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Jessie Roy

« Contact Isolation
« Observation- Maintained the practice for contact isolation to prevent the disease's spread.
« Recommendation: Follow the same practice

-She is eager to learn new skills.

-Attempted IV initiation

Ø Braden scale and risk for fall

Ø Observation: She assessed and documented the findings.
Ø Recommendation: Continue the right process

§ Multi Progress Report: Patient update during chemo

§ Observations: Assessment, vital signs are all in real-time;
§ Recommendation: Continue the real-time documentation

Erin: Comprehensive discussion- integration of theory into practice

She brought good insight that despite his diagnosis he was not on fluid restriction.- Lasix and they
did a tap on him

Performed the COVID swab by herself

Maintain the dignity of the patient- incontinent of urine and she decided to put him on toileting
protocol every 2hrs.

advocacy-She was aware that the patient was NPO for the EGD. She was proactive -In the beginning
of the shift she communicated with the unit clerk for the confirmation of the procedure if it will push
Anxious about the procedure and wanting something to calm him down during the procedure-she
did communicate with the staff, she also explained the procedure to reduce anxiety.

Scheduled med-Nadolol -she found it in the patient bed- she was not sure that it was the dose she
gave or the previous one- she reported and documented, but did not give the dose again.
Recommendation: Next time she should watch the patient to swallow the meds.

Took patient for a walk, 1 lap- she monitored patient oxygen status and documented
Ø Braden scale and risk for fall
Ø Observation: She assessed and documented the findings.
Ø Recommendation: Continue the right process

§ Multi Progress Report: 3 MPRS

§ Observations: Assessment, vital signs are all in real-time;
§ Recommendation: Continue the real-time documentation

-Attempted IV initiation

On boarding all three


Determinant of health

Care Plan

Goals: 3.4

Collaboration for all- verbalized by their primary nurses

Megan R:
Scenario: enteral tube feed: on boarding- did not read the policy and the progress note before
meeting the client- More prompting required- demonstration to her.

How to check the placement? -discrepancy with the exit length.

Tinzaparin- She did not read the monograph- she was not aware- she was aware about the platelet
BEFORE ADMINISTERING ANY S/C, IM, IV- parenteral-meds always reference adult parenteral

Interacted with the patient son and asked him- their prospective


Determinant of health

Care Plan

Goals: 3.4

Collaboration for all- verbalized by their primary nurses

Ø Braden scale and risk for fall- she did not documented- performed
Ø Observation: She assessed and documented the findings.
Ø Recommendation: Continue the right process

§ Multi Progress Report: bladder scan

-she did not watch the video and needed assistance from the primary for this procedure.

§ Observations: Assessment, vital signs and glasgow coma scale were all documented all in real-

Am care -she provided good aaam care- total care- buddied with brooklyn- 3.2-collaboration- she
got an exposure to the role of occupational therapist and how she will be mobilizing the patient.


Determinant of health

Care Plan

Goals: 3.4

Collaboration for all- verbalized by their primary nurses

Ø Braden scale and risk for fall- she did not documented- performed
Ø Observation: She assessed and documented the findings.
Ø Recommendation: Continue the right process

§ Observations: Assessment, vital signs were all documented all in real-time;

Am care -she provided good am care- total care- buddied with Megan R- 3.2-collaboration-

All three students: brooklyn, Megan?, chelsea- helped the confused patient in a hallway -
observation was done by the primary nurse.

Scenario: discussion about the patient medications- Low pressure-Comprehensive discussion-

working progress in integration of theory into practice

Pain management- Assessment and the intervention

IV initiation attempted unsuccessfully- patient veins were collapsing

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