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Experiment no: 01

Name of the Experiment: I-V characteristics of Diode.

Objective: To study the forward characteristics of diode.

1. p-n junction diode (1N4007) 1 piece
2. Resistor (1K) 1 piece
3. DC power supply 1 piece
4. Signal Generator 1 piece
5. Oscilloscope 1 piece
6. Oscilloscope Probe 1 piece
7. Chord and wire

Circuit diagram:

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Input Signal Output Signal

Input and Output Signal

Data sheet:
VD(volt) Vdc(volt) Vr(volt) Id = Vr/R(mA)
0.998 1 0.002 0.002
1.286 2 0.713 0.713
1.358 5 3.642 3.642
1.377 7 5.623 5.623
1.384 8 6.616 6.616
1.396 10 8.604 8.604
1.405 12 10.60 10.60
1.416 15 13.58 13.58
1.425 18 16.57 16.57
1.430 20 18.57 18.57
1.435 22 20.57 20.57
1.439 24 22.56 22.56


01. I-V Characteristics carve:

02. Calculation of resistance for Ip = 5mA and 10mA

For Ip = 5mA
𝑅𝑑 = Ω
𝑅𝑑 = 141.4 Ω

For Ip = 10mA
𝑅𝑑 = Ω
𝑅𝑑 = 70.7 Ω

03. The Q-point for circuit in fig 1 when Vdc = 8V

VD(volt) Vdc(volt) Vr(volt) Id = Vr/R(mA)

1.384 8 6.616 6.616
Experiment no: 02
Name of the Experiment: Study of Diode Rectifier Circuit.

Objective: To study the operation of diode rectifier circuit.

1. Diode 4 piece
2. Resistor (10K) 1 piece
3. Capacitor (10µf) 1 piece
4. Signal Generator 1 piece
5. Oscilloscope 1 piece
6. Oscilloscope Probe 2 piece
7. Chord and wire

Circuit diagram:

Fig 1

Fig 2
Signal figure:

01. For supply = 1V

02. For supply = 100V

03. For Supply = 100V Without 10uf capacitor

04. Fig2 in different Voltage:

05. The operation of cacpacitor in rectifier circuit.

To smooth the output of the rectifier a reservoir capacitor is used - placed across the output of the
reciter and in parallel with the load.. This capacitor charges up when the voltage from the rectifier rises
above that of the capacitor and then as the rectifier voltage falls, the capacitor provides the required current
from its stored charge.
Experiment no: 03
Name of the Experiment: Study of clipper and clamper Circuit.

Objective: To study the operation of clipper and clamper circuit.

1. Diode (1N4003) 1 piece
2. Resistor (100K) 1 piece
3. Capacitor (0.1 µf) 1 piece
4. Signal Generator 1 piece
5. Oscilloscope 1 piece
6. Oscilloscope Probe 2 piece
7. Chord and wire
8. DC power supply 1 piece
9. Trainer board 1 piece

Circuit diagram:

Fig 1

Fig 2
Signal Figure:

Fig: Output of clipper Circuit

02. What role does the value of capacitor used in the clamping circuit play in order to obtain
proper clamping?

Capacitor plays an important role in clamping circuit. Clamper clamps the output to a desired level
without disturbing the shape of the input signal. The capacitor charges upto the desired voltage (clamping
level) during a cycle. In the next cycle the capacitor discharges. Time constant should large enough. This is all
about the behavior of capacitor in a clamping circuit.

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