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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

San Carlos Campus
San Carlos City, Pangasinan


NAME:______________________________ ACTIVITY NO: ________
YR. & SECTION: _____________________ SCORE: _______________
INSTRUCTIONS: Read each statement carefully. Write URBAN GEOGRAPHY if the
statement is correct but if the statement is incorrect, change the word/s that made the statement
1. Urban landscape may appear to be dominated by human activity.
ENVIRONMENT2. The urban landscape is often a major factor in urban form.
LANDSCAPE 3. Urban geography is a concrete and objective phenomenon that exists in terms
of the quality of manifestation of the physical factors and during the time, it finds
a mental aspect by the human perceptions and become the jointing element of the
FOUR MAIN people of society.
REGIONS 4. In terms of the climate, Iran is divided into five main regions. With regard to
the effect of the climate on the urban fabric, the form of the buildings and the type
of the materials, these regions have some features in common.
GEOGRAPHY 5. During the history, the human has always looked for dominance over the
nature. The man who used to think only to build a safe house once upon a day
now by the time managed to build the cities and countries due to the invention of
the collective communications.
19TH CENTURY 6. The term urban landscape is an old concept it was first proposed in 18th
century by Frederick Law Olmsted in relation to the US cities.
LAW OLMSTED 7. William Wilson is the father of landscape designing.
GEOGRAPHY 8. Nowadays, urban landscape is a specific field of study derived from the
architecture and urban planning.
GEOGRAPHY 9. The word landscape was first used in 15th century in Dutch language referring
to a specific type of painting.
GEOGRAPHY 10. Landscape is the manifested and concrete part of the form in which the visual
and practical manifestation and all things that form the space are observable
INSTRUCTIONS: In your own words, explain in 2-5 sentences how climate, environment and
human activities influence the urban landscape? Please be guided on the criteria.

CONTENT (Grammar, Proper 5 points
NEATNESS (Legibility) 2 points
TOTAL 10 points

Climate, environment, and human activities are interconnecting in affecting an urban

landscape. Climate change can increase temperature that may result to discomfort, economical
loss, migration, increased mortality rates, and might also cause flooding in an urban area or
landscape. Since we all get our consumption of foods, energy, water, and a land (a place where
we live in) in the environment, it may also affect the urban landscape. Polluted environment
affects the health and quality of life of the urban population. Human activities such as mining,
and illegal logging or cutting of trees that may cause weathering and erosion can shape the
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University
San Carlos Campus
San Carlos City, Pangasinan


NAME:______________________________ ACTIVITY NO: ________
_____________________ SCORE: _______________
I. Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read and analyze each question carefully. Then, write the letter of the correct
answer to the space provided.

C 1. It is an urban areas powered by renewable energy techniques and technologies.

a.) Green Roofs c.) Zero-carbon city
b.) Sustainable Housing d.) Affordable Housing

C 2. Green Roofs uses technology to applied to every building within your city, and it
comes with unlimited benefits as the following except one:
a.) Storm Water Management and Water Retention
b ) Dust and Toxic Particles Binder
c.) Sustainable Housing
d.) Protection from Noise Pollution
D 3. The following are the factors that complicate the task of urban planning, except one?
a.) Urban Sprawl
b.) Individual control or Small parcels of land
c.)Unique Environmental Site and Housing affordability
d.)None of the choices

A 4. One of the solutions in Urban planning that promotes a balance between

transportations economic and social benefits and the need to protect the environment.
a.) Sustainable Transportation
b ) Affordable Housing
c.) Urban expenditures Control
d.) Housing Affordability

B 5. It is a large-scale concept concerned with planning and development at all levels.

a.) Urban Form
b.) Urban Planning
c.) Urban scale

C 6. In English lexicon, urban planning describes as a _________.

a.)Branch of urban geography
b.) Branch of Agriculture
c.) Branch of Architecture

A 7. What is the two problem that might face, if a private builder wants to undertake a
project developing or reconstructing the building on the same land?
a.) Have to pay more money to the existing house owner and Have to face the
problems created by a neighbor
b.) Have to face the problems on money and Have to pay the neighbor
c.) Have to pay the existing of neighbor and Have to face on the problems in House.

A 8. Stated below are the areas of concern of urban planning, EXCEPT.

a.) architectural c.) infrastructural
b.) personal d.) political

A 9. It is the response to an extremely complex set of economic, social, and psychological

a.) housing choice c.)housing charts
b.) housing charts d.) household chores

C 10.What is balanced when the concept of sustainable transportation is utilized?

a.) Transportation economic stability and infrastructural improvements.
b.)Opportunities given to public and privately owned vehicles.
c.)Transportation's economic and social benefits and the need to protect the
d.) Environmental issues caused by numerous and uncontrolled industrial activities.

