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niversity syllabus, Chennai ution Management NIT SOURCES AND EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTANTS P Classification of Air pollutants — Particulates and gaseous pollutants — Sources of air pollution — Source inventory ~ Efe 4s of air pollution on human beings, materials, vegetation, animals ~ global warming-ozone layer depletion, Sampling and Analysis — Basic Principles of Sampling — Source and ambient sampling - Analysis of pollutants — Principles. A Anna U Air Po! UNITII DISPERSION OF POLLUTANTS 9 Elements of atmosphere — Meteorological factors — Wind roses — Lapse rate — Atmospheric stability and turbulence — Plume rise ~ Dispersion of pollutants — Dispersion models — Applications. UNIT II AIR POLLUTION CONTROL 12 Concepts of control — Principles and design of control measures — Particulates control by gravitational, centrifugal, filtration, scrubbing, electrostatic precipitation — Selection criteria for equipment - gaseous pollutant control by adsorption, absorption, condensation, combustion — Pollution control for specific major industries. ventive Janning UNIT IV AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT Air quality standards — Air quality monitoring ~ Pre| measures - Air pollution control efforts — Zoning — Town P! regulation of new industries — Legislation and enforcement ~ Environmental Impact Assessment and Air quality UNITV NOISE POLLUTION ; Sources of noise polluti pollution — E - - St Control methods — Prevention HTecls = Assossmicit TOTAL: 45 perio ‘Scanned with CamScanner andards~ a 1.6. GOJAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OCESS1 — AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING IMPORTANT 2 MARKS QUESTIONS UNITI 1. Define Air pollution. 2. Define primary and secondary air pollutants 3, What is pollution quality Index? { ~) 4, What is ozone layer depletion? VV wa Bethy ee EY molec 5. List out the composition of atmosphere. 6. List out the emission standards. 7. Name any two effects on plants and also pollutants responsible. BDefine Acid rain. 44 fy cli ove, perl ord ree dey 9, List out the types of air pollutants, : 10. Define global warming. Dncrected orth verve td, Sear heare ea UNIT 2 (2-49) 2.Define lapse rate. (9.43) tea? Jovl 1. What is wind ros ja ers 5 CIMEO 3. Define atmospheric stability.(-_-3 5 ) . és 4.What is dry adiabatic lapse rate?(1- 16) Cool rd@ 9.0 CJ ycen oe 5. Define Environmental lapse rate. @ rab) Ree free | preaching, 6. Define plume rise. 5 7. Mention two effects of air pollution on meteorological conditions. 8. Define adsorption and absorption 9.Explain about Gaussian model. 10. What is inversion? @ yn) ‘Scanned with ComScanner UNITS 1:Name any four principles by which particulates removal is carried out {@)What are the various types of Particulate scrubbers? 3. Define Venturi serubbers, (C@iate the principle of eyclone filter. define Stokes law ‘6.What is the main aim of using air pollution control equipment, | (Explain the principle ESP. \ 8. What are the advantages of scrubbers? (OpFxplain about Fabric filters. GOExplain about Bag house filter | . UNITA 1. How the géscous pollutants ean be controlled? 2. Define air quality moritoring. 3. What are the types of condensation system? 4. What do you mean by regenerative system and non-regenerative systems? 5. Write the criteria to be adopted for selection ofruitable sites for an industry \ 6 efi si olin Ine. 1 plain about Bio Fs $ tise itor inlageing te lc of brrton process ‘9.Mention any two func!7ons of central board to control air pollution. | 10.What is legislation. k UNITS 1.Define Indoor air pollution, i 2Define Noite. i 3. Define noise pollution | 4, Define "Hearing Threshold Level"(HTL) 5. Define sick building syndrome. (6. What are the most common sources of Noise pollution? " List the units of measurement of sound §,Write the ambient Nofse level for Residential and Industrial zone. 9, What are the effects of Noise pollution on human health 10,Write about control of Noise pollution. i ‘Scanned with CamScanner Ps Suey t9a- he GOJAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | OCESS1 - AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING IMPORTANT QUESTIONS * UNIT