Ans. As They've Talked About One Cmpany

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Name: Rida Ali Research Methods

Section : B2 Assignment 1

Classify each of the following examples as basic or applied research. Also explain why

a. A researcher investi gates whether diff erent sides in  a manager’s brain (e.g. right versus left
hemisphere) are active during different kinds of managerial decision-making.

 Ans. Basic research, as it’s related to theory building.

 b. A researcher investigates consumers’ attitudes toward a prototype of an innovative type of product, a home
Cleaning kit for use on clothes that require dry cleaning.
Ans applied research, as one organization is concerned about finding the solution.

c . A r e s e a r c h e r i n v e s ti g a t e s 5 p e r s o n a l i t y t r a i t s t o s e e i f t h e y c a n e x p l a i n t h e
p u r c h a s i n g b e h a v i o r o f   automobile buyers.

 Ans. Basic research, as they haven’t mentioned about one specific organization and this statement has to do with
theory building.

d. A new technology that nullifies the need to refrigerate fish has been invented. Heat processing and the use of
flexible pouches for storage helps retain the freshness of fish and frozen food for three years. A
researcher investigates how this new technology will impact the market for fish in India

Ans. Applied Research as specifically India has been mentioned.

e. A researcher working for a candy company has children evaluate concepts and prototypes for new candies.
The researchers ask children to taste the products and rate them. Sometimes, the candy company develops
unique items that taste good and researchers ask children to come up with a concept or a name the product.

 Ans. Applied Research as here also the type of company has been mentioned. And they require an answer.

 f. A researcher working investigates whether introducing a “subbrand” at new-car dealerships, identified by
an AutoNation USA logo below the dealership name, is an effective basic strategy that can be applied to all its

Ans. Applied Research.

As they’ve talked about one cmpany
Given the situation below discuss with reasons whether they fall into the category of applied research
or basic research.

(a) A university professor wanted to analyze in depth the reasons for absenteeism of employees
in organizations. Fortunately, a company within 20 miles of the campus employed her as a
consultant to study that very issue.

Its Basic research as the researcher is looking for an answer to a problem of why employees don’t arrive
on jobs. So it’s more of a broad statement. It’s more towards theory building.

(b) A research scientist surveys 1000 employees in different organizational settings to study the
efficacy of several types of nasal sprays in controlling the flu virus. He subsequently publishes
his findings in a highly respected medical journal

Basic research

As they’re only talking about basic and different types of nasal sprays to find out which one is the best
for controlling the virus. They haven’t talked about the issue in a broader way. The researcher hasn’t
filed his findings in a medical journal.

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