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No Steps Expressions

- Greting - Assalamualaikum
- Name wabarrakatuh
- My name is Arindi
- Position - I’m nursing student from
health sience collage Al-
Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah
- Today i’d like talk to you
- Subjek of the report
about this Security and
privasi issue with health care
- Purpose
information technology
- The purpose of this talk is to
educate the public to find out
- The lenght how important security and
privacy are with health care
- Outline of the report information technology
- I plan to brief maybe just in
- I’ve divide my speech into
two parts or secion they have
a materials presentation
- Material exposure
section in 4minute then a
quetion and answer session
in 4 minute
- And now I will present about
the extent of information
technology privacy care
- 1. Paper-based patient
records are being maintained
in an electronic format which
allows patients to access
their records via the Internet
- 2. Remote patient monitoring
is made more possible
because special sensors can
be placed inside the house
- 3. Will improve the quality
of health care by making it
more personal and reducing
costs and medical errors
- 4. Despite the benefits to
technology, the associated
privacy and security
concerns need to be analyzed
in order to make this system
socially acceptable.
- Okay if you have any
quetions please ask.

- Quetion
3. - Closing - Okey, i have finish thank you
for your attention, your time.
- Wassalamualaikum

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