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Nowadays, we can see that the teachers have different ways of teaching

their lessons. Some teachers are still using the traditional way of teaching which is

teacher centered, which they have to teach the students face to face, doing some

visual aids like manila paper, cartolina and they even write on the board and asking

randomly questions to the students to know if they are listening or if they have learn

something from the discussion. And also there are some teachers are using the

modern teaching method which they will use some device or technology which they

called projector, they just connect their phone to the projector and the topic will

project in front and the students can see clearly what they are discussing. In modern

way of teaching they let the students do the discussion or be the one who will teach

which they will report every topic. A way of teaching is very important especially

to the students it defined if the student got a knowledge from their teachers. Any

way of teaching, even if is traditional or modern teaching method it is very effective

if the students are listening and they are focusing to the people who is teaching in

front even if is student or a teacher.

Traditional method relies mainly on textbooks while the modern

method relies on hands-on materials approach. In traditional method, presentation

of materials starts with the parts, then moves on to the whole while in the modern

approach, presentation of materials starts with the whole, then moves to the parts.

Traditional method emphasizes on basis skills while modern method emphasizes on


big ideas. With traditional method of teaching, assessment is seen as a separate

activity and occurs through testing while with modern method of teaching,

assessment is seen as an activity integrated with teaching and learning, and occurs

through portfolios and observation (Brooks and Brooks, 1999).

According to Leah E. Valdez (2016), Traditional teaching method is

cheaper than the modern teaching methods which make it more suitable in the

schools of rural areas. Some subjects like mathematics or chemistry are best taught

on a blackboard as there is a need of explaining the concept at each every step.

There is more discipline in the traditional class. Teacher does not require any spe-

cial technical knowledge and can focus more on his subject for imparting the best

knowledge to the students. Traditional teaching methods don't put any strain on the

eyes of students whereas modern teaching methods can adversely affect the eyes of

the students.

Background of the Study

The researchers conduct this study to inform and tell everyone especially

those students and teachers that any kind of teaching like traditional and modern

way of teaching is effective to use in children. The researchers do this study

because most of the children now a days is losing their interest to listen in

discussion because of their way of teaching.



This study aims to design a brochure containing the effectiveness of

Traditional and Modern Way of Teaching. Specifically, it aims to:

1. Determine the perceptions of Grade 12 HUMSS students of St. Augustine

School of Nursing about the Traditional Way of Teaching in terms of:

1.1 Instruction Materials

1.2 Way of Teaching

2. Determine the perceptions of Grade 12 HUMSS students of St. Augustine

School of Nursing about the Modern Way of Teaching in terms of:

2.1 Instruction Materials

2.2 Way of Teaching

Significance of the Study

The result of this study would be beneficial to the students, teachers,

parents and future researchers to determine the Perceptions and effectiveness of

traditional and modern way of teaching to the Grade12 HUMSS. This study will be

able to contribute a lot to the following people:

Students, They will be aware and their mind will be opened about the

effectiveness of traditional and modern way of teaching.

Parents, They will be informed that between the traditional and modern

way teaching is their children can be learn.

Teachers, They will informed that which kind of way teaching is

effective to use to their children.


Future Researchers, They will be informed about the effectiveness of

traditional and modern way of teaching which they can use for future research


Scope and Limitation

This research focuses on the perceptions of Grade 12 HUMSS

students of St. Augustine School of Nursing with regards to the effectiveness of

traditional and modern way of teaching. Random Grade 12 HUMSS Students batch

2019-2020 are the respondents of this study. This study is all about the identifying

the Perceptions and effectiveness of traditional and modern way of teaching to the

Grade12 HUMSS.

Definition of Terms

To better understand the study the following terms are defined.

Effectiveness - The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired

Result and success (Lexico Dictionary). It is use to describe the positive

result to the students.

Modern Teaching method - is a learner-centered and activity based  teaching 

method which is used to get learners fully involved (Asaolusam,

2016),. The term use is to describe that the students will be the one who

Would be the teacher and they always do reporting.

Perceptions - the act or faculty of perceiving, or apprehending by means of the


senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding ( It is

use to describe the insights, opinion and knowledge of the students.

