Saint Thomas Aquinas College: Understanding Our Faith: Morality and Vocation

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Sogod, Southern Leyte


Name: _____________________________________ Score: _____________

Course & Year: _______________________________ Date:


Subject: Subject: Theo 2A ( Intro to Theo of Values and The Commandments )

Module Title: The Meaning of Morality

Learning Outcome:
a. Pray for God’s guidance in their actions.
Understanding our Faith : Morality and Vocation


The situations we analyzed presented attitudes, actions, or behavior that are either right or wrong. Such
attitudes, actions, or behavior constitute what is known as morality.

The Meaning of Morality

There are terms that are used to describe the morality of a person.

Moral correctly judges between right or wrong.

Amoral does not concern with any moral standard.
Immoral does not act in conformity with accepted principles.

There are different definitions of morality. It will differ according to people's contagion beliefs and
experiences Well-known authors gave us their own definitions of morality.

Michael Pennock- Morality is a response to God's incredible freely given love and his gift of salvation
offered to us through our Lord Jesus Christ.

-Morality is a science, concerned about what ought to be judging right from wrong in
the night of revelation one's act of responsibility, and responding to o personal invitation of Jesus.

Franz Bockle- Morality is searching for the norms of tree conduct in the light of revelation.

Jacques Thiroux- Morality is how humans relate to or feat one another to promote mutual welfare,
growth and meaning in shaving for good over bad and right over wrong.

Bro. Carl Koch, FSC- Morality is a system of principles by which we can determine if our conduct is right
or wrong, these moral ways of acting are found through our good sense.


Analyze the statements below. Identify the actions, attitudes or behavior implied in the statements
Point out which is moral, amoral or immoral.

_______________1. Come cheats because she does not study her lessons.

_______________2. Buying branded jeans is none of your business.

_______________3. laying basketball during class time is the best thing to do.

_______________4. Studying my lesson makes me sleepy.

_______________5. He reads the newspaper to update himself on current news.

_______________6. Amanda reads the newspaper whenever the teacher is giving a lecture.

_______________7. Copying the assignment of my classmate and submitting it as my own is cool.

_______________8.I steal the cell phone of my rich seatmate, anyway, he can afford.

_______________9. Sleeping in class is one of my habits.

______________10. Lying to my mother to protect my reputation is acceptable,

B. List down three leaders (past or present in our society. Analyze their actions attitudes, and behaviors
regarding a particular issue. Discuss the kind of morality that they show or have shown.

Leader 1

Leader 2

Leader 3

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