A 11). In order to have a healthy environment in the city/town economic and technological
faces must be considered in urban planning.
a.) True
b.) False
c.) Somewhat true
d.)Somewhat false
A 12.)They argue that sustainability is the main principle to design housing and one of the
important dimensions of the housing quality.
a.) Morgan and Talbot
b)Alejandro and Aravena
c.) Morgene and Morgan
d.) Alejandro and Talbot
B 13. Which among the following statement is false?
a.) a zero-carbon city has no carbon footprint
b.) a zero-carbon city runs entirely on non-renewable energy
c.) a zero-carbon city runs entirely on renewable energy
d.) To become a zero-carbon city, they must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases

C 14. What is the aim of a zero-carbon city?

a.) enlarge transport emission by 50%
b.) increase carbon emissions from buildings
c.) reduce carbon emission from buildings
d.) reduce transport emission by 1%

A 15. Which among the following is not part of the steps in achieving a zero-carbon city?
a.) developing cities with slums
b.) increasing renewable energy resources
c.) offsetting any CO2 emitted through purchasing carbon credits
d.) reducing energy wherever possible in the buildings and transportation sector
II. ESSAY. (5 Points)
How will you differentiate the old urban planning to the modern urban planning with
regards to the old civilizations up to the present day?

Urban planning means developing comprehensive plans and designs for the use of space
within cities, towns, developments, and etc. There are two kinds of urban planning: the old urban
planning and the modern urban planning but these two have difference with regards to the old
civilizations up to the present day. Their differences are technology and in economy. During the
old civilization, there was no high-speed technology or advanced machines, they had animals
such as donkeys, oxen, and cows to transport food or plow fields. They collect food from hunting
animals. In old civilizations, people lived in buildings and wore clothing made by hand wherein
most items within reach would have been plant or animal products. Their economy was
essentially agricultural. While in the modern civilization with modern urban planning,
technology was widely used, distributed, and cheap. The new world did not make use of the
animals as the means of transportations but they invented buses, jeepneys, trains, ships, and
airplanes. Everyone nowadays uses technology. Their economy was in the industrial revolution.
Living and working in an industrialized society means that most people do wage labor and are
paid for this wage labor which they then use to purchase the necessities in life. The old
civilizations and the modern civilizations have differences in the physical aspects: dental,
cranium, skeletal and sexual dimorphism between the two civilizations.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University
San Carlos Campus
San Carlos City, Pangasinan


NAME:______________________________ ACTIVITY NO: ________
YR. & SECTION: _____________________ SCORE: _______________
I. Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read and analyze each question carefully. Then, underline the letter of the correct

1. The geography of urban retailing has been studied from two main perspectives these are
the _________?
a. Cultural and Economic perspective c. Cultural and Social perspective
b. Economic and Personal perspective d. Environmental and Economic perspective

2. For Hannigan the overlap of the consumer activity systems has given rise to ‘three new
hybrids which in the lexicon of the retail industry are below except?
a. shop entertainment c. edutainment
b. entertainment d. entertainment

3. It is a retail tactic to engage customers through an entertaining in-store shopping

experience.” The goal is to draw shoppers in-store by offering interactive and engaging
leisure activities, and by making stores into destinations.
a. shopertainment c. edutainment
b. entertainment d. , eatertainment.

4. Which is not an example of Shopertainment?

a. AR and VR c. Capturing consumer emotions
b. Concept Stores d. none of these

5. These are places to try new technology like augmented and virtual reality, and ‘live’ the
brand experience?
a. AR and VR c. Capturing consumer emotions
b. Concept Stores d. none of these

6. Retail consumption takes place in a variety of settings except?

a. the home stores c. the highway
b informal markets d. shopping streets and malls

7. The ability of the mall concept to adapt to changing market conditions since the late
1980s is evident in the development of new landscapes of consumption, such as specialty
centres, downtown mega-structures and festival market-places.
a. True c The first half is true and the last part is false
b False d. I don’t know
8. The mall ‘street’ is often horizontally straight in order to extend its length, increase the
number of store fronts and increase the perceived length of walking distance.
a. True c The first half is true and the last part is false
b. False d. I don’t know

9. The mail or telephone ordering from catalogs; telephone ordering in response to

advertisements in print and electronic media (such as periodicals, TV and radio);
and online shopping are types of ?
a. home shopping c. entertainment shopping
b retail shopping d. free shopping

10. It is the sale of goods to end users, not for resale, but for use and consumption by the
purchaser.It involves the sale of merchandise from a single point of purchase directly to a
customer who intends to use that product.
a. whole sale c. business
b. retail d. buy and sell