School - A place where children are educated usually refer to this place as school

when you are talking about the time that children spend there and

activities that they do there (Collins Dictionary). The term use is to

describe the place where children are gaining knowledge and learning.

Students - a person who is learning at a college or university (Cambridge

Dictionary). The term use is to describe the person in modern teaching


Student centered - allowing students to share in decisions, believing in their

capacity to lead, and remembering how it feels to learn (The Glossary of

Education Reform). It is use to describe that the students are the one

who will teach or report everything.

Teaching - is the work that a teacher does in helping students to learn (Collins

Dictionary). The term use is to describe the way the teacher and the

students doing in front of the room.

Teacher centered - refers to learning situations in which the teacher asserts control

Over the material that students study and the ways in which they study

It (The Glossary of Education Refor. It is use to describe that the teacher

are the one who will teach and gives information.

Traditional Teaching method - is the expectation that students will learn because

we Tell them to. The term use is to describe that the teacher only will

Discuss everything the lesson and the students is just listening.




Traditional Way of Teaching

The back-to-basics traditional education method, also known as

conventional education, is still widely used in schools. The old-fashioned way of

teaching was all about recitation, for example students would sit in silence, while

one student after another would take it in turns to recite the lesson, until each one

had been called upon. The teacher would listen to each student’s recitation, and

they were expected to study and memorize the assignments. At the end of the

module a written test or oral examination would be conducted; this process was

called an Assignment Study Recitation Test (Cambridge Centre for Sixth-form

Studies, 2017).

According to Essays, UK. 2018, it says that the Traditional Teaching

educating is the point at which an educator guides understudies to learn through

remembrance and recitation methods accordingly not building up their basic

reasoning critical thinking and basic leadership skill.

Teacher-centered typically refers to learning situations in which the

teacher asserts control over the material that students study and the ways in which

they study it—i.e., when, where, how, and at what pace they learn it. In classes that

would be considered teacher-centered, the teacher tends to be the most active

person in the room and do most of the talking example by lecturing, demonstrating

concepts, reading aloud, or issuing instructions while students spend most of their

time sitting in desks, listening, taking notes, giving brief answers to questions that

the teacher asks, or completing assignments and tests for a related discussion,

see direct instruction (Great Schools Partnership, 2014)

According to New York Essay (2016), Traditional Materials are the

materials traditionally used by the teachers to their students in teaching their

lessons. It includes the use of Textbooks, chalk, board, marker, charts and flash

cards. These are the common materials that help the teachers to explain clearly the

lesson because of this it is more understandable because the teacher can explain the

target lesson clearly through the use of different writing and pointing materials.

According to Janelle Cox (2019), Relate material to your student lives is

one of the ways to keep the class interesting and try to create a real-world

connection to what your students are learning. This will give them a better

understanding of why they need to learn what you’re teaching. If they’re constantly

asking you why they need to learn something and you’re always answering with

“because,” you will soon lose credibility. Instead, try giving them a real answer

such as, “You’re learning about money because in the real world, you’ll need to

know how to buy food and pay your bills.” By giving a straightforward answer,

you’re helping them make a connection between what they’re learning in class and

how they’ll use this information in the future.


Modern Way of Teaching

Current or constructivist way to deal with educating includes an all the

more connecting, understudy based of instructing. Here, the understudies learn

through gathering cooperation.

Based on Great Schools Partnership (2014), student-centered typically

refers to forms of instruction that, for example, give students opportunities to lead

learning activities, participate more actively in discussions, design their own

learning projects, explore topics that interest them, and generally contribute to the

design of their own course of study. Additionally, student-centered instruction is

often associated with classrooms that feature desks arranged in circles or small

groups (rather than rows of desks that face the teacher), with “self-guided” or “self-

paced” learning, or with learning experiences that occur outside of traditional

classroom settings or school buildings, such as internships, apprenticeships,

independent research projects, online classes, travel experiences, community-

service projects, or dual-enrollment courses, for example (for a related discussion,

see learning pathway).

