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The heat is on

Insurability and
Resilience in a
Changing Climate
Emerging Risk Initiative - Position Paper
This paper frequently refers to insurers. When doing so this is intended to mean the
insurance industry including reinsurers, insurers and distributors or brokers.

This paper relies heavily on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
for data and charts, drawn from SR15 and AR5 working papers.
The heat is on 3
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Global warming is underway, yet there are a wide range During our research we have been struck by the precarious
of potential outcomes relating to the timing and extent of situation, with the world currently on a path towards ‘too little,
future warming. Furthermore, there are potentially huge too late’. On the other hand, we are encouraged that the Paris
consequences under scenarios at the upper end of the range. target is technically achievable as recently set out by the IPCC,
Conversely, to achieve the Paris targets and restrict the extent IEA, EDC and others. It will, however, require a determined
of warming will require a massive and prolonged transition and wide-ranging set of transition policies and programmes
effort, unprecedented in scale and duration, which may be (sustained at several times the pace of current transition
orderly or disorderly. activity).

Therefore, climate change is a risk of an unusually broad and We have approached the topic as risk managers, so we give
rich nature, and many regard it as the greatest risk currently due attention to the downside risks as well as the central
facing humanity. Although it has been recognised as a key projections gathered from existing research and publications.
emerging risk for some time, the CRO Forum decided now We consider assumptions and mitigation plans with a critical
was a good time to focus on it, given its increasing urgency, eye, bearing in mind the context and any empirical evidence of
complexity, wide range of scenarios and the pervasiveness of their relevance and effectiveness. At times we have not shied
its impacts. away from expressing our opinion.

The intention of this position paper is to provide insurance I would like to thank our external reviewers, Professor Joanna
sector CROs and their colleagues, and wider stakeholders, Haigh, Professor Peter Höppe, Dr Maryam Golnaghi of the
with a clear understanding of what climate change implies Geneva Association and Professor Sonia Seneviratne, for
for the insurance industry, both from an underwriting and giving up their time and for their insightful comments. Any
investment perspective, and to equip them to challenge their errors are ours, not theirs.
businesses and clients in their responses to climate change.
And I would like to express my gratitude and respect for my
Existing research on climate change is broad and extensive. colleagues on this CRO Forum working group, from Allianz,
This paper does not aim to replicate this research, but to AXA, Generali, Hannover Re, Munich Re, NN Group, Prudential,
navigate the main issues, and provide a clear and up-to-date Swiss Re, SCOR, Uniqa and Zurich Insurance Group, for their
view of the climate change challenge, centred on the potential energy, insight and active participation in the production of this
impacts on the insurance sector. This covers implications for: paper, and in particular to Luke Watts from RSA for organising
and facilitating the entire project and for careful editing. It is the
yy underwriting of climate change related risks (and the collaborative efforts of all that result in what we hope you will
important question of insurability); find a balanced and thought-provoking summary of the climate
yy investment activities; and change issues facing insurance.
yy reporting and disclosure.

The paper also considers the social role of the insurance

William McDonnell
industry and its responsibility to support the wider societal Group Chief Risk Officer, RSA Insurance
effort to transition to a lower carbon world, and to influence
civic and infrastructure planning decisions now to help avoid January 2019
an insurability gap in the decades ahead.
Table of Contents
Foreword 3

Executive Summary 6

Introduction 8
1.1 The globe is warming 8
1.2 Current assumptions on climate change 9
1.3 Key physical tipping points 11
1.4 Transition risk 13
1.5 Economic implications 14

Climate Change Scenarios 16
2.1 Under 2°C scenario (Paris targets met – steep transition) 18
2.2 +3°C scenario (More severe physical impacts) 22
2.3 +5°C scenario (Physically devastating) 23

Implications for Insurers and their Customers 24
3.1 Insurability 24
3.2 P&C underwriting 27
3.3 Life underwriting 31
3.4 Investment implications and stranded assets 33
3.5 Transition risk and socio-economic factors 34

Insurance Industry Responses 36
4.1 Resilience, mitigation and adaptation 36
4.2 Supporting societal change – a social role for the insurance industry 38
4.3 Tackling climate risks through investments 39

Climate Related Financial Disclosures 41
5.1 Towards better climate disclosure 41
5.2 Accountability and measurement 42
5.3 Challenges and ways ahead 43

Conclusion 45

Concentration pathways and scenario definitions
on (1.5-2°C) to limit dangerous physical 5 To hit the Paris targets will require a long, profound
effects ofand Resilience
climate changein ais Changing Climateto meet.
vital but tough transition. This means major changes to energy, industry,
Research indicates that 3-4°C warming is most likely. freight, heating etc, sustained and extended to deliver
There is a risk of >5°C which would be catastrophic. large new emissions cuts every year, decelerating fast
throughout 2020 to 2070.
Probability of 50%
warming Rate of acceleration of CO₂ emissions over time
by 2100 (°C) RCP4.5


5% 0

Iran, RCP2.6

Great oil crisis

5% Depression Financial Huge
1% effort to
Data from IPCC fast enough

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 °C 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

* See page 48 for a description of RCP

Warming by 2100 <2 °C 3 °C 5 °C

Physical impacts 1.5 °C 2 °C

Sea-Level Rise (cm) 0.3-0.6 m 0.4-0.8 m 0.4-0.9 m 0.5-1.7 m

Coastal assets to defend ($tn) $10.2tn $11.7tn $14.6tn $27.5tn

Chance of ice-free Arctic summer 1 in 30 1 in 6 4 in 6 (63%) 6 in 6 (100%)

Tropical cyclones:  Fewer (#cat 1-5) -1% -6% -16% Unknown

  Stronger (# cat 4-5) +24%* +16% +28% +55%
  Wetter (total rain) +6% +12% +18% +35%

Frequency of extreme rainfall +17% +36% +70% +150%

Increase in wildfire extent x1.4 x1.6 x2.0 x2.6

People facing extreme heatwaves x22 x27 x80 x300

Land area hospitable to malaria +12% +18% +29% +46%

Economic impacts

Global GDP impact (2018: $80tn) -10% -13% -23% -45%

Physical: uninhabitable
Transition: fossil fuel Mixed: some fossil fuel
zones, agriculture, water-
Stranded assets assets (supply, power, assets mothballed, some
intense industry, lost
transport, industry) physical stranding
tourism etc

Changing diets, some 60% yield loss, 60%

Food supply 24% yield loss
yield loss in tropics demand increase

New low-carbon assets Minimal: recession,

Increasing demand to
Insurance opportunities and infrastructure tensions, high and
manage growing risks
investment (e.g. CCS) unpredictable risks

The data used in this infographic is sourced from IPCC data and other sources as listed in the Bibliography
(incl Raftery et al, Schlosser et al, Jevrejeva et al, Knuston et al, Turco et al, Huang et al, Pretis et al, and Burke, Hsiang & Miguel)

* The total number of hurricane category 1-5 tropical cyclones is predicted to decline with rising temperatures, the proportion of those that are category 4-5 will
increase. The interaction of these two effects is non-linear in the models, per Knuston et al, NOAA 2015.
The heat is on 6 Executive Summary
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Executive summary
Despite growing concern, 2018 again set new records in global Research suggests probable warming of 1-6°C above pre-
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon industrial levels by the end of the century, depending on the
budget (i.e. the maximum cumulative emissions) consistent success of mitigating actions. Such increases may not sound
with the <2°C Paris target is being used up fast. It is clear large, but the upper half of this range implies catastrophic
warming cannot be kept below this level without radical and risks, far worse than is widely realised. To put this in context, it
sustained economic and societal change. is broadly the same again as the warming from the depths of
the last Ice-Age to the modern era, and in 1/100th of the time.
The risks to insurers and their customers from unchecked This will, inevitably, overwhelm the ability of the world’s natural
global warming are profound: systems to absorb and adapt. Disturbingly, many impacts
are irreversible within centuries and the risks grow of passing
yy The ‘physical’ risks (where climate change affects property, ‘tipping points’ that trigger runaway effects. Some irreversible
industry, infrastructure and health) could be very severe, changes already occur above 1.5°C warming.
especially if warming exceeds 3℃. These risks are amplified
by trends of urbanisation, value concentration, non-resilient The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
land use planning and infrastructure vulnerabilities. published its Special Report (SR15) in October 2018 on
yy To meet the Paris targets and avoid the worst physical risks 1.5°C global warming. It concludes that global warming
requires fundamental economic and social changes, driven can technically be limited to 1.5°C (the Paris goal), but an
by public policy, political will and societal attitudes. It is unprecedented breadth and scale of transition is required,
important these actions are taken soon, and in an orderly which may well be inhibited by economic, institutional and
and coherent way so the associated ‘transition’ risks can socio-cultural barriers. National pledges agreed in Paris would
be mitigated through careful and co-ordinated planning. not be enough to reach this goal. To achieve 1.5℃ total
By contrast, a disorderly transition scenario could involve emissions need to be cut by 33-50% in the next 12 years,
abrupt political shifts and headlong economic disruption. potentially requiring investment of over $2 trillion per year, and
net-zero CO₂ emissions needs to be achieved by 2050.
In terms of timescale, the physical climate change effects are
similar for all scenarios in the short term, due to lag effects, IPCC notes that all pathways to 1.5°C rely on removal of
and we are likely to reach 1.5℃ by 2030-2040. The wide 100-1000 billion tons of CO₂ from the air this century. We are
variation in physical outcomes arises after that, dependent on sceptical this is achievable given scant progress so far; carbon
actions taken. However, the period 2020 - 2030 is critical for extraction techniques are uneconomic and largely unproven on
taking action to meet or exceed Paris targets as there is a wide the scale needed. There is significant moral hazard in assuming
range of possible policy paths, which alter how extensive and we can emit today and someone will clean it up tomorrow.
orderly transition activity is.
Efforts of a generation have not yet ‘moved the dial’ and global
emissions are higher than ever. Widespread realisation of what
The scale of the challenge a +3-5°C world would be like could further catalyse public
There is no easy middle road. As Angela Merkel said, it’s not opinion, helping overcome socio-economic tipping-points
five minutes to midnight; it’s five after. and create a political mandate for tougher action, in order to
treble the current rate of transition.

Encouragingly, major institutions have collaborated to lay out

clear and orderly policies and actions to achieve the Paris
targets (e.g. NCE, 2018 or EDC, 2018) through adaptive
technologies and incremental solutions, even in challenging
It’s not five minutes sectors such as transport and heavy industry. Also, a range
to midnight. It’s five of institutions and public bodies are showing leadership, e.g.
California aims to generate electricity fully fossil-free by 2045.
minutes after midnight.
This paper explores the physical and economic impacts under
Angela Merkel 2°C, 3°C and 5°C scenarios and the implications for insurers.
It recognises more needs to be done by policymakers,
businesses and individuals to change our outlook and to
The heat is on 7 Executive Summary
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

design and carry out the difficult steps. Society must work
together globally with each of us taking responsibility for our
emissions footprint and with policies to prevent ‘free-riding’.

Role of insurers
Insurers have a unique role in the global effort to mitigate and
adapt to climate change, as both providers of risk protection
and as major investors managing c.$30 trillion of assets. In line
with our primary functions, insurers will continue to work with
customers, industry and governments to:

yy Protect customers from the impact of physical perils.

yy Provide risk management advice, and support mitigation,
resilience and adaptation solutions.
yy Maintain insurability, sustaining the real economy by
planning ahead with governments, industry and society.
yy Remain resilient, to continue supporting our customers.
yy Provide long-term investment, including existing efforts to
support greener technologies and transition activities.
yy Support understanding of the financial and strategic risks of
climate change through research and disclosure.

Insurability and resilience

Insurers can help fortify society’s resilience to climate change
by continuing to invest in hazard models, promoting their use
and advising on building codes and resilient engineering. This
is urgent now to minimise a future insurability gap.

Such is the scale of the threat, however, that insurability and

affordability are likely to become an increasing concern:

yy As hazard modelling becomes ever more precise,

certain local peak risks may exceed capacity or become
unaffordable to insure. Certain coastal or forest-fringe
properties in USA are already on the edge of insurability.
yy Governments can overcome some of the issues through
pooling mechanisms that share the peak risk across a wider
pool of participants; however, unless these are designed
very carefully, they can make the problem worse by
incentivising unsustainable development.
yy However, in the more extreme warming scenario of >5°C,
severe damage and disruption could become so frequent
later in the century that many risks may be uninsurable, with
a profound impact on the economy and on society.

Ultimately the key to resilience for society, and also insurers,

is to limit future warming by reducing emissions and adapting.
Transition risk needs to be taken now to avoid physical risk in
the future. The insurance sector is playing its part in current
plans and is working on many fronts to do what it can to help
the world achieve the vital goal of keeping warming to <2°C.
The heat is on 8 Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

1 Introduction
1.1 The globe is warming of more extreme events, but also in
helping others take action to reduce
emissions or to adapt to climate effects.
Climate change is not some
far off problem; it is happening
here, it is happening now.
Barack Obama, former US President

snow-pack outside the polar regions.

yy Global mean sea-level has risen by
0.19m between 1901 and 2010.
Introduction Transitioning at the pace required will yy 50% of coral reef area has sustained
The science behind global warming and require concerted effort from all in major bleaching damage.
the role of greenhouse gases is clear and society.
generally accepted. While the physical However, this is just the start. There
effects of warming and climate change The signs of climate change are already are many potential repercussions. For
can be modelled, the full extent of apparent. Examples include: example, on the food chain even at 2°C
impacts on living conditions or societies yy New records for extreme weather warming, IPCC tells us the associated
are complex to predict. However, (downpour, windstorm, drought, acidification will destroy vital marine
enough is known to state that a failure to heatwave, wildfire) and more frequent ecosystems. The gravest for humanity,
act now has significant implications for events, as predicted by climate in the higher warming scenarios, may
the citizens of today and generations of models. lead to widespread loss of livelihood
tomorrow. yy The extent and thickness of the Arctic and food shortages as repeated extreme
polar ice-cap shrinking during the water and heat stresses progressively
Insurance has a key role to play not only summer months. impact farm production. Repeated
in protecting society from the impacts yy The rapid shrinkage of glaciers and extreme events may also strain

Figure 1 Global temperature change relative to 1850-1900 (°C) Figure 2 Range of °C increase for each RCP


