Assignment 2 (Writing Task) Title: Gadget

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3. NUR SALIHAH MS1815113550




1.0 Introduction
Modern gadget is simply an advancement of old technology. The impact of gadget
in modern life is unmeasurable, as we use it in different ways. Mobile phone
technology has evolved with years, nowadays we use smart phones which have been
an advancement of an ordinary mobile phone. We use it on a daily basis to increases
human capabilities to accomplish specific tasks or interests. But it has changed the
society drastically, both positively and negatively. Gadget technology has influenced
every aspect of our life, making it simpler but not necessarily better. As Albert
Einstein was concerned about the advancement of technology that will surpass
human interaction. Hence, modern gadget contains advantages, factors, effects and
preventions within it.

2.0 Summary

2.1 Advantages of gadget

2.1.1 Gadgets can make higher profit in business field.

There are many uses of gadgets in this technological era. Firstly, in the
business field, gadgets can make higher profit. By the use of new
technologies and gadgets, a business company would be able to
communicate with their clients or customers. In today’s busy
business environment, it is necessary for employees to interact
with clients quickly and clearly. As an example, most companies
have live chats, that can be used to interact with the customers and
answer their enquiries instantly. Security of the company also is
improved, as new gadgets such as the firewall, enables a company
to protect financial data and keep their private files from hackers.
According to the Accenture Technology Vision in 2016, it is said
that 82% of senior managers of large companies believe that latest
tech gadgets will be the glue that brings massive organizations
together in the digital economy. Therefore, gadgets can be more
profitable in the business field.

2.1.2 Enables users to gain faster access to information

Next, gadgets also enable users to gain faster access to information. Two
of the most popular technology in this era is a computer and the
internet. By using this, users can get access to the internet. By
using gadgets and the internet, users can access tones of
information as it contains an endless supply of knowledge and
information that allows learning about almost any topic or
question. With the latest technology of 4G LTE connection, which is
10 times faster than 3G, provides better network speed and
connection and enables users to access the internet quicker.
According to Google, in 2010, the internet consisted of 5 Million
Terabytes of data. The most surprising fact is that Google itself said
that they had indexed just 0.004% of all the content present on the
internet. Before internet and gadgets, people used to go to library
to read books on a certain topic to gather information. This may
take days or even weeks depending on the field. Therefore, by
using gadgets, information can be accessed and gathered in

2.1.3 Work done can be done faster.

Moreover, with the use of technological gadgets, work done can be done
faster. Nowadays people require to do many jobs at one time and
have to multi task, but most of the work done can only be done half
way. With the help of technology, there are gadgets with the help
of which can increase work efficiency, from household chores to
office work. For example, by using cloud computing services,
makes it easy to store information or applications on a remote
server that can then be accessed by authorized users. Any team
member can create, view, or share data. Team members can access
and update information quickly, allowing every member to work
their hardest. As and example, the Pocket Printer by ZUtALabs is a
small yet fully functioning printer that prints the content on any
piece of paper it is placed on. Therefore, work can be done faster
with the use of gadgets.

2.2 Factors of gadget

2.2.1 Factor of gadget in technology

The factor of using gadget is technology development. Gadget is very
useful toward us where it can ease our burden. By using online
banking, all bill payment can be done easily through gadget which
is we does not worry about long queuing while waiting to pay for a
bill. With that kind of technology, we can save our time and energy
effectively. Example of online banking can through using gadget
are Maybank.2u, Cimbclick, Mybsn. As stated by Dean Ornish, “The
gadget has transformed many parts of our daily lives touching
from how we go shopping, get direction and stay in touch with
friend and families”. Using this gadget, our work will more regular
because it can bring our life better. Thus, technology development
is the factor of using gadget nowadays and become our basic need
in life.

2.2.2 Factor of gadget in study

2.2.3 The factor of using gadget is in study. In study, student can get
information faster than using book reference. Getting reference
through gadget is easier which is more saving our money. Contrast
with buying a book reference is much expensive and not variety of
choice to choose. It is because book reference is limited and sold
out easily. In my real-life issue, doing assignment is always given to
us as student. The gadget to us while doing assignment is too
important because it is helpful and convenient to search the
information and idea easily. While doing mathematics problem
also, application in gadget like Photomath, Geogebra and calculator
digital are very helpful to solve Mathematics problem. Compare
with last time that student difficult to solve the problem before era
gadget transform. Thus, student using in study is the factor of
using gadget nowadays.

2.2.4 Factor of gadget in work

The factor of using gadget is in work. Gadget also make all work become
faster and also saving our time This is because, all data are not
using in manual anymore to store the data. Other than that, all file
and data can manage more effectively which is easy to handle. This
is because, all applications are not using in manual anymore to
store the data. In a group of company, one of the companies will
communicate through gadget with another company for business
purpose so that the business can expand bigger. Other than that,
using gadget also can access internet anywhere we want. Using
Telegram, WhatsApp application are example of modern
communication by using application through gadget. Hence, work
is the factor of using gadget nowadays.

