Security Policies and Security Models

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J. A. Goguenand J. Mesajuer
SRI International
Menlo Park CA 94025

1 Introduction - It supportsa rigoroustreatmentof

We assune that the reader is familiar with the
ubiquity of information in the modern world and is - It providestechniquesfor provingthat a
sympathetic with the need for restricting rights to given systemsatisfiesa given policy.
read, add, modify,or delete informationin
specificcontexts. This need is particularlyacute - It supportsuse of a hierarchyof models
for systemshavingcomputersas significant at variouslevelsof detail,thus makirq
components. it easierto prove securitypropertiesby
factoringthe difficulties,and by
lettingthem appearat theirproperlevel
This paper motivates and outlines a new approach to of abstraction.
securesystemswith the followingnovel properties:
However,our approachdoes not addressthe problens
- It introduces a simple and general of user authentication,of securitybreaches
automaton theoretic approach to modelling arisingthrowghinference,eitherlogicalor
securesystens. statistical,of unauthorizedinformationfrom
informationwhich is authorized(theso-called
- It shows how to use abstractcapabilities aggregationproblem),or of fault-tolerantsecure
to model the dynamicsecurityaspectsof computing.
such systems.
lhe literatureon computersecurityprovidesmany
- The approach can be applied not only to different“securitymodels,”withoutsayingwhat a
computer operating systms, but also to securitymodel actuallyis. We proposeto
secure message systems, and to data base distinguishsharplybetweena securitypolicy,
systans; it is not limited to systems which definesthe securityrequirementsfor a given
which are entirely computer based, but system,and the system itself,whichmay be
applies just as well to systems that representedby a model, for example,a high level
contain manual components, and even to specification or an abstractmachinedescriptionof
entirely manual systems.
what the systemdoes2. In general,security
policiesare very simple,and shouldbe easy to
- It introducesa generalconceptof
state in an appropriateformalism. We providea
security@icy, such that allowed
policiesincludemulti-levelsecurity very simplerequirementlanguagefor statirq
(MIS),capabilitypassing,confinement, securitypolicies,based on the conceptof
comparbnentation,discretionaryaccess, noninterference, *ere
multi-user]multikey access,automatic
distributionand authorizationchains, one group of users,using a certain
and downgrading.
- It does without the notionof “trusted the firstgroup does with those
processes.”l conmandshas no effecton what the
secondgroupof userscan see.
- It providesa formalismfor the
specificationof securitypolicies. In this approach,securityverificationconsistsof
showingthat a given policyi.+satisfiedby a given
model. Takingthis abstractview considerably
simplifiesmany aspectsof the problem.

1A “trusted process“ is generallytaken to be a

subsystemthat is permittedto violatesane global
securitypolicy,usuallyMLS. However,it seems to 2Even thoughsuch a mcdel describeshow some
us unnecessarily dangerousto adnit subsystemsthat system intendsto achievesesurity,it probably
are permittedto performarbitraryactionsupon shouldnot be calleda “securitymodel” unlessit
systemresources;rather,one shouldstate precise has been provedto satisfysome securitypolicy;in
policiesfor the interactionof these subsystems particular,we shouldalso be able to consider
with the whole systcsn,ah then verifythat those modelsof insecuresyst-, in order to be able to
p31iciesare satisfied. exploretheir flaws.