Warming reached c.1°C above 1850-1900 in 2017 and is on course
for 1.5°C around 2040.
The heat is on 9 Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

and damage infrastructure. It is not

unreasonable to assume such effects
1.2 Current assumptions
will be accompanied by socio-political on climate change
upheaval, migration and conflict. We appear to be embarked on
With recent experience of extreme
a massive experiment where
weather conditions, climate change
Physical and transition risks the consequences are hard to
discussion has grown more prominent.
Before reaching these extremes, people
Within the scientific community there predict and the effects may be
and organisations will face the physical irreversible.
exists very clear evidence as presented
risks of increasingly abnormal weather
through the work of the IPCC, the Professor Lord Nicholas Stern,
(heatwaves, droughts, flooding, wildfires,
international body for assessing the Chair of the Grantham Institute, LSE
shifting storm patterns) and growing risk
science related to climate change.
of coastal flooding. Zones of vulnerability
will grow, affecting property values and
2018 has been a year with several
making investment harder. Outbreaks
extreme weather events. In the summer Alongside CO₂, increasing emissions
of human and agricultural diseases and
there was a global heatwave in the of other greenhouse gases (GHGs)
epidemics are likely to increase.
northern hemisphere, associated with arise from changes in land use from
deaths in Japan and Canada and fires deforestation and agriculture, primarily
As physical impacts become more
in California, Canada, Sweden, Spain methane (CH4) but also nitrous oxide
obvious and disasters more common,
and Greece. In the autumn of 2017 there (N₂O). Methane emissions are also rising
public opinion may shift, and with
were US tropical cyclones with unusually due to leakage or releases from the oil
it liability risks may grow for those
intense rainfall. As noted by IPCC, the and gas industry.
considered responsible.
attribution of individual extreme weather
events to warming is difficult. Recent Scientists have observed various
Insurability concerns will also grow.
and ongoing research is focusing on ongoing changes in the climate system,
For insurers to exist there must be an
attribution science and how climate which intensify global warming:
insurance need at an affordable price.
change affects the likelihood of extreme yy Temperature data of the combined
Seeking to maintain insurability, where
weather events occurring. land and ocean surface already
possible, to support adaptation and to
build increased resilience will not only be shows a rise of over 1°C compared
The IPCC provides policymakers with with the ‘pre-industrial’ average from
vital for society but also to the long-term
regular assessments of the scientific 1850 to 1900, with a greater rise on
role for insurance within society.
basis of climate change, its impacts and land than over the ocean. There is
This may become an issue of public
future risks, and options for adaptation already evidence that certain extreme
policy, where the question will be how far
and mitigation. The key takeaways from events (e.g. heatwaves, drought)
to spread or nationalise the risks so that
its last full assessment report, AR5, in are more frequent, linked to climate
insurance protection remains available
2014 were: change.
to individuals and organisations. Linked
yy Human influence on the climate yy The atmospheric water cycle is
with this is the need for long-term
system is clear. intensifying, with greater downpours
planning and adaptation.
yy The more we disrupt our climate, the and evaporation. Higher temperatures
more we risk severe, pervasive and raise the saturation point of air
As increasing efforts are made to
irreversible impacts. (by c.7% per °C) and accelerate
mitigate emissions, these give rise to
yy Any additional CO₂ emissions lead evaporation (by c.10% per °C). Also,
transition risks. The carbon budget to
to increased global warming with the as atmospheric layers warm and
achieve <2°C warming means that the
effect lasting for many millennia before expand, so thunderclouds can grow
majority of proven fossil fuel reserves
natural processes remove it from the in height and strength, leading to
may need to “be stranded” – see
atmosphere, unless actively removed heavier rainfall. Warming is estimated
section 1.4 below. Existing equipment
by other means, such as Carbon to have boosted the intense rainfall of
and machinery may also need to be
Capture and Storage (CCS) or re/ Hurricane Harvey in 2017 by at least
stranded, as their expected lifetime
afforestation. 15%.
emissions would exhaust the carbon
yy Humans have the means to limit yy Physical risks not only become more
budget for <2°C warming. To highlight
climate change and build a more pronounced as temperatures increase
the magnitude of the challenge and
prosperous, sustainable future if we but they also vary substantially by
the urgency of the problem, 2018 was
choose to. region, e.g. Bangladesh is projected
set to see a record number of fossil
fuel cars, trucks, aircraft, etc became to become even wetter but the
The Special Report on 1.5°C (IPCC’s Mediterranean and Southern Africa
SR15) further highlights the increased become significantly drier. Also,
damage at 2°C vs 1.5°C and reflects patterns may be affected, with
recent research, as well as steps that extreme rainfall and droughts possibly
can be taken in mitigation.
The heat is on 10 Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

happening in succession. In turn, this ice mass loss contributes to a rise in clouds can release locally is growing
could exacerbate extreme events like sea levels and may have an impact at much faster rates at or above 10%
wildfires, as was the case in 2017 on global ocean circulation. There per °C warming. Evaporation is rising
in California. An exceptionally wet is some evidence that the Atlantic at a similar rate. As a consequence,
season led to growth of vegetation circulation system that includes the both flooding and large scale
that dried out in the following drought Gulf Stream has slowed by c.30% droughts are likely to be dominant
creating perfect conditions for since the late 1950s. loss factors; and due to increasing
wildfires. The Western US wildfire yy The effect of Arctic ice loss on mid- temperatures and dryness, wildfires
area has doubled due to these latitude weather has also become are likely to become more common in
effects. a very active area of research, in many regions of the world.
yy A large part of the rising CO₂ particular into the slowdown and yy There is less certainty about the
emissions into the atmosphere is meandering of the jet stream which impact on windstorms, but direct
absorbed by the ocean. However this may contribute to more prolonged physical consequences on large scale
results in rising acidity levels. Ocean weather anomalies in economically extra-tropical/tropical cyclones or
surface water pH is approaching productive regions including Canada, winter storms seem less imminent.
the threshold when many marine Northern USA and Europe. In fact the frequency in some areas
organisms at the base of the food yy Between 1901 and 2010, global mean could even become smaller. While the
web struggle to form calcium- sea-level rose by 0.19m, rising at a overall frequency of cyclones might
based shells or skeletons, and coral faster rate since 1993. This makes a not be significantly impacted, their
begins to dissolve. A compounding sea-level rise of up to 1m this century potential maximum intensity is likely
stress is the decrease of oxygen seem plausible. to increase (NOAA 2018) and storm
levels, particularly in coastal waters, paths may extend into higher latitudes
observed since 1960 that is probably Climate models make additional than before. Due to the increased
due to warming combined with predictions of physical risk impacts moisture it is also possible that
fertiliser run-off. relevant for insurers: cyclones could survive longer over
yy The Greenland and Antarctic ice yy Although average rainfall at a large land than currently and carry greater
sheets are more sensitive to warming scale increases at only c.2% per °C amounts of rain.
than previously thought. The rate of warming, the total water amount that
The heat is on 11 Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Tipping points are so dangerous because if you pass them, the climate is out of humanity’s control:
if an ice-sheet disintegrates and starts to slide into the ocean, there’s nothing we can do about that.
Dr James Hansen, Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions Program, Earth Institute, Columbia University

point could trigger abrupt, non-linear yy Greenland sea-ice loss, linked to

1.3 Key physical tipping responses (e.g. Amazon rainforest weather anomalies in North America
points changing to savanna or seasonally dry and Europe with potential to change
forest), others would lead to a more thermohaline circulation linked to the
In the climate system, most of the
gradual response (e.g. large-scale loss of gulf stream
feedback mechanisms are of a gradual
permafrost). There can be lags but also yy Ice sheet dynamics (Greenland and
nature while tipping points arise where a
acceleration after passing a tipping point West-Antarctica), raising sea levels
critical observable threshold is crossed
(e.g. ice sheet dynamics for Greenland over the long-term and potentially
indicating a change in state and that a
or the Antarctica). slowing down Atlantic thermohaline
specific point in the warming process
has been crossed. In some cases
Sample physical tipping points yy Permafrost thawing, releasing
tipping points trigger further warming
Examples of physical tipping points and CO₂ (under aerobic conditions)
or an acceleration, such as permafrost
their potential implications are as follows and/or methane (under anaerobic
thawing. Therefore, monitoring tipping
(Steffen, 2018 & WWF, 2009): conditions). Note that IPCC have ‘high
points is key to tracking climate risks
yy Reduction of northern hemisphere confidence’ permafrost will thaw and
and major step-changes.
spring snow cover, decreases the release carbon but ‘low confidence’ in
albedo effect and amplifies regional how much will be emitted how soon
Some feedback mechanisms are
warming, as is already seen in higher yy El Niño – Southern Oscillation
reversible (e.g. sea ice with warmer and
latitudes (ENSO) increasing and changing
cooler temperatures) on relatively short
yy Arctic sea-ice loss, linked to in amplitude, changing patterns of
timeframes (50-100 years) whereas
potential changes in thermohaline hurricanes, precipitation and drought
others are irreversible (e.g. carbon
circulation (gulf stream and jet stream yy Collapsing marine ecosystems and
loss due to permafrost thawing). While
included) and rising sea levels dissolving coral reefs, impacting
in some cases, passing a tipping
fishing, biodiversity and coastal
protection from storms or storm
yy Dying Boreal Forests and Amazon
Rainforest due to heat stress,
reducing rainfall and wildfire, thereby
reducing CO₂ uptake
yy Reduced West African Monsoon,
increased risk of drought and a
greening of the Sahel
yy Interference in Indian Summer
Monsoon, increasing drought
yy Prolonged S.W. North American
droughts, leading to desertification,
as is already being experienced

Figure 3 Map of potential tipping points, colour-coded by global estimated mean

temperature threshold, with arrows showing potential interaction cascades based on
expert elicitation. NB: although the East Antarctic Ice Sheet risk is proposed at >5°C,
some sectors may be vulnerable at lower temperatures (Steffen 2018).
The heat is on 12 Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Methane hydrates
not all about CO2 By emitting just a little bit of methane,
mankind is greatly accelerating the rate of
Methane hydrate (or ‘clathrate’) consists of methane climatic change.
embedded in a crystal structure of water, with the water
molecules completely surrounding the methane. In
Steve Hamburg, Environmental Defence Fund Chief
appearance it resembles wax or solid fuel tablets.

The methane is present in a highly compressed form. Under

normal conditions, 1m³ of gas hydrate is equivalent to
164m³ of gas and 0.8m³ of water. Gas hydrate forms in cold
water under pressure in sea-bed or lake-bed sediments. It
is unstable at room temperature and the methane escapes.
There are moves to try to extract the methane for use as a

The environmental effects could be significant if methane

is released during extraction, which given the technical
complexities is possible. Methane is a greenhouse gas and
about 60 times more dangerous than CO₂ per unit mass
but it doesn’t linger as long in the atmosphere. In 100 years
following emission, methane has a warming effect 30 times
greater than CO₂.

Over 60% of methane emissions are man-made through

natural gas and petroleum industries, agriculture and human
waste. Any increase in or appearance of new emission
sources has significant ramifications.

Figure 4 Geographical distribution of methane hydrate deposits (World Ocean Review, 2017)
The heat is on 13 Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

The IPCC carbon budget for <2°C Transition risk can best be managed
1.4 Transition risk means 70-80% of proven fossil fuel by making the necessary policy
Transition risk arises from attempting reserves must be stranded – see figure 5 changes in an open and coordinated
to avoid very significant and (unless expensive CCS is applied – see way internationally, and by institutions
transformational long-term physical risks box on page 21). Worryingly, the IEA making preparations in good time. The
from climate change. Transition risk is estimates that lifetime emissions from sectors and activities most exposed to
likely to be a key source of near-term equipment already built and in use is transition risk are those that extract and
economic impacts, assuming enough alone expected to exceed the remaining produce fossil fuels and those that emit
action is taken to reduce emissions. carbon budget for <2°C, indicating that large volumes of GHGs.
However, there are also opportunities some of this equipment would need to
for insurers from transition risk through be stranded early or modified to reduce
the need for new products and services, its emissions, in order to meet the Paris
creating new or developing investment targets.

The Bank of England defines transition

Figure 5 Carbon budget1 vs carbon2 reserves in the ground
risk as the risk of economic dislocation
and financial loss associated with
transitioning to a low carbon economy.
This entails a wide range of policy, legal,
technological and market changes
intended to reduce emissions.

Impacts from transition risk could

yy Fossil fuel businesses and
infrastructure may lose value due
to falling demand as a result of
carbon pricing, or outright bans. Coal
power plants in particular may be
decommissioned early.
yy Properties that are hard to insulate
may lose value as regulations or
expectations change.
yy As social attitudes change,
businesses may go into decline, e.g.
carmakers that are slow to take a lead
in electric vehicles, utility companies
that fail to provide renewable fuel
options or perhaps restaurant chains
that are slow to introduce vegan

Carbon budget as per SR15 including 100GtCO2 earth-system feedbacks and after c.50Gt emissions in 2018

Proven carbon reserves per IEA. Probable reserves = proven x 3.5 (except assumed no new coal). Permafrost estimate per NSIDC.
The heat is on 14 Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

the current trajectory towards 3.7°C is New or more nuanced economic

1.5 Economic implications calculated as $550 trillion.3 principles will be necessary to achieve
Climate change directly and indirectly the sustainable global economy
impacts economic outcomes, such as Implications from transition risks required. We do not believe we can rely
agricultural output, critical economic The benefit from acting now to minimise heavily on negative emissions as a ‘silver
resources, manufacturing, energy warming is to avoid the much greater bullet’, as outlined overleaf, and would
production, transport and other services, cost that global warming brings in the caution against a human tendency
as well as wider human welfare. These long-term, as well as potentially saving towards optimism over realism.
factors are likely to hamper economic lives and avoiding major hardship for
development and contribute to inequality many. However, that introduces risks One important economic question is
and poverty. Thus they are also likely associated with transition, although of a how to design economic policies that
to reduce ability to afford insurance, lower order of magnitude than physical are effective, and why actions successful
especially in developing countries, and risks. at reducing emission from individual
negatively affect insurance penetration, sources have not yet slowed emissions
to the detriment and lost opportunities One such implication is an economic growth on an aggregate global scale.
for both customers and insurers. drag on countries that are major fossil ‘Balloon-squeezing’, as this may be
fuel extractors or major carbon emitters. termed, is a complex matter. Counter-
Implications from physical risks However, there are also material intuitively, efficiency gains appear to
Moreover, recent research shows that opportunities for jobs and growth in help drive growth and keep energy costs
the damage from higher warming many sectors as sustained investments low, fuelling increasing consumption
scenarios will impact global GDP this are made into the low-carbon economy. and therefore increasing emissions. This
century. Simply based on the observable demonstrates the complexities ahead.
data, global GDP could be 25-40% Rapid shift to a low-carbon
lower by 2100 in a >3°C scenario vs economy is vital Any policy actions need to be
baseline. The impacts of climate change have appropriately calibrated and
major economic repercussions. To date communicated. Without this, it could
However, when the risk associated with the overriding goal driving economic trigger a feeling of inequality or a sense
the compounding effects of large scale policy has been ongoing growth, which of unfairness, leading to social unrest,
tipping points are included the NPV fuels consumption. But there is a nationalism/protectionism, climate
of damage rises eight fold. This being feedback loop where that consumption, litigation or even conflict.
evaluated using a stochastic model still based largely on fossil fuel, drives
containing a realistic range of policy further climate change.
decisions. The ultimate damage on

Some economic models show much more modest impacts from climate change, including those of 2018 Nobel laureate, William Nordhaus. Such results appear to

be at odds with the IPCC and climate science, for reasons analysed by Nicholas Stern (Stern, 2013) and others. We have given more weight where these models
have been adapted to take a broader view of risk such as allowing for damage from tipping points, extreme events and socio-political consequences of food crises,
migration and conflict.
The heat is on 15 Introduction
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Negative emissions - “no silver bullet” (EASAC, 2018)

To meet the Paris targets, most IPCC scenarios4 require • Other complex factors arise: e.g. in the case of Bio-
not only major emissions cuts but also large-scale negative Energy CCS (BECCS) it is vulnerable to policy change,
emissions, i.e. active removal of CO₂ from the atmosphere. increasing water and energy costs, ecological risks, and
Several technologies are proposed, which are mostly the side-effects of warming, such as wildfires. Growing
immature and face major drawbacks and challenges. The forest faces some of the same sustainability risks.
most cited are storage of CO₂ either from burning biomass
for energy or captured directly from the air using chemical There is also significant risk associated with moral hazard,
absorption machines. where the illusion of an easy way out clouds the urgency of
emissions cuts.
To assume massive negative emissions is problematic as
each technology has a drawback or limitation, although The European Academies’ Science Advisory Council
through continued research some may be overcome. published a report in 2018 which concludes negative
emissions are not a credible option in the near term. “There
• The scale is vast, so requires huge capital investment, are serious questions over whether any (separately or
high running costs and competition with agriculture cumulatively) have the potential to deliver carbon removals
for land (except for direct air capture). This comes at the gigatonne scale and rate of deployment envisaged
potentially when land value is at an increasing premium as necessary in IPCC scenarios.” They conclude that the
as climate change impacts food production and water first priorities should be to:
security. • reduce emissions;
• The technology proposed is immature (apart from • slow rapid deforestation; and
growing forest), so investment risk will be high until • develop CCS to be relevant and economically viable.
designs are refined and lifetime performance and costs
are understood. The 2018 Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering
joint report reached a similar conclusion.

