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Wireless Computer Networks (WCN)

M. E. Computer ( 1st Semester)

Submitted by: Hemant D. Vasava (09CP10)

From Iti Saha Mishra


Problem 2.44:

A base transmitting antenna with unity gain produces 50 watts of power. The operating frequency
is 900 MHz. A receiving antenna at the mobile station with a gain of 2 located at distance of 5 km
from the base transmitter is used for the power reception. Calculate the received power at the
mobile station using a two ray prorogation model if the height of the base transmitter and mobile
station are 40 m and 1 m respectively above the ground.


Here, given

Gt = 1, Gv = 2

hb = 40m, hm = 1m

d = 5km = 5000 m

Pr = Pt* Gt* Gv* (hb2 * hm2)/d2

Pt = 50 watts

10 log Pt = 10 log 50

= 46.99

10 log Po = 10 log Pt + 10 log Gt + 10 log Gv + 20 log hb + 20 log hm

= 46.99 + 10 log (1) + 10 log (2) + 20 log (40) + 20 log (1)

= 46.99 + 0 + 3.01 + 32.04 + 0

10 log Po = 82.04 dBm

Pr = Po * d-α (α = 4)

10 log Pr = 10 log Po – 40 log d

= 82.04 – 40 log (5000)

= 82.04 – 147.96

= - 65.92 dBm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Answer)

Problem 4.44:

A CDMA system is defined with the following parameter:

Frequency reuse efficiency nf=0.65, Eb/No =11 dB, the information bit transmission rate is 19.2
kbps, system bandwidth W=12.5 Mhz. Neglecting all other sources of interferences, determine the
system capacity and Spectral efficiency of the CDMA System. Discuss the effect of Eb/No on the


Eb/No = PG*nf / (Nm -1 + nf * (Pn/S)) --------------------- (1)


PG is the Process Gain or Spreading Factor = W/Rb

Rb = Bit Transmission Rate = 19.2 kbps

W = System Bandwidth = 12.5 MHz

nf = Frequency Reuse Efficiency= 0.65

Nm = no of users per cell

Eb/No = Bit Energy per Total noise power spectral density = 11 dB = 12.59

In equation (1) Neglecting Pn/S

Eb/No = (PG*nf) / ( Nm-1)

System Capacity Nm = [ (PG*nf) / (Eb/No) ]+1

= [((W/Rb) * nf) / (Eb/No) ]+1

= [ (12.5*106)/(19.2*103) * 0.65 / 12.59 ] + 1

= 34.612

System Capacity Nm = 34 Users / cell (Approximate) -------------------------------------------- (Answer)

Spectral Efficiency of System

n = Nm * ( Rb / W) bits/s/Hz

= 34 *[ (19.2*103) / (12.5*106) ]

Spectral Efficiency of System = 0.05222 bits/s/Hz ---------------------------------------------- ( Answer )

Problem 4.45:

In a Single cell CDMA system with an omni-directional antenna , the Eb/No=10 dB is required for
each user. If there are 150 users each with a transmission data rate of 13 kbps needing to be
accommodated, what will be the minimum channel bit rate of the spread spectrum chip sequence
considering no voice activity factor and with a voice activity factor of 0.4 .


Given Eb/No = 10 dB = 10

Nm = No of users per cell = 150

Tb = 1/13 * 10 -3 = reprents the period of one Data bit

Tc = represents the Period of One Chip

Chiprate = 1/Tc

PG = Tb/Tc (Processing Gain or Spreading Factor)

First Without voice activity Factor

Eb/No =PG * (Nm-1)

10 * (Nm-1)= Tb/Tc

Tc = Tb / ( 10* (Nm-1))

= (1/13 * 10-3 ) / (10 * (150 -1)

= (1/13 * 10-3 ) / (10 * (149))

Tc = 1.9372 * 107 Chips / Second -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Answer)

Second with Voice Activity Factor

Nm-1 = (1/Bv) [ PG / (Eb /No) ]

Bv = Parameters to account for Voice activity factor = 0.4

Nm-1 = (1/Bv) [ (Tb/Tc) / (Eb /No) ]

Nm – 1 =(1/0.4) [ ( (1/13 * 10-3 ) / Tc ) /10 ]

150 – 1 = (1/0.4) [ ( (1/13 * 10-3 ) / Tc ) /10 ]

Tc = 0.4 * ((1/13 * 10-3 ) / (10 * (149))

= 0.4 * 1.9372 * 107 Chips/S

Tc = 0.7748 * 10 7 Chips / S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Answer)

Problem 4.46:

Repeat problem 4.45 with 3 sector antenna system and a voice activity factor of 0.4. Discuss the
result in comparison with problem 4.45.


Here voice factor Bv = 0.4 & 3 sectors

Nm = 1 + (1/Bv) [ PG / (Eb /No) ]

= 3.237 * 107 Chips / Second


Tc = 0.4 * Nm * 3

= 0.4 * 1.9372 * 107 * 3

= 2.3246 * Chips / Second ------------------------------------------------------------------ (Answer)

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