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Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94

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Hydrological response to climate change and human activities: A case study

of Taihu Basin, China
Juan Wu a, Zhi-yong Wu b,*, He-juan Lin a, Hai-ping Ji a, Min Liu a
Bureau of Hydrology, Taihu Basin Authority of Ministry of Water Resources, Shanghai 200434, China
College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
Received 8 July 2019; accepted 20 September 2019
Available online 3 July 2020


Climate change and human activities have changed a number of characteristics of river flow in the Taihu Basin. Based on long-term time
series of hydrological data from 1986 to 2015, we analyzed variability in precipitation, water stage, water diversion from the Yangtze River, and
net inflow into Taihu Lake with the Mann-Kendall test. The non-stationary relationship between precipitation and water stage was first analyzed
for the Taihu Basin and the Wuchengxiyu (WCXY) sub-region. The optimized regional and urban regulation schemes were explored to tackle
high water stage problems through the hydrodynamic model. The results showed the following: (1) The highest, lowest, and average Taihu Lake
water stages of all months had increasing trends. The total net inflow into Taihu Lake from the Huxi (HX) sub-region and the Wangting Sluice
increased significantly. (2) The Taihu Lake water stage decreased much more slowly after 2002; it was steadier and higher after 2002. After the
construction of Wuxi urban flood control projects, the average water stage of the inner city was 0.16e0.40 m lower than that of suburbs in the
flood season, leading to the transfer of flooding in inner cities to suburbs and increasing inflow from HX into Taihu Lake. (3) The regional
optimized schemes were more satisfactory in not increasing the inner city flood control burden, thereby decreasing the average water stage by
0.04e0.13 m, and the highest water stage by 0.04e0.09 m for Taihu Lake and the sub-region in the flood season. Future flood control research
should set the basin as the basic unit. Decreasing diversion and drainage lines along the Yangtze River can take an active role in flood control.
© 2020 Hohai University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

Keywords: Hydrological response; Climate change; Human activities; Flood control; Mann-Kendall test; Taihu Basin

1. Introduction hydrological cycle, such as rainfall and radiation. Human ac-

tivities have persistent influences on runoff distribution. In the
The hydrological cycle of a catchment is a complex process past sixty years, both global climate change and intensive
that is influenced by climate, physical characteristics of the human activities have caused remarkable influences on hy-
catchment, and human activities (Liu and Xu, 2015; Wang drological process all over the world (Liu et al., 2016). A
et al., 2011b; Zhu et al., 2015b; Xia et al., 2018; Hasan and number of studies have shown that elements of the hydro-
Wyseure, 2018). Climate determines the main inputs to the logical cycle, such as precipitation and water stage, have
changed both in time and space, due to hydraulic engineering
construction (Gu et al., 2017). Urbanization on river systems
This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development
has been widely recognized as the most significant influence
Project (Grants No. 2018YFC0407900 and 2017YFC1502403), the Special
Public Sector Research Program of the Ministry of Water Resources of China of all human activities (Shi et al., 2010), leading to hydro-
(Grant No. 201501014), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China logical regime variation and uncertainties in flood control.
(Grants No. 51779071 and 51579065). With impervious areas associated with buildings and trans-
* Corresponding author. portation infrastructure increasing (Gregory, 2006; Zhang
E-mail address: (Zhi-yong Wu).
et al., 2017), both surface runoff and flow velocity into
Peer review under responsibility of Hohai University.
1674-2370/© 2020 Hohai University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
84 Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94