Comparison of Negative Emissions Technologies

Maturity Scale for 12Gt/yr C0₂ removal Challenges

High 60% global arable land. Difficult on Huge land use. Water needs. Vulnerable to
degraded land logging, pests, fire, drought. Offset by reduced
albedo, GHG emissions.

Manage Medium N/a. Possibly 2Gt/yr for 10-20 Reach early saturation. Vulnerable to release from
land for CO₂ years higher soil carbon respiration in warming climate.

BECCS Low 20-350% of global arable land High cost. Huge land use, fertiliser. CO₂ ‘leakage’
(bio-energy + at various stages. Needs ‘off the shelf’ CCS. Up to
CCS) 50% less efficient than fossil fuel energy + CCS.

Direct Air Low Scalable subject to site availability Expensive. High energy and water needs. 1-10x
Capture and cost more costly than point-source CCS of flue gas.

Chemical Speculative 3-10 billion tons/yr of powdered Speculative. Major mining and logistics
weathering rock challenges. High costs. Ecological impacts.

Ocean iron Speculative N/a. Max 3Gt/year Huge ecological risks for small CO₂ removal
fertilisation potential.

Among the AR5 models, 87% of sub-2°C scenarios include material negative emissions, and 100% of those that achieve 1.5°C.
The heat is on 16 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

2 Climate Change
The use of models and scenarios
is essential to understand future
implications. Climate change progresses
pathway (RCP2.6), limiting global
warming to <2°C, two intermediate
pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP6.0) and
pronounced and evident given emissions
over the last decade or so. In the first
10-20 years, the main differences
gradually and its effects may not be one very high emission ‘business as between these scenarios are policy
seen for decades. This chapter sets usual’ pathway (RCP8.5). These model choices and pace of transition.
out the scenarios used to explore the pathways also include assumptions
range of possible outcomes in the rest of about the level of reforestation and In the longer term, i.e. from 2050 to 2100
the paper. NB: these scenarios are not further deforestation, and a steady and beyond, being on one emissions
forecasts. As IPCC put it, “the goal of decrease in aerosols due to action on trajectory rather than another will
working with scenarios is not to predict smog. See appendix 1 for further details. produce quite different results in terms
the future, but to better understand of physical risk. While this paper does
uncertainties and alternative futures, in In the next 10-20 years, the physical not focus on longer-term developments
order to understand how robust different effects are expected to be similar for all in detail, it will consider the +5.2°C
decisions or options may be”. scenarios (see figure 2 above). This is scenario to evaluate the scale of
because there are lags and inertia in the potential damage and to put the context
In order to project changes in global global system so short-term warming around the actions needed today.
temperatures, the IPCC assessed is largely driven by the increase in GHG
different emission scenarios, called concentrations that has already built
Representative Concentration up due to historical emissions. It is
Pathways (RCPs), which describe four expected that extremes already being
sample paths for GHG emissions and experienced, such as heat waves,
atmospheric concentrations. They droughts, increase in precipitations
comprise an ambitious mitigation and their intensity, may become more

Figure 6 CO₂ emissions (GtCO₂) – Fossil fuel & land use change

Carbon Budget 2017 infographic, Global Carbon Project

The heat is on 17 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Selected scenarios yy The first corresponds to global The relative scale between the scenarios
The paper will focus on three broad warming of under +2°C, or ‘Paris of some of the major human impacts is
scenarios, based on temperature Targets Met – Steep Transition’ illustrated in Figure 7 below:
increase by 2100 relative to 1850-1900 yy The second assumes that global
baseline and linked to the IPCC’s four warming exceeds +3°C or ‘More
RCPs. These are described in more Severe Physical Impacts’
detail in this chapter and are as follows. yy The third corresponds to global
These are not forecasts but represent a warming reaching +5.2°C or
reasonable synthesis of the science to ‘Devastating Physical Impacts’.
provide guiding ‘pathways’.

Figure 7 Avoiding the impacts of dangerous climate change


With sustained effort up to and beyond 2030, the Paris pledges

will limit the severity of key impacts on people and society.

The scenarios used are:

1. No mitigation: RCP8.5
2. Emissions capped at INDC level: INDC pledgesto 2030 and no backtracking
3. Strong further action to meet 2°C target: INDC pledges to 2030, with further large reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to meet 2°C by 2100
4. Relative to a scenario with no climate change
The temperatures displayed here represent median values for each scenario. Water stress and cropland availability will also be affected by land use decisions e.g. concerning biofuels.
The heat is on 18 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Physical risks regions, as well as in Eastern Asia

2.1 Under 2°C scenario Physical risks arise within the scenario, (including China and Japan) and in
(Paris targets met - steep transition) which could lead to increased flooding, Eastern North America. At a European
This scenario can be associated with droughts, and severe convective storms. level, recent research models indicate
the IPCC’s RCP2.6 that have following According to IPCC SR15: that flood damage could increase in
features or assumptions. yy Heatwaves are likely to increase, today’s money from an average of €5
yy In policy terms, it is closest to the particularly in mid-latitudes on billion a year for 1976-2005 to €12
Paris Agreement to contain warming land, with the increase in peak billion in a +2°C world.
to “well under 2°C” with the aim of temperatures being 2-3 times yy Tropical cyclones may be fewer
achieving 1.5°C. higher than global average increase. overall, but the most powerful
yy Based on a rapid stabilisation and The strongest change is found in category 4-5 storms may be 16%
eventual reduction in the level of Central and Eastern North America, more frequent.
GHG’s in the atmosphere after 2050. Central and Southern Europe, yy Heavy rainfall associated with tropical
yy Median expected temperature the Mediterranean, Western and cyclones is likely to increase by 10-
increase by 2100 of 1.6°C, with Central Asia, and Southern Africa. 15% (already seen with Hurricane
a range of 1.0-2.8°C allowing for These regions all have a strong Harvey).
climate system uncertainties. soil-moisture-temperature coupling yy Coastal flooding is likely to cost
yy Increase in sea level rise of 0.45m, leading to increased dryness. 0.3-5.0% of global GDP annually by
with a range between 0.3m and 0.8m. yy Climate change has substantially 2100 with today’s level of coastal
increased the probability of drought protection.
‘Tipping points’ that become likely by years in the Mediterranean (already
2°C warming include: yy The Arctic Ocean is likely to be
seen) and in Southern Africa. ice-free at least one summer in ten,
yy A profound impact on marine life and
yy Warming trends are likely to be partly opening it up for greater commercial
fisheries from rising ocean acidity,
offset in NW Europe by further 11% use.
making it hard to form calcium-based
slowing of the Gulf Stream.
shells or skeletons; total collapse of
reef-building coral; very high risk to yy Increased warming and drying are The effects on the global economy
bivalves (mussels, clams, oysters etc.) already linked to an almost doubling are likely to be significant. Some low
and to fundamental food web species of the Western US wildfire area. lying and coastal communities would
such as pteropods. yy Extreme downpours and fluvial be impacted and require adaptation
yy The Greenland ice-cap enters gradual flooding may increase in many areas. measures, particularly in developing
terminal decline (raising sea-level by Robust increases in precipitation nations, but widespread economic
7m, over several centuries). extremes can already be observed dislocation from physical impacts may
in mid-latitudes of the Northern be avoided. Nevertheless, a 13% net
Hemisphere. Hotspots for heavier reduction in global GDP is forecast vs a
downpours include high-latitude no-increase scenario.

Figure 8 Changes in annual daily maximum temperature relative to Figure 9 Changes in extreme precipitation (Rx 5day) at 2°C
1981–2010 at 2°C warming (Betts, 2018) GMST warming (IPCC SR15, 2018)
The heat is on 19 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Transition risks Figure 10 Annual change in CO₂ emissions over time

To achieve the Paris targets, rapid action
is vital to transform the world economy:
over $1 trillion investment p.a. is needed
(according to IPCC SR15) in order to

transition to a low-carbon economy. This WWI RCP8.5
is comparable to aggregate global defence
budgets (c.2% of GDP).

The unprecedented scale and duration

compared with history can be appreciated 0
from Figure 10 on the right.
Iran, RCP2.6

In RCP2.6 (the IPCC representative oil crisis

pathway to <2°C), steep reductions are Great
Depression Financial Huge
forecast each year from 2021-2070, effort to
requiring an incremental effort to achieve decelerate
further net reductions on top of those from fast enough
Data from IPCC
the year before. Each annual reduction
(initially c.1bn tonnes per year) is greater 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
than occurred in any single year in the last
100 years including during the deepest

Encouragingly, transition at this pace

is technically feasible. The policies and
actions needed have been set out recently
in detailed reports by leading economic
thinktanks such as the Energy Transition
Commission and New Climate Economy.
These include how to tackle hard-to-abate
sectors like heavy transport and industry.

If enough is done to curtail warming in line

with this scenario then transition risk will
arise due to the economic disruption likely
due to the extent and pace of transition.
To have a realistic expectation of achieving
the under 2°C scenario, drastic policy
measures are needed, such as:
yy An agreed carbon price of up to $100
per tonne across all leading nations to
incentivize rapid transition.
yy A wide range of other policies, similar
to those set out in the 2018 NCE report
(see section 3.5).
yy Stopping new fossil fuel development
and redirecting subsidies to transition
yy Rolling out CCS or forestation on a
huge scale (see page 21).
The heat is on 20 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

The potential actions, as per the 2017 UN Figure 11 Annual global total greenhouse gas emissions (GtCO₂e)
Emissions Gap Report, only account for around
half the emissions reductions needed by 2030 to
meet the Paris targets.

The speed and scale of reductions needed is

visualised in Figures 11 and 12.

To close the gap, a range of tougher mitigation

actions is set out in IPCC SR15 Chapter 4.
Recently a similar list was set out in detail in the
2018 New Climate Economics report, including:
yy Decarbonise electricity: growth of renewables,
mothball coal and gas generators
yy Decarbonise cars and heavy transport:
electric buses, trucks, trains, ships
yy Reduce air travel, promote car sharing or use
of public transport
yy Food: reduce waste at all stages promote
concepts like ‘farm to table’, ‘eat local’, or
vegan alternatives
yy Heating: insulate buildings better and replace
oil and gas boilers with renewable/electric
yy Local / national planning for denser, car-less
urban living
yy Construction and industry: move to circular
economy, re-use of materials, greener inputs
yy Incentives including significant carbon pricing

Figure 12 Total emission reduction basic potentials compared to the current policy scenario in 2030
The heat is on 21 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Figure 13 IPCC SR15 summary for policymakers

Carbon capture & storage is the Breakdown of contributions to global net CO₂ emissions in
only hope for mankind. four illustrative model pathways

Sir David King, Chief Scientist to UK


Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a key

technology but is developing far more slowly
than expected. One example of an active
project is Climeworks in Switzerland that have
created a direct air capture system.

The main technical problems so far have been

how to store the captured gas and the costs
involved. In the case of reforestation and
afforestation land use issues also arise.

In the absence of sound economics or

incentives several CCS projects have been
shelved, however the technology exists.
Therefore, capturing carbon is a political and
economic challenge not a technological one.

Most current projects capture CO₂ from

natural gas fields rather than in flue gas from
power plants. CCS is expensive to retrofit to
existing plants, and ‘cannibalises’ up to 20%
of output energy. Flue gas is typically c.10%
CO₂. More efficient designs are proposed
with CCS designed into new plants. Some
burn fuel in pure oxygen, which improves
efficiency and reduces the volume of flue-gas
by around 75%. Once the water content is
condensed out, it is mainly CO₂ which can be
compressed and stored.

