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Project Proposal for Setting up an AI Lab

1. Introduction
Honourable Chief Minister had made following announcement to promote his objectives to impart skills on
next generation technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) in the recent budget
announcement for FY 2020-21:

The Government is committed to provide high quality Technical Education and promote scientific awareness
among masses. The world is getting ready for the next big thing or, to be precise, the Internet of Things,
popularly referred to as IoT. The Internet of Things is transforming every aspect of life: the home, the office,
city streets and beyond. IoT products give us greater control over door locks, lights and appliances; offer
insights into resource consumption habits; streamline business processes; and better connect us to the
people, systems and environments that shape our daily lives.

According to the US technology firm Gartner, over the next five years 26 billion items will contain computer
chips, each wirelessly connecting inanimate devices to the internet to record every aspect of human life.
These intelligent devices already include smart electricity meters, water filters, electrical motors and
transformers, warehouses, poultry farms, smart watches and a whole range of devices and equipment. This
development means a huge employment opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs, engineers and technicians.
being an IT pro-active & digitally aspiring state must leverage this opportunity due to available knowledge
based human resources pool and Government’s envisioned holistic approach to create an ecosystem for
Industry 4.0. It will be a giant leap towards promoting faster & sustainable economic development through
skill development program to its youth in the area of disruptive technologies including IoT.

In this context the State plans to set up an IoT Lab on a PILOT Project basis to train 500 youths (Polytechnic
College) in one year. This work may be done through Government promoted agency. The state government
will provide funds to for implementing this program. This is a job oriented skill enhancement program for
youth of and depending upon the success of the program, it may be rolled out in all divisional headquarters in
from next year onwards. This training program will be offered completely free to youth .

The objectives of this training are:

 Promote an IoT eco system in that will be innovative and help the youth of in understanding
IoT concepts and apply the same in a variety of fields such as Agriculture, Infrastructure, Housing,
Healthcare, Energy, Water Grid, Education and Manufacturing & Mining Industries.
 Create innovative applications and domain capability across verticals such as Smart City,
Smart Housing, Smart Health, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Agriculture, Smart Warehousing, Smart
Fisheries, Smart Education, Smart Governance, Smart Sports, and Smart Civil etc.
 Build industry ready talent, start-up community and entrepreneurial ecosystem for IoT, by making
available IoT teaching and practice facility across the entire state through existing infrastructure of
polytechnic colleges / RKCL.
 Provide environment for product Creation, Testing and also for Validation & Incubation
2. Scope of Work
The work of setting an IoT Lab and training of youth of will be done by a selected agency that will be
responsible for establishing the training labs for imparting IoT training in a polytechnic college at Jaipur. The
selected agency besides establishing the lab will also be responsible for teaching & training to students and
providing key personnel & necessary equipment for executing & monitoring the project implementation.
Trainings to students will be done by qualified and IoT certified faculties. The training will be split into basic
and advance modules and the duration of the training would be 200-250 hours including online, class room
and practical / demo sessions.

IoT kits will be supplied to students as per the specification and required software / libraries are also installed
in each machine of the lab to build IoT infrastructure. Provisioning of computers with requisite primary and
secondary storage will be the responsibility of college. The training agency will also play a critical role in the
different activities related to effective training delivery in the Institutions by developing the course content
and curriculum; perform requisite MIS activities to monitor training delivery, assessment and certification of
the students.

In particular, the agency would be responsible for the following activities:

 Establishment of training infrastructure and provisioning of training kits as given at Annexure.
 Prepare course curriculum and content in consultation .
 On-board qualified and certified faculties to impart theoretical and practical training to the trainees.
 Perform MIS activities to monitor training delivery, assessment and certification of students.