2.3 Effects of gadget

2.3.1 Effect of gadget in healthy
The effect of using gadgets is it can affect our healthy. Sleeping problem is
one of the most common health effects of gadgets. The reason is,
the blue light emitted by screens on cell phones restrain the
production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep and
wake cycle or circadian rhythm. As stated by MyMetro that
published on 29 April 2015, the use of smartphones such as video
games, browsing the Internet and so on can indirectly affect the
quality of sleep. Addiction to social media, for example, will bring
the habit of night-care and ultimately cause sleep and fatigue
problems. Second, in our healthy it will cause slowing down the
concentration of the brain. This is because, the brain has limits to
process 3-5 things that we can do together. If we work in front of a
computer and then connect to various social media accounts and
receive phone calls or text via cellphones, things like this will make
it easier for us to lose concentration and forget the target that us
should be working on. Researchers from Carnegie Mellon
University, USA found that if a person was interested in browsing
the Internet on the phone, his brain activity would slow to 37
percent of the original speed to process information from reality
conversations. Thus, the use of gadgets can affect our healthy effect
of gadget in student learning.

2.3.2 Effect of gadget in social disconnected

Next, the effect of using gadgets is it may disturb students learning. In this
situation, the student will waste their time. This is because, when
the student is so addicted to the gadgets they will more spend time
with their mobile phone to search internet than study. So that, it
will cause the student get bad result in their examination. As
mentioned by Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd article, Khairy Jamaluddin
said the study found that 72 per cent of Internet users were those
between 7 and 35 years old while adolescents under 18 spent
almost six hours a day. In additional, the student will skip their
school. The reason is, they feel more fun to play with their gadgets
than go school. As wrote by Noor’ Ainon Muhamed and Ismaniza
Ahmad at KAMPAR - A group of five friends are willing to ride a
motorcycle 15 kilometers from Tapah to Bandar Baharu Kampar
just to play online game at a cyber cafe here. A form three and form
four students are skipping school by visiting cyber cafe as early as
8 am. So, the gadgets will give a negative effect to students
2.3.3 Effect of gadget in social communication
Lastly, the effect of gadgets is it is due to social disconnect with people
around them. The teamwork between people around us is poor.
This is due to lack of communication between them. So that, the
cooperation between them will not be create. As quoted by, Paul J.
Mayer communication-human connection-is the key to personal
and career success. Next, it will cause a lack of communication
between people around us. To explain the future, people nowadays
more like chatting through the media social than speak face to face
with them. All the communication change to communication in
WhatsApp, Facebook and so on. This can make the relationship
became more far than before as quoted by Suzanne Woods Fisher
poor communication does not disconnect souls, it is the
disconnected souls who poorly communicate. Hence, the uses of
gadgets will cause to social disconnect with people around them.

2.4 Prevention from Gadget Addiction

2.4.1 Prevention over children

Firstly, parents need to prevent the overexpose of gadget among children
since their early age. As a parent, they need to spend meaningful
time with their child. Nowadays, parents want their child to grow
up with the knowledge and skills of using technology, but it can
ruin lives when the child is exposed to the device too much. Even it
is convenient for parents to just play a video online, but they need
to dial this down. Children have the rudimentary cognitive skills
where they process information greatly when there is an adult
explaining and interacting with them as compared to being a
passive receiver of information. The more parents spend
meaningful time with their child, the less they will choose gadget
over their parents. According to Theophrastus, time is the most
valuable thing a man can spend. For example, parents can make
plans for a weekend getaway, read books together and simply play
with their child. Next, parents should make their children do
something else in order for them to keep a distance from gadget.
Instead of just taking away something that the children want,
parents should offer something more relevant and more beneficial.
The integral part of making them do something else is to let them
explore. Make them understand that there is more in life than their
gadget. Going unplugged is not a punishment but an opportunity
for the child to discover. Moreover, by letting them explore the
other aspects of their life, they may discover their interest for
creativity, music and movement. For example, like sport, art
activities, music lesson, and anything that does not involve fiddling
around with phones, tablets or whatever gadgets they have. In
conclusion, parents play an important role to prevent their child
from overusing gadget.

2.4.2 Prevention over students

Next, students should be prevented from excessive usage of gadget. As
phones are becoming more and more prevalent in the society, as is
apparent by the number of students carrying them around on a
daily basis. School administrators and teachers should come up
with a policy that says students may have phone with them at
school, but the phones must remain off throughout the school day
as suggested by Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal (2016). If the teachers wish to be
a bit more lenient with the students, allow phones during
noninstructional period, such as lunch or between classes. For
instance, the policy should be including the banning of text
messaging, social network and camera usage, as most phones
today are capable of all three. Administrators should make the
policy zero-tolerance; if the students are caught using their phone
when it shouldn’t be, the phone will be confiscated. Other than
that, students should set the limit of viewing their phone. It is
important to detach and minimize dependence on gadget once in a
while. Students should use the gadget when they are absolutely
needed and switch off when they are not required. Nowadays,
many colleges now adapt technology as part of their teaching and
learning strategies. For example, activities, collaborative work and
even assignments utilize technology and online presence. For
these cases, limiting it to school work and perhaps a little more for
some gaming is prudent. Hence, students should be prevented
from excessive usage of gadget.