The scale of CCS required by 2050 to hit the

Paris climate targets is equivalent to burying
the total volume of liquid (oil, gas and water)
handled today by the entire global oil industry.
Total oil industry infrastructure is estimated
at $30 trillion, so the order of magnitude of
investment needed could be c.$1 trillion each
year for the next 30 years. This is to install
equipment for carbon capture, compression,
pipelines to storage sites and underground

Alternatively, without CCS, countries with

the highest emissions would need to cut
them to zero within around 30 years, which is
The heat is on 22 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

desertification of the Mediterranean increasing maintenance costs given their

2.2 +3°C scenario region. There is a growing risk at critical dependency.
(More severe physical impacts) this point of accelerating warming,
This scenario corresponds to both as a result of feedback effects from Diseases currently typical of tropical and
IPCC’s RCP 4.5 and RCP 6, as lower the release of natural carbon stores, equatorial areas may spread towards
and higher bounds, and is close to either growing soil emissions or CO₂ more temperate latitudes, requiring
the AVOID2, UK government funded and methane release from thawing renewed research efforts and resulting
research. permafrost. Passing this important in further strain to the national health
yy It is marked by a stabilized flow ‘tipping point’ would have numerous systems. Agricultural diseases and pests
of net emissions of GHGs into the consequences with direct impact on may also migrate.
atmosphere, resulting in a steady infrastructure in Alaska, Canada or
growth in GHG concentration levels. Russia, plus landslides and rock fall in More severe physical impacts on
yy Median expected temperature mountainous regions. investment performance may arise
increase by 2100 of 3.0, with a range compared with the 2°C scenario.
of 1.5-5.8°C allowing for climate Extreme weather events (downpour, Emerging market assets (sovereign
system uncertainties. flood, windstorm, heatwave, drought, and corporate debt) are likely to be
yy Sea level rise, with a range between wildfire etc.) would lead to higher hardest hit. However, developed
0.4m and 0.9m. expenses tied to either the cost of economies will not escape unscathed.
damage and disruption, the reduction The disruption to global trade and
It is roughly in line with current in value of exposed property, or the supply chains from climate change
aspirations when considering country need to harden defences to reduce could erode corporate profits and
commitments to act, and appears vulnerability to the events. Drought, physical damage from weather effects
increasingly as a base case. With it heat stress and other weather extremes could weigh on economic performance.
comes more severe physical damage could degrade agricultural production Public spending to restore and harden
and disruption than in the Low scenario. in many regions. Some production damaged infrastructure or to provide
This scenario is broadly similar to the may move together with its associated capital through pooling techniques
IEA WEO New Policies Scenario, at least infrastructure. As well as price inflation, could be a drag on government finances
until 2040, which assumes achieving and this could lead to food shortages with further restricting capacity for mitigation/
extending the latest policies as laid out economic and political consequences adaptation projects.
in the Paris Agreement. arising from increased unrest, migration
and conflict. Transition risks
Physical risks Whilst the Physical Risks are greater
The physical risks are the same as Sea level rise could lead to the eventual the transition risks are reduced,
for the 2°C scenario but with greater abandonment of low-lying coastal although not avoided entirely. Some
severity. For example, heatwaves could cities and economic regions. The assets would still be stranded from the
affect around three times as many most vulnerable include the Nile delta, need to reduce emission and some
people and farms as in the 2°C scenario, Mekong delta, Bangladesh, parts of carbon capture may be necessary.
and flooding around twice as many. Florida as well as the well-known plight However, the major economic impact
The 2°C tipping points become even of certain small island states. For regions of substantially reducing consumption
more likely, and in addition above 3°C that can afford it, an alternative would would not be as prominent. There will
a number of models predict the loss of be significantly increased costs in be some need to invest in adaptation
the Amazon rainforest (hotter and drier, adaptation (e.g. building dykes, barriers and there is likely to be some social
not resilient to wildfires) and increasing and drainage solutions), with ever and political upheaval.
The heat is on 23 Climate Change Scenarios
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Physical risks Social and political upheaval will be

2.3 +5°C scenario In this scenario, the physical risks listed significant, as the global populations
(Physically devastating) previously become more extreme, and jostle for the shrinking habitable and
This scenario may be linked to IPCC’s natural protection and buffering e.g. by productive lands. In this scenario,
RCP 8.5 and it is in line with current forests and wetlands will have been lost. the consequences for investment
trends continuing. The scenario is close In several regions, peak heatwaves are performance are secondary to the
to the upper AVOID2 estimates. projected to be 10°C higher than current potential collapse of sectors of the
yy Continuous growth in GHG emissions extremes. global economy and, conceivably,
throughout the century, accelerating doubts over the ability of society to
further and then decelerating It is estimated that 60% of global continue functioning.
somewhat later in the century (see cropland may be degraded as soil
figure 10 above). moisture falls dramatically in many Transition risks
yy Median expected temperature key regions (see figure 14), heat stress Transition risk is largely avoided in
increase by 2100 of 4.5°C, with reduces yields from crops, and weather this scenario in the medium term
a range of 2.8-7.8°C allowing for damage causes cumulative destruction. and investment will be focused on
climate system uncertainties. Widespread food and water shortages adapting to the changing planet.
yy Sea level rise of a range between are likely (implied by many models), However, when the full effects of
0.5m and 1.7m. together with massive displacement extreme climate change become
of populations as large areas become obvious, stranding of assets may
The scenario is uncomfortably plausible, uninhabitable due to flooding or drought. occur for the following reasons:
especially if the greatest contributors yy Society may create a backlash
to GHG emission fail to respect their The potential for reaching possible against carbon emitting businesses
targets and no economic transformation tipping points and runaway feedback resulting in assets being stranded
were to occur. The current lack of clear effects would dramatically increase. even if too late to avoid the worst
climate policy continues to hamper Sea-level rise could accelerate to over 2 physical risks.
the implementation of actions against metres due to melting from destabilising yy In the longer term, human progress
climate change. It is important to factor areas of Arctic and Antarctic ice-caps becomes unpredictable as the
in the role of ‘growth’ from growing or the occurrence of other tipping extremes of physical and social
populations, increasing consumption points. Eventual sea-level rise after impacts play through.
and increasing transportation/travel, many centuries may be 70 metres, yy Stranded assets and disrupted
which could all increase emissions transforming coast-lines and many land- business models would still arise in
despite significant efforts to reduce masses. this scenario. As society struggles
them, continuing the ‘balloon squeezing’ to adapt to climate change some
effect seen in recent decades. areas, particularly those close
to the equator, may be largely
abandoned as environments
become inhospitable.

Figure 14 Annual near-surface soil moisture change 2081-2100 (IPCC AR5, 2014)
The heat is on 24 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

3 Implications for
Our sector will struggle to
reduce this protection gap if our
response is limited to avoiding,

Insurers and
rather than managing, society’s
exposure to climate risk
Maurice Tulloch, Chairman of Global

their Customers
General Insurance at Aviva and
previous Chair of ClimateWise

low-lying areas in flood-plains and on consequence of being unable to rely as

3.1 Insurability coasts where agriculture, infrastructure much on historical data to predict future
Insurability is a key topic in a warming and trade is easier to develop and events, it will be key to invest in research
world with a chance of some risks or operate. Climate change, which is a that fosters innovation in data analytics
regions becoming uninsurable where global phenomenon, could have very and forward-looking models that identify
premiums become unaffordable. different local consequences, and the trends in frequency and severity of
Maintaining insurability could be way governments address these issues extremes.
challenged under the three different will significantly influence the context
scenarios. Insurers’ intention is to in which insurers operate and therefore Affordability: In the context of changing
close the protection gap and good insurability of the risks. climate, premiums may rise so high
progress has been made in recent years. as to be uneconomic or unaffordable
Schemes such as InsurResilience, 3.1.1 How is climate change for the customer. Increased risk may
initiated by G7, are designed to provide challenging the insurability of translate into higher premiums or more
climate risk insurance to poorer risks? restrictive terms and conditions, making
countries, supported by the Insurance For a risk to be insurable, the insurer an insurance product unattractive. A
Development Forum. However, this may must be able to meet the following single event that changes the perception
not be possible in the more extreme conditions: of a climate risk could disproportionately
scenarios, which is likely to be led yy Identify and quantify the frequency / affect premium levels. Where there is
more by affordability than insurers’ risk severity of potential hazards and the an inability to properly model and price
appetite. resulting losses. the risk, this can also mean that insurers
yy Satisfy itself that the risks are decide to be more cautious, adding a
Numerous factors will determine what unintended (no adverse selection) and risk margin to the premium (Silver 2014)
is considered insurable so these must unexpected (no moral hazard). or withdrawing capacity. The customer
be understood in order to attempt yy Demonstrate it can pay potential may underestimate the level of risk and
to maintain continuation of cover in losses while maintaining its solvency, consider the price to be excessive,
extreme circumstances or for high- partly by avoiding major risk rendering the risk uninsurable.
risk areas. Government led pooling accumulations.
mechanisms may be key to locking yy Offer a price that is acceptable to all Threat to coverage availability:
in insurance for the high-risk areas stakeholders (insurers, reinsurers, Mismatch of pricing expectations could
or looking at other innovative ways policyholders, regulators). prompt policymakers to limit the prices
of providing finance. However, the that can be charged to a level that is
insurance industry needs to be cautious Climate change is challenging many of not sustainably profitable for insurers.
not to insure the truly uninsurable as these conditions: They may exercise caution and refuse
this could impact resilience limiting to underwrite risks in a given area.
the industry’s ability to support the Global trends and local uncertainties: Examples have already been seen
insurable. The specific local impacts of current of weather-related risks becoming
global warming trends are still hard to unaffordable or unavailable as follows.
Extreme weather risks have always been quantify. In extreme cases, this could yy 2002 German floods (€9bn cost to
challenging for insurers and represent an challenge insurability as pricing depends public funds): risk reassessment
accumulation risk that is a key driver of on the assessment of risk. Existing by insurers led to an increase in
capital. This is particularly true for flood climate models have limitations when premiums of up to 50%, and a
risk given that the majority of economic it comes to assessing local trends (e.g. reduction in areas where flood
development has historically been in wildfire zones). Due to this and as a insurance was offered of 10-20%.
The heat is on 25 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

yy 2005 Hurricane Katrina (insured In the moderate warming scenario (2°C), or by resorting to self-insurance and
loss >$100 billion): the availability of the horizon of insurability may expand mutualising risks.
insurance fell following Katrina and with the development of new industries
other events in 2004-2005. with insurance needs (e.g. renewable In a +5°C degree world, insurance
energy, carbon capture and storage), activity may remain in the regions where
Imperfect information: Exposure to and new types of operations becoming there continues to be economic activity.
natural hazards is public information, viable (e.g. drilling, shipping in the Arctic However, the intense warming and
but high-quality maps of changing region). Insuring risks in some regions destruction of ecosystems, infrastructure
perils, such as flash flood and wildfire, more affected by climate change may and agriculture in some regions means
do not exist as yet or are proprietary. become difficult, and it will depend on economic activity may be significantly
Additionally, some decision makers the insurer’s willingness to accept higher impaired.
(e.g. real estate companies and local risks. Demand for insurance may grow
governments) continue knowingly to in places as the increased uncertainty 3.1.3 Factors determining
develop uninsurable areas for short demonstrates the value of insurance. insurability
term profit. It can be considered as a Regions most at threat are those already In practice insurability is not a fixed
moral hazard, as they know homeowner experiencing flooding, wildfires, and concept. For each risk, the boundary
insurance remains available under coastal surge threats. They are likely to of insurability may not remain the same
certain national regimes. get worse and the size of the area at risk forever and may vary from one company
is likely to grow. Low lying and coastal to another. Some insurance companies
Risks of accumulation: The current areas are considered most at risk. may decide not to insure a risk that
global diversification of risks may be could be insurable, based on economic,
threatened if climate change increases Preventive and adaptive measures strategic, reputational or ethical
the correlation between different should be able to keep the overall risk considerations.
physical risks. Accumulation could at an affordable level for most perils in
also occur in highly exposed regions developed insurance markets. In regions The role of public administration is also
and across Lines of Business. Physical with already high-risk levels, more risk critical and insurers should maintain
risks of climate change will mostly have participation of the insured might be dialogue, as per the following, helping to
implications for property insurance, but required, either through investment in foster a culture of mitigation, adaptation
liability risks could also arise, if there is higher protection standards or by higher and resilience.
growth in related litigation actions. risk retentions.
yy Governments’ risk management
Solvency: Climate change may gradually The 3°C scenario creates real insurability strategies can positively impact
change the risk profile for insurers challenges and could therefore challenge insurability, e.g. building codes,
and reinsurers, with stronger impacts the sector. However, insurance will land-use planning, flood-hazard zone
and accumulations. This has potential continue to be an important product. regulations.
solvency implications. Reinsurance By actively monitoring developments yy The development of a “governmental
is a key tool Property & Casualty caused by climate change and managing backstop” for insurance claims
(P&C) insurers use to manage their their risk portfolio, insurers will be able related to climate change impacts,
solvency. Currently, property insurance to adapt to new conditions. Some types similar to the US Terrorism Risk
policies renew annually; this frequency of climate risks may become effectively Insurance Act, is another option and
of repricing is fundamental to the uninsurable in highly exposed regions. can improve loss sharing between the
sustainability of the insurance market. Property insurance may become private and public sector.
increasingly unaffordable in flood-prone yy For some climate risks, such as
3.1.2 Insurability under different areas and some regions may only be flood, national governments can act
climate scenarios insurable with very high self-retentions as “last resort” insurers. However,
The insurability challenges noted above on customer side due to high frequency this role could be challenged due to
will manifest differently for the various of large loss events. Governments the growing uncertainty caused by
scenarios. may get more involved, trying to find climate change.
solutions in the private insurance sector
The heat is on 26 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Pooling mechanisms: UK Flood Re vs other pooling approaches

Flood Re was established by UK insurers as part of a long- In the US, the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
term deal with the UK government. It includes a number was set up in 1968 to cover river flood and storm surge.
of features designed to incentivise disaster risk reduction A range of state-based pools for hurricane, earthquake
(Mcaneney 2015): and other perils were also set up in the aftermath of other
disasters to ensure ongoing availability of catastrophe
• It applies only to homes built up to 2008 so as not to cover when insurers have stated their intention to withdraw
encourage new building in flood zones. It is available to from these markets.
cover the 2% of homes that are highest risk.
• The industry supported Flood Re in return for further • Most of these schemes originally aimed simply to
government commitments to fund flood defences provide subsidised, affordable cover, with no risk pricing,
• Flood Re was established with a finite 25-year life to which promoted construction in flood-prone areas.
allow market forces to encourage risk reduction as the • A number of these schemes have incentivised risk
scheme matures. reduction in other ways, e.g. the TWIA in Texas has
• On the other hand, there is little incentive to retrofit older played a leading role in ensuring stronger building
properties to be resilient until the return of appropriate standards and a certification regime for weather-proofing
risk pricing when Flood Re is phased out. that has now become standard.
• More recently, the NFIP aims at putting (Swiss Re
One of the first multi-country risk pool mechanisms 2018) the programme on a more sustainable financial
specifically for climate-related natural catastrophes such path. Along with the establishment of a reserve fund,
as tropical cyclones and excess rainfall is the Caribbean its strategy includes the creation of a reinsurance
Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF). It was set up programme with partners from the private sector.
in 2007 by 16 regional governments under the technical
guidance of the World Bank and strongly supported by the In France, bundled flood insurance is backed by the State
insurance industry. Its objective is to provide governments through the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance. Cover is
quick access to emergency funding by using parametric mandatory and included in property cover and flat rate
policies that are automatically triggered according to the additional premium is collected by direct insurers. A
physical characteristics of an event. Such risk pools have proportion of the premium is passed to the pool depending
proven to significantly increase the resilience of countries on the percentage of risk the direct insurer accepts or
exposed to climate-related natural catastrophes. reinsures privately. However, there is no premium incentive
for mitigation or disincentive for the construction of
In the Netherlands, the national government takes direct property at high risk, weakening sustainability.
responsibility for the defences, including dykes.
The heat is on 27 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