2.1 Proposed IoT Training: Basic Course

S. No Modules No of Hours
1 Introduction to IoT 01
 What is IoT
 4 stage Architecture of IoT
 3 Layer IoT Architecture
 Decision Framework for IoT
 Quiz 01
2 IoT Sensors 02
 Introduction to Analog and Digital Sensors
 Introduction to MEMS
 Types of sensors
 Temperature Sensor.
 Pressure Sensor.
 Proximity Sensor.
 Accelerometer and Gyroscope Sensor.
 IR Sensor.
 Optical Sensor.
 Gas Sensor.
 Smoke Sensor.
 Quiz 02
3 IoT Actuators 02
 Electric actuators 
 Thermal actuators
 Pneumatic actuators
 Hydraulic actuators
 Quiz 03

4 Microcontrollers 03
 Introduction to Arduino Board
 Basic Programming in C for Arduino
 Integration of sensors, actuators, power
supply and communication module on
Arduino Board
 Assignment No 01
 Quiz 04
5 Single Board Computers 07
 Introduction to Raspberry Pi
 Loading OS on Raspberry Pi
 Introduction to Linux
 Introduction to Basic Python Programming
 Implementing Python Programming on
Raspberry Pi
 Assignment No 02
 Quiz 05
6 Introduction to IoT Communication Modules 01
 Bluetooth Module
 Zigbee Module
 LoRaWAN Module
 GSM Module
 Quiz 06
7 IoT Applications 02
 Smart Home
 Transportation and Logistics
 Smart Wearables
 Smart City Applications
 Agricultural
 Health Care
 Environment
 Industrial
 Infrastructure
 Security and Military Applications
 Quiz 07
8 IoT Challenges 01
 Security Concerns
 Power Consumption
 Lack of Standard Infrastructures
 Connectivity and Communication
 Government Regulation
 Hardware and software updation
 Integration Collaboration and Partnerships
 Quiz 08

9 Hands on Experience 40
 IoT Projects
 12 hrs contact sessions at IoT lab
 28 hrs of own time work
 Assignment
 Quiz 09
10 Final Test 01
Total No of Hours 60

2.2 Proposed IoT Training: Advanced Course

S. No Modules No of Hours
1 Advanced Programming in C for Applications in 15
 Review of Arduino Syntax
 Data collection from sensors
 Digital and Analog Data
 Input and Output functions
 Conditional Statements
 Using Arrays
 UART & I2C Serial Communication Protocols
 DC, Servo and Stepper Motor Control
 PID controller

2 Introduction to IIoT & Industry 4.0 05

 What is IIoT
 PLC Programming
 PLC and SCADA Integration with IoT
 Industry 4.0 standards
 Quiz 01
3 Python Programming 35
 Setting up Python
 Understanding Python shell
 Python datatypes & variables
 Functions in Python
 Python Built-In Functions
 Operators
 Control flow statements
 Classes
 Data Structures in Python
 Exception Handling
 Modules
 Reading from and writing to Files
 Standard Python libraries
 Assignment No 01
 Assignment No 02
 Assignment No 03
 Quiz 02
3 IoT Network Communication Protocols 05
 Bluetooth
 WiFi
 Zigbee
 CoAP
 6LoWPAN.

 Cellular
 Z-Wave
 Eddystone
 Quiz 03
4 Introduction to IoT Gateway (Hardware and 02
 IoT Gateway Hardware
 IoT Gateway Software
 Quiz 04
5 Introduction to IoT Cloud Platforms 07
 Thingworx 8 IoT Platform
 Microsoft Azure IoT Suite
 Google Cloud's IoT Platform
 IBM Watson IoT Platform
 AWS IoT Platform
 Cisco IoT Cloud Connect
 Salesforce IoT Cloud
 Kaa IoT Platform
 Oracle IoT Platform
 Quiz 05
6 Hands on Experience 80
 IoT Projects on Arduino & Raspberry Pi
 24 hrs contact sessions at IoT lab
 56 hrs of own time work
 Assignment No 04
 Assignment No 05
 Assignment No 06
 Assignment No 07
 Quiz 09
7 Final Test 01
Total No of Hours 150

