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21 de julio de



STUDENT: ____________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________

SECTION I. Write the correct word from the box.

 Mother  Son  Brother

 Grandmother  Grandfather  Parents
 Father  Daughter  Cousin
 Sister  Baby

SECTION II. Make sentences with ´s. Use the information above.
1.- ___________________________________________________
2.- ___________________________________________________
3.- ___________________________________________________
5.- ___________________________________________________
6.- ___________________________________________________
7-. ___________________________________________________

SECTION III. Write the correct possessive adjective .

1.- Where are (you) _______ friends now?
2.- Here is a postcard from (I) _____ friend Peggy.
3.- She lives in Australia now with (she) _____ family.
4.- (She) ______  husband works in Newcastle.
5.- (He) _____  company builds ships.
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21 de julio de

6.- (They) _____ children go to school in Newcastle.

7.- (I) ______  husband and I want to go to Australia, too.
8.- We want to see Peggy and (she) _____  family next winter.
9.- This is (We) _____ car! Not (you) ______!
10.- Because it is (they) ______ computer.

SECTION IV. Underline the correct possessive adjective .

 1.- Hello! His/My/Our name is Paulette.
 2.- What is my/ her/ your name? ‘I’m Paul’.
 3.- Is Cinthia my/his/your sister? ‘Yes, she is’.
 4.- What is his/her/their name? ‘She is Emma’.
 5.- I have a brother. My/his/your name is Ross.
 6.- Is it your case? ‘Yes, it’s his/my/their case’.
 7.- Our/Your/Its family name is Capellini. We’re from Italy.
 8.- Mara is from Russia. Its/My/Her flat is in Moscow.
 9.- Is this a photo of his/her/your family? ‘Yes, mom, dad and my sister’.
 10.- Who is your best friend? ‘Their/Our/My best friend is Simon’.

SECTION V. Write the correct possessive adjective .

 1.- I’m Marcus and this is _____ garden.
 2.- My mother’s Susan and this is _____ hat.
 3.- They’re Robert and Adam and this is ______ bedroom.
 4.- This is my sister. _______ name is Emeline.
 5.-These are my teachers, ________ names are Tom and Anne.
 6.- We are friends. _______ hobbies are walking and running.
 7.- This is my brother, _______ name is Robert.
 8.- She lives in Australis with ______ family.
 9.- _____ husband and I are on holiday.
 10.- Hello. ______ name is Peter.

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