local accuracy. Climate models enable portfolio to avoid high accumulations of

3.2 P&C underwriting insurers to reproduce current weather risk in hazardous areas. Geographical
For P&C, climate change will phenomena but can only be used at diversification is also key to this.
predominantly impact Property a general level to model forthcoming However, due to the changing risk
(including Specialty Lines) and Motor, events due to climate change landscape, opportunities to diversify
and less prominently Liability (including (Golnaraghi, Nov 18). might be limited in some local markets.
tort or negligence claims and D&O). Overall the insurance industry can react
Nevertheless, the P&C annual insurance very flexibly to changing risk trends by
The focus is often on catastrophic renewal cycle allows for gradual risk-adjusted pricing. This will ensure
events. However, one of the most adaptation of products, pricing and sufficient insurance capacity as long as
significant effects of a warmer underwriting rules to reflect the changing warming and loss trends are kept in a
atmosphere is likely to be an increased realities. In parallel externally available moderate range and are used to inform
frequency of moderate to severe events or internally-developed models are models.
that may constantly erode profitability continuously and pro-actively upgraded,
if not adequately reflected in pricing. which contributes to the understanding Increasingly focus will need to be on
What we now call “normal” seasonal of climate change effects. loss prevention and adaptation in
weather could happen less often as it order to mitigate the physical impacts.
will gradually be replaced by hot and dry One consequence for insurers to be Underwriters need to become more
seasons or extreme wet seasons. aware of is that changing social attitudes selective on the risk quality and
are a typical trigger for liability risks. A actuaries will have to account for
This section explores how insurers shift in the public mood around climate preventive measures more explicitly.
should consider both physical and might encourage climate-related
transition risks potentially by adjusting liability actions. Organisations may be The more physical risks materialise,
their underwriting under various accused of contributing to man-made the more prevention will extend from
scenarios and consider changing climate change by failing to reduce large scale protection schemes (e.g.
product needs. emissions, to adapt to climate change, flood barriers and dams) to individual
or to disclose risk insights transparently. adaptation measures (adequate water
3.2.1 How is P&C underwriting Demonstrating direct attribution for proof materials, less vulnerable ways
affected? climate change to the emitter and of construction). This could mean
The most prominent impacts are likely climate change to a particular weather insurance companies requiring additional
to occur in Property, Specialty Lines loss will always be challenging. Although certifications and surveys carried out by
and Motor, due to their direct physical the science of attribution by changing engineers for smaller commercial risks
exposure to weather. More indirect likelihoods is developing fast. than is performed today and maybe
impacts will come via Liability, mainly even for private households. Insurers will
due to likely shifts in legislation and legal 3.2.2 How to prepare underwriting almost certainly leverage additional data,
norms as social attitudes gradually shift. coming from new untapped sources, to
New products or new lines of business Physical risks better understand the risks.
might also develop to meet the needs Underwriting strategy focuses on
created by climate change and the the understanding of risk. When In the agricultural insurance segment,
opportunities arising in mitigation or underwriting Natural Catastrophe similar risk management principles
adaptation. cover, some elements are crucial to this apply. Certain fruits and crops are
understanding: vulnerable to diseases arising in the
Historically, physical damage to property yy Knowledge of risk location years of increased heat stress; mean
and related business interruption clearly yy Nature of the risk (building, contents) while in years of flooding or prolonged
dominated the claims costs in the yy Interconnection between risks wet weather, losses may arise due to
P&C segment, especially from natural through portfolio management direct damage and fungal diseases.
catastrophes. The high volatility caused (including interconnected risks and Risk managers would have to identify
by catastrophic events also led to supply chains) disease resistant crops and focus on the
significant capital requirements under farmers’ risk management capabilities
the Solvency II regime with over 85% Understanding the local risk situation of as industrial property underwriters do
of natural catastrophe losses being any insured risk will become a precious today.
weather related and therefore potentially asset and prudent underwriting will
exposed to a warming climate. become ever more important. As trends accelerate, in the more
severe climate projections, pricing may
Forecasting future weather event In order to reduce the capital intensity need to rely on more forward-looking
distribution under global warming of a property portfolio requires active components alongside loss history and
is not possible today with sufficient management and steering of the risk modelling.
The heat is on 28 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Not only intensity and frequency of these sectors. This mainly impacts
events might change but also the segments with a high carbon footprint.
regions where they occur. Other perils Underwriting operations will have to
might become relevant and others expect pressure from NGOs and need to
might have less relevance. This is why put prudent acceptance rules in place to
the annual renewal of contracts and enforce ESG criteria. This is a particular
permanently refined models are key risk for mono-line and specialty insurers
to ensure limited mismatch between where their sectors shrink or disappear.
climate change effects and the way
they are taken into consideration when There will also be winners. New
underwriting. regulations or customer behaviours
could lead to a boom in certain
Actuaries will have to consider that segments accompanied by rapidly
their claims data may not necessarily growing exposures and demand. As
contain all trends. Catastrophe an example new renewable energy
modellers and actuaries will have to production methods, battery production,
continue collaborations to determine the rare earth mining, or new technologies,
“best estimate” view of future Natural such as CCS facilities.
Catastrophe events in order to build
forward-looking pricing models. The technological transition to a low
carbon economy can pose new risks
Research and development for the insurance sector. The industry
Insurance firms, therefore, need to needs to adapt to insuring emerging
continue to actively develop modelling technologies which by definition have
for new perils stemming from climate no or very limited loss histories. An
change in different regions as well example could be hybrid electric ships,
as economic factors such as value or large cargo ships fitted with auxiliary
concentration due to urbanisation. They sails. Therefore, it might be initially
will need to refine existing models, and challenging to price these emerging
maintain solid, permanent research technologies accurately. Furthermore,
and development. This will allow while traditional technologies have an
better understanding of the changing extensive loss history, they might be
risk landscape and related products. increasingly exposed to market shifts
Firms will need to anticipate regulatory regarding supply and demand for certain
changes, monitor their business strategy commodities, products and services.
for wanted and unwanted risks or
segments, and do so in line with their Another transition risk that could
risk appetite. The timing of technological materialise is climate change litigation,
development and deployment as well as which would impact liability insurance.
related market prices will remain a key This would require a clear scientific
factor of uncertainty. link attributing such events to climate
pollutants and their emitters.
This also implies that organisations need
to become more agile in their responses 3.2.3 Impact of various scenarios
to a changing customer base, changing
perceptions of risk and changes in Scenario <2°C
regulatory framework. To achieve this scenario either the entire
energy production of the world would
Transition risks need to become carbon free within 30
Transition risks also impact underwriting years, or CO₂ needs to be actively taken
in several ways. The changing social out of the atmosphere and sequestered
and regulatory environment could lead in the oceans or underground storage.
to a strategic risk due to the contraction It requires rapid implementation of new
of certain market sectors (especially technologies to achieve either option.
for stranded assets) and thus shrinking
demand for insurance or increased Therefore transition risk is the dominant
reputational risks when insuring risk insurers face in this scenario.
The heat is on 29 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Necessary actions ultimately lead to fast and re-priced. This allows insurers to business. This creates new opportunities
devaluation of carbon intensive assets. cope with the expected loss trends and to diversify geographically.
On the other side there will also be many keep sufficient insurance capacity. For Where insurers are not actively
winning enterprises, such as alternative active risk managers there would even providing enough cover to serve the
energy companies, fuel cell producers, be opportunities driven by increased increased needs of established markets,
insulation suppliers and fitters etc., as risk awareness and subsequent higher governments may decide to take action
well as their supply chains. demands. The risk-return profile may like imposing mandatory insurance
differ among markets depending on their schemes or creating local risk pools.
The negative impacts are likely to be maturity and regulatory frameworks.
relatively manageable for the insurance One way to cope with a moderate
industry as a whole. However, a study Preventive and adaptive measures warming scenario will be to accept
by Federation Francaise de l’Assurance should be able to keep the overall risk higher overall risk levels and volatility
suggests claims costs in France could at an affordable level in all developed and actively strive to increase insurance
double by 2040 with climate change insurance markets. In regions with penetration for natural perils in all
accounting for a third of the increase already high risk levels, more risk markets. This helps to generate premium
(l’Assurance 2016). So whilst the participation of the insured might be income streams from additional regions
physical risk should be manageable required, either through investment in and perils in order to better diversify
within these timescales, firms still higher protection standards or by higher risks and make it easier to absorb
need to actively monitor and manage risk retentions. losses.
developments. It may even create
opportunities for those firms who are As more and more governments suffer This will increase demand for risk data
most effective at doing so and best able from more frequent large loss events, and analytics so insurers would need
to cope with increased loss frequency impacting economic growth and state to prepare themselves for a fight for
and severities. budgets, they will also see the benefits talent for skilled loss control engineers,
of a functioning global insurance market. geospatial data analytics and portfolio
Contrary to long term business, most We expect more insurance markets managers, natural scientists, modellers
property lines are annually renewed being created or opened for international and actuaries.
The heat is on 30 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

It may require new products that better makers, and potentially individuals, may and shortage of fresh water supply will
serve the customers’ requirements, seek someone to blame and additional impact industry and populations alike.
although these may change as different sources of capital to fund responses
perils dominate in different markets. resulting in legislative or regulatory The social and political consequences
actions. Such a scenario would be more could significantly deplete the economic
Overall, customers’ needs for the likely in developed economies. strength of societies globally so, for
insurance sector could grow and the many, insurance may become a thing
risks would be manageable (as long For countries in tropical and subtropical of the past. Governments may struggle
as no tipping points are activated). latitudes the frequency of catastrophic financially impacting their ability to
Continually refined modelling, prudent events may become too high for a support catastrophe pools or other
underwriting and active portfolio functioning and efficient insurance insurance type activity, or to fund
management will be required to market to cover flood, drought and catastrophe responses. This could lead
secure solvency and enable affordable wildfire. These governments may see to mutualisaiton of P&C insurance lines
premium. Globally diversified insurers no other way than to mutualise risks so as to gain access to capital reserves,
may have an advantage, however, and create state-run schemes for such or result in closure of pooling schemes.
reinsurance capacity should be sufficient perils. As more and more local insurance This would put greater pressure on the
to absorb local shock events and keep companies struggle with capital shortage insurance industry.
local insurers in business. Carbon and high losses, there could be moves
intensive businesses may struggle to to consolidate or pool risks with heavy That said, there would likely remain a
get insurance cover or vanish entirely (in cross subsidisation of high-risk portions space for private insurance solutions.
a scenario when transition risk is in any of the population. The trend towards risk As new territories become inhabitable,
case very high), whilst transition risk will pools will need capital that may boost new insurance markets will be created.
create new opportunities. traditional and alternative reinsurance Nordic countries, Greenland, Alaska,
markets. In addition, companies could Siberia and parts of Canada and
Scenario +3°C offer risk prevention services. Antarctica may become the sites for
Within the first 10 or 20 years there will new developments. Currently only 1%
be no significant difference compared In all developed insurance markets the of Antarctica is free of ice, this share will
to the moderate 2°C warming scenario. demand for insurance is likely to grow to grow when warming reaches +5°C.
There should, however, be less unprecedented levels driven by frequent
pressure to change economies from a large scale loss events. This demand, Insurance will survive as an industry. As
governmental and regulatory point of however, may mean the industry suffers discussed above the Northern countries
view, thus reducing transition risks in the substantial losses and reaches the limits may require insurance. However, in the
earlier part of the path. of risk appetite in certain perils and developed insurance markets of the
locations. Smaller local players might be mid-latitude countries, such as Europe,
However, in the second half of the overwhelmed by catastrophe events and US, Australia and large parts of Asia,
pathway towards 3°C, the full extent face a capital shortage. property insurance may become a less
of the physical risks described in attractive line of business. Weather
the proceeding sections will start to Retrofitting and resilient construction events such as the pan-European
materialise. Insurance may become may become a dominant risk factor in hydrological event of 1342 may become
unaffordable or at least unattractive for building insurance and could even be a relatively “normal” extreme event,
highly exposed regions. Some regions precondition to obtain cover in high risk interrupted by droughts that can last
may only be insurable with very high areas. for several years (like in California from
self-retentions on the customer side due 2011-2017) As a result, the required
to high frequency of large loss events. As Scenario +5°C impact on pricing may make insurance
a consequence of these developments As many regions in the tropical and an expensive commodity available only
market reaction and government subtropical zone become uninhabitable, to the wealthier in society and levels or
responses are likely to be more dramatic either due to extreme high temperatures, type of cover may become reduced.
in part forced by the recognition of water stress and/or agricultural failure, or Pricing could also be impacted by the
historical inactions. Carbon intensive insurability issues will give way to basic reduced diversification options due to a
industries may experience litigation and considerations of survival. reduced number of active markets and
this could have an impact on liability insurance classes.
insurance. If the world reaches +5°C, this may
lead to widespread famine due to crop It is not just in the interest of insurance
As climatic events become more severe failures and potentially mass migration to avoid such excessive warming. It is of
they may move outside “normal” to higher latitude countries where fundamental interest to all.
volatility compared to pre-industrial climate allows survival. Agricultural food
levels and even today´s climate. Policy production could be severely reduced
The heat is on 31 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

3.3.2 Impact on mortality and

3.3 Life underwriting morbidity
Figure 16 Excess mortality by decade
attributed to heat and cold, under 3 climate
There are obvious direct effects of change scenarios (Gasparrini 2017)
3.3.1 How life insurers are
climate change, such as heatwaves,
exposed to climate change
which have a quantifiable, albeit difficult
Life insurance companies are exposed
to predict impact on mortality and
to climate change both in their in-force
morbidity. This could impact mental
as well as in their new business. Climate
health, including a rise in suicides as
change-related increases in mortality or
some predict, and an overall shift in the
morbidity rates could lead to adverse
main causes of death. Heat and cold
claims experience. Also climate change-
related mortality in the US are already
related deterioration of macroeconomic
a larger driver of deaths than natural
conditions could hamper sales of life and
catastrophe events.
health insurance.

In addition, there are indirect threats

In addition, life insurance companies
such as poor air and water quality,
invest in long-term assets, matching
irresponsible land use and extreme
their investments to the maturity of their
ecological changes including loss of
policies, e.g. to cover future pension
biodiversity (Smith 2011), food insecurity
claims. This makes them especially
and undernutrition, the spread of
exposed to climate change on the asset
disease vectors, displacement and
side (Covington 2014). The exposure
migration. These direct and indirect
regarding investments by life insurance
factors ultimately put an increasing
companies is discussed further in
strain on public health systems, social
section 4.1.
capital and infrastructure, which could
Figure 15 Life insurance exposure to conceivably lead to social unrest and
climate change political conflict.