CHi753-3/82/0000/0011$00.75@1982IEEE 11
Informationflow techniquesattenptto analyzewhat pre-existing mathematicalmodel. hbst work in
users (orprocesses,or variables)can potentially ccmputersecurityhas ignoredthe socialcontexts
interferewith others,whereaswe beginoppositely, in which systemsare actuallyused. However,
bysayirg what users (or processes,or variables) differentorganizations have differentsecurity
must not interferewith others in order that sane needs,ard use theirsystemsin differentways; in
secur~ policyhold. Informationflow techniques general,they have differentsecuritypolicies.
generallyproceedto form the transitiveclosureof Providinga model withoutunderstanding the needs
a “potentiallyflows”relation,arxlthus erxlUp of the ccanmunityinvolvedis unlikelyto yield the
with a largenumberof cases that actuallycannot most usefulresults. What is ultimatelynecessary
occur,but nonethelessmust be analyzed. We hope is that the actualcommunityof users shouldbe
to avoidthis bog by using a more refinedanalysis satisfiedthat the systemthey are using is
based on noninterferenceand containingexplicit sufficiently secure in a sensewhich is appropriate
informationabout the operationsinvokedby users. for their particularpurposes. Once the needsof a
ccinmunityhave been understood,it may be possible
Our wrk was in part inspiredby the approachof to formalizethose needs ad to model their
informationprocessingsystem;at this point it
[Feiertag80] and [Feiertag,Levitt& Robinson
77]. Some differencesare that we are more will be meaningfulard usefulto provideproofs.
explicitand rigorousaboutour franeworkand In this,we disagreewith [DeMillo,Lipton& Perlis
assumptions, we treat the generaldyneanical
case in 77], who seam to believethat the socialprocessin
which capabilitiesmay be passedbetweenusers,and itselfcan be adequatefor securityverification;
we considerarbitrarysecuritypolicies,rather see [Dijkstra78] for relateddialectics.
than just MLS. Our approachis relatedto that of
[Rushby81a] which also uses an autcmatonmcdel. Thusrwe envisiona four stage approach: first,
Differences are that [Rushby81a] only considers determinethe securityneedsof a given community;
the staticcase (nopassi~ of capabilities) of a second,expressthose needs as a formal
Plicy that separatesprocessesby permittingthem requirement;third,model the systemwhich that
to communicateonly throughspecifiedchannels. ccmmunityis (orwill be) usimg;and last,verify
that this model satisfiesthe requirement.Only
The readerwho wantsmore backgroundinformationon the last of these steps is purelymathematical,
securityshouldconsult [Denning82], or althoughthe other stepshave mathematicalaspects;
[Landwehr81], [Rushby81b]or [Turn81]. the remainderof this pa~r concentrates on such

1.1 The Problenof DafinirqSecurity

1.2 The Problemof VerifyingSecurity
The purpose of a so-called “sacuritymodel” is to
provide a basis for determining whether or not a A great deal has been writtenabout the
systen is secure,and if not, for detectingits verificationof allegedlysecuresystems. A basic
flaws. Most of the modelsgiven in the literature point is that it is necessaryto verifynot only
are not mathematically rigorousenoughto support that some high level designspecification,such as
meaningfuldeterminations of the kind needed;sane might be implementedin PSC6 [Neumann,Eoyer,
do not suppcrta sufficiently generalviewof Feiertag,Levitt& Robinson~], satisfiessome
security(forexample,they may fail to handle security@icyt such as MLS, but one must also
breachesof securityby cooperatingmultiple verifythat the code for the systemactually
users);and some are restrictedto specifickinds satisfiesthe designspecification.In particular,
of system,or even to just one systen. These it will be necessaryto check at some levelthat
models are often very complex,and thus obscurethe such featuresas interruptsand manorymaps are
fundamentalintuitionwhich is usuallyvery simple. handledcorrectly. It is here that work on
securitykernelsbecomesrelevant,as attemptsto
Many of the most ccmplicatd securityproblems
arise in connectionwith so-calledcapability
systems;for example,the passingof capabilities In general,work on securitykernelshas not
among userscan lead to situationsin which it is addressedissuesof securitypolicy. For exanple,
difficultto determinewhetheror not securitycan [Popek& Farber78] presentsan automato~like
be violated. The rigorousmathematical model for a mechanismto enforceaccesscontrolin
verificationof non-trivialsecuritypoliciesfor their kernel,but they do not attemptto show that
such systemsseemsnot to have been previously it satisfiesany particularconstraintson the flow
studied. of information.Rather,they providesuggestions
on how to prove that some code satisfiestheir
model. Theirmcdel fallsunder our headingof
One assmption behindthis paper is that security~ “dynamiccapabilitysystems,”becausethey have a
is fundamentally a requiranentfor certainsystems “pclicymanager”processwhich can changethe
where we use the word “requirement”to refer to protectiondata of the system. Unfortunately, they
~he socialcontextof a system,ratherthan to some fail to stateany restrictionson this process.