I- INTRODUCTION Structure and composition of Atmosphere ~ Definition, Scope and Seales of Air Pollution -Sourees and classification of air pollutants and their effect on human health, vegetation, a Value.and visibility- Ambient Air Quali als, property, aesthetic and Einission standards. . Structure and composition of Atmosphere e009 ere 1.Explain in detail about structure of Atmosphere. \« } Pvt book ‘Troposphere Stratosphere, Mesosphere, hermosphere,Exosphere 2.aExplain about the composition of Atmosphere Jo OC bb, Name the elemental properties of the atmosphere + Nitrogen — 78 percent \b Be © Oxygen— 21 percent -\ # Argon — 0.93 percent # Carbon dioxide — 0.037 percent Definition, Scope and Scales of Air Pollution 3. Explain in detail shout the fair pottution 4. a. Discuss about the Seales of Air Pollution }- 1S” Der ‘Distinguish among macroscale, mesoscale and microscale atmospheric motions LO 7 Sources and classification of air pollutants 5(@Write the Sources and classification of ar pollutants. 2-5 VF (tow are air potltans classified? What are the different sourees of air pollutants? Give examples (8. SGurees — Natural Sources, Anthropogenic (Man made) Sources Classification — Based on Origin, Based on Chemical composition, Based on State of matter Effect on human health, vegetation, animals, property, aesthetic value and visibility 4) 6., Discuss in deal about the effets of ar pliation on human beings, animals and vegetation. |-39° F b, Explain the effects of CO, SO2 and heavy metals on human being Ambient Air Quality and Emission standards C) GG What is ambient air quality standards? Enumerate its importance. Yea O20) (43 ¢3) b. Discuss in briefly about the ambient air quality standards adopted by EPA. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner PART-C an ed book " jetion"-pg 1:57 Rs (epics ‘Ozone layer dep ap jckness,0zone hole. efnton Causes Mechs ee ete see 465 Red book ; a = b. Make a detailed discussion 0” global warming finn Effects Green house Effect 2 +4 Rel | ‘Explain in detail about Acid Rein ~pg 1 SORE! book UNIT Il- METEOROLOGY iti ion, Wi files Effects of Meteorology on Air pollution-Fundamentals, Atmospheric stabilityInversion, Wind pro! | ‘and stack plume patterns-Atmospheric Diffusion ‘Theories-Dispers' jodels, plume rise. | ae 7 Effects of Meteorology on Air pollution an it | 1.a:Explain in detail about the Effects of Meteorology on Av pollution Q-.'5 Briefly discuss abou the various meteorologeal parameters influencing air pollution. Oe oO) | «Explain the factors influencing the atmosphere dispersion of air pollutants, | Wind Speed and direction, Temperature, Humidity Rainfall Solar Radiation l _Atmospherie stability, Taversion, Wind profiles . 2,4 Write short notes on following:() Atmosphere Stability(ii) Air pollution indi 3 QO, ved. { At bility) Air pollution indices 2« IB “| Discuss different types of environmental lapse rate “2 2 «. Explain the relationship between ambient and adiabatic lapse rates and atmosphere stl 5 ‘Wind profiles 29 rf 3.a, Explain the significance of wind rose diagram 2-3) 8 ue Explain about the preparation of wind rose diagram for a location # «3 a ase? Scere rc mee ; ; es (2) 4. Explain with neat sketch the plume behavior from a stack with respect to the different prevailing lapse 76 rate. S. b, Describe with neat sketches the plume dispersion under different stability classes oo With neat sketch explain the classifications of pune” 1 ~ Atmospheric Diffusion Theories — Softeopy notes Dispersion models 5.a.Explain in detsl about the various dispersion models (-s9 wed) (241 wise) 5 types — Box model, Gaussian model,Lagrangian model,Eulerian model,Dense gas model 2a-bo 4) ‘Scanned wih CamScanner b-(@) What are the assumptions in the in the Gaussian Model. (5)ii) Deseribe the Gaussian plume model with a neat sketch in detail.