Direct physical impacts Various studies show that health and

e.g., prosperity are strongly correlated. The
• Heatwaves level of vulnerability of a specific region
• Storms or country and population can in fact
• Floods be defined by the four main indicators,
• Droughts namely population density, population
age, GDP per capita and level of
Indirect physical impacts education (Kennedy 1997, Kawachi epidemics could be strongly influenced
e.g., 2000). The lack of a well-functioning by global warming. There is already a
• Air pollution health care systems, or low purchasing trend of increasing interactions between
• Diseases power in general, may amplify the humans and pathogen-carrying wildlife,
• Water & food supply impacts of climate change. which drives the risk of new infectious
• Environmental degradation diseases spreading (Carpenter 2018).
Some early studies have made links
between climate change and mortality, In general, the extent to which the life
Societal impacts
as articulated in the Countdown insurance sector could be affected by
publications of the Lancet, who climate change related risk depends on
• Public health infrastructure
state, “by undermining the social the type of insurance products across
• Migration
and environmental determinants different regions. Insurance portfolios
• Geo-political challenges, wars
that underpin good health, climate that pay out if the insured person is alive
change exacerbates social, economic, (such as annuities and pension) and in
and demographic inequalities, with the event of death (for example, term
the impacts eventually felt by all and whole life) are exposed to longevity
Impact on life insurance and mortality risks respectively, with
populations.” (Gasparrini 2017) The
• Mortality
charts given show excess mortality in corresponding levels of impact from
• Morbidity
the various IPCC scenarios. climate change scenarios. Income and
• Premiums
health insurance portfolios are generally
• Claims
In terms of extreme catastrophe events, short-term products which are exposed
• Insurability
the occurrence of pandemics as well as to morbidity risks. Most health and
The heat is on 32 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

disability covers are annually renewed, be no large difference compared to the struggle with extreme temperatures, lack
so are closer to P&C lines from a moderate 2°C warming scenario, but of access to clean water, and famine that
pricing perspective, and therefore less morbidity and mortality deterioration could give rise to large scale migration.
susceptible to mortality and morbidity should be more evident. However, over Depending on how well populations
changes. Depending on the portfolio of the longer term the impacts on mortality adapt, morbidity and mortality may
a specific insurance company, losses and morbidity may diverge from the soar and new business may be heavily
due to increasing mortality may be offset 2°C scenario, which coupled with the impacted.
by mirroring developments in longevity economic implications could create
products. significant challenges for insurers.

Purchasing power and life Under a +5℃ scenario, the direct impact
insurance penetration is likely to be further amplified and
In addition to the size and speed of accelerated. In addition, in the longer
global warming, there are several other term, a larger indirect impact is expected
factors that determine the extent of from geo-political instability as more
impact. Business and portfolio specific regions of the world are expected to
features like location, product types and become uninhabitable. An increasing
pricing structure, market penetration, proportion of the world’s population may
and risk mitigation measures will also
have effects on the outlook for life

Adaptability to changing circumstances

is inherently higher in wealthier areas Figure 17 Probability distribution functions by shifting weather (SREX 2012)
or populations, which also enjoy higher
life insurance penetration levels. Such
portfolios are therefore less likely to In a constant climate, weather
be impacted immediately by global should fit a bell curve with
average temperatures most
warming. However, this shielding effect
likely and extremes of hot or
may fade over time.
cold are rare.

Under the 2 °C scenario, impacts on If there is a simple shift in

morbidity and mortality would arise the weather then the entire
from heat effects and social factors distribution moves, as per a).
such as income, wealth and migration. The probability of more extreme
In general, the impact in low income hot weather increases slightly
countries will likely be higher, often due but cold extremes decline.
to their geographical location and lower
wealth resulting in lower adaptability In b) the weather variability
increases but there is no shift
levels. This could affect new business
in the mean, which can also
growth and market penetration in these
have the effect of increasing
regions. The transition risks in society
extremes but at both ends of
and economy might re-route money and the distribution.
priority from life insurance cover to more
immediate concerns, limiting growth. In c) the distribution itself
As well as customers reprioritising, life changes and in this example
companies will need to monitor their the chance of extreme heat
investments carefully as transition risk increases with minimal change
changes the investment values and in cold extremes.
opportunities so as to avoid stranded
In theory all three things
assets and declining sectors. Asset
could happen. An increase
Liability Management may become a
in temperature, an increasing
more dynamic and rapidly changing skill.
variability and a changing
distribution. This could be worse
For the second scenario, which assumes as it increases the probability of
that global warming exceeds 3°C, extreme heat, yet extreme cold
within the first 10 or 20 years there will could still occur.
The heat is on 33 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

change policies, financial markets may to environmental considerations as well

3.4 Investment either; as falling price of coal.
implications and stranded a) underreact to the change in the
issuer’s financial position (for The risk of stranding increases with
assets example, if markets had already the degree of ambition of the transition
The investment implications of climate correctly anticipated and priced in the scenarios: the more ambitious the
change for insurers are equally as risk before it has materialized); or transition scenario, the greater risk that
diverse as the insurance implications. b) overreact (for example, if markets assets will be stranded. Indeed, Mark
In the shorter term transition risk is were to adopt overly optimistic/ Carney, the FSB chair has stated that
likely to be the biggest area of influence pessimistic market expectations a carbon budget consistent with a 2°C
on asset values, in part influenced about future trends or missing target would render the vast majority of
by forward looking projections as we insights on risk mitigation measures reserves ‘stranded’.
become more certain of the science of of companies).
global warming. In the medium to longer Physical risks
term the physical effects are likely to Stranded assets during transition Over the longer term (the mid part of
be the driving factors influencing asset A manifestation of transition risk is the the century and beyond), the physical
values and economic performance. In creation of the so-called “Stranded impacts of climate change are likely
the worst scenarios, in the latter half of Assets” (although stranding could also to become more pronounced and
the century the financial markets may arise from physical risks). This occurs have a greater bearing on investment
become completely disrupted as today’s where an asset is no longer able to earn performance than transition effects. The
economy breaks down, further stranding an economic return, prior to the end of scale of the impact will depend on the
assets and breaking business models. its usual economic life. These assets actions taken and eventual outturn for
therefore suffer from unanticipated or global warming. The greater the level of
Transition risk premature write-downs, devaluations warming, the more severe the weather
The exposure of an institutional investor, or conversion to liabilities. Assets are and climate effects will be, and the
such as an insurance company, to particularly vulnerable to stranding greater the damage and disruption to the
transition risk through its investment where the level of emissions associated global economy. While it is not possible
portfolio will be a function of three with extracting and processing a to precisely determine the implications
contingent factors (Thomä 2016). resource would exceed the available for investment performance, broad
yy The level of transition in the “real carbon budget (see section 1.4). impacts can be sketched out for each of
economy” or, in other words, the the three global warming scenarios.
extent to which the profile of a Similarly, equipment can be ‘stranded’
company’s operations change and/ if it will need to be decommissioned Stranding would still happen if there is
or sectors become vulnerable to or expensively modified well before no transition risk, as physical risks would
transition induced changes in demand the end of its useful economic life. alter economic priorities and change the
and pricing. E.g. coal power or heating plants, or viable industries and economic outputs
yy The reaction of financial markets carbon fuelled transportation. Global of individual countries, especially in
to a company or sector’s transition equipment currently in use has already developing nations.
exposure. locked in more lifetime emissions than
yy Changes in transition trends, due to the remaining carbon budget to meet the
a step-change in public mood and 2°C target, and so some may need to be
political will, leading to significant taken offline early. To meet the target, we
changes in carbon pricing and need either to decommission $ trillions
other policy initiatives. There could of equipment in the next few years or to
be a public backlash if warming implement a high carbon price or direct
accelerates leading to a rapid shift legislation to stimulate vast-scale carbon
towards more dramatic transition sequestration.
Energy reserves (coal, oil and natural
Investors should be mindful of the gas) are particularly vulnerable to
various dimensions of transition stranding. This could lead to a drop
risk when modelling their portfolio in the value of the company and even
exposures, with the complication that threaten its viability, depending on
the relationships may not be readily the value of reserves in relation to its
apparent. Depending upon matters such balance sheet. For example the worlds
as the level of climate disclosures or largest private sector coal company,
the future path of governmental climate Peabody Coal, went bankrupt partly due
The heat is on 34 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Despite the profound risk to humanity

3.5 Transition risk and from a “too little, too late” response,
socio-economic factors most governments are a long way from
having enough support from the public The clear and present danger
Transition risk can best be managed
to make the necessary changes to be on of climate change means
by making the necessary policy
changes in an open and coordinated
track for the Paris targets. A key trigger we cannot burn our way to
way internationally, and by institutions
to change goals and take radical action prosperity… We need a clean
would be a deep and sustained rise in industrial revolution.
making preparations in good time. The
public concern (see graphic below).
sectors and activities most exposed to Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary-General
transition risk are those that extract and
Meanwhile, insurers have the
produce fossil fuels and those that emit
opportunity to play a key social role,
large volumes of GHGs.
including contributing to business and
public awareness of this profound and Socio-economic tipping points
The characteristics of global warming As noted above, deep and extensive
fundamental game-changer, whilst
make it fundamentally difficult for human social, behavioural and economic
influencing some of the practical
psychology to act on. Long latency change is needed to meet the Paris
responses and policy implications. The
and the massive scale and global target. This requires a major social shift.
most important responses will be to
nature of the problem make it hard to
continue to make sustainable insurance
comprehend. Moreover, differing stages It is hard to imagine such change in
protection widely available and with
of national development, and rising mind-set happening smoothly. Such a
tailored products, to allow individuals
protectionism and cynicism about ‘free- dramatic change in public mood carries
to thrive in certainty and businesses to
riding’ can fuel counter-productive local the risk of social and legal shocks. These
focus on their core purpose rather than
behaviour. could cause sudden impacts to insurers’
consuming entrepreneurial energy and
capital in climate risk management. business areas or asset portfolios, even
This is the profound challenge of our though in the long run it is desirable to
Also, as insurers continue to invest in
times, which Mark Carney poignantly mitigate climate change.
natural hazard models and update them
referred to as the ‘tragedy of the
to incorporate climate trends and any
commons’ and the ‘tragedy of horizon’ The graphic below briefly considers so-
step-changes, they can make those
(Carney 2015). called socio-economic tipping-points,
models available for broader long-term
risk assessment in infrastructure and although this is a relatively new area of
adaptation planning. study (Kopp 2016).

Examples of possible triggers for a rapid shift Such triggers could be a catalyst for socio-economic or
in climate change attitudes include: behavioural tipping points, reducing consumption and
increasing sustainability:
• Weather catastrophes cause shocking human
tragedy and are solidly attributable to climate • Widespread shifts of diet and social rejection of food waste
change and acceptance of lower carbon emitting options
• Increasingly the public vote for political • Take-off of circular economy, as social conscience about
leaders who champion climate action, and consumption and waste promotes reuse/recycling
social wellbeing over other matters, such as
• Falling costs of renewable technology accelerate roll-out,
GDP growth
competition and R&D in a virtuous cycle
• Religious leaders galvanise a strong sense of
• Public support to implement meaningful carbon pricing
moral duty for urgent climate action
which will then accelerate transition
• An international media ‘hit’, such as a TV
• Subsidies for decentralised renewable energy production
series, that convincingly portrays the horrors
of a 4°C world • Increasing awareness of resilience following extreme
events, e.g. abandoning low-lying areas that flood
• Emergence of eco-activism, and widespread
frequently, or changing crops / agricultural practices or
public sympathy for their actions
climate migration
The heat is on 35 Implications for Insurers and their Customers
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Modelling transition risk

To help institutional investors quantify and, where The ClimateWise modelling framework aims to assess the
appropriate, reduce their exposure to transition risk in materiality of transition risk for infrastructure investment
investment portfolios, various software tools have been portfolios and can be used by asset managers on top of
developed by climate change advocacy groups, think-tanks their own risk modelling. Infrastructure investments were
and private sector vendors. Two examples, both open chosen as a focus for this project, as these are particularly
source tools, are frameworks developed by 2°C Investing vulnerable to transition risk from both a revenue and
Initiative (2II) - a global think-tank developing climate risk cost perspective. ClimateWise have developed a three
metrics and related policy options in financial markets; step framework (see below) that aims to, firstly, identify
and by ClimateWise Insurance Advisory Council (“Climate the range of asset types exposed to transition risk and
Wise”), a network of leading insurance organisations that opportunity; secondly, to define the potential impact of
aims to align with, and support the principles of the Task transition risk at asset level (this will indicate investment
Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). options for asset owners and regulators to help improve
the resilience of their investment portfolios); and, thirdly, to
2II are in the process of rolling out their SEI Metrics project, incorporate the impacts of transition into in-house asset
which provides a portfolio test for listed equity portfolios. financial models.
The model compares the exposure of a portfolio of stocks
to a 2°C scenarios, mapped to specific asset classes
and geographies, and with geography and stock market
specific calculation outputs. Since its launch, some 2,000
portfolios have been tested for over 200 institutional
investors, including asset managers, pension funds,
insurance companies, banks, and sovereign wealth funds.

Figure 18 ClimateWise Transition Risk Framework

The heat is on 36 Insurance Industry Responses
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

4 Insurance
4.1 Resilience, mitigation
and adaptation
insurers have a vested interest in
supporting efforts aimed at curbing
global warming and bolstering resilience.
insurance protection and investing.
Regardless of the success of efforts
to contain emissions in future, both
There is also a reputational incentive. As approaches will be needed to deal with
We have highlighted earlier in the paper
good corporate citizens we want to be the global changes that have already
that climate change, among other
seen to be playing our part in assisting been set in motion.
major trends, is a major threat to the
with this critical issue. As is currently yy Mitigation refers to measures that
global economy and society as a whole.
happening on a range of key topics, can minimise or slow the rate of long
Therefore, our response should reflect
including climate change. term climate change and will centre
the risk. This may require meaningful
on effort to curb emissions as the
and potentially radical transformation
Mitigation and adaptations are key principal cause of global warming.
to our way of life and our approach
concepts informing climate change yy Adaptation, on the other hand, refers
to economic activity (to render both
issues. Whilst governments’ primary to measures that can strengthen
sustainable) if the worst consequences
task must be to curb greenhouse gas the resilience of economies and
of climate change are to be avoided.
emissions, insurers will work with societies to the physical effects of
As providers of protection products, as
policymakers to support adaptation climate change (in temperature, storm
well as major investors in the economy,
and transition both through providing frequency, flooding and other factors).

