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Assignment: 2
Q: 1(a) Calculate the maximum permissible load that a BG locomotive with three
pairs of driving wheels bearing an axle load of 20 t each can pull on a straight level track
at a moving at a constant speed of 90 km/h.
Also calculate the reduction in speed if the train has to run on a rising gradient of 1 in
200. What would be the further reduction in speed if the train has to negotiate a 3°
curve on the rising gradient? Assume the coefficient of friction to be 0.2.
1(b) Compute the steepest gradient that a train of 25 wagons and a locomotive can
negotiate given the following data: weight of each wagon = 25 t, weight of locomotive =
150 t, tractive effort of locomotive = 20 t, rolling resistance of locomotive = 3 kg/t,
rolling resistance of wagon = 2.5 kg/t, train moving at constant speed of 50 km/h.

Q: 2(a) Design an exit taxiway which joins a runway and a main parallel taxiway. The
total angle of turning is 30 degrees and the aircraft can enter the taxiway at maximum
exit speed of 75 kmph. Draw a neat sketch and mention all the design elements and also
explain the concept of optimum location of exit taxiways & balancing concept related to
runway occupancy rate?
2(b) Determine the radius of a taxiway for a supersonic aircraft to negotiate the
curve at a turning speed of 55 kmph. The wheel base is 28 m and gear tread is 7.1 m.
The airport is Type "B" as per ICAO classification.

Q: 3 Define / explain the specifications/ use for the following as per Indian
Railways guidelines:-
a) Dimensional details of Fish plates, Dog Spikes & Screw Spikes in Permanent way.
b) Application of Pandrol Fastener PRN401.
c) Significance & various Indication aspects of Semaphore & Shunting Signals in
Indian Railways.

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