According to Aman Thakur (2011), From the last decade the use of high

tech equipment in the educational institutions is increased with a rapid rate. Now

there are lots of modern gadgets which can be used for improving the teaching in

the classroom. Here is the list of most popular equipment which can be used in

modern teaching. Use of computers or laptops with wi-fi connection in the

classroom- This is the most important tool of modern teaching methods. Teacher

demonstrates the subject on his laptop/computer which is connected to the


laptops/computers of the students through wifi connection. This type of teaching is

seen mostly in the higher education institutions which have good infrastructure.

According to Dr. Grisson and Vicki Davis (2005), digital notes are

effective when done right because you can redefine the digital note-taking

processing by recording audio, video, and screencasts, including screen snips,

collaboratively writing with others, and sharing notes.

.According to Colete Bennette (2019), Multimedia methods of

presentation are passive methods of delivering content and include slideshows

(Powerpoint) or movies. When creating presentations, teachers should be aware of

the need to keep notes concise while including interesting and relevant images. If

done well, a presentation is a kind of lecture that can be interesting and effective for

student learning. 


According to Dr. Gopikumar Shivaramaiah (2018), The traditional, but at

the same time most important and effective, tool of teaching is lectures. Many

students consider lectures the most effective tool of teaching and learning. The

professor condenses the vast study material, and delivers to the students in an

organized way, which significantly reduces the burden on the student. It’s effective

is Lectures can be used to meet the specific needs of the audiences, Lectures can be

used to condense a huge amount of information and can be presented to a larger

audiences and Lectures can appeal to the students who learn best by listening. As

an alternate to the lectures, there has been a lot of modern teaching methods which

prove to be more effective. Some of the important modern teaching methods would

include Problem-Based Learning, team-based Learning, small-group discussion,

and flipped-classroom projects. These teaching methods are considered very

effective learning tool as the active student participation is a must and these

methods lead to long-term knowledge retention, these methods are very effective

for students don’t excel working solo and lastly, these methods develop teamwork

and interpersonal communication skills.

Modern and Traditional Teaching Methods is effective for teaching

because first, Blackboard and LCD projectors can be used simultaneously in a

classroom; for teaching complex mathematical equations teacher can use

blackboard while theoretical subjects can be taught on a LCD projector with the

help of slides. Second, Practical subjects of basic sciences and engineering can also

be taught best with the help of combination of both traditional and modern teaching

methods. And lastly, Teacher can explain the theory on a blackboard and for better

understanding of the procedure of the experiment videos or animations can be used.

There is also another aspect through which we can combine both traditional and

modern teaching methods for better teaching. Teachers can teach the subject first

through traditional methods and then can take the help of modern teaching methods

for revising the subject (Aman Thakur, 2018).


Research Paradigm


Related Data Gathering Brochure

Literature and Administration
Studies of Survey
Online Questionnaire

Figure 1: The Input-Process-Output model of The Perceptions of Grade 12

HUMSS students of St. Augustine School of Nursing on the Effectiveness of
Traditional and Modern Way of Teaching

The figure 1 shows the three parts process: The input, process, and

output. In the input the researcher used Review of Related Literature and Studies,

and Online Dictionaries. In the research process, it includes Data Gathering and

Administration of survey questionnaires. After doing this process, then the

researcher will be conducting a brochure.


It is likely to say that it’s more effective to use the Traditional Way of

Teaching than Modern Way of Teaching

It is likely to say that it’s more effective to use the Modern Way of

Teaching than Traditional Way of Teaching.




This chapter presents the location of the study, population, data gathering

procedure, research instrument and statistical treatment.

Research Locale

The research study conducted in St. Augustine School of Nursing located

at Carlos Bldg. corner Tag Arao Street, Lucena City.

Respondents of the Study

The participants of this study are the Grade 12 HUMSS students of St.

Augustine School of Nursing S.Y. 2019-2020. It consists of Thirty (30) Grade 12

HUMSS students. The researchers choose Grade 12 HUMSS students because

some of them will be a teacher someday.

Research Instrumentations

The researchers constructed a set of survey questionnaire to gather the

needed data of the study. The questions will be validated to determine whether the

researcher objectives are attained.

