 38´; Sun:Gemini 26° 21´; Moon:Aquarius
11° 02´;Mars: Aries 22 °12´; Mercury (RC) Cancer 04° 19´:
9. State the principles of Moorti Nirnaya system.
Jupiter (R): Sagittarius 02 °46´; Venus (C): Cancer 01° 41´;
Saturn (R): Sagittarius 21° 28´; Rahu: Leo 23°45´; Ketu:
10. Write short notes on: (any 2)
Aquarius 23°45´;
a. Seven and half year cycle of Saturn
a. Describe the results of Saturn-Mercury and Saturn-Venus
b. Concept of Latta
Dasa in the professional life of the native.
c. Vedha and Vipreet Vedha
b. The general effects of Dasa Antardasa, if the planets are
posited in 6th and 8th house from Lagna respectively.

2. Write short notes on:

a. Dasa of retrograde Planets.
b. Dasa of exalted but combust planets.
c. Dasa of a planet exalted in Rasi and debilitated in Navamsa.

3. Answer the following:

a. How do you time an event with the help of the Dasa?
b. Explain astrologically when the native of question No.1
would have got a job.
c. Describe the nature of profession of Native in Q.No.1

4. Explain the role of the following:

a. Janma Nakshatra in Vimshotttari Dasa
b. Pratyantar Dasa Lord in timing an event
c. Dasa-Antara of malefics Saturn-Mars having 5:9 relationship
as in question No.1
INDIAN COUNCIL OF ASTROLOGICAL SCIENCES (REGD.) a. Describe a methodology for timing marriage of a native
CHENNAI b. Calculate the time of marriage of the following native:
JYOTISH VISHARADA EXAMINATIONS – June 2019 Male; DOB: 28-6-1985; TOB: 14-10 hours; POB: Delhi; Rahu’s Dasa
Time: 3 hours PAPER – V Max. Marks: 50 at birth: 3Y-10M- 1D;
Ascendant: Libra 05°45´; Sun in Gemini 12°56´; Moon in Libra
Answer any five questions. Questions 1 and 6 are compulsory. 13°09´; Mars in Gemini 18°52´; Mercury in Cancer 04°02´; Jupiter
Attempt three more questions choosing at least one from each part. (R) in Capricorn 22°25´; Venus in Aries 27°55´;Saturn (R) in Libra
All questions carry equal marks. 28°24´; Rahu in Aries 23°30´; Ketu in Libra 23°30´;
7. Answer the following:
1. Answer the following:
a. Write five combinations for unconventional marriage.
a. Prepare Chara Dasa for the following horoscope.
b. Describe the type of marriage of the following native:
b. Predict the time of marriage and describe her marital life.
Female: DOB: 23-11-1983; TOB 00-38 hours; POB: London; Rahu
Female: DOB: 16th October 1948; TOB: 00-30 am; POB:
Dasa at birth: 15Y-8M-6D; Ascendant: Leo 22°56´; Sun: Scorpio
Tiruchirapalli (T.N.); Saturn Dasa at birth: 18Y-7M-29D;
06°30´; Moon: Gemini 08°23´; Mars: Virgo 09°04´; Mercury: Scorpio
Ascendant: Cancer 06°36´; Sun: Virgo 09° 11´; Moon: Pisces
19°34´; Jupiter: Scorpio: 23°29´; Venus: Virgo 20°55´; Saturn: Libra
03°34´; Mars: Scorpio 05°49´; Mercury (R): Libra 08°19´;
16°19´; Rahu: Taurus 22°17´; Ketu: Scorpio 22°17´;
Jupiter: Sagittarius 01°12´; Venus: Leo 17°28´; Saturn: Leo
09°46´; Rahu: Aries 11°48´; Ketu: Libra 11°48´;
8. Explain what is meant by Kuja (Mars) Dosha. Are there any
exceptions to it?
2. Answer the following:
a. Calculate Arudha Lagna, Pranapada Lagna, Hora Lagna,
9. Answer the following:
and Karakamsa Lagna for chart in Question No.1
a. State five combinations for unhappy marital life.
b. Define Upapada Lagna and its use in prediction. Illustrate
b. State five combinations for early marriage.
your answer using chart in question No.1.
10. Explain the factors involved while matching horoscopes for
3. Describe the professions of the native of Q.No.1 on the basis of