rivers have increased significantly, leading to frequent regional By the end of 2015, the population of Taihu Basin reached
precipitous flood occurrence (Yuan et al., 2006). 59.97 million and the GDP was 6 688 billion Yuan, repre-
With the background of global climate change (Todorov senting about 4.4% and 9.9% of the nation's totals, respec-
et al., 2018), the distribution of water resources and the fre- tively. Due to its rapid social-economic development, the
quency of floods and droughts for the Taihu Basin in recent natural hydrological cycle in the Taihu Basin has been con-
years has undergone a lot of change, elevating the discrepancy verted to an artificially dominated natural-social water cycle,
between water supply and demand (Zhou et al., 2013). Most and the Taihu Basin suffers high vulnerability to natural di-
rivers in the Taihu Basin have been interrupted by sluices, sasters (Zhao and Wen, 2012). Therefore, it is important to
pump stations, and floodgates (Zhao et al., 2011). There are 68 evaluate the impacts of climate change and human activities,
sluices along the Yangtze River, 186 sluices surrounding Taihu summarize new characteristics of potential threats to storage
Lake, and nine sluices along Hangzhou Bay to defend against and drainage capacity, and propose countermeasures to deal
flooding and meet water resources demand (Yin et al., 2009). with the challenging situation of hydrological regime variation
According to Li et al. (2013), urbanization in China has in the basin.
been in a state of acceleration since 1978. Following a basin- In this study, both climate change (precipitation) and
wide catastrophic flood in 1991, the first round of compre- changes in human activities (water diversion and drainage
hensive regulation projects were begun. The three main basin along the Yangtze River, inflow and outflow of Taihu Lake,
flood control projects (the Wangyu River, the Taipu River, and urban flood control projects, and urbanization) were consid-
Lake Levee) were completed by the end of 1999, while ered to identify hydrological response at different spatio-
regional flood control projects were completed by the end of temporal scales. First, the Mann-Kendall test was used to
2002. The Taihu Basin Authority (TBA) began to carry out detect the trends of sub-region precipitation of the Taihu
water diversion from the Yangtze River to the Taihu Basin Basin, the water stage of Taihu Lake, water diversion and
through the Wangyu River and to supply water downstream drainage along the Yangtze River, and inflow and outflow of
through the Taipu River in 2002. To ensure flood prevention Taihu Lake. Second, possible reasons for Taihu Lake water
security in the cities, including Suzhou, Huzhou, Jiaxing, stage change and increase of net inflow into Taihu Lake were
Wuxi, and Changzhou, urban flood control projects have been examined after considering the operation of Wuxi urban flood
built around Taihu Lake since 2003 with a flood protection control projects. Third, with the aim of increasing basin and
standard of 100 years or 200 years. The flood control capacity regional drainage ability and tackling high water stage prob-
has been further enhanced since 2002, when the complex lems in the Jiangnan Canal, optimized regulation schemes of
system of flood control infrastructure was formed, including regional and urban projects were determined through hydro-
dikes, large sluice gates, and pumping stations. This study dynamic models. These can provide scientific suggestions for
addressed the effects of human activities on the basin, and on further research, such as impacts of urbanization on the hy-
regional and urban flood control projects across the basin. drological cycle, water resources availability, and sustainable
Therefore, 2002 can be considered an important demarcation development of water safety in the Taihu Basin.
point in this study or any study of hydrological regime vari-
ation in the Taihu Basin. 2. Study area and data
Research in the Taihu Basin has focused on hydrological
simulation (Liu et al., 2013; Wang and Yang, 2007), flood risk 2.1. Study area
management (Gong and Lin, 2009), water quality (Ye et al.,
2017), and ecological problems (Liu et al., 2018). Research The Taihu Basin (30 280 N to 32 150 N, and 119 110 E to
on hydrological response to urbanization has been a topic of 121 530 E) is located in the Yangtze River Delta, with the
wide concern in recent years (Zhang et al., 2018). Zhu et al. Yangtze River at the north, the Qiantang River at the south,
(2015a) found that river connectivity in Shanghai degraded and the East Sea at the east. The western parts of the Taihu
significantly and land use changed with more building areas Basin are mountainous areas (Peng et al., 2016). The total area
and fewer agricultural areas. Yang et al. (2014) analyzed of the Taihu Basin is 36 895 km2, with portions in Jiangsu
precipitation differences between cities and suburbs in the Province covering 19 399 km2, portions in Zhejiang Province
Taihu Basin and revealed that the maximum daily precipitation covering 12 095 km2, portions in Shanghai City covering
and the number of rainstorm days increased significantly. 5 176 km2, and portions in Anhui Province covering 225 km2.
Deng et al. (2015) investigated temporal and spatial change of The hydrographic network of the Taihu Basin is complicated
river systems in the Taihu Basin, and demonstrated that (Deng et al., 2016), with rivers and lakes accounting for 17%
changes in river density, water surface ratio, and main river of the total area of the basin. The elevation of low land and
area-to-length ratio in the rapid urbanization period were polder around the Taihu Lake is no more than 5 m. About 80%
much greater than those in the slow urbanization period. Wang of the Taihu Basin is plains, while the remaining 20% is
et al. (2016) assessed the contributions of precipitation and occupied by low hills and mountains. As the third largest
human activity to water stage increase in the plain river freshwater lake in China, with a water area of 2 338 km2,
network region of the Taihu Basin, demonstrating that human Taihu Lake is a flood storage and regulation center, whose
activities have played more and more important roles in average water depth is 1.89 m and water volume is 4.428
extreme water stage changes since the late 1980s. billion m3. The average lake bottom elevation is 1 m above
Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94 85