The survey questionnaire will be divided into several parts in a form of

checklist. The first part consists of the profile of the respondents which is name and

age. The second part is the checklist which they will check the answer of the

statement which is about the perceptions of Grade 12 HUMSS students of St.

Augustine School of Nursing with regards to the effectiveness of traditional and

modern way of teaching and to gather the necessary information.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepared a survey questionnaire which was checked by

the research adviser. After administering the questionnaire, the data will be tallied

and tabulated by the researcher.

Statistical Treatment

The data will be interpreted and analyze using WAM which stand to

Weighted Arithmetic Mean, The formula is:

WAM = 4(f) + 3(f) + 2(f) + 1(f)


WAM – Weighted Arithmetic Mean

f – Frequency

n – Number of respondents

Point Score Range Interval Rating

4 3.25-4.0 Strongly Agree (SA)
3 2.50-3.24 Agree (A)
2 1.25-2.49 Disagree (D)
1 1.00-1.24 Strongly Disagree (SD)



This chapter presents the data in the study, the analyses and interpretation

in accordance with the sequence of the specific questions raised in chapter I.

Table 1.1.1 shows the weight mean on the Perceptions of respondents about

the Traditional Way of Teaching in terms of Instructional Materials.

Statement Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly WAM DR

s Agree Disagre
1 8 15 2 5 2.87 Agree
2 12 15 0 3 3.20 Agree
3 10 14 3 3 3.03 Agree
4 6 11 6 7 2.53 Agree
5 12 9 4 5 2.93 Agree
Average 2.91 Agree

The table shows that in the first statement 8 respondents are answered

strongly agree, 15 respondents are agree, 2 respondents are disagree, and 5 respondents

are strongly disagree with the average mean of 2.87 which means that the respondents

are agree. In the second statement 12 respondents are answered strongly agree, 15

respondents agree, no one answered disagree, and 3 respondents are strongly disagree

with the average mean of 3.20 which means that the respondent are agree. In the third

statement 10 respondents are answered strongly agree, 14 respondents are agree, 3

respondents are disagree, and 3 respondents are strongly disagree with the average

mean of 3.03 which means that the respondents are agree. Fourth statement 6

respondents are answered strongly agree, 11 respondents are agree, 6 respondents

are disagree, and 7 respondents are strongly disagree with the average mean of 2.53

which means that the respondents are agree. Fifth statement 12 respondents are

answered strongly agree, 9 respondents are agree, 4 respondents are disagree, and 5

respondents are strongly disagree with the average mean of 2.93 which means that

the respondents are agree. In total the weighted average mean of instructional

material for Traditional Way of Teaching is 2.91 which means it’s agree.

1.2 Technique of Teaching

Statements Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly WAM DR

Agree Disagree
1 16 14 0 0 3.53 Strongly
2 15 13 1 1 3.45 Agree
3 13 15 0 2 3.3 Strongly
4 14 15 1 0 3.43 Strongly
5 13 14 2 1 3.3 Strongly
Average 3.40 Strongly
Weighted Agree

The table shows that in the first statement 16 respondents are answered

strongly agree, 14 respondents are agree, no one answered disagree and strongly

disagree with the average mean of 3.53 which means that the respondents are

strongly agree. In second statement 15 respondents answered strongly agree, 13

respondents are agree, 1 respondent is disagree, and 1 respondent is strongly

disagree with the average mean of 3.45 which means that the respondents are agree.

In the third statement 13 respondents are answered strongly agree, 15 respondents

are agree, no one answered disagree, and 2 respondents are strongly disagree with

the average of 3.3. In the fourth statements 14 respondents are answered strongly

agree, 15 respondents are agree, 1 respondent is disagree, and no one answered

strongly disagree with the average mean of 3.43 which means that the respondents

are strongly agree. In the fifth statement 13 respondents are answered strongly

agree, 14 respondents are agree, 2 respondents are disagree, and 1 respondent

answered strongly disagree with the average mean of 3.3 which means that the

respondents are strongly agree. In total the weighted average mean of Technique of

Teaching for Traditional Way of Teaching is 3.40 which means strongly agree.

