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The wind quitely pass through the mountain and hits the trees and creates
melody. It can be a melody of peace, melody love and melody of hatred. My life can be
compared to a tree erecting on the mountain top together with different kind of trees. I
am a tree that awaits to be discovered.

On the process of growing from seed, to a sprout, to a young plant and to a tree.
A tree that continuously growing despite of the climate chnge. Growing the roots on the
ground so it can live and stand strong. The branches, the leaves, the flowers and the
fruits that signifies its fruitfullness. This is me! You can see me on what is visible on the
outside but not on what is invisible on the naked eye. It can be beautiful and it can be
the worst more than what you can imagine.

I love tree because of its beauty, because of its flexibility and because of its
strength. It can go through rain, through heat and through disaster. I may be a growing
tree or a dieng one. You can not tell but if you try to discover or go along with me maybe
you can.

My life is full of adventure, fun and struggle. This made me of who I am today.
From a child to a student, from a student to a teacher, from a teacher to a trainer, from a
trainer to a HR officer and now a sudden change of wind; I want to become a lawyer.
We don’t know when the direction of the wind will change yet we need sail through its
direction for us to find the right place. Just like the tree that is flexible to the wind.

Submitted by:

Albert L. Salaria
Basic English – IA
1st Sem

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