[Rushby81al discussesthe notionof a “separation

kernel,”which it seemsmight be usefulfor
modellingand verifyingthe lowerlevelsof an
3Althoqh we will often speakas if concerned abstractmachinehierarchy,becauseit does permit
only with computersystems,in fact our aproach, discussionof interrupta,memorymaps, etc., and
includinggeneralpolicies,capabilitymcdel.s, and also simplifiessystemstructureby postulating
verificationcan also be applieddirectlyto manual separationand charnelcontrolpoliciesfor
or mixed manual-cc+nputer
systems,and our use of componentprocesses.
the word “system”shouldbe understoodin this
1.3 Sane Highlightsof the Approach
The systemwill also have information which is not
In orderto treata sufficiently wide varietyof concernedwith what is permitted;this will incltie
systems,we need a ratherabstractnotionof users’programs,data,messages,etc. we will call
system. This papergives a set theoreticmodel a ccmpletecharacterization of all such information
which is a sort of generalizedautcmaton,calleda a state of the systen,and we let S denotethe set
“capabilitysystem.” It has an ordinarystate of all such states. The systenwill provide
machinecomponent,and also a capabilitymachine comnandsthat changethesestates;theireffectcan
conpnent which keeps trackof what actionsare be describedby a function
permittedto what users. Systemswhich do not use
capabilitiescan be modelledwith this notion,
simplyby emittingthe capabilityccmponent.

We definewhat it means for one set of users to be whereC is the set of statechangingcommandsand U
is the set of users. It might be that if u is not
‘noninterferirq with” another;this formalizesthe
notionof informationnot flowingwhere it permittedto performa cmnd c, then do(s,u,c)=
shouldn’t,withoutassumingthat informationflow s; such securityrestrictionscan be implementedby
is necessarilytransitive.We next providea consultingthe capabilitytable,and are here
simplyasswnedto be built into the functiondo.
generaldefinitionof ‘securitypolicy”and discuss
that it means for a given capabilitysystemto
satisfya given securitypclicy,thus definingthe We will also assunethat for a given state and
securityverificationproblen. Finally,we suggest user,we know what output (if any) is sent to that
somemethcdsfor actuallycarryimgout such user. ‘ibisaspectof the systemcan be described
verifications. by a function

Recent work on abstractdata types suggeststhat it Out: sxu->out,

may be unnecessaryand even harmfulto separatea
data structurefrom the commandswhich create,
access,and modify it [Gcguen,Thatcher& Wagner where tit is the set of all possibleout~w~w~~ig.,
78, Guttag 75]. Furthermore,experiencewith screendisplaystates,listi!xp,etc.).
applicationssuggeststhat it is necessaryto take assunethat all information given to usersby the
accountof less conventionalcomnands,for example, system is encodedin this function. (Presumably
commandsthat “execute”data,or that “summarize” users can also get informationin otherways
it statistically.For this reason,we consid,er outsidethe system,but we do not attemptto
“abilities,” which are simplysets of commands. describethat.) Note that the functionout may
also consultthe capabilitytable in determinirq
its value.
1.4 Acknowledgements
puttingall this together,and addingan initial
We would very much like PeterNewnann,
to thank state,we get a simplifiedversionof our general
Karl Levitt,Rob Shostak,amd Rich Feiertagfor model to ~ given later,which is just an ordinary
theirvaluablecomnentson this work as it has automaton A significantadvantageof havingour
evolvedthroughseveraldraftsand lectures. We model based on a standardnotionlike the automaton
also thankDorothyDennirxg,Carl Landwehr,Roger is that an extensiveliteratureand well developed
Schell,Ken Shotting,and Gene Wiatrowskifor their intuitionbecome immediately applicableto our
valuablecomments. problemdcmain.

2 SecurityModels Definition1: A statemachineM consistsof the

following: ‘—
This section presents our technique for modelli~
securesystens,using standardstructuresfrom A set U whose elementsare called
automatontheoryin a way that incorporates “users.”
A set S whose elementsare called
2.1 StaticSystens
A set C whose elments are called“state
We first discussthe classiccase in which what camnands.”
users are permittedto do does not changeover
time. We may assnnethat all the informationabout A set Out whose elementsare called
what users are permittd to do is ncodedin a “outputs.”
together with