Figure 19 Insured vs uninsured weather-related catastrophe losses, per region

The heat is on 37 Insurance Industry Responses
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Options available to mitigate climate and can be as simple as moving location assist. It is important, however, to note
change include phasing out fossil fuels or as complex as investing in adaptive that there are limits to the capacity of
by urgently switching to low-carbon techniques/technologies. private sector insurers to absorb losses
energy sources, such as renewable and climate change could strain this
energy, and protecting and expanding Lowering sensitivity is one approach, capacity.
forests and other “sinks” to remove such as building road surfaces that
greater amounts of carbon dioxide from withstand higher temperatures, It is also worth noting that these risks
the atmosphere. Energy efficiency will building in heat resistance or building may have financial implications for the
also play a role, for example, through defences to protect against sea-level insurers’ own operations (including
improving the insulation of buildings and rise. Alternatively, it is possible to build impacts on own premises, operations,
encouraging people to accept a wider adaptive capacity, such as raised living supply chain, and employee safety) as
variances in temperature so reducing quarters or building on stilts. Behavioural well as for its own insurance portfolio.
heating and cooling needs. Insurers can shifts such as individuals using less
support these mitigation efforts through water and farmers planting different
their underwriting activities and also crops is an important part of adaptation.
through their investment activities. It is also possible to take advantage
of opportunities arising from climatic
As major institutional investors, changes, such as growing new crops in
insurers have significant influence over areas that were previously unsuitable.
companies and can encourage them
to switch to less carbon intensive The insurance industry helps through
operations (for example, through its mutualisation and shock absorbing
involvement in organisations like the capabilities for major risks, its abundant
Climate Action100+ initiative), and data information and abilities to analyse
improve transparency through improved such data. The power in this data is
disclosure. Insurers can take more achieved by raising awareness with the
direct steps to curb global warming public, governments and corporations.
by disinvesting from sectors and/or Influence is also possible through the
businesses that are seen as heavily way insurance and reinsurance products
polluting. A number of prominent are designed and in the way claims
insurers have made public commitments are fulfilled. For example, seeking
to limit support and investment in carbon suppliers who reduce delivery miles, or
intensive industries. giving the customer options to move
to lower emitting replacement goods.
As noted, adaptation measures can Developing public/private partnerships
reduce vulnerability to climate change and building pooling options would also

Economics of climate adaptation

Major climate-related natural catastrophes such as storms, The good news is that up to 65% of climate risks can be
floods, droughts and other extreme weather events can averted. However, this needs quick and joint action by
threaten cities, regions and entire nations. Losses from both the public and private sector. Only by combining risk
natural catastrophes are rising, as wealth accumulates in the prevention, risk mitigation and risk transfer measures as part
world’s most exposed regions and the climate continues to of a comprehensive adaptation strategy, will communities
change. become more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

The ECA outlines a framework for decision-making that The insurance industry is at the forefront to support such
identifies significant potential for cost-effective adaptation climate adaptation measures. As an example, the private
measures (ECA, 2009). They present a practical framework sector advisory group for the Green Climate Fund has
that national and local officials can use to quantify the proposed to involve the private sector in climate adaptation.
risk that climate change poses to their economies, and to This includes focusing on risk transfer instruments,
minimise the cost of adapting to that risk. which includes insurance as a financing modality. Such
instruments will be aimed at addressing ‘residual climate-
induced risk’, where physical adaptation measures may not
be feasible and/or make financial sense.
The heat is on 38 Insurance Industry Responses
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Insurers are therefore amongst those with the greatest incentives to understand and tackle climate
change... And your response is at the cutting edge of the understanding and management of risks
arising... Your genius has been to recognize that past is not prologue and that the catastrophic
norms of the future can be seen in the tail risks of today.
Mark Carney, 2015

locks fitted for security purposes, or There is also the obvious steps of
4.2 Supporting societal reduced life insurance premiums for non- managing our own operations to be as
change - a social role for smokers. In some cases, influence has low in carbon impact as possible.
been simply achieved by sharing claims
the insurance industry data held by the insurance industry, Interaction with government and other
Reinsurers, insurers and brokers have in part to shift public perceptions. As public bodies has been effective in
been influencing public policy, public already mentioned being an active the past in influencing regulation and
perceptions and consumer behaviour institutional investor or considering how legislation, and working in partnership
since the first recorded modern style funds are invested can also influence or to find solutions to complex problems.
insurance sale in Edward Lloyd’s Coffee assist in driving change. For instance, the UK government has
House in 1688 London. In part this has engaged with the insurance industry on
been through policy wordings with the The insurance industry is in the position investment in flood protection measures
use of exclusions and open pricing to choose whether to take an active and in joint ventures, such as pooling,
improvements, but also through direct position in mitigating global warming to provide protection for high risk
influence on customer actions. One not only for the industry, but also to properties. Public health is another area
notable example being in California support society as a whole. Utilising the where the insurance industry has striven
in 2004 where Insurance Institute for full range of mechanisms available to to have its voice heard through the
Business & Home Safety issued leaflets insurers in order to do so. As mentioned provision of policy suggestions backed
to high risk homes encouraging the elsewhere in the paper, this includes by claims data.
undertaking of protective measures taking appropriate pricing actions,
against wildfires. Further examples managing policy wording, influencing While the insurance sector can be an
include widespread use of risk surveys claims spend such as making greener important agent for change, firms need
and risk advice in Commercial lines, the alternatives available, managing assets to be careful to manage the external
introduction of a no claims discount, and investments, and utilising data and reputation and communications
reduced pricing for homes with window experience to inform public opinion. so as not to be misunderstood or

Why not whiten the sky (geo-engineering)?

A seductive alternative to weaning the global economy off fossil fuels is to offset the warming by deliberate cooling.
One idea is to spray a thin veil of sulphate particles into the upper atmosphere (above where most clouds form). This is
technologically feasible and relatively affordable. However it carries major perils and moral hazards:

‘Two wrongs don’t make a right’ ‘You can’t put the genie back in the bottle’
• It may cause drying of tropical / sub-tropical regions, as • High dependency and termination risk: with high CO₂
happened after massive eruptions (the ‘Pinatubo Effect’). levels, the world will warm very fast if the aerosols are not
• It may act as a catalyst to destroy the ozone layer faster. maintained, creating a ‘sword of Damocles’ for millennia.
• There is no ‘control’ planet, so we cannot test for • It appears to buy time, but in reality it subverts any
unintended health, ecology or weather risks. impetus to act on emissions.
• The approach doesn’t stop CO₂ acidifying the oceans, • To be effective a globally coordinated activity would be
potentially catastrophic for marine life and fisheries. required and it is doubtful there will be the political will
given the risks.
• The sulphates would only stay in the atmosphere for
approximately a year before returning to earth so this is • Even if outlawed, ‘rogue’ states may go ahead, with
not a one-off action but a regular activity. global consequences.
The heat is on 39 Insurance Industry Responses
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

misconstrued. It is important when In responding to climate change, 4.3.2 Investment considerations

taking a public stance on a high-profile insurers not only need to consider In the investment process it is essential
topic to consider all the reputational how best to support their customers to define a clear strategy incorporating
angles and how a message may be in the protections it provides but also expected climate change factors, as
interpreted, especially if it proves to be how to invest its assets to maintain well as short-term and long-term targets
out of step with public opinion or if the financial stability. Evaluating the right that the insurance company wants to
message is misrepresented to look like investments, using carbon impact as achieve.
self-interest rather than for society as one of the measures, will be essential
intended. Also the industry cannot be to helping direct change and support Insurers’ needs in relation to investing
seen to be in conflict with consumer investment in mitigating activities. ESG are not purely driven by the need for
autonomy or to impact on the fair integration is one aspect of responsible investment return. Matching capital and
treatment of customers. investing that specifically lends itself maintaining low risk to give confidence
to climate change. This is where in the matching of assets to liabilities
A key area where insurers can drive environmental, social and governance is critical so is often the biggest driver
change is through claims fulfilment. factors are integrated into investment of investment strategies. Fixed Income
Replacing insured goods with more decisions. instruments are a natural match for the
energy efficient solutions is one potential long-term liabilities of an insurer and it is
option. Another is to allow customers to Impact investing enables an investor to unsurprising that this asset class makes
part fund replacement, for instance to pro-actively influence climate mitigations up approximately 80% of the average
choose a more energy efficient vehicle in the real economy through investing in insurers’ asset allocation. At the other
rather than direct replacement or to add sustainability-themed investments. end of the spectrum, venture capital is
energy efficient solutions into property often too risky and is therefore rarely
rebuilds. The cost to insurers would be As explained in chapter 2.4, investors included in the asset allocation of an
the same, but a more climate friendly also need to reactively consider the insurance company.
solution would be achieved. impact of underlying risks from climate
change on their portfolios. However, there are strategies that
Overall the most important social role of an insurer can explore to mitigate
insurers is providing protection to their climate risks whilst profiting from the
customers. Sustaining financial stability
and providing protection products to the
Pricing climate opportunities of a low carbon and
resilient economy. Mitigating the effects
insurable remains the key objective of all
insurers. It is key insurers manage the
change risks of climate change on a given portfolio
can mainly be achieved through
challenges ahead, on behalf of all. Climate change risks are currently proactive climate/ESG integration.
not always correctly priced by Investing proactively to play a role in
4.3 Tackling climate risks the markets due to asymmetric
information, short termism and
mitigating climate change on a global
level can mainly be achieved through
through investments unclear regulation, which bears impact investing.
not only investment risks but also
4.3.1 Introduction opportunities. For example, carbon Additional data and tools are currently
Insurers must hold assets not just is priced in 39 countries and in 23 required to raise awareness among
to cover expected claims, but also jurisdictions across the world. These investment professionals. With time, a
unexpected larger claims, and be able to prices are the basis for carbon growing set of accurate and material
absorb adverse results from any asset- taxation and emissions trading data will help investors to identify both
liability mismatch (where investment systems (the first one started in the risks and opportunities created by
portfolios do not closely match EU in 2005). Alas, carbon prices the transition and phyical aspects of
insurance liabilities). This additionally currently cover a very broad range, climate change. Appropriate training
necessitates that, when insurers hold from US$1/tCO₂ in Mexico (carbon of investment analysts and portofolio
more risky investments, they must have tax) to US$140/tCO₂ in Sweden managers will help to price those risks
more capital to protect policyholders in (carbon tax), making it difficult to and opportunites appropriately and
the event that the riskier investments apply a global standard, let alone to support integration of these factors
lose value. Investment Management calculate with a consistent shadow into investment strategies. Revaluing
must determine the best combination price. This is exacerbated by the assets to their proper ESG integrated
of risk factors and assets to maximise fact that accurate data for physical risk-adjusted values provides an holistic
risk-adjusted return and to ensure assets risk is not yet very prevalent and base for asset selection considerations
match liabilities. hence underrepresented in financial and will be reflected in decisions to buy/
analysis (World Bank 2016). sell, or overweight/underweight a certain
security or asset.
The heat is on 40 Insurance Industry Responses
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

In order to support investors in their The mitigating activities mentioned in activities that can be easily evaluated
climate change risk integration journey, this chapter are non-exhaustive options against impact objectives. A closer
the sustainable investment community and examples. Every insurance company relationship between investor and
is diligently developing new data sets, needs to assess and implement investee also makes it easier to use
literature and measures. Prominent measures within their own parameters innovative approaches, such as impact
examples are UN Principles for (e.g. overall company values and reporting. Particularly in emerging and
Responsible Investments, Cambridge strategies, georgraphic focus areas and high-growth economies, private equity
Institute for Sustainability Leadership customer base, or other sustainablity is often the only capital available to fund
and 2degree Investing Initiative. targets) and according to their SAA. growth.
Reporting climate change risk exposures
through the voluntary TCFD framework, The potential direct investment Blended finance
is expected to improve the data set opportunities that support climate High capital requirements for climate
available for ESG rating companies to change mitigation are as follows. change mitigation require innovative
support these developments. solutions. In recent years, so called Summary by asset class “Blended Finance” has attracted
4.3.3 Impact investments increasing interest. This approach allows
Impact investments can be defined Fixed income an investor to blend small amounts of
as investment opportunities that allow Green bonds (Climate bonds): The public concessional funds with private
an organisation to target a specific unique characteristic of green bonds, sector commercial funds to finance
positive social or environmental impact. over conventional bonds, is the pre- first-of-a-kind projects that provide
It allows companies to measure the defined link to investments in specific high development impact and strong
social or environmental impact alongside ‘green’ projects that allow the bond potential, but are yet to establish a
profitability, so achieving dual objectives. issuer to report a clearly defined result commercial track record. In this way
or impact. The Green Bond Principles, private sector money, and hence
As mentioned previously, mitigation is an industry code produced by the insurance capital, can help to close
cheaper than adaption; therefore an International Capital Markets Association the investment gaps for low-carbon
insurers’ mitigation focus should be (ICMA), specify standards and criteria energy, transportation, and agriculture
primarily on transition risk and after that for Green Bond designation. The ICMA projects. This is particularly valuable
on physical risk. An insurer can actively have set voluntary process guidelines for the developing world so they can
pursue direct mitigation strategies in for transparency and disclosure, which achieve the characteristic instituationally
line with the industry opportunities and promote integrity in the development of investors need to be able to invest.
restraints with impact investments. the Green Bond market.

Insurance companies may consider Private debt  
impact investments to help increase Private Debt, whether investments in
energy efficiency, generate renewable green technologies for fighting climate
energy or mitigate climate change and/or change (ie avoiding GHG emissions
protect the environment in other ways. through upgrades in housing, transport,
Through impact investments, positive agriculture etc.) or investments in Green
outcomes may be targeted in two main and/or energy saving infrastructure, can
ways. support efforts to reduce greenhouse
yy Mitigating environmental risks by gas emissions, support adaptation and
supporting a low-carbon economy mitigate climate change.
and encouraging environmentally-
friendly technologies. Real estate
yy Increasing community resilience Improvements in real estate can also be
by helping to build ‘community implemented in an investor’s direct real
capital’ and addressing the needs estate portfolios, through investment,
of populations that lack traditional but especially refurbishment and
means to achieve such goals (the development activities.
‘under-served populations’).
Private equity
Impact investment opportunities exist In many ways, private equity as an asset
across various asset classes and across class is particularly suited to impact
a spectrum of investments. Although this investing: the companies receiving
should always be in accordance with an capital from private equity investors
insurer’s own Strategic Asset Allocation usually tend to be small and agile, and
(SAA) strategy. engage in a more limited number of
The heat is on 41 Climate Related Financial Disclosures
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

5 Climate Related
5.1 Towards better climate
taking steps to manage them. In this
way climate change is just another risk
that needs to be managed, alongside
Increasing transparency
makes markets more
efficient, and economies
more stable and resilient.
Michael R. Bloomberg,

Financial Stability Board (FSB) formed a

Task Force on Climate-related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD) with the brief to draft
all other risks. Disclosure is one vehicle a voluntary framework for companies to
The insurance sector has been
used to give investors and regulators develop more effective climate-related
tackling climate change risks and
the comfort they require. Going forward, financial disclosures through their
opportunities for several decades and
stakeholders are likely to expect a existing reporting processes.
has developed related products, while
higher granularity of disclosure regarding
continuously updating and monitoring
climate-related risks and opportunities This had the aim of tying together
its risk understanding and modelling
on both insurance liabilities and assets. existing, disparate disclosure
approaches. The work and framework
In order to make disclosures meaningful of the TCFD had tremendous impact on
Stakeholders, including investors and
investors require more insightful the debate. As a consequence, climate
regulators, want to know companies
information that is more clearly presented disclosure expectations have started
understand their exposure and are
than today. To drive this, the G20’s to trickle into investee engagement

Figure 20 Recommendations and supporting recommended disclosures (FSB TCFD, 2017)

The heat is on 42 Climate Related Financial Disclosures
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