mean sea level. The longest river in the Taihu Basin is the greater than 33.3 km2, and the blue line represents the Jian-
Jiangnan Canal, with a total length of 203 km, flowing through gnan Canal, flowing through Changzhou, Wuxi, and Suzhou.
Changzhou, Wuxi, and Suzhou. (2) Water stage data were from 1986 to 2015. The Taihu
The average annual precipitation of the Taihu Basin is Lake water stage is the average value of five stations sur-
1 218.1 mm, mainly concentrated in the flood season from rounding Taihu Lake: Dapukou, Wangtingtai, Xishan, Xiao-
May to September (Wang et al., 2011a). The normal Meiyu meikou, and Jiapu. The Wuxi suburb water stage station is
period with intensive precipitation from mid-June to early July located in the Jiangnan Canal close to urban flood control
often lasts for 25 d, accounting for about 19.8% of the annual projects, while the Wuxi inner station is located in the urban
precipitation, but large differences of precipitation amount area, which is considered to be protected by the urban flood
exist in various years. For example, the Meiyu did not appear control projects. Suffering from severe land subsidence caused
in 1958 and 1978, whereas the precipitation amounts of the by extensive groundwater exploitation since the 1980s, the
Meiyu period in 1991 and 1999 were much greater than the maximum cumulative subsidence was over 1 m for some
average precipitation. stations in the Taihu Basin (Wu et al., 2009). However, the
water stage in the Annual Hydrological Reports was observed
2.2. Data based on a stationary datum. The occurrence of land subsi-
dence leads to height datum distortion. Thus, the water level
Daily precipitation and evaporation of hydrometric stations, ought to be modified. All the water stage data were based on
water stage stations of Taihu Lake and Wuxi, and the water the Zhenjiang Wusong elevation system and modified before
diversion and drainage amounts along the Yangtze River were trend analysis. Daily observed flood events with different
excerpted from the Annual Hydrological Reports. The inflow magnitudes of precipitation and peak feature (single- or multi-
and outflow data of Taihu Lake were obtained from the Bureau peak) of Taihu Lake and Wuxi water stage stations were
of Hydrology, Taihu Basin Authority of Ministry of Water selected to evaluate urbanization effects.
Resources. (3) The water diversion data, including inflow and
(1) Precipitation data were from 1986 to 2015. As shown in outflow of Taihu Lake, were from 1986 to 2015. The water
Fig. 1, based on the topography and water features, the whole diversion project from the Yangtze River to the Taihu Basin
basin can be divided into seven sub-regions with 106 hydro- through the Wangyu River and the supply downstream
metric stations to calculate average precipitation, including the through the Taipu River were launched in 2002. Water
Zhexi (ZX) sub-region with 23 stations, the Huxi (HX) sub- diversion and drainage amount were from 14 sluices along
region with 19 stations, the Taihu (TH) sub-region with the Yangtze River, including four sluices in HX, four sluices
eight stations, the Wuchengxiyu (WCXY) sub-region with 12 in WCXY, the Wangyu Sluice, and five sluices in YCDM.
stations, the Yangchengdianmao (YCDM) sub-region with 13 Inflow and outflow of Taihu Lake were from 23 tour gauging
stations, the Hangjiahu (HJH) sub-region with 17 stations, and discharge stations, including the Taipu Sluice, the Wangting
the Pudongpuxi (PDPX) sub-region with 14 stations. The Sluice, three stations (Changxing, Yangjiabu, and Hang-
arithmetic mean method was applied in calculating the changqiao) in ZX, six stations (Zhihugang, Wujingang,
average precipitation of each sub-region, while the area- Yapugang, Wuxiqiao, Chengdonggangqiao, and Dagangqiao)
weighted mean method was applied in calculating the in HX, five stations (Daxuanhe pump station, Dushan Sluice,
average precipitation of the Taihu Basin based on sub-region Meilianghu pump station, Wulihu Sluice, and Yanhu Sluice)
area. In Fig. 1, the green shadow represents polder areas in WCXY, four stations (Tongkeng Sluice, Xujiangdaqiao,
Guajingkou, and Lianhuqiao) in YCDM, and three stations
(Chengbei Sluice, Huanlou Sluice, and Tuanjieqiao) in HJH.
All the stations surrounding Taihu Lake are shown in Fig. 2.
(4) Land use data were acquired by digitizing the 1985,
2000, and 2010 land cover maps (1:10 000), which were
monitored by the interpreted thematic mapper (TM). The land
cover maps were classified into four categories: cropland,
forest, urban area, and water area. All scenes adopted from
Landsat TM by manual interpretation included radiometric
and geometric corrections. The land cover map of 2010 was
adopted in the hydrodynamic model.
(5) Evaporation and discharge data from 1999, 2000, 2003,
2008, 2009, and 2010 were used in the model. Daily evapo-
ration and discharge data from the Gangkou hydrometric
station, Deqing hydrometric station, Fushi Reservoir, and
Qingshan Reservoir were used in the Xin'anjiang model. Daily
evaporation data from the Hangchangqiao Station and the
Taipu Sluice were used in the river network hydrodynamic
Fig. 1. Taihu Basin and its sub-regions. model.
86 Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94