40f course,in an actual implementation,

informationmay be distributedanong a numberof
tables and algoriths. Exactly how this is done
does not concern us in this model; we only need an
abstract summary of what is permitted ard what is %ote that there is no assumptionhere that any
not. In this respect,our “capabilitytables”are of the sets involvedare finite. This convenient
much like the “accessmatrices”of [Lampson74]. fictionpermits,for example,the stateset S to
Thus, our abstractcapabilitiesshouldbe carefully includea pushdownstore,and allowsthe storageof
distinguished from “concretecapabilities,”
tiich arbitrarilylarge integersand arbitrarilylong
might be, for example,very longmachinewords used characterstriqs.
to actuallyimplementabstractcapabilities.
- A functionout: S x U -> Out which “tells - A set CC whose elementsare called
what a given user sees when the machine “capabilityccmmards.”
is in a given state,”calledthe output
function. togetherwith

-A functiondo: S x U x C -> S which

“tellshow statesare updatedby A functionout: S x Capt x U -> Out which
Ccmmands,”calledthe state transition “tellswhat a given user sees when the
function. machine,includingits capability
component,is in a given state,”called
- A constantsO, the,initial—
machinestate, the outputfunction.
an elementof S. Afunction do: SxcaptxU xX->S
which “tellshow statesare updatedby
[1 ccm’matis,”
calledthe .—
state transition
The connectionwith the standardform of the
definitionof statemachineis to take U x C to be A functioncdo: Capt x U x CC -> Capt
the set of inputs. which “tellshcw capabilitytablesare
updated,”calledthe capabilitytranstion
What we have called“users”couldalso be taken to
be “subjectsWin the more generalway in which that
- ConstantstO and sO, the “initial
word is sometimesused in operatingsystemstheory. capabilitytable”and the “initial
Processescan be handledin this way. machinestate,”respectivelyelementsof
Capt and of S.
2.2 Capabilitysystems

In order to handlethe dymuniccase, in which What For conveniencein the followinq,let C = CC U SC.
users are permittedto do can changewith time,we the set of all commands. ‘“
will assunethat in additionto the statemachine
featuresthere are also “capabilitycommands”that As we have formulatedcapabilitysystems,there are
can changethe capabilitytable. The effectsof no commandsthat changeboth the stateand the
such commandscan be describedby a function capabilitytable;however,if it is desird to
accc+nmdatesuch commandsfor some application,our
definitioncan be easilychangedto do so.
cdo: Capt x U x (X -> Capt ,
The capabilitycompnent of a capabilitysysta is
where Capt is the set of all possiblecapability itselfa statemachine,with state set Capt and
tables,U is the set of all users,ad CC is the inputset U x CC; it models the way in which the
setof capabilitycommands. (If a user u is not capabilitytable is updated,and includessuch
allowedto performthe capabilitycommandc on the possibilities as passingand creatingcapabilities.
table t, then cdo(t,u,c)may be just t again;as We will call it the capabilitysub-machineof the
before,this is determinedby consultingthe capabilitysystem. The entire=~~systen is
capabilitytable.) In order to distinguish a cascadecomection (in the senseof automaton
capabilitycomnandsfrom state comnards,in the theory,e.g. what is called“serialconnection”
followirqwe will denotethe set of all state in [Hartmanis& Stearns66]) of this machinewith
comnandsby SC. so that the state transitionsard anotherthat models the processingof all the non-
the outputscan be checkedfor securityagainstthe capabilityinformation, such as user files. In the
capabilitytable,we will add a capabilitytable following figure illustratiq this cascade
ccmponentto the state transitionfunctionand to connection, the function Check returns the
the outputfunction. information from the capability table needed to
determine whether or not a given cornnand is
Adding all this to the definition of a state authorized for a given user.
machine, and also addirxgan initial capability
table, we get the following as our basic concept: Let us call a subsetof C = SC U CC an ability, ati
let Ab denote the set of all such subsets. Then it
Definition2: A capabilitysystcrn
M consistsof wuld make sense, for example, to let Capt = [U ->
the followimg: Ah], the set of all functions from U to Ab, so that
a capability table wuld tell us exactly what
abilityeach user actuallyhas. However,our
A set U whose elementsare called abstractmodel does not requireany such particular
“users.” representation. We will discuss later on some
A set S whose elementsare called