Table 2.2.1 shows the weight mean on the Perceptions of respondents

about the Modern Way of Teaching in terms of Instructional Materials.

Statement Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly WAM DR

s Agree Disagree
1 20 10 0 0 3.67 Strongly
2 13 12 4 1 3.2 Agree
3 15 12 3 0 3.4 Strongly
4 13 16 1 0 3.4 Strongly
5 6 11 5 6 2.43 Strongly
Average 3.22 Agree

The table shows that in the first statement 20 respondents answered

strongly agree, 10 respondents are agree, and no one answered disagree and

strongly disagree with the average mean of 3.67 which means that the respondents

are strongly agree. In the second statement 13 respondents are answered strongly

agree, 12 respondents are agree, 4 respondents are disagree, and 1 respondent is

strongly disagree with the average mean of 3.2 which means that the respondents

agree. In the third statement 15 respondents are answered strongly agree, 12

respondents are agree, 3 respondents are disagree, and no one answered strongly

disagree with the average mean of 3.4 which means that the respondents strongly

agree. In the fourth statement 13 respondents are answered strongly agree, 16

respondents are agree, and 1 respondent is strongly disagree with the average mean

of 3.4 which means that the respondents strongly agree. In the fifth statement 6

respondents are answered strongly agree, 11 respondents are agree, 5 respondents

are disagree, and 6 answered strongly disagree with the average mean of 2.43 which

means that the respondents strongly agree. In total the weighted average mean of

instructional material for Modern Way of Teaching is 3.22 which means it’s agree.

2.2.2 Technique of Teaching

Statement Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly WAM DR

s Agree Disagree
1 12 10 6 2 3.07 Agree
2 10 15 2 3 3.07 Agree
3 13 15 1 1 3.33 Strongly
4 12 14 1 3 3.17 Agree
5 6 12 9 3 2.70 Agree
Average 3.07 Agree

The table shows that in the first statement 12 respondents answered

strongly agree, 10 respondents are agree, 6 respondents are disagree, and 2

respondents are strongly disagree with average mean of 3.07 which means that the

respondents are agree. In the second statement 10 respondents answered strongly

agree, 15 respondents are agree, 2 respondents are disagree, and 3 respondents

answered strongly disagree with average mean of 3.07 which means that the

respondents are agree. In third statement 13 respondents answered strongly agree,

15 respondents are agree, 1 respondent is disagree, and 1 answered strongly

disagree with the average mean of 3.33 which means that the respondents are

strongly agree. In the fourth statement 12 respondents answered strongly agree, 14

respondents are agree, 1 respondent is disagree, and 3 respondent is strongly

disagree with the average mean of 3.17 which means that the respondents are agree.

In the fifth statement 6 respondents answered strongly agree, 12 respondents are

agree, 9 respondents are disagree, and 3 respondents are strongly disagree with the

average mean of 2.70 which means that the respondents are agree. In total the

weighted average mean of Technique of Teaching for Modern Way of Teaching is

3.07 which means agree.

As the result of this study about The Effectiveness of Traditional and

Modern Way of Teaching in terms of instructional materials and the technique of

teaching that used in both traditional and modern way is still effective to use for the

students now and in the future.

According to Aman Thakur (2018), Modern and Traditional Teaching

Methods is effective for teaching because first, Blackboard and LCD projectors can

be used simultaneously in a classroom; for teaching complex mathematical

equations teacher can use blackboard while theoretical subjects can be taught on a

LCD projector with the help of slides. Second, Practical subjects of basic sciences

and engineering can also be taught best with the help of combination of both

traditional and modern teaching methods. And lastly, Teacher can explain the

theory on a blackboard and for better understanding of the procedure of the

experiment videos or animations can be used. There is also another aspect through

which we can combine both traditional and modern teaching methods for better

teaching. Teachers can teach the subject first through traditional methods and then

can take the help of modern teaching methods for revising the subject.



In this chapter, the researchers presented the general summary of the

study, summary of the findings, the conclusions that are derived from the findings

and the recommendations of the researchers, which are based from the findings and

conclusions of the study.

