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SOCIAL STUDIES PART - B (Subjective Type)
Part A:50 marks, Part B:50 Marks, Total:100 Marks

School Name---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Student Name:-------------------------------------------------------------- Section:-----------------------

Roll Number-------------------------------------------------------------------- Date---------------------------

General Instructions:  
1. Read carefully and attempt all questions.  
     1
2. A question can consist of one or more parts.     
   2
3. Use black/blue ink for writing, Use of Lead Pencil      /     3
is not allowed.    
Total Marks: 50 Part-B (Multiple Choice Questions) Total Time:1Hour 45 Minutes

      

  (a) 26  
Pakistan has great geographical importance in South Asia? Explain.

      (b)

Describe longitude and latitude of Pakistan.
     (a) 26  
What is meant by latitude?Explain.
     (b)
What is meant by longitude?Explain.

      (a) 26  

 
What is map? Explain physical maps.

        (b)

Write a note on North mountain ranges of Pakistan.

     

 (a) 26  
Write a note on plateaus of Pakistan.

   
 

Write a note on the people of different physical regions of Pakistan.

[Grade-5, Social Studies, Part-B, SBA] Page 1

   
 (a) 26  
Write a note on Upper Indus Plain.

   
 (b)
Write a note on Lower Indus Plain.

     (a) 27  

Explain the causes of global warming.

     

 (b)
Write five impacts of climate on the people's lives.

   
(a) 27  
Write a note on Solar Calendar.

    (b)

Write a note on Islamic Calendar.

     (a) 27  

 
Explain two nation theory.

    (b)

 
Describe the services of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

   (a) 27  
Write a note on Partition of Bengal.

   
 /
   (b)
Write a note on the Age of Exploration/Tourism.

   
 (a) 27  
Write a note on Khilafat Movement.

      

 (b)
Write a note on Lahore Resolution.

        

  (a) 28 
what is meant by federal government? Write names of three branches of federal government.

    

 
 1973 (b)
Describe five rights of citizens of Pakistan according to 1973 constitution.

     

 a 28  
Write a note on National Assembly of Pakistan.

    (b)

Write a note on Senate of Pakistan.

[Grade-5, Social Studies, Part-B, SBA] Page 2

      
 a 28  
Write a note on the duties of President of Pakistan.

       

 (b)
Write a note on the duties of Prime Minister of Pakistan.

   
  a 28  
Write a note on Cabinet of Pakistan.

   
 
 (b)
Write a note on relation between Federal and Provincial governments of Pakistan.

    
   a 28  
Write a note on Supreme Court of Pakistan.

      (b)

Write a note on national problems of Pakistan.

    
    
 (a) 29  
Write names of five main newspapers of Pakistan.

      
      (b)
Describe the role of means of communication in the development of a country.

    
    
(a) 29  

Write five of the means of communication.

   
       ( b)
Write five advantages of means of communication.

  
 
 (a) 29  
Write a short note on the importance of computer.

  
    ( b)
Write a short note on the importance of internet.

  
  
 (a) 29  
Write a short note on the importance of radio.
  
    ( b)
Write a short note on the importance of telecommunication.

   
      (a) 29  
Television is the best meams of communication. Explain.

  
    (b)
Write a short note on the importance of newspapers.

[Grade-5, Social Studies, Part-B, SBA] Page 3

     
 (a) 30  
How do minorities celebrate their festivals in Pakistan? Explain.
    
  (b)
Write a note on marriage traditions of Pakistan.
     (a) 30  
Write a note on Punjabi Culture.
    
Write a note on food of Pakistan.
     (a) 30  
Write a note on religious festivals of Pakistan.
    
Write a note on sports played in Pakistan.
       (a) 30  
Write the role of commercial banks in Pakistan.
        
 (b)
Write the role of State Bank of Pakistan as caretaker of foreign exchange.
         
  (a) 30  
Why State Bank of Pakistan is called the bank of the government? Explain.
     
   
   
Explain the role of federal Government in the economy of Pakistan.

[Grade-5, Social Studies, Part-B, SBA] Page 4

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