3. Methods

3.1. Nonparametric Mann-Kendall test for monotonic trend

The Mann-Kendall test is a simple but useful method to

identify changes in long-term hydrological series (Mann,
1945), especially for complicated basins where it is difficult
for mathematical modeling to provide satisfactory results (Guo
et al., 2018a). In the Mann-Kendall test, the null hypothesis H0
states that there is no trend in the population data set (x1 ;x2 ;/;
xn ) (Guo et al., 2018b). The alternative hypothesis H1 of a two-
sided test is that a monotonic trend exists in the data set. The
statistic S is computed as follows:
n1 X
S¼ sgn xj  xk ð1Þ
k¼1 j¼kþ1
Fig. 2. Locations of water stage and discharge stations surrounding
For sample sizes larger than 10, the statistics S are Taihu Lake.
approximately normally distributed, with mean EðSÞ and
variance VðSÞ as follows: (1) Rainfall-runoff simulation: The runoff model includes
runoff yield and concentration. Both hilly regions and plain
EðSÞ ¼ 0 ð2Þ
river networks exist in the Taihu Basin, and the traditional
Xin'anjiang model (Zhao, 1992) was applied to hilly regions of
VðSÞ ¼ 0 ð3Þ
the Zhexi sub-region, whose discharge was offered to plain
The standardized statistics (Z) are formulated as follows: areas as inputs. Each sub-region in plain areas was classified
8 into four kinds of underlying surfaces: water surface, paddy
> S1 fields, arid land, and urban construction land. Therefore,
> pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi S>0
< VðSÞ different runoff models and confluence processing patterns
were adopted based on different characteristics of confluence
Z¼ 0 S¼0 ð4Þ
> inside and outside of polder areas. For the water surface,
> Sþ1
: pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi S<0 runoff could be obtained using rainfall minus evaporation. For
VðSÞ paddy fields, irrigation programs of different growth phases
were considered, as well as water demand coefficients, infil-
Positive and negative Z values indicate upward and tration rate, and irrigation-drainage mode. For arid land, the
downward trends, respectively. A value of Z1a=2 is deter- Xin'anjiang model of three layers of evaporation was used. For
mined using a standard normal distribution table. The existing urban construction land, runoff could be obtained using net
trend is considered to be statistically significant if jZj > rainfall multiplied by the runoff coefficient. Drainage modulus
Z1a=2 . In this study, the significance level a was set to be 0.05 was considered in the polder area confluence, and a plain re-
and 0.10 with Z1a=2 values equal to 1.96 and 1.65, gion confluence unit hydrograph was used outside of polder
respectively. areas.
(2) Unsteady flow simulation of river networks: Basic
3.2. Runoff model and hydrodynamic model in Taihu Basin equations of one-dimensional unsteady flow in the aqueduct
included the continuous equation and momentum equation
In order to study the effects of water diversion projects and (Chen et al., 2016). At each river network node, conservation
urban flood control projects on hydraulic structure regulation, of mass and momentum was available. The river network
a water quantity numerical model for the Taihu Basin was was dispersed with the four-point implicit difference
adopted. It was composed of rainfall-runoff simulation and the method, and basic equations were resolved with the iteration
river network hydrodynamic model. Developed by Hohai method.
University (Guo et al., 2016), the rainfall-runoff simulation (3) Generalization of river networks and lakes: As shown in
provides the lateral inflow and discharge boundary for the river Fig. 3, 1 482 rivers, 4 275 cross-sections, and 1 164 nodes were
network hydrodynamic model. The water quantity numerical generalized in the hydrodynamic model, including 138 storage
model is composed of six parts: (1) rainfall-runoff simulation, nodes and 215 control buildings. The whole generalized area for
(2) unsteady flow simulation of river networks, (3) general- the Taihu Basin was 36 847.8 km2 (which is very close to the
ization of river networks and lakes, (4) generalization and real basin area), including the plain regions of 28 534.4 km2,
simulation of hydraulic structures, (5) simulation of boundary river networks and lakes of 1 083.3 km2, and hilly regions of
conditions, and (6) calibration and verification. 7 230.1 km2.
Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94 87

(6) Calibration and verification: Due to limitations of the

evaporation data, only data from the years 1999, 2000, 2003,
2008, 2009, and 2010 were collected. In order to keep consistent
with typical scenarios of existing basin and regional planning,
the data of years 1999, 2000, 2008, and 2009 were chosen in the
calibration period to represent extraordinarily abundant, abun-
dant, normal, and scarce precipitation, respectively. The 2003
and 2010 data used in the verification period are two typical
scenarios representing scarce precipitation and normal-to-
partially abundant precipitation. The Xin'anjiang model pa-
rameters that needed to be calibrated for hilly regions of the
Zhexi sub-region included four modules: evapotranspiration,
runoff generation, runoff separation, and runoff routing. The
parameters of hydrodynamic models for plain regions included
Fig. 3. Generalized rivers and nodes for hydrodynamic model in roughness, the free flow coefficient, and the submerged flow
Taihu Basin. coefficient. The model parameters are listed in Table 1.
Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE ) was used to evaluate
(4) Generalization and simulation of hydraulic structures: model performance. When NSE approaches 1.0, the model
The hydraulic structures include water gates, ship locks, cul- simulates the measured data perfectly. When NSE is negative,
verts, and pump stations. The nodes were set at upstream and the model is a worse predictor than the measured mean value.
downstream of hydraulic structures, and discharge was The equation for NSE is as follows:
calculated with the weir formula.
(5) Simulation of boundary conditions: The boundary
conditions included precipitation, evaporation, and tidal ðZsi  Zoi Þ

level. For each sub-region, the initial water stage of each NSE ¼ 1:0  i¼1 ð5Þ
cross-section was assigned the same value, while the initial Pn
ðZsi  Z o Þ2
discharge was 0. The boundary condition along the Yangtze i¼1
River and Hangzhou Bay was the tidal level. For tidal sta-
tions with observation data, the unit hydrograph was adopted where Zoi and Zsi are the observed and simulated water levels
to calculate integral tidal level based on daily semidiurnal at time i, Z o is the mean observed data over the simulation
tide. For tidal stations lacking observation data, the tidal period, and n is the total number of observations. For the
level interpolation formulas were adopted through relative calibration period at the daily level in this study, NSE was
distance with observed stations. 0.98. For the validation period, NSE was 0.97.
Table 1
Parameters of Xin'anjiang model and river network hydrodynamic model.
Module Parameter Description Value
Evapotranspiration of Xin'anjiang model KC Ratio of potential evapotranspiration to pan evaporation 0e1
UM Areal mean tension water capacity of upper soil layer 20 mm
LM Areal mean tension water capacity of lower soil layer 60 mm
C Coefficient of the deeper layer for calculation of evapotranspiration from 0.13
deeper layer
Runoff generation of Xin'anjiang model WM Areal mean tension water capacity 120 mm
B Exponential parameter with a single parabolic curve of the tension 0.2e0.3
water capacity
IM Percentage of impervious and saturated areas in the catchment 0.05e0.10
Runoff separation of Xin'anjiang model SM Areal mean free water capacity of the surface soil layer 15e30 mm
EX Exponent of the free water capacity curve 1.5
KG Outflow coefficient of the free water storage to groundwater relationships 0.2e0.4
KI Outflow coefficients of the free water storage to interflow relationships 0.3e0.5
Runoff routing of Xin'anjiang model CI Recession constants of the interflow storage 0.6e0.9
CG Recession constants of the groundwater storage 0.995e0.998
CS Recession constants of the surface water storage 0.10e0.35
L Lag time of channel routing 1
KE Muskingum coefficient of residence time of water 1
XE Muskingum coefficient of geometry factor 0e0.5
River network hydrodynamic model n Roughness 0.02e0.03
m Free flow coefficient of sluice 0.3e0.4
jm Submerged flow coefficient of sluice 0.6e0.9
88 Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94

