Problem #1. Lack of Facilities For Laboratory Activities Background

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NAME: Allan Lloyd M.

COMMITTEE: Education Committee


Pedro “Oloy” N. Roa Sr. High School is one of the schools in Cagayan de Oro City. In
the DepEd Curriculum Guide of Science 9, there are activities that requires laboratory
experiments since some of the topics are fall under chemistry and physics.
Unfortunately, these activities cannot be conducted due to the lack of laboratory
facilities in the said school, leading the students to have a hard of familiarizing those
kind of activities if they are planning to pursue STEM for Senior High School. As for the
Senior High School, if the same problem will encounter, the students who wish to
pursue for Sciences courses for college (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, BSED Science, etc.)
will be having a hard time to familiarize the things for laboratory activities since these
things will be encountered when they are planning to take Science courses.

1. Coordinate with the department head of Science about this issue.
2. Talk with the school principal/school head about this issue.
3. Coordinate with the barangay officials and DepEd public school district supervisor
about this matter.
4. Coordinate with the Schools Division Superintendent of DepEd-CDO, Dr. Cherry Mae
Limbaco on providing these laboratory facilities in all public schools of Division of
Cagayan de Oro City, in partnership with the city councilors and the local school board.


Since the pandemic began, all physical gatherings were prohibited as a preventive
measure to spread the deadly COVID-19. With the adaptation of the new normal, all
kinds of gatherings and transactions are done via online. With this, classes are also
conducted via online, especially to the colleges and some private basic education
institutions. Some schools and universities had already started their classes. However,
the main concern of the students are the gadgets to use for online classes such as
cellphones, laptops or computers, WiFi, among others. Not all students are fortunate to
have these gadgets as there are posts circulating online about seeking help to have
these gadgets to use for online classes so that they can catch up with the lessons that
they have with their class. Also, the internet stability is a concern for online classes
when unexpected interruption of the signal happens or unstable connection, it might be
the cause of their absence in the class. Some are relying to go to the internet shops or
pisonets just to attend the online classes. This is a common problem to the less
fortunate students, especially those who are situated in the hinterland barangays of
Cagayan de Oro City. Lack of gadgets for online classes might end up with a negative
effect to our academic performance. Negative effects may include absence of the
lecture, missing of quizzes or examinations, delayed submission of the activities asked
by their respective teachers, daily cost of money to spend for the internet load or
pisonet/internet shops.

1. The student will open up his/her concern to the teacher/dean
2. The teacher will talk this issue to the school head/school principal/university president
3. The school will coordinate with the barangay officials about this issue
4. Barangay Officials will seek partnership and collaborate with the city councilors and
local school board about providing gadgets to the less fortunate students, especially
those who are living in the hinterlands so that they can cope up with the online classes.
5. The city government will allocate budget on this.
6. The city government will also seek partnership with a stakeholder (could be in a
public or private sector) on how to provide the gadgets to the less fortunate students
6. The city government will also communicate to the key persons of certain schools and
universities in the city about giving out the gadgets to the less fortunate students
7. The school/university will communicate the student or the parent or the guardian of
the student about the gadget that they will be getting from the help of the city


Reading is one of the macro skills that a student must acquire. As we notice, if we could
recall the time when we enroll to Grade 7, we undergo a speed reading test to see if the
learners is ready for the high school level. However, one of the problems that most
teachers encountered is that some students are non-readers, even in Grade 7. It is said
that some students are having difficulty in reading brought by the zero-drop out policy or
what we called “pasang awa”. With this, if this system will continue, the students will be
having a hard time to cope up in college since the teachers will no longer follow up them
once they enter the higher education.

1. The teacher will coordinate with the parent/s or guardian of the student about the
problem in reading.
2. The teacher will open up to the principal to look for stakeholders who can find means
and ways in on how to engage the students for the reading activity.
3. The school will coordinate with the DepEd division office in partnership with the local
school board on how to reduce the illiteracy rate in the schools of Cagayan de Oro

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