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Date Submitted:

Instructor: Atty. Mark Jasper G. Cielo, RCh
1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Worksheet 3 – Contracts
REFERENCE: Philippine Conflict of Laws by Edgardo Paras
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer in essay form all the questions herein unless otherwise
Factual Situations instructed.
Point of All Legal
Basismust beIllustrate
in your own hand.
1. Formal or Lex Loci Celebrationis
NAME:Extrinsic Validity YEAR LEVEL:

PART 1: Synopsis of Conflict of Laws in Obligations and Contracts
a. Alienation Complete the table
and below by
encumbrance supplying the
of properties missing contents
of the blank cells.
Do take note, that
A and B signed and your legal basis
acknowledged a may be Philippine
service contract Laws and
b. Consular before the Jurisprudence,
Contracts consulate of the international laws
Philippines in
with binding
application to the
Philippines, or
4. Capacity of
American Laws
Parties and Jurisprudence,
when local laws
are silent. (20
Exception: points)

There are certain contracts, that, by their nature may pose a challenge as to determining the
a. Alienation
applicable law.and
Complete the table that summarizes various kinds of contracts below by
encumbrance of
supplying the missing contents of the blank cells. In making illustrations, be direct to the point
and general. Remember to use letters to identify the parties to the contract being illustrated. (25

6. Intrinsic Validity Lex Contractus, in its

broad sense, which may

1. Lex Voluntatus

2. Lex Intentionis
Factual Situations Point of Legal Basis Illustrate

Sales and Barters, as


PART 2: Formal/Extrinsic Validity of Contracts

A and B,
Extrinsic both Filipinos, executed a Power of Attorney in favor of C in State AAA and had the
document acknowledged before the Consul of the Philippines in State AAA. C used the SPA
given, to sell a property to D. A and B filed suit to nullify the sale, and argued that the Power of
Attorney is invalid for not complying with the formal requisites of State AAA, which requires
both a thumbmark and a signature – the former was lacking. Will A and B’s suit prosper?
(Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)
Capacity of Parties
Intrinsic Validity
Lease of Service, as
Extrinsic Validity
Capacity of Parties
Intrinsic Validity

PART 3: Capacity of the Contracting Parties

Lease of Property, as
A, a 17 year-old US Citizen of the State of Illinois of Chinese descent was hired as a Chinese to
English translator by a Filipino Company, represented by B, a Filipino. Three months after
signing and perfecting the contract of service in Chicago, Illinois, USA, and serving as
Interpreter in the Philippines for B’s Filipino Company, he decided to quit and return to the US.
A was accepted back in his home country for his dream job, and was going to leave in a month.
B sued Validity
Extrinsic A for damages in the breach of the contract of service which bound him to serve for one
year. A claimed he was a minor under Philippine Law, hence his contract was defective for his
lack of capacity to contract. Does B have capacity to contract in the case at bar? Cite
Jurisprudence. (Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)
Capacity of Parties

PART 4: Intrinsic Validity

X and Y entered into a contract in Madrid, Spain, wherein it was agreed that X would construct
for Y an apartment in Manila, the consideration being Y’s house and lot in San Francisco,
California. The laws of what country or countries would govern:
(a) the validity of the contract;
(b) its performance;
(c) its consideration? Cite your Legal Basis and discuss your Reasoning.
(Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)
What laws govern the transportation of goods, by a common carrier, from an EU member state to
the Philippines. Discuss as to:
a) primary law to be applied,
b) subsidiary law to be applied,
c) when neither (a) nor (b) , may be applied, and,
d) loss, destruction and deterioration in transit.
(Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)

Justina Santos, an aged Filipino woman, leased to Wong, a Chinese citizen, a parcel of land on
Rizal Avenue, Manila, for a period of fifty (50) years, and also gave to the latter an option to
purchase the same (within said period of 50 years), payable in 10 years, on the condition that
Wong would become a Filipino. Justina died. Wong also died without having become a Filipino.
Justina’s administrator, the Philippine Banking Corporation now sues Wong’s estate and
surviving spouse (administratrix of her husband’s estate) for the recovery of the land. It was
alleged that no recovery should be allowed — firstly, because the contract was validly entered
into, and secondly, assuming the nullity of the same, Justina’s administrator should not be
allowed to recover on the theory that Justina herself was a party to the transaction.
(a) Is the contract valid?
(b) May Justina’s administrator recover the land?
(Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)

An American corporation delivered in America to a German corporation a consignment of

agricultural machinery to be carried on the German steamer “Bulgaria.” Vladivostok, Russia,
was the place of destination. Under the BILL OF LADING, it was stipulated that in case of
disputes under the contract; the question would be, at the carrier’s option, decided exclusively
by German courts applying German law.. During the voyage, war broke out between Germany
and Russia, and the ship had to go in the meantime to Manila. While in Manila, the shipper
asked either for a transhipment of the goods to Russia, or their surrender by the carrier. When
the carrier refused, the shipper started suit in Manila. The carrier raised the issue of jurisdiction,
alleging that under the terms of the bill of lading, Philippine courts had no jurisdiction. Is the
argument of the carrier tenable? (Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)

Date Submitted:
Instructor: Atty. Mark Jasper G. Cielo, RCh
1st Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Worksheet 4 – Property, Wills and Succession

REFERENCE: Conflict of Laws (Private International Law) by Ruben E. Agpalo
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer in essay form all the questions herein unless otherwise
instructed. All answers must be in your own hand.