Table 2
Land use changes in Taihu Basin from 1985 to 2010.
Land use Area (km2) Proportion (%) Change rate (%)
1985 2000 2010 1985 2000 2010 1985e2000 2000e2010 1985e2010
Cropland 23 482 19 628 17 675 64 53 48 16 10 25
Forest 5 137 5 122 5 276 14 14 14 0 3 3
Urban area 3 570 6 853 8 943 10 19 24 92 30 151
Water area 4 706 5 291 5 001 13 14 14 12 5 6

4. Results significance level of 0.05. Monthly sub-region precipitation in

April, May, and September decreased significantly at a sig-
From 1985 to 2010, the most noticeable change in land nificance level of 0.1, except in HX.
use was conversion of cropland to urban area. In 1985, The increasing trend of the highest annual Taihu Lake
cropland occupied the largest proportion of land (64%), water stage (HWS) was not significant, with a Z value of 1.45.
followed by forest (14%), water area (13%), and urban area However, the Z value of the lowest annual Taihu Lake water
(10%). In 2000, the proportion of cropland decreased to stage (LWS) reached 5.08, and the Z value of the average
53%, while the proportion of urban area increased to 19%. annual Taihu Lake water stage (AWS) reached 2.57, which
In 2010, the proportion of cropland decreased to 48%, indicated that LWS and AWS increased significantly at a
whereas the proportion of urban area increased to 24%. The significance level of 0.05. As shown in Fig. 6(a), the HWS,
land use change is shown in Table 2. In terms of the change LWS, and AWS of all months had increasing trends, especially
rate, the urban area has undergone the most significant in January, February, March, April, August, and December.
changes, by 151% (from 3 570 km2 in 1985 to 8 943 km2 in Apart from this, the LWS in May, July, September, and
2010), followed by cropland, with a decreasing rate of 25% November also increased significantly, while the AWS in
(from 23 482 km2 in 1985 to 17 675 km2 in 2010). The September and November increased significantly (Fig. 6(b)).
change was more significant from 1985 to 2000. As shown Considering the 11 key projects completed and water diver-
in Fig. 4, small towns expanded around the former urban sion begun in 2002, the HWS, LWS, and AWS variations were
center, while the transport infrastructure was well devel- compared before 2001 and after 2002. As shown in Fig. 6(b),
oped, causing the urban boundary to blur and city growth to from January to April and in December, the HWS increased by
become scattered. more than 0.18 m, the LWS increased by more than 0.19 m,
and the AWS increased by more than 0.17 m. The largest
4.1. Trends of precipitation, water stage, diversion, increasing extent of the HWS, LWS, and AWS reached more
inflow, and outflow than 0.29 m in March, whereas the least increasing extent
reached more than 0.04 m in July.
The increasing trends of annual precipitation and precipi- Monthly net inflow into the Taihu Lake were defined as the
tation in the flood season (from May to September) over the daily accumulative amount of water diversion minus
Taihu Basin were not statistically significant. As shown in drainage. As shown in Fig. 7(a) and (b), net inflow from HX
Fig. 5, monthly basin precipitation decreased significantly at a into Taihu Lake had significant increasing trends for all
significance level of 0.05 in April, May, and September, with Z months, and inflow from the Wangting Sluice into Taihu Lake
values of 2.54, 2.33, and 2.82, respectively. The sub- had insignificant increasing trends in non-flood seasons
region precipitation in the non-flood season (January to except for April. Compared with net inflow before 2001, net
March, October to December) demonstrated increasing trends, inflow from HX after 2002 increased by 120  106 m3 to
but only precipitation in January increased significantly at a 402  106 m3, while the net inflow from the Wangyu Sluice

Fig. 4. Land use changes in Taihu Basin from 1985 to 2010.

Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94 89

Fig. 5. Trend analysis of precipitation over Taihu Basin from 1954 to 2015.

increased by 5  106 m3 to 185  106 m3. However, net 11.4  108 m3, the value of WCXY increased by 1.9  108 m3,
inflow from ZX into Taihu Lake decreased by 36  106 m3 to the Taipu Sluice decreased by 3.0  108 m3, and the value of
202  106 m3 in the flood season, and decreased by YCDM decreased by 3.7  108 m3.
1  106 m3 to 76  106 m3 in the non-flood season except in
October. As shown in Fig. 7(c) and (d), the net outflow of the 4.2. Possible reasons for Taihu Lake water stage increase
Taipu Sluice had decreasing trends in the non-flood season and flood risks in Taihu Basin
except in March. In April, May, June, July, September,
October, and November, the net outflow of YCDM had As mentioned above, the year of 2002 can be considered an
decreasing trends, whereas that of HJH had increasing trends. important demarcation point to study hydrological regime
Compared with net outflow before 2001, net outflow of HJH variation in the Taihu Basin. In order to eliminate the influence
after 2002 increased by 32  106 m3 to 155  106 m3, and the of water diversion on the Taihu Lake water stage, we selected
Taipu Sluice decreased by 49  106 m3 to 72  106 m3 in the 218 flood events from 1986 to 2015 to study the relationships
non-flood season except in March. The net outflow of YCDM between the Taihu Lake water stage increase and precipitation
decreased by 11  106 m3 to 121  106 m3 from April to under low net water diversion conditions. The Taihu Lake
November, and that of WCXY increased by 11  106 m3 to water stage increase has a strong relationship with precipita-
34  106 m3 in the non-flood season. tion, and the correlation coefficient was 0.86 before 2001, but
The flood movement of the Taihu Basin changed a lot. 0.83 after 2002. Similarly, in order to eliminate the influence
During the period from 2002 to 2015, total water diversion of precipitation on the Taihu Lake water stage increase, we
from the Yangtze River through the Wangyu River reached selected 233 flood events to study the relationships between
272.4  108 m3, with net inflow into Taihu Lake being the Taihu Lake water stage increase and net water diversion
124.2  108 m3, and water moving downstream through the from the Yangtze River under low-precipitation conditions.
Taipu River reaching 182.8  108 m3. Compared with the The correlation coefficient was 0.30 before 2001, but 0.39
annual net flow (differences between inflow and outflow) after 2002.
before 2001, the annual net inflow from HX increased by For each period of water diversion from the Yangtze River
24.9  108 m3, the value from the Wangting Sluice increased into Taihu Lake after 2002, the Taihu Lake water stage
by 7.1  108 m3, and the value from ZX decreased by demonstrated a very slow decreasing trend, taking five to six
7.1  108 m3. However, net outflow of HJH increased by days to complete a 0.01-m decrease. However, for the same

Fig. 6. Trends and increase of HWS, LWS, and AWS.

90 Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94

Fig. 7. Trends and variation of net inflow and net outflow of different sub-regions.

period before 2001, it took only two to three days to complete The Wuxi urban flood control projects were put in use in
a 0.01-m decrease. Therefore, the Taihu Lake water stage 2007, and can be used as an example to analyze the effects of
decreased much more slowly after 2002, becoming steadier human activities on water stage in the WCXY sub-region. The
and generally higher after 2002. Therefore, the increase of the Wuxi urban flood control projects are located in the WCXY
Taihu Lake water stage is still dominated by precipitation, sub-region, downstream of HX and upstream of YCDM.
while the decrease is affected by water diversion from the Before construction of urban flood control projects, the water
Yangtze River after 2002. stage of Wuxi inner cities was the same as that of suburbs. As
For the period before 2001, we selected 116 heavy flood shown in Fig. 8, the annual average water stage of the inner
events with an average basin precipitation of 57.8 mm, while city was 0.16e0.40 m lower than that of suburbs in flood
the Taihu Lake water stage increased from 3.10 m to 3.22 m seasons after construction. We selected 36 intensive flood
on average. For the period after 2002, we selected 39 flood events to explore non-stationary relationships between area
events with an average precipitation of 55.9 mm, while the precipitation and regional average water stage differences in
water stage increased from 3.27 m to 3.38 m on average. the WCXY sub-region. Before intensive precipitation
Compared with water stage increase for the same precipitation occurred, the average water stage difference between inner
before 2001, shown in Table 3, water stage increased more cities and suburbs was 0.24 m. However, after precipitation,
after 2002 when precipitation exceeded 70 mm, while the the average water stage difference increased to 0.46 m on
water stage increased more significantly when precipitation average. With more intensive precipitation, the water stage of
exceeded 120 mm. For the same 0.01 m of the Taihu Lake suburbs increased more quickly, and more differences between
water stage increase after 2002, 5 mm of average precipitation inner cities and suburbs arose. As shown in Fig. 9(a), with
was needed under the 50-mm precipitation scenario, 4 mm of more precipitation, the maximum water stage differences
average precipitation was needed under the 100-mm scenario, DZmax between inner cities and suburbs grew larger. A 10-mm
and only 3.8 mm of precipitation was needed for the 150-mm precipitation increase may lead to a 0.054-m DZmax increase
scenario. on average. Since an initial water stage difference DZint may

Table 3
Taihu Lake water stage increase for different precipitation scenarios before 2001 and after 2002.
Time Water stage increase (m)
P ¼ 20 mm P ¼ 30 mm P ¼ 40 mm P ¼ 50 mm P ¼ 60 mm P ¼ 70 mm P ¼ 80 mm P ¼ 90 mm P ¼ 100 mm P ¼ 120 mm P ¼ 150 mm
Before 2001 0.01 0.04 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.29 0.38
After 2002 0 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.31 0.41
Note: P is precipitation.
Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94 91

Fig. 8. Average water stage differences of Wuxi inner cities and suburbs and precipitation distribution.