(e.g. ClimateAction100+) as well as into financials, including expenditures, ‘The risks and opportunities in scope are
regional debate and frameworks (e.g. EU revenues, assets and liabilities, capital described in Figure 21 with supporting
Action Plan for Sustainable Finance). and financing. recommended disclosures. This outlines
TCFD recommendations for how
It is clear that there are a variety of Insurance related transition risks companies should structure reporting
challenges associated with measuring referenced by TCFD include climate- against the risks and opportunities from
and disclosing information on risks and related litigation risks, shifts in climate change (TCFD, June 2017).
opportunities related to climate change. technology and market shifts, and
However, reporting climate-related opportunity risk due to emerging In their status report from September
issues in mainstream financial filings and insurance products arising from new 2018, the TCFD reviewed disclosures
reports allows practices, techniques and technologies. Transition risks also arise in different industries to get a picture
third-party providers to evolve gradually from structural shift leading to stranded of most recent reporting practices.
and more rapidly. The TCFD framework assets. The report shows that the majority of
has already reenergised a number of companies assessed already disclose
high-profile sector working groups. information that is aligned with certain
5.2 Accountability and elements of the four pillars of the TCFD
Improved transparency helps inform measurement recommendations. To date, much
efficient capital-allocation decisions, of the information provided has a
The TCFD framework foresees disclosure
better pricing of risks, and stringent qualitative nature, only few companies
along four pillars, which shed light on
and efficient regulatory supervision and disclose the potential financial impact
how a company identifies, assesses and
policy-making. In June 2017 the Task of climate change on the company. In
manages the risks and opportunities
Force emphasized the importance of the insurance sector a small number of
arising from climate change, as per
transparency in pricing risk, including companies have started to report details
Figure 20.
risk related to climate change, to support on the TCFD recommendation.
yy How does the Board and
informed and efficient capital-allocation
Management govern climate change?
decisions. The TCFD recommendations This paper recognises the power
yy What are actual and potential impacts
identify climate-related physical risks of disclosure and sees the TCFD
of climate change on the company’s
as being one of the two main types of principles as a positive step in increasing
strategy and financial planning?
risks that corporates should disclose. transparency and understanding.
yy How does the company manage the
They distinguish between acute (event-
risks and opportunities?
driven) and chronic risks (those due to
yy What metrics are used to assess and
longer-term shifts in climate patterns),
manage it and what targets are in
recognising that physical risks may
affect all and any part of a company’s

Figure 21 Climate-related risks, opportunities and financial impact (FSB TCFD, 2017)
The heat is on 43 Climate Related Financial Disclosures
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

We believe that financial disclosure

is essential to a market-based
solution to climate change. A properly
functioning market will price in the
risks associated with climate change
and reward firms that mitigate
them. As its impact becomes more
commonplace and public policy
responses more active, climate
change has become a material risk
that isn’t properly disclosed.
Bloomberg / Carney (2016)

With emerging taxonomies5 and tools6 many implications for all major sectors.
5.3 Challenges and ways disclosure becomes easier. As an example, the electrification of
ahead sectors, e.g. in the transportation
Climate-related opportunities need more industry together with autonomous
The aspects of climate change
consideration in disclosure as products vehicles and maybe falling figures for
described in the sections above
develop. Natural catastrophe and other car ownership towards public transport/
are areas where disclosure will be
specialised weather-related protection sharing will impact motor business and
reasonable but particularly challenging.
products (including parametric products) induce a shift of lines of business, with
Understanding the risk profile of a
can be considered part of climate action. new business opportunities but also the
company due to climate change is a real
As can any advisory services on climate loss of prior business.
challenge and one that goes beyond
resilience, including assessment of
modelling. This will need to be an area of
climate risks and related risk mitigation Abrupt shifts in market sentiment could
focus if disclosure is to be meaningful.
considerations. also pose impacts in the shorter term
triggered by new regulation or by the
Physical risks and related
Transition risks and related occurrence of landmark physical risk
business opportunities
business opportunities events.
Currently, disclosure on physical risks
To date, disclosure on transition aspects
is mostly constrained to describing
is mostly restricted to narrow view, such The disclosure on the investment side
modelling procedures, known top
as green energy and coal, but a more has seen more quantified approaches
risks, and measures of next-year’s
coherent picture on transition risks and already, with methodologies and tools
expected natural catastrophe losses.
opportunities is needed. This can reflect being published, like the ones from
Opportunities are mostly articulated
wider aspects of technological and the EU-funded Energy Transition Risk
via case studies on new business
market shifts. Like the shift away from project or Sustainable Energy Investment
segments. Quantified information on risk
established (high-carbon) technologies Metrics project.
impacts, businesses operational risks
with well-known loss patterns to
or information on topics like affordability
emerging technologies with new loss
and insurability of insurance are not part
patterns. This does not restrict itself to
of mainstream disclosure.
the energy sector as the transition has

Such as the EBRD-hosted industry working group on a taxonomy of physical climate risks, refer to

Such as asset-level data bases, refer to

The heat is on 44
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

The challenges currently posed by climate

change pale in significance compared with
what might come. The far-sighted amongst
you are anticipating broader global impacts
on property, migration and political stability,
as well as food and water security.
Mark Carney, 2015
The heat is on 45 Conclusion
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

In preparing this paper, we have been struck by the strength As this indicates, insurers are in a unique position not only
of evidence of the pace and effects of climate change and to protect society and the real economy against the many
the precarious situation the globe finds itself in. It no longer risks associated with climate change but also to support
appears to be a question of whether global warming will have society in transitioning and adapting. This includes support
material impact this century, but how much irreversible damage for existing products, innovating new products (such as for
will have been done before sufficient action is taken. A massive the sharing economy or supporting timber construction) and
and globally coordinated response is required to mitigate managing investment portfolios in a way that protects the
these risks, as highlighted in IPCC SR15, enabled by radical assets underlying the business but also in providing capital for
economic and socio-cultural change. Insurers have their role to mitigation and adaptation.
play, not only in the interests of society but also in the strength
and resilience of our sector. To utilise this unique standing that insurers have will require
working with customers, industry and governments. With
The biggest threats arise from physical risks affecting both the customers our risk management knowledge can be used to
Life and P&C sectors and will worsen as temperatures rise. The inform and direct behaviours in ways that support societal
primary threat is weather catastrophes of flooding, heatwaves, change. With industry and governments we can apply insight
drought and wildfire, but also threats arise through the risks and capital to building low carbon-intensity infrastructure to
of pandemic, water borne diseases and general human help mitigation/adaptation. We can influence government
wellbeing. The human toll is likely to be greatest in developing policy in key areas and provide innovative financial solutions,
nations, while major economic impacts are likely to be felt in such as risk pooling.
due course in leading economies such as those in Europe and
North America. As investors we can look to influence the organisations we
invest in and work with (such as suppliers) to drive better
The tough changes needed will create transition risks, behaviour and disclosure of climate related risks. As an
assuming public concern rises to such a level so as to support industry, insurers can take a lead in disclosing such risks by
radical action to curtail emissions and strive for a sub-2°C following the framework provided by the FSB through the
scenario. If tough transition action is not taken, the ultimate TCFD. Whilst this disclosure is voluntary it is only through
economic and human impacts from the physical impacts will disclosure that greater understanding of the economic risks
be far more severe. The transition risks will be manageable and transparency will arise.
for institutions that are well prepared, and alongside the risks,
transition opportunities should arise from changes in society The heat is on. The time for action is upon us. The climate is
and technology used to support low emissions and carbon changing and we have a clearer view of how bad the impacts
capture. could be and what needs to be done. Failure to act now
will have repercussions for the whole of society including
People and corporations have always faced uncertain futures future generations. Insurers want to play their part, preparing
and they will continue to take business risks and invest. themselves and working with society to help everyone ready
Insurers have over the past 300 years supported people and themselves for the physical and transition risks ahead.
corporations to take risks, helping them undertake large and
challenging projects. The investors retain the risks around
business success; the risk of volatility from external causes
is the territory of insurance. Insurance has an excellent track
record from its early days enabling marine shipping, or more
recently building renewable energy plants and the construction
of more environmentally sustainable structures such as the
Freedom tower. Insurance is well equipped with its tools, risk
management practices and cost-efficient capital to cope with
uncertainty and risks of adverse outcomes. It’s not modelling
or risk awareness, but true risk transfer which have made and
will continue to make the difference.
The heat is on 46 Appendix
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate


Concentration pathways and scenario definitions

Over the years the scientific community economic circumstances driving them. the same pathway. Those selected were
has been devising the best possible A further step, involving “Shared considered the most representative
instruments to help understand Socioeconomic Pathways” (SSPs) among all those possible to investigate
and estimate the possible future completes the picture by introducing the the effects of GHG concentration levels
consequences of climate change. impact of social and economic drivers, until the end of the century.
and should be ready for the next round
Among the main actors involved in this of IPCC analyses. SSPs will explore RCPs are classified in terms of radiative
process is the Intergovernmental Panel if and how the paths indicated by the forcing, which in IPCC AR4 was defined
on Climate Change (IPCC), a scientific RCPs can be achieved by society. as: “a measure of the influence a factor
body set up by the World Meteorological Together, RCPs and SSPs should allow has in altering the balance of incoming
Organisation (WMO) and the United for a parallel approach in incorporating and outgoing energy in the Earth-
Nations Environmental Programme research, and thus enabling a quicker atmosphere system and is an index
(UNEP). Since its foundation, it was integration of the latest science in the of the importance of the factor as a
entrusted to coordinate, collate and reports being produced. potential climate change mechanism”.
elaborate the corpus of scientific In this report radiative forcing values
knowledge on the subject, providing Representative concentration are for changes relative to preindustrial
the most current scientific views, the pathways explained conditions defined at 1750 and are
possible associated impacts, and the Regarding RCPs, these are intended expressed in Watts per square meter.
available mitigation and adaptation for the scientific community and not for So, RCP 2.6 refers to the increase
strategies. the general public, hence the difficulty in energy absorption in the Earth’s
in conveying in simple terms what they atmosphere that would be associated
To achieve agreed targets, one of the stand for. with this scenario by 2100.
main challenges faced by IPCC was
to create a framework that allowed Each RCP is represented by a large Models and scenarios
the scientific community to produce database containing the figures related While modelling outcomes based on
research in a consistent and comparable to different GHG emission levels, with RCPs can be in the thousands (in
way. At first, the path chosen involved details on geographical distribution and AR5 the IPCC ended up considering
the creation of representative scenarios on how these variables change in time. approximately 1200 scenarios overall),
(IS92, then SRES), which required These are the input values that should the RCPs themselves constitute a good
researchers to follow a lengthy be used by researchers to conduct their synthesis of the main paths that could
sequential approach to introduce analyses, so that they are comparable to be followed, and thus a good basis
new findings. This approach is now what other teams are doing. for effectively identifying the major
being superseded by the introduction Since a specific RCP only describes underlying trends in a simplified way.
of “Representative Concentration a pathway in emission development,
Pathways” (RCPs), to illustrate how it is not necessarily tied to a single Regarding models and scenarios,
GHG concentration could develop in individual socio-economic scenario, a number of different approaches
the future, irrespective of the social and since different mixes could all lead to are possible. One of the main ones
is constituted by the climate, social
Figure 22 Timeline of climate change assessment reports and models and economic models and scenarios
coordinated by the IPCC. A second
group uses energy system models
and scenarios, such as the World
Energy Outlook (WEO) devised by
the International Energy Agency (IEA)
or Bloomberg’s New Energy Finance
(NEF) Energy Outlook, which provide
estimations of future emissions by
considering current and projected energy
production sources. Further models and
scenarios are developed by commercial
firms or business organisations (e.g. the
World Business Council for Sustainable
Development, WBCSD).
The heat is on 47 Glossary
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Albedo is a measure of how much of the incoming solar radiation is radiated back (diffuse reflection). A bright surface (such as
snow) has an albedo approaching 1, while a dark surface (such as open ocean or forest) has a lower albedo absorbing more heat.

Aerobic / anaerobic
Aerobic means respiration in the presence of oxygen. Anaerobic is the reverse without the presence of oxygen.

UK government funded climate change research programme involving a multi-disciplinary consortium of UK research
organisations. The programme ran from February 2014 to March 2016. The research undertaken provides scientifically-robust,
policy-relevant answers to questions directly related to the Ultimate Objective of the UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), which is to ‘prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system’.

The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) published in 2014 by the IPCC is the fifth in a series of such reports providing the science of
climate change, emphasizing new results since the publication of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) in 2007.

Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) combines bioenergy use with carbon capture and storage. This technique
uses trees and crops, which extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, as biomass in processing industries or power plants,
which then uses carbon capture and storage techniques to stop the associated emissions going back into the atmosphere.

Committee on Climate Change provides independent advice to UK government on building a low-carbon economy and preparing
for climate change.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the capture of CO₂ from a point source, such as flue gas from a power plant or cement or
steel works, compressing it to a liquid and storing it underground in geological reservoirs, typically a saline aquifer or depleted oil
or gas field, so as to avoid adding to greenhouse gas emissions that drive global warming.

Direct Air Capture with Carbon Storage (DACCS) is a technology that uses chemical processes to capture CO₂ directly from
ambient air. The CO₂ is then separated from the chemicals and is subject to CCS. The chemicals are then reused to capture more

A greenhouse gas is a gas that absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range causing the greenhouse effect.
The primary greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. Without greenhouse gases,
the average temperature of Earth’s surface would be about −18 °C (0 °F), rather than the present average of 15 °C (59 °F).

Global Mean Surface Temperature is the mean of the temperature measurements made over land and water across the globe,
which are used as a standard reference to monitor temperature changes over time.

This is where increasing CO₂ levels a warming planet are driving growth in plants across the globe. This has the effect of offsetting
part of the increase of CO₂ levels in the atmosphere. Despite significant greening, this has not abated rising CO₂.

The International Energy Agency is an autonomous organisation under the OECD framework. It advises on energy policy, provides
research and data, and works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 30 member countries and beyond.
The heat is on 48 Glossary
Insurability and Resilience in a Changing Climate

Global Partnership for Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance Solutions was launched at the 2017 UN Climate
Conference with the aim of strengthening the resilience of developing countries and protecting the lives and livelihoods of poor
and vulnerable people against the impact of disasters.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate
change. The IPCC was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment
Programme to assess scientific, technical and socio-economic information concerning climate change, its potential effects and
options for adaptation and mitigation.

A Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) is a greenhouse gas concentration (not emissions) trajectory adopted by the IPCC
for AR5 in 2014. Four pathways have been selected for climate modelling and research, which describe different climate futures,
all of which are considered possible depending on how much GHGs are emitted in the years to come. The four RCPs are labelled
after a possible range of radiative forcing values in the year 2100 relative to pre-industrial values (+2.6, +4.5, +6.0, and +8.5 W/

SEI Metrics project

European Commission funded Sustainable Energy Investments (SEI) project focusing on metrics, benchmarks and assessment
tools for the financial sector. The objective of the project is to measure the investment portfolios with climate related energy
transition goals and seek to shift capital towards sustainable energy and energy efficiency investments.

An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels compared with 2°C. It was
commissioned in 2015 at the time of the Paris agreement, and published in October 2018.

A thermocline is the transition layer between warmer water at the ocean’s surface and the cooler deep water below.

Texas Windstorm Insurance Association provides wind and hail insurance to 14 Texas gulf coast counties a portion of Harris

The annual World Energy Outlook is the IEA’s flagship publication, widely recognised as the most authoritative source for global
energy projections and analysis. It represents the leading source for medium to long-term energy market projections, extensive
statistics, analysis and advice for both governments and the energy business. It is produced by the Office of the Chief Economist.
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The heat is on 51 Disclaimer
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