4. The following is a chart of a female native born on 9th April 1929

at 23-30 hours in Kumbakonam (Tamil Nadu). Calculate her
longevity explaining Jaimini principles.
Ascendant: Sagittarius 09°01; Sun in Pisces 26°31´ Moon in
Pisces 25°08’; Mars in Gemini 19°57´; Mercury in Pisces 18°09´;
Jupiter in Aries 22°14´; Venus (R) in Aries 12°53´;Saturn (R) in
Sagittarius 07° 39´; Rahu in Aries 28°39´; Ketu in Libra 28°39´;

5. Explain the salient features of Jaimini Astrology.


6. Answer the following:
INDIAN COUNCIL OF ASTROLOGICAL SCIENCES (REGD.) Male: DOB: 16th September 1945; TOB: 11-47 am; POB: Karaikudi;
CHENNAI Venus Dasa at birth: 14Y-8M-13D;
JYOTISH VISHARADA EXAMINATIONS – June 2019 Lagna: Scorpio 8°04´; Sun: Leo 29°52´; Moon: Sagittarius 16°52´;
Time: 3 hours PAPER VI Max. Marks: 50 Mars:Gemini 11° 45´; Mercury: Leo 16°17´;Jupiter: Virgo 11°29´;
Answer any five questions. Questions 1 and 6 are compulsory. Venus: Cancer 26°43´; Saturn: Gemini 29°29´; Rahu: Gemini
Attempt three more questions choosing at least one from each part. 12°47´;Ketu:Sagitttarius 12°47´;
All questions carry equal marks.
4. Prepare Dasamsa for the horoscope given here under and
discuss the profession of the native
Male: DOB:9-12-1945; TOB: 17-20 hours; POB: Patna; Moon Dasa
at birth: 4Y-3M-9D; Lagna: Taurus 29° 53´11¨; Sun: Scorpio 23°57´;
1. Answer the following:
Moon: Capricorn 17°38´; Mars (R): Cancer 9°59´;Mercury (RC):
a. State astrological combinations for a native to go abroad for
Scorpio 19°04´;Jupiter:Virgo 28°31´; Venus:Scorpio 11°00´; Saturn
education and/or profession?
(R): Cancer 00°49´; Rahu: Gemini 6°51´; Ketu: Sagittarius 6°51´;
b. Discuss whether the native of the following horoscope has
gone abroad for education or for profession?
5. Write five combinations for (Any Three) of the following:
Female; DOB: 1st November 1991; TOB:19-42 hours; POB: Delhi;
a. foreign travel
Venus Dasa at birth:18Y-1M-22D;Present Dasa: Moon-Jupiter:
b. childlessness
23-11-2018 to 24-3-2020;
c. Marital Harmony
Lagna: Taurus: 21°16´; Sun: Libra 14°54´; Moon: Leo 14°34´; Mars
d. Legal Education
(C): Libra 17°01´;Mercury: Scorpio 02°10´; Jupiter: Leo15°48´;
Venus: Leo 28°23´; Saturn: Capricorn 7°04´; Rahu:
Sagittarius:18°25´; Ketu: Gemini 18° 25´.
6. How do you predict rain fall? Explain Sapta Nadi Chakra and
2. Answer the following:
predict days of rainfall in 2019 season.
a. Explain the role of Dreshkon in determining siblings.
b. Cast Dreshkon Chart for the following horoscope and
7. State mundane significations of each Rashi and each house.
determine the number of sibblings.
Male: DOB: 10th March 1987; TOB: 17-10 hrs.; POB: Delhi; Jupiter
8. Give astrological combinations for:
Dasa at birth: 6Y-1M-13D;
a. Floods; b. Air accidents; c. Earth Quake
Lagna:Leo 9°53´; Sun: Aquarius 25°41´; Moon: Gemini 28°15´;
Mars: Aries18° 35´; Mercury: Aquarius 06°34´;Jupiter: Pisces
9. Explain the use of the following in Mundane astrology:
08°09´; Venus: Capricorn 14°43´; Saturn: Scorpio 27°07´; Rahu:
(a): Solar Ingress Chart
Pisces 18°03´;Ketu:Virgo 18°03´;
(b): Sanghatta Rasi Chakra
3. Answer the following:
10. Explain the use of Koorma Chakra in Mundane astrology.
a. State the important combinations that make a native join
politics and become a minister.
b. Discuss whether the following native is in politics and can
become a minister

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