PART 1: Review – Real and Personal Properties

In bullet points, enumerate what are considered as REAL Properties, under Philippine Laws.
(5 points)
In bullet points, enumerate what are considered as PERSONAL Properties, under Philippine
Laws. (5 points)

In bullet points, what are the ways that ownership accrues over a property? (5 points)

PART 2: Lex Loci or Lex Rei Sitae

Reconcile Lex Loci with Lex Rei Sitae. Are the same concepts? If not, distinguish one form the
other. (5 points)

Digest the captioned case below paying focus on ownership of real property in relation to
conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: Cheesman v. IAC (193 SCRA 93)

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: ________________

Digest the captioned case below paying focus on ownership of real property in relation to
conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: Sarsosa Vda. De Barsobia v. Cuenco

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: 1982


Digest the captioned case below paying focus on ownership of real property in relation to
conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: Llanto v. Co Ling Change

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: 1990

Digest the captioned case below paying focus on ownership of real property in relation to
conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: The Holy See v. Rosario Jr.

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: 1994


Digest the captioned case below paying focus on real properties located outside the country in
relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: Laurel v. Garcia (187 SCRA 797)

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: 1990


Digest the captioned case below paying focus on real property rights over a real property located
outside the country in relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: Paderanga v. Buisan (226 SCRA 786)

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: 1993

PART 3: What is a Will?
Draft a Holographic Will, for Testator AAA B. CCC, with only one compulsory heir ZZZ Y. CCC,
conveying to him his entire estate. (10 points)

Distinguish Notarial Will and Holographic Will. (5 points)

Distinguish testate and intestate succession. (5 points)

PART 4: Extrinsic Validity of Wills

Arnold and Bea are both Filipinos domiciled in Ontario, Canada. They executed a Joint Will
which is allowed in Ontario. Is the will valid?
(Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)

Giovanni, an Italian Citizen who is residing in the Philippines for a long vacation, suddenly fell
deathly ill. He hurriedly had a will made in accordance with the Laws of Italy. In its probate,
one of Giovanni’s heirs were able to prove foreign law of Italy. However, another heir, protested
the probate since, the will, was not drafted according to the forms and solemnities of the
Philippines. He claims lex loci celebrationis should have been the guiding principle in the
drafting of the will. Can the will be given due course in the Philippines? (Answer this question
in the Bar Exam manner.) (10 points)

PART 5: Probate of Wills

A client, Edgardo Salazar, a Filipino, died testate in Madrid, Spain. His heirs, likewise Filipinos,
already had his will probated in the courts of Spain. Realizing that their decedent had personal
and real properties in the Philippines, they came home to execute the will as to these properties.

They now come to you asking in consultation, what are the steps they ought to take to give
effect to the will.

Complete the Legal Opinion as to the steps he is to undertake to get give effect to the Will, given
only the facts above and those in the template below. (20 points)

In re: Execution of the Will of Edgardo Salazar

I am rendering this Legal Opinion upon request of John Smith himself concerning the issue of his

The client submitted to me the following documents:

1. Original Copies of the Last Will and Testament of Edgardo Salazar with Consular Authentication of
2. Judgement of Probate of Will in the Court of Spain with Consular Authentication of Document
3. Excerpt of Spanish Laws on Probate of Wills with Consular Authentication of Document

Based on his narration of pertinent acts, and the documents evidencing such facts herein attached, I hereby
render the following Legal Opinion, on the pertinent steps to give effect to the decedent’s will.

PART 5: Situs of Shares of Stocks
Digest the captioned case below paying focus on real property rights over a real property located
outside the country in relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: Tayag v. Benguet Consolidated Inc. (26 SCRA 242)

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: 1968

Digest the captioned case below paying focus on Situs of Shares of Stockslocated outside the
country in relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: Wells Fargo Bank and Union v. Collector of Internal Revenue

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: June 28, 1940


Digest the captioned case below paying focus on Situs of Shares of Stocks located outside the
country in relation to conflict rules herein discussed. (10 points)

CAPTION: Wells Fargo Bank and Union v. Collector of Internal Revenue

G.R. No.:_______________
DATE: June 28, 1940


PART 6: Law on Successional Rights; Intrinsic Validity

A Texan executed a will disposing his properties in the Philippines. In his will however, he named his
paramour, and two illegitimate children as his heirs. His wife and legitimate children were all excluded in
the will, without any mention. The legitimate children in the Philippines opposed the will citing their
legitime under Philippine Laws. The wife, being a Lawyer, no longer opposed considering she knew that
the conflict rules governing the case would favor the allowance of the Will of the decedent.

During trial, the proponents of the will failed to prove Texan law.

Can the Will be allowed? (Answer this question in the Bar Exam manner.) (15 points)

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