A set SC whose elements are called “state


A set Out whose elementsare called


A set Capt whose elementsare called

Figure 1: CascadeConnectIon
particularmodelswhich use representations
like &at one groupof usersdoes using a
this to implementspecificsecuritypolicies. certainabilityhas no effecton what
Some othergroup of users sees.
Given a capabilitysystemM, we can definea system
transitionfunctionwhich describesthe effectof Section3.1 firstdiscussesstaticsecurity
~&unar& on”the cambind systemstate space,*ich policies,whichgive a set of noninterference
is S x Capt. This function assertionsthat are to hold independently of any
changesin the capabilitytable. After that,
csdo:SxCaptx UxC->S xcapt Section3.1 considersdynanicsecuritypolicies,
whose noninterference assetionsmay take accountof
the stateof the capabilitytable. It shouldbe
is defined,for s in S, t in Capt and u in U by notad that one may wish to imposestaticsecurity
policies(suchas MLS) even for systemswhere
= (do(s,t,u,c),t)
ifc is inSC capabilitiesmay be passed,arxlthat it is possible
to considerbth staticand dynamicpoliciesfor a

c) = (s,cdo(t,u,c))
if c is inCC. 3.1 StaticPoliciffi

We can now view a capabilitysystemas a state Let us beginwith some auxiliarynotation. Given a
machine,with state space S x Capt, inputspace (U statemachineM, let w be an elementof (U x C)*
x C) and outputspaceOut. We can thereforeextend and let u be a user. We define [[ w ]]u to be the
the systemtransitionfunctionin the classicalway “outputto u afterdoing w on M,” i.e.,
to stringsof inputs,by defining
[[ wllu=out([[wll,u) .
Csdo: Sxcapt x (uxc)*->sxcapt
It is the “denotationof w from the point of view
with the equations of user u.” Note that M may have additional
structureas a capabilitysystem. In that case,
the state spacehas the form S x Capt, the set C of
= (s,t) conmandsis a disjointunionCC U SC of state and
capabilitytable changi~ commands,and the state
and transitionfunctionis csdo. TTXJ.S, all the general
definitionsgiven below also applyto capability
(u,c))= csdo(csdo(s,t,w),u,c) systems. However,it is simplerto state them for
a arbitrarystate transitionsystem.
for s inS, t inCapt, u inU, c inC, amiiw in (U
x C)*, where NIL denotesthe anptystringand the Our secondauxiliarynotationhas to do with the
“dot” denotesstringconcatenation.we will USS selectionof subsequencesof user-commandpairs.
the notation
Definition3: Let G C U be a “group”of users,
let A ~C be an ability,and let wbe in (U x C)*.
[[ w]] = Csdo(to,co,w)
Thenye let l%(w)denote the subsequenceof w
obtainedby e iminatingthosepairs (u,c)with u in
for the “denotation”or effectof the inputstring G. Similarly,we let PA(w) denotethe subsequence
w on states,startingfrom the initialstateof the of w obtainedby eliminatingthose pairs (u,c)with
whole system. c in A. Combiningthese tm, we let PG A(w) denote
the subsequenceof w obtainedby eliml~atimgthe
We now recallone more conceptfrom classical pairs (u,c) with u in G and c in A. []
automatontheory,and then specializeit to the
case at hand. A state s of a statemachineM is For exanple,if G = {u,v}and A = {c1,c2},then
reachableiff there is some w in C* such that
[[ w ]] = s. But noticethat the set of reachable
statesof a capabilitysystemwill not in general ~,A( (u’,cl)
(v’,c1)) =
be a Cartesianproductof a set of (ordinary)
= (U’,
statesand a set of capabilitytables. However,
the set of reachablestateswill alwaysbe the where u’,v’ are other users and C3 is another
state set of a reachablesubmachine,the reachable command.
capabilitysubsysta of the given capability
Nowwe are ready for the basic technicalconceptof
noninterference,tiich we give in threedifferent
forms (wewill latergeneralizeall this to
3 SecurityPolicies conditionalnoninterference).
Whereasthe previoussectionpresentedour approach
to nmdellingsecuresystems,this sectionpresents
our approachto definingsecuritypolicies. The
purpse of a securitypolicy is to declarewhich
informationflowsare not to be permitted. Giving
such a securitypolicycan be reducedto giving a
set of noninterference
assertions. Each
noninterferenceassertionsays that
Definition4: Given a statemachineM and sets G, describesituationswhere passinginformation
G’ of users,we say thatG does not interferewith acrossboundariesis permitted,for examplewhen
(or is non-interferingwith~,~ltten G :Im informationis declassifi~,or when it is
iff for~l w in (U x C)* and all u inG’, controlledby discretionaryaccess.