have already existed before intensive precipitation occurred, (1) The water diversion increase along the Yangtze River:
we also built relationships between precipitation and the real The HWS, LWS, and AWS of April and May increased,
increase of water stage differences. The real increase of water although monthly precipitation of the same period decreased,
stage differences DZreal is defined as DZmax minus DZint . As which may have been due to the water diversion of the
shown in Fig. 9(b), a 10-mm precipitation increase may lead to Wangyu Sluice from the Yangtze River. The HWS, LWS, and
0.046 m of DZreal . Therefore, flooding in inner cities was AWS in August and September demonstrated significantly
transferred to suburbs through urban flood control projects, increasing trends, although the precipitation of the same
leading to higher and higher water stages in suburbs, which are period decreased significantly, which may have been caused
especially severe in the Jiangnan Canal. Instead of flowing into by the water diversion of the Wangyu Sluice and HX from the
WCXY, flooding upstream was forced from HX into Taihu Yangtze River storing water resources in the non-flood season.
Lake, increasing the inflow from HX into Taihu Lake. The HWS, LWS, and AWS in November and December
The peak lag time of inflow from HX into Taihu Lake was increased significantly, which may have been due to the pre-
defined as the time duration between precipitation peak and cipitation increase as well as water diversion of the Wangyu
inflow peak. Based on the flood fluctuation process under low Sluice and WCXY from the Yangtze River in order to satisfy
net water diversion along the Yangtze River, the peak lag time water requirements and improve the regional water
of HX inflow into Taihu Lake was one to two days before 2001, environment.
while the peak lag time decreased to only one day after 2002. (2) Increase of net inflow into Taihu Lake: The increase of
For the same inflow into Taihu Lake of 16  106 m3, 16 mm of multi-year average inflow was more significant than that of
precipitation was needed before 2001, while only 11 mm outflow, and it was particularly significant for HX and the
precipitation was needed after 2002. With a shorter peak lag Wangting Sluice. Compared with the multi-year average
time, more inflow was concentrated in shorter time intervals. annual net inflow before 2001, the annual net inflow after 2002
Thus, the efficiency of flow concentration increased after 2002. increased by 18.1  108 m3. The increase of net inflow from
Possible reasons for Taihu Lake water stage increase can HX into Taihu Lake may be due to increasing water diverted
therefore be divided into three categories: from the Yangtze River and frequent use of Wuxi urban flood

Fig. 9. Relationships between precipitation and maximum water stage differences and between precipitation and real increase of water stage
92 Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94

control projects. The Taihu Lake water stage decreased much (RO2), the water stage was reduced by 50%DZ for the
more slowly after 2002, causing the Taihu Lake water stage to regional diversion line, while the water stage was reduced by
be steadier and higher after 2002. Flooding in Wuxi inner 100%DZ for the regional drainage line. The urban and
cities was transferred to suburbs through urban flood control regional optimized scheme 1 (CRO1) was a combination
projects, leading to a higher water stage in the Jiangnan Canal. scheme of CO1 and RO1, while the urban and regional
Instead of flowing into WCXY, flooding upstream was forced optimized scheme 2 (CRO2) was a combination scheme of
from HX into Taihu Lake, increasing inflow of HX into Taihu CO2 and RO2.
Lake. As shown in Table 5, variation between basic and opti-
(3) Land cover change with more impervious areas: With a mized schemes for average and highest water stage in the
significant decrease in cropland and an increase in urban area, flood season was compared, with HX, WCXY, and YCDM
both surface runoff and flow velocity from HX into Taihu Lake representing regional water stage. The CO1 and CO2 had no
increased significantly. More inflow from HX into Taihu Lake clear effects on reducing the average Taihu Lake and regional
was concentrated in a shorter time interval and the efficiency water stages in the flood season. RO1 decreased the stage by
of flow concentration increased after 2002, leading to a 0.04e0.06 m, RO2 decreased the stage by 0.08e0.13 m, the
quicker and higher Taihu Lake water stage increase, as well as effect of CRO1 was basically identical to that of RO1, and the
a heavy flood control burden for both the basin and regions. effect of CRO2 was basically identical to that of RO2. The
water stage decrease in WCXY was more significant, followed
5. Discussion on optimized flood control strategy in Taihu by the decreases in HX and YCDM. For reducing the average
Basin suburb water stage, RO1 was better than CO1, and RO2 was
better than CO2, while CRO1 included comprehensive effects
With the drainage power of urban flood control projects of CO1 and RO1, and CRO2 included the comprehensive ef-
along the Jiangnan Canal (especially in Changzhou, Wuxi, and fects of CO2 and RO2. The decrease of the suburb water stage
Suzhou) increasing, more water in inner cities has been moved was 0.05e0.06 m for RO1, while the decrease was
to suburbs, leading to higher water stages and severe flood 0.11e0.13 m for RO2, and more significant in Changzhou.
risks in the Jiangnan Canal. Therefore, a certain in- The decrease of the suburb water stage was 0.06e0.08 m for
compatibility has already emerged in projects’ regulation CRO1, while the decrease was 0.13e0.18 m for CRO2, and
mode. In order to increase basin and regional drainage and more significant in Suzhou. For CRO1 and CRO2, the suburb
tackle high water stage problems in the Jiangnan Canal, the water stage decrease was more significant than the city water
optimized regulation schemes of regional and urban projects stage increase.
were explored through water quantity numerical model For reducing the highest Taihu Lake and regional water
computation. The control of annual average water stage in- stage, the combined urban and regional optimized scheme
crease (DZ) was the basis for the optimized regulation scheme. CRO1 (CRO2) was more effective than corresponding
One basic scheme and six optimized schemes with 1991 regional optimized scheme RO1 (RO2), followed by corre-
design precipitation were investigated in this study. The sponding urban optimized scheme CO1 (CO2). Changes of
heavy precipitation in 1991 was caused by the Meiyu, and water stages in WCXY were more significant than those in HX
mainly concentrated in the northern part of the Taihu Basin. and Taihu Lake for CRO1 and CRO2. The urban optimized
The homogenous frequency enlargement method was adop- schemes decreased the suburb water stage by 0.01e0.04 m,
ted to calculate the 1991 design precipitation of with a 50- the regional optimized schemes decreased by 0.03e0.14 m,
year return period. For basic schemes, the regulation modes and urban and regional optimized schemes decreased by
of regional and urban flood control projects are currently in 0.06e0.15 m. However, for RO1, RO2, CRO1, and CRO2 in
use. As shown in Table 4, for urban optimized scheme 1 Suzhou, the suburb water stage decrease was more significant
(CO1), the water stage was increased by 50%DZ on the than the city water stage increase.
drainage line of inner cities on the Jiangnan Canal. For urban Therefore, research on sustainable development of water
optimized scheme 2 (CO2), the water stage was increased by safety should set the basin as the basic unit, and orchestrate
100%DZ on drainage line of inner cities on the Jiangnan flood control relationships among basin, region, and city. In
Canal. For regional optimized scheme 1 (RO1) along the order to achieve more harmonious regulation, the principles of
Yangtze River, the water stage was reduced by 50%DZ for the a part being subordinate to the whole should be followed.
regional drainage line. For regional optimized scheme 2 From the aspect of the basin, regulation schemes should be