This study is aimed to determine The Perception of Grade 12 Students of

St. Augustine School of Nursing on the Effectiveness of Traditional and Modern

Way of Teaching.

Summary of Findings

1) Determine the perception of Grade 12 HUMSS Students of St. Augustine

School of Nursing about Traditional Way of Teaching in terms of:

1.1 Instructional Materials

- The respondents are agreed that who seat at the back cannot see clearly

the lesson that is written on the visual aids with the average mean of 2.87.

- The respondents are agreed that they gain more knowledge with the

use books with the average mean of 3.20.

- The respondents are agreed that they cannot clearly understand what is

sometimes dictated with the average mean of 3.03.


- The respondents are agree that that they cannot understand what is

written in the visual aids because of the kind of writing with the average mean

of 2.53.

- The respondents are agree that when the teacher is using lapel,

students can hear clearly what they saying with the average mean of 2.93.

1.2 Techniques of Teaching

- The respondents are strongly agree that most of the teachers apply the

lessons label to true to life so that it’s better to understand it with the average mean

of 3.53.

- The respondents are agreed that it’s better to explain in traditional

way of teaching in terms of numbers and computations with the average mean of


- The respondents are strongly agreed that there is more interaction

between the teacher and students in traditional way with the average of 3.3.

- The respondents are strongly agreed that discipline is properly in

implemented in a classroom in traditional way with the average mean of 3.43.

- The respondents are strongly agreed that they are able to learn very

quickly in the classroom setting average mean of 3.3.

2) Determine the perception of Grade 12 HUMSS Students of St. Augustine

School of Nursing about Modern Way of Teaching in terms of:


1.1 Instructional Materials

- The respondents are strongly agreed that some of the students just

taking pictures instead of copying the lessons with the average mean of 3.67.

- The respondents agree that some students are not listening and doing

different things in the classroom with the average mean of 3.2.

- The respondents strongly agree that they can see clearly lesson because

of the projector with the average mean of 3.4.

- The respondents strongly agree that most of teachers are used creative

visual presentation so that the students engaged to listen in the lesson with the

average mean of 3.4.

- The respondents strongly agree that they will have a long time to

answer the exercises because of the used of projector with the average mean of


1.2 Techniques of Teaching

- The respondents are agreed that they cannot easily understand what the

lesson is with average mean of 3.07.

- The respondents are agreed that that they cannot clearly see the lesson

on the projector because of the reflection of light with average mean of 3.07.

- The respondents are strongly agreed that it easy to read the lesson

because the visual is large with the average mean of 3.33.

- The respondents are agreed they can encourage to do visual reporting

because of the use of new technology with the average mean of 3.17.

- The respondents are agreed that they can hear clearly they lesson when

the teacher is using the microphone in delivering the lesson with the average

mean of 2.70.


The study focused on The Perception of Grade12 HUMSS Students of St.

Augustine School of Nursing on the Effectiveness of Traditional and Modern Way

of Teaching. Based on the findings, the following conclusion was made.

1. Most of the Grade 12 HUMSS Students are gaining more knowledge in

books, textbook and the way their teacher teaching their lesson.

2. Grade 12 HUMSS Students also improve their PowerPoint presentations,

reporting, and their skills in computer because they let them to used it.

3. Lastly, Traditional and Modern Way of Teaching is still effective to use in

teaching because they can both used in a class and the students is gaining

more knowledge if their teacher is teaching and they improved their skills

if their teacher let them to be the one who will discuss.


Given the preceding data, findings and analysis, the researcher listed the

following recommendations for verification of the research finding.

To the Students. To better know about the Effectiveness of Traditional

and Modern Way of Teaching, they need to read an article, books or observing their

selves if they are learning something in their teachers or not.


To the Parents, To be aware in Effectiveness of Traditional and Modern

Way of Teaching, they need to teach their children because parents is the first

teacher of everybody or let their children to study in their own.

To the Teachers, They need to observe their students during and after

the class if their students are gaining knowledge in their way of teaching.

To the Future Researchers, They need to search everything about

Traditional and Modern Way of Teaching and also to observed the students to know

what is the better way of teaching that may use.



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