2.3 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

In addition students will also be trained on basics of AI & ML to excite them about future prospectus and help
them in taking their learning forward.
S. No Modules No of Hours
1 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 15
 Fundamentals of AI & ML
 Supervised ML
 Unsupervised ML
 AI Applications

2.4 List of device and components (one each) that comprise the practice IoT kit in Each Lab:
Practice kits will be available in each lab for practice & mastering the skill of installation, fitting and
maintenance of IoT devices. Below is a list of components comprising a complete kit that would be given by

the service provider to students for training. The kit (150 kits per lab) would be the property of the institute /
RKCL and the same kit may be used by the institutes for training of subsequent batches in the institute.
S. No. Description Qty
1 Arduino Mega 1
2 Keypad 1
3 Buzzer 1
4 Zigbee with USB Adapter 1
5 RFID Reader 1
6 Temperature Sensor 1
7 Ultrasonic Sensor 1
8 Current Sensor 1
9 PIR Sensor 1
10 Dual Relay Driver board 1
11 Accelerometer sensors 1
12 Servo Motor 1
13 Stepper Motor 1
14 Breadboard 1
15 Soldering Kit 1
16 Micro Motor 1
17 Descrete Electronic Components 1
18 GSM Modem 1
19 LoRa 1
20 Flyleads 20
* These practice kits will also have Raspberry Pi 3 in addition to above hardware.

2.5 IoT Labs & Demo Centre

An IoT lab will be set up in college to impart training & showcasing different applications of IoT to the
students. It will complement their theoretical learnings with practical exposure. This lab will act as a nodal
centre for this programme and showcase the initiative for imparting job oriented IT training to the youth of
the state.

Each Lab will be ready with any 10 of the following IoT projects for display and training purposes:
S. No. Description Qty
1 Smart Energy 1
2 Smart Agricultural Pump 1
3 Smart Lighting 1
4 Smart Health 1
5 Smart attendance 1
6 Smart security 1
7 Smart Weather Station 1
8 Smart Home 1
9 Water Quality (LoRa Based) 1
10 Basic PLC Trainer 1
11 GPS module 1

2.6 Student Kits

Every student will also be given a kit to be retained with them for practice pupose. These kits will be the
property of the students. The details of components and devices in each student kit are as under:

S. No. Description Qty
1 Arduino Uno 1
2 Digital & Analog IO Board 1
3 Bluetooth Module 1
4 Power Adapter 1
5 16x2 LCD 1
6 Wi-Fi Module 1
7 Ultrasonic Sensor 1
8 DC Motor with Fan 1
9 5mm RGB LED 1
10 Dual Relay Driver board 1
11 Motor Driver Board 1
12 Flyleads 20
13 Battery Holder 1
14 Soil Moisture Sensor 1

3. Major Stakeholders
The initiative will benefit the youths of who wish to be trained and certified on next generation technologies
like IoT/AI for employment prospective. Below is a list of stakeholders of the project.
 Youths
 Training Agency
 Polytechnic College

4. Timelines and Methodology of Implementation

RFP preparation and floating of RFP will be done within a 30-45 days after the project is finally approved. Post
that vendor selection, onboarding and lab setup may take another 3-4 months.
If project is approved by October'20 then it is expected that the training of first batch may be started by
March / April 2021 or as per approval given by the Polytechnic College depending on the academic session.

5. Financials for FY 2020-21 for Training 500 Youth in a Polytechnic College

First year cost to set up an IoT lab and training 500 students is given below. Once a lab is setup 500 students
can be trained in that lab every year with recurring cost going down to Rs. 150 – Rs. 250 Lakh per year per
college for every 500 students (provided the lab is setup).

S. No. Item Cost (in Rs. Lakh)

1. Setting up an IoT Lab with all Infra including Maintenance 225.00
2. Practice Kits for Students 75.00
3. Training Delivery & Faculty Cost 50.00
4. RKCL Service Charge (3%) 11.00
5. GST (18%) 64.00
Total Budget Requirement 425.00

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