2.4.3 Prevention over Health

Lastly, the overuse of gadget needs to be reduced in order to maintain a
good health. They need to avoid staring at the screen before sleep.
Gadgets causes students to fare poorly in college, because it makes
them lose their concentration due to lack of sleep but also because
it compromises what they have studied. Ministry of Education
researchers (2017) stated that students who spend several hours
each day staring into their phone tend to change their sleeping
habits and stay up late to use the device. It affects the quality of
students’ sleep and causing them to wake up late the next morning.
According to Health Minister of Malaysia, Dr S. Subramaniam
(2016), blue light emitted from the phone can disrupt melatonin
production and therefore our sleep. For example, students
spending their night watching movies or playing games usually
sleep past midnight and having difficulty waking up the next
morning. Besides, be conscious of keeping the body in a neutral
position at all times when using gadget. According to the British
Chiropractic Association (2018), smartphones are responsible for
the rise in number of young people with back and neck problems,
as the amount of time spent leaning over small phone screen can
put spinal discs under pressure. In order to fix it, sitting with the
good posture will prevent from hunched back and strained neck
muscle. For instance, keeping your ears at an equal distance from
your shoulders and chin neither up nor down. The gadget’s
position approximately one arm’s length away. To allow you sit
straight while focusing on the screen, make sure that the top of the
screen is at eye level. Thus, reduce the overuse of gadget to
maintain a good health.
3.0 Personal response

3.1 Advantages of gadget

Gadgets are very important for people nowadays as it is widely used in business,
schools and even at home. It helps in communication with clients and
customers in major businesses and increases its security. However, gadgets
can be misused in these big companies dealing with large sums of money. For
example, an employee planning a plan to bring down the company can use
these gadgets to leak information online and to competitors. Moreover,
because internet has a lot of information, many videos and pictures that are
not appropriate will be seen by underage users. This may cause them to get
addicted and look a different way on relationships. Lastly, because of gadgets,
users will be to dependent on gadgets and in the long term, would not be able
to do work without the use of gadgets. Human beings are addicted to the new
technologies and gadgets, especially internet and computers. Moreover,
young people are getting more addicted to smartphones and it is believed
that radiation from smartphones may cause blurring vision, headaches and
earaches and may be the reason for cancer too.

3.2 Effect of gadget

In my opinion, the using of gadgets will can cause the death. Firstly, using mobile
phones while driving is one of the example. This is because it will cause an
accident. This is due to the driver will experience emotional disorders while
chatting on the telephone and losing focus when driving that has a dramatic
impact on road accidents. From the Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd article, Director
of the JPJ Automotive Engineering Division, Prof. Datuk Ir. Mohamad Dalib
said using a vehicle while driving was one of the main causes of the recent
accident and the driver could be charged under the Road Transport Act (APJ).
For the example, drivers use mobile phones while driving on the road.
Second, it will cause depression. In this situation, they will feel overwhelmed
and overly worried if they are far away from the tool that they are always
brought together everywhere and difficult to separate. Sometimes, the
depression will lead to death because they think they cannot live without
that. Lecturer at Human Resource Development Department, Faculty of
Cognitive and Human Development Faculty, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak,
Prof. Madya Dr. Zaiton Hassan said smartphone addiction could disrupt one's
mentality. So, the users of gadget will lead to death.

3.3 Factor of gadget

In my opinion, using gadget is our basic need in our daily life. We will need gadget
when we at work, in study and affected by technology development. Our life
will not complete when we do not have gadget. When we us smart watch, we
can do all thing with it. For example, all application can be use on it like
answering call just similar like smartphone function. Other than that, by
using gadget we can communicate from whom far away with family and
loved one by connect to each other by using Skype, WhatsApp application. It
can directly communicate by facing each other when using modern
application. That is the factor why we use gadget in our daily life because it
very important and give benefit toward us. Thus, as human being that have
own gadget must know what is not good behind using gadget so that we can
get more benefit from it.

3.4 Prevention from Gadget Addiction

In my opinion, there are many ways ones can do to avoid from being to engage with
gadget. There is a very fine line between addiction and necessity. Parents
play a very important role as children will observe and learn from them. No
matter how busy the parents is, using gadget as a modern pacifier to keep
them quiet is not the correct way. For example, playing video online and let
them watch, so parents can do their work at peace. Next, students should
know that overusing gadget will cause them to lost focus during classes and
sleep late at night. This surely will affect their academic performance. For
example, playing game during lecture and watching movie until late night.
Lastly, gadget can cause multiple health problems in person. For an instance,
most of the time, they sit with their back bent or lie down on the bed with
head elevated causing postural problem. As a conclusion, it’s not practical to
deny technology, but it’s possible to limit the use of gadget.
4.0 Conclusion

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