Table 4
Basic and optimized computation schemes.
Scheme Increase of water stage
Basic scheme CO1 CO2 RO1 RO2 CRO1 CRO2
Drainage line of inner cities 0 þ50%DZ þ100%DZ 0 0 þ50%DZ þ100%DZ
Diversion line along Yangtze River 0 0 0 0 50%DZ 0 100%DZ
Drainage line along Yangtze River 0 0 0 50%DZ 100%DZ 50%DZ 100%DZ
Note: "þ" means an increase, and "" means a decrease.
Juan Wu et al. / Water Science and Engineering 2020, 13(2): 83e94 93

Table 5
Variations of average and highest water stages of optimized schemes.
Scheme Average water stage variation (m)
Taihu Lake HX WCXY YCDM Changzhou suburbs Changzhou City Wuxi suburbs Wuxi City Suzhou suburbs Suzhou City
CO1 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.02 0.08
CO2 0 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.02 0.02 0.10 0.05 0.16
RO1 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.01
RO2 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.08 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.07 0.11 0.01
CRO1 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.08 0.07
CRO2 0.08 0.11 0.14 0.07 0.13 0.11 0.13 0 0.18 0.13
Scheme Highest water stage variation (m)
Taihu Lake HX WCXY YCDM Changzhou suburbs Changzhou City Wuxi suburbs Wuxi City Suzhou suburbs Suzhou City
CO1 0.01 0.01 0.06 0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.13 0.02 0.06
CO2 0.02 0.02 0.06 0 0 0.01 0.04 0.30 0.04 0.14
RO1 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.05 0.03 0 0.05 0.04
RO2 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.14 0.09 0.07 0.01 0.08 0.01
CRO1 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.14 0.06 0.04
CRO2 0.11 0.09 0.11 0.08 0.15 0.06 0.09 0.27 0.13 0.12

modified by adoption of more flexible methods based on from the HX sub-region into Taihu Lake, increasing HX
regional and urban water regime variations. From the aspects inflow into Taihu Lake.
of regional and city needs, the optimized regulation scheme (3) Urban and regional optimized schemes were more
should take overall consideration of highlighting flood control significant than single regional or urban optimized schemes.
priorities and sharing risks, coordinating reasonable drainage All six optimized schemes demonstrated advantages in water
lines of inner cities, and diversion and drainage lines along the stage decrease in WCXY, Taihu Lake, and suburbs along the
Yangtze River. Jiangnan Canal (Changzhou, Wuxi, and Suzhou), among
which regional optimized schemes acquired more satisfying
6. Conclusions effects of without increasing inner city flood control burden.
Regional schemes decreased the average Taihu Lake and
In this study, precipitation, water stage, net water diversion regional water stages by 0.04e0.13 m, and decreased the
along the Yangtze river, and inflow and outflow of Taihu Lake highest water stage by 0.04e0.09 m in the flood season. Future
using long time series data were analyzed. The optimized research on sustainable development of water safety should set
regulation schemes of regional and urban projects were the basin as the basic unit, and orchestrate flood control re-
explored through a hydrodynamic model. The following lationships between the basin, region, and city. Decreasing
conclusions were made: diversion and drainage lines along the Yangtze River could
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non-flood season after 2002. Total net inflow into Taihu Lake
increased by 18.1  108 m3, with HX and the Wangting Sluice The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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