(10) Plume rise 6Discuss about Plume rise | GOAZse Definition, Basic segments,Penetration,Factors pg 2.40 Red book, Formula-buoyancy,momentum-pg 2.41 /2. Red book cf) UNIT - III CONTROL OF PARTICULATE CONTAMINANTS Factors affecting Selection of Control Equipment ~Gas Particle Interaction-Working principle - a Centrifugal separators Fabric filters, Particulate Scrubbers, Electrostatic — PARTICULATE CONTAMINANTS ‘Common particulate contaminants include dusts fumes, mists aerosols, and fibers. Primary ~ fires,construction sites smokestacks ‘Secondary ~ Reaction between gaseous chemicals emitted by power plants and automobiles, Dusts are solid particles generated by such processes as handling, crushing, end grinding. Fumes are formed when material from a volatilized solid condenses in cool air (e.g., weld solid particles whose length is several times their diameter, such as asbestos. Mist is a liquid suspended in air. Mists are generated by liquids condensing from a vapor back to a liquid or by a liquid being dispersed by splashing or atomizing ‘Aerosols are also a form of a mist characterized by highly respirable, minute liquid particles. They can be formed by atomizing, spraying, or mixing, or by violent chemical reactions, METHODS OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ‘ AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICES DEVICES USED TO CONTROL PARTICULATE CONTAMINANTS Gravity Separators, Centrifugal separators, Fabric filters, Particulate Scrubbers, Electrostatic Precipitators. Factors affecting Selection of Control Equipment + Environmental Factors - + Engineering Factors ‘© Economic Factors 449 Gas Particle Interaction L Write a brief note about Gas particle Interaction 3° 4 (s BR) parrtr(r oF Ys ‘Scanned with CamScanner ped 3-21 - ae 3.81 Joly tor 9 jewo vein Working principle -Gravity Separators 2.16 - yw? (Avo 2.a Write short notes on settling chamber. . . Explain in detail about gravit a etighambes wihnat ScS sean, ener st, 000 (:zsetga separators) 318 (8.8) BSA ven s@ bond: 3.a. Explain with nat sketches the principe and working of Cyclone Separator pe.3.14 Red book | ». List the advantages and disadvantages of eyelone separator and also mention their industrial application. Fabricfilters 3424 2 ay (88) 3. Gy (teased | NAL atte Aen eechynse) 4.a. Explain in detail about Febrie ites | b.With a neat sketch ,explain the working principle of bag filter. ©. What is bag house filter? How it works? What are the operational problems involved?pg 3.25 Red book | Particulate Serubbers 38 53! f°" | Spray towers ~Cyclone scrubber Venturi scrubber r Impingement scrubbers Orifice scrubbers 5.a. Explain with a neat sketch spray tower wet scrubber Explain the working principle of cyclone scrubber aneat sketch / Electrostatic Precipitators. 6. Explain with neat sketch the working principle of electro static precipitator with its advantage and advantage.“ UNIT IV - CONTROL OF GASEOUS CONTAMINANTS Factors affecting Selection of Control Equipment-Working principle - absorption, Adsorption, : condensation,Incineration, Bio filters-Process control and Monitoring, GASEOUS CONTAMINANTS Gaseous contaminants can be divided into two main eategories L.Primary pollutaats ~ Compounds emitted directly from the stack or equipment of the source, ‘Scanned wih CemScanner 42.Secondary pollutants Gaseous and vapour phase compounds that form due to reactions between primary pollutants in atmosphere. Example:Nitrogen dioxide , Ozone and photochemical oxidants,Sulphuric acid METHODS OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL GASEOUS CONTAMINANTS CONTROL TECHNIQUES METHODS OF CONTROLLING GASEOUS CONTAMINANTS Absorption, Adsorption, condensation, Incineration, Oxidation DEVICES USED TO CONTROL PARTICULATE CONTAMINANTS (Instruments or Machines) Spray Towers, Packed bed towers, Bubble Cap Plate tower, Wet Scrubbers Factors affecting Selection of Control Equipment : ao my + Environmental Factors pee Joo + Eapinces ony Factors © Remnorle actors - “ sg) (4799 aan ) ste abgornion (A SA SBS inciple involved in absorption ‘Working p1 1.a Write the general p b. Discuss on absorption method of control of gaseov's contaminants “sanism,Formaula,Absorption unit Control devices _nmioas texmns, Designing absorber, 7 a Bg C4 do befi, WAY AD OE Working principle— Adsorption (4-6 61, 64) a 2.a, Define adsorption arid differentiate between physical and chemical adsorption. b. Discuss on adsorption method of control of gaseous contaminants. Definition, Types-Physical,chemical,Steps in Adsorption process,Adsorbers,Removal,Adsorbents Salient features,Control devices Working principle- Condensation 4 -y2- -%4. Yo 3.a, Write a brief notes