[[ WIIU= [[pG(w) IIu ●

Example2: MultilevelSecurity. Let L be a simply
orderedset of “securitylevels,”such as
{unclassified, secret,top-secret],with ordering
Similarly,given an abilityA and a groupG of relations, as in [Bell& LePadula74]. Assume
users,we say that A ——
does not interferewith G, that we are given a functionLevel:U -> L. We now
writtenA :1 G, iff for.allwln (Uxc)=ii u in need abit more notation. Forx inL, let
= { u inU I Level(u)sx }
[[w]]u= [[PA(W) IIu .
u[x,+=]={ uinU I Level(u)~x}
More generally,users inG with abilityAdo not
interferewith users in G’ writtenA,G :1 ~~ where we do not assumethat there actuallyare
for all w ~U~* and u in G, minimunand ~imun elements(-wand w) in L. Then
a capabilitysystemM is multilevelsecurewith
respectto the given level function-or all x
[[ w IIu= [[ PG,A(W)IIu . > x’ in L, the noninterferenceassertion

[1 U[X,+=J]:1 U[--,x’l
Althoughwe have statedthesedefinitionsfor state
machines,they apply immediatelyto capability holds for M.
systemsbecausewe have shown that capbility
systemsare also statemachines. In the following The functionLevelmight be storedin the
we will generallybe applyingthesedefinitionsto capabilityccmponentof the system,and it is not
the case of dynamicallychangingcapabilitiesas assunedto be necessarilyconstant. Or the —
coveredby capabilitysystems. capabilitycomponentmight be much more complex,
containinginformationon who is allowedto change
Example1: It followsfrcm the abovedefinition classifications,or to pass capabilitiesto change
that if A :1 {u), then the commendsin A have no classifications.This will be discussedbelow.
effectwhatsoeveron the output seen by u. For
exanple,if A is the abilityto create,write, Let us call a group G of users invisible(relative
modify or deletea file F, then “A noninterfering to other users) iff G :1 ~ (“invisible” seems
with u“ means that the informationread frcm F by u appropriatefor these usersbecausethey can see
cannotbe changedby any commandsin A. In withoutbeing seen). It is very easy to express
particular,if F did not originallyexist,then u -MISusirq this notion:
will alwaysbe told that F doesn’texist,
independently of what commandsin A may actually
have done. [] for every level x, U[x,+~]is invisible.

Notice that neitherthe “noninterfering with” MLS easilygeneralizesto a partiallyorderedset L

relation,nor its complementrelation,“potentially of securitylevels,just by replacing“x > x’” by
interferingwith,” are assunedto be transitive. ‘x is not < X1.” This generalization permitsME
This means that we are able to considerthe fully to enccmpa=scompartments:if c is a level such
generalcase of intransitiveinformationflow. that for all x in L, neitherx > c nor c > x, then
c is completelyisolatedfrom all other levels,and
the usersof level c are a ‘ccrnpartment.$’It is
This conceptof noninterfering is similarto also easy to expressthis generalizationin terms
conceptsgiven in [Feiertag,Levitt& Robinson77] of invisibility:
and [Feiertag80], in that both considerisolating
the effectsof sequencesof commatis;however,the
conceptcapturedhere is more general,as we can fOr every levelx, U - U[-,x] is invisible,
treat arbitrarypclicies(notjust MLS) and our
capabilitymachineapproachallowsus to treat
dynamicallychangingcapabilitytables. where “-” denotesset difference. []