11. Sell a wide range of merchandise that is arranged by category into different sections of
the physical retail space. Some department store categories include shoes, clothing,
beauty products, jewelry, housewares, etc. _____.
a. Warehouse retailer c. discount retailer
b. department store d. convenience retailer

12. Sells from an Internet shopping website and ship the purchases directly to customers at
their homes or workplaces and without all the expenses of a traditional brick-and-mortar
retailer, usually sell merchandise for a lower-than-retail price.
a. mobile retailer c. internet retailer
b department store d. specialty retailer

13. Uses a smartphone platform to process retail transactions and then ships the products that
were purchased directly to the customer.
a. mobile retailer c. internet retailer
b department store d. specialty retailer

14. These changes in urban retail structure have been driven by a range of economic and
social forces. The main factors on the demand side are the following except?
a. Changes in residential location c. Growth in female employment
b Changing consumer attitudes and expectations d. none of the above

15. Which one below is included in the most significant developments in urban retailing on
the supply side?
a. Changes in residential location c. Growth in female employment
b Changing consumer attitudes and expectations d. none of the above
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University
San Carlos Campus
San Carlos City, Pangasinan


NAME:______________________________ ACTIVITY NO: ________
_____________________ SCORE: _______________
I. Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read and analyze each question carefully. Then, write the letter of the correct
answer to the space provided.

________1. A process of neighbourhood change that includes economic change in a
disinvested neighbourhood by means of real estate investment and new higher-
income residents moving in.
a. Neighbourhood Change
b. Gentrification
c. Macroeconomics
d. Migration

________2. Gentrification is complex to understand that’s why there are three key things to
consider except:
a. Historic condition
b. Foreclosure crisis
c. Central city disinvestment and investment patterns
d. Gentrification impacts communities
________3. It is the cities are investing in some of these neighborhoods with improved transit
access and infrastructure in part to draw in newcomers ?
a. Revitalization
b. Close proximity
c. Redlining
d. Municipality
________4. It is a phenomenon often used exodus of capital came from urban centers?
a. White flight
b. Foreclosure
c. Gentrification
d. Bankrupcy
________5. One of the historic conditions contributed to making places vulnerable to
a. Redlining
b. Foreclosure crisis
c. Proximity
d. History Repeats itself
________6. This practice meant that people of color were denied access to loans that would
enable them to buy or repair homes in their neighborhood ?
a. Proximity
b. Redlining
c. Foreclosure
d. None of the above

________7. What is the Pros in the statement below?
a. It changes the cultural standards of the neighborhood
b. It raises the cost of rent when it happens
c. You will experience the atmosphere of the community begin to lift
d. All of the above

________8. What is the Cons in the statement?
a. It creates new options for food, retail outlets, and jobs
b. It raises the cost of rent when it happens
c. You will experience cleaner neighborhoods with gentrification
d. All of the above

________9. He is an urban economist and Harvard University professor told Forbes. "But we
think it is more likely that Starbucks has insight into neighborhoods that are going
to be expanding."?
a. Steve Robb
b. Albert Gardner
c. Edward L. Glaeser
d. Kaffa Avenue

________10. It is left behind in central city neighborhoods, low-income households and color
bore the brunt of highway system expansion and urban renewal programs?
a. Foreclosure
b. Redlining
c. Urban RenewalLLL
d. Closure
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University
San Carlos Campus
San Carlos City, Pangasinan


NAME:______________________________ ACTIVITY NO: ________
_____________________ SCORE: _______________
Identification: Identify what is being asked and write your answers before each number.

_________________________ 1. This type of historical notion blends popular action and
outlook but is often ignored theoretical conceived space of urban planners or property

ORGANIZATION OF SPACE 2. It is related with reproduction of dominant system of social

relations, which maintains survival capitalism.

_________________________ 3. This space is a construct comparable to other social constructs,
arising from application of human labor
_________________________ 4.This arise from same mode of production and are also
dialectically inseparable.
_________________________ 5. He presented space as a material product emerging
dialectically from interaction of culture and nature
___________________________ 6-8. Give Historical notions of space that were analyzed on
these axes.

____________________________ 9. He was a neo-Marxist and existentialist philosopher, a
sociologist of urban and rural life and a theorist of the state, of international flows of capital and
of social space.
_____________________________ 10. It states that people both influence and are influenced by
their immediate physical and social environments.
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University
San Carlos Campus
San Carlos City, Pangasinan


NAME:______________________________ ACTIVITY NO: ________
_____________________ SCORE: _______________
DIRECTION: Developed a plan that portrays an urbanized place.


I am creating or planning an urban area with green forest within the area while there are
also complete industries, government facilities, medical facilities, wet and dry markets, and
tourist views. There are also proper water management and waste management within the area.

Content= 10%
Organization of Idea= 5%
Creativity= 5%
Clarity= 5%
Total= 25%

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