Exmple 3: SecurityOfficer.Supposethat the set A

We are now ready for the major conceptof the
paper. consistsof exactlythose comnandsthat can change
the capabilitytable,and supposethat our desired
policy is that there is just one designateduser,
Definition5: A securit lic is a set of “s.ecor”the SecurityOfficer,whose use of those
‘v comnandswill have any effect. This ~licy is
simplyexpressedby the singlenoninterference
This definitionseems to b fullygeneralfor
statingrestrictions, or the lack of restrictions,
on informationflow,once the generalization to &-{seco} :1 u .
conditionalnoninterference has been given. In
particular,it can handledowngrading,multi- [1
user/multi-keyaccess,canpartmentation, and
channelcontrol;it can easilyand naturally
Exauple4: Isolation. A group G of users is 3.2 DynanicPolicies
isolated(o~rated, or is a compartment)iff
~and -G :I G. ‘Iheisolationpolicysays that Dynamicpolicies,i.e.,policieswhich dependon
nothingcan flow in or out Qf the groupG. A system the stateof the capabilityccmponentof a system,
is completelyisolatedif everyuser is isolated. can be handladusingconditionalnoninterference
This is a policythat [Rushby81a] wishesto prove assertions. For stat~l~, no conditioning
forhis separationkernels. [1 of the noninterferenceassertionsis needed,
becausethe assertionsare supposedto hold always.
Example5: ChannelControl. A very generalnotion 8ut for dyrwnnic
policies,whetheror not a given
of channelIS lust a set of comnarxis,
i.e.,an user u can interferewith anotheruser v, by usirq
abilityA C O. Let G ad G’ be groupsof users. an operationc may vary with time. ‘he conditions
Then the poiicysayingthat G and G’ can that we attachto noninterferenceassertionswill
communicate~ throughthe channelA is be predicatesdefinedover the sequencesof
operationsused to reachthe currentstate. The
basicdefinitionfollows. It gives only the
-A,G :IG’ and-A,G’ :1 G . generalcase “mixed”noninterference, with both
usersand operationsinvolved. Furthermotivation
(Thisis our formalizationofa conceptin [Rushby is providedwith Examples7 and 8 below.
81b]). []
Definition6: Let G and G’ be sets of users,let A
Example6: InformationFlow. In order to show how be a set of comnands,and let P be a predicate
informationflow can be~luded underour more definedover (U x C)*. Then G using A is
generalconceptof noninterference, let us suppose noninterferirxjwith G’ underconditionP, written
that a, b, c and d are ‘processes,”and that AII A2
and A3 are “charnels,”such that a, b, c, and d can G,A:l G’ifP
conrnunicateonly as indicatedin the figurebelow, .
in which informationcan flow only to the right
iff for all u’ in G’ and for all w in (U x C)*,

[[w]]u, = [[ p(w) ]]u, ,

where p is definedby

P (J) =J,

where ~ is the empty string,and

p(ol...On)= o’1...n’n


Figure 2: An InformationFlow Diagram

o’i =\ if P(O’~...i’1)l)
andoi= ‘“’a)

withuinGandainA ,
The constraintsimpliedby this pictureincludethe
followingnoninterferenceassertions: and

{b,c,d}:1 {a} -Al,{a] :! {b,c,d] “i = oi otherwise.

{c,d} :1 {b} -A2,{b] :1 {c}
{C} :1 {d} -A3r{b] :1 {d} -– c..- —1-.,—— 2_z,-:L2-_ -<
—.-L -
rne reason~or glvmg sucn a mqmex uer~nlclotl -–-—.
UI _..

{d} :1 {C}
the projectionfunctionp is to take accountof the
fact that theremay be some subsequencesin a long
sequenceof corrmandsthat are noninterferi~,while
othersmay be interfering.
We will show in a futurepaper how to formally
producea completeset of of noninterference The examplesbelowgive severalconditional
assertionsfrom an informationflow diagramlike noninterferenceassertionsand show how they apply
that of Figure2. For the manent,let us note that to commandsequences.
the left group of assertionsare purely
topological, while the rightgroup encode Exsmple7: Discretionary Access. In this ex~Ple,
informationabut the specificabilitiesmentioned we assmnethe existenceof a functionCHECK(W,U,C),
in the graph. [] which looks at the capabilitytable in state [[ w
]] to see whetheror not u is authorizedto do
comnandc; it returnstrue if he is, arxlfalse if
not. We can then regardCHECK(U,C)as a predicate
on cornnandsequencesw. One generalpolicythat we
wish to enforcefor all usersu and all commarxls c
(*) {u},{c}:1 u~not CHD2K(U,C),
where U is the set of all users. This jUSt SSYS Example 8: Bailout-Function.We now expressa
that u cannot interfereusing c if he does not have dynamicpollcyhavingone functionthat differs
the capabilityto use C in that state. fran standardMIS; the purposeof this ex?anple is
of courseto illustratethe use of our conditional
NOW let us considerthe case where for each user u noninterference assertionformalism,ratherto
and comnandc, there is anothercomnand,denot~ argue for or againstany particularsecurity
pass(u,c),tiich says to pass to u the abilityto plicy. In this plicy, there is a commandB that
do c; of course,the user issuingthlsc_ndmaY when executedchangesthe lwel of the user to the
or may not be authorizedto do so. we need a bit lowestsecuritylevel in an irrevocable manner.
more notation. If w is a comnandsequenceof the l’bus,we assumea simplyorderedset L of security
form w’.o, let previous(w)=w’.and let last(w)= lwels, with bottomlevel “Uric” say, and with a
O. Then let us write c=(prevlo~~ufc) ‘or ‘ie functionLevel from users to levels. Then the
predicateCHECK(previous(w),u,c) of w: Now the policy is statd with the followingnoninterference
policythat we wish to enforceregardinguse of the assertionsfor each user u
pass ccmmandis
{u} :! U[-oo,Lwel(u))
—if CHECK(u,B),
(**) {u},{c} :! U~[not gy(previo~tu~c)l
tiereU[~, x) = { u’ I Level(u’)< x }, and
[if CHiXK(previous,u’
then not last= (u’,psss(u,c))] U(Unc,*] :1 {u) .if not CHECK(u,B),

This says that u usirg c camot interfereif in the whereU(Unc,+=]= { u’ I Level(u’)>Unc } ,

previousstatehe didn’thave the capabilityto use assumingthe followingabout the functionCHIXK,
C, UnleSSsome user u’ havingthe capabilityin the for everysequencewof comnanflsr user u, and
previousstate to pass u the abilityto use c, in operationor
fact did so.
— not o=(u,B)
The correspondingassertionfor the revocation
operation,which we shalldenoteunpass(u,c),is CHECK(W.(U,B),U,B)= false ,
{u},{c}:! U —ifCHECK(previous,u’,unpass(u,c)) arxl
and last = (u’,unpass(u,c))
CHECK(j,u,B)= true .
This says that u can’t interfereusing c if in the
state previousto tryingto use c, some user U* who
had the capabilityto revokeu’s capabilityto use 3.3 SecurityPolicyDefinitionLanguage
c in fact did SO.
Our definitionof security~licy suggeststhat a
Let us see how Definition6 appliesto a particular specializedrequirementlanguagecan be given for
sequenceof commandsand the assertion(**). Let statingsecuritypolicies,such that the basic
us suPPosethat user u’ has capabilitytouse the statments of this languageare noninterference
comnardpass(u,c),i.e.,that for all strirqsw of assertions.Notice that each such assertioncan be
ccmmands, seen as an infiniteset of equalitiesof sequences
of commands;this set can also be expressedas one
= T equationhavingone secondorderquantifierover
ccmmandsequences. We believethat the very simple
and form that these assertionshave will permitus to
constructa specialpurposeverificationtool,
),u,c)= T . ratherlike the MLS tool of [Feiertag80], but
applicableto any policythat can be formulatedin
Furthersup~se that u does not initiallyhave the larguage. Two steps in the operationof such a
capabilityfor c, and that (u’’,d)is tool are to eliminateall explicitinduction,and
noninterferirqwith the capabilityof u to use c, then to translateinto the simplerlogical
i.e., formalismof a mechanicaltheoremprover. We hope
to discussthis in futurework.
= T
and for each w, 4 Less Abstract Models of CapabilitySystems

d),u,c)= C~K(W,U,C) . Specificsystems,such as PSC6, can be modelledin
our franework,by instantiatingthe varioussets
Then, for example,(**)says that for any user v, and functionsinvolvd in Definition2. This can
be done in many differentspecificationformalisms,
[[ (u,c)(u’,pass(u,
]]v= includingthe statemachineapproachof SPECIAL
[Levitt,Robinson& Silverberg79]; the first
[[ (u’,pass(u,c)
]]v , order logicdecisionprocedureapproachof STP
[Shostak,Schwartz&Nelliar-gnith81]; the
i.e.,that the first instanceof (u,c)in the inductivedefinitionover listsand numbers
comnandsequencehas no observableeffect. [] approachof [Boyer& Moore 80]; the parameterized
procedureapproachof CLEbR [Burstall& Goguen77]
or in a more usableform,ORDINARY[Goguen&
Burstall80]; and the executableabstractdata
type/rewriterule approachof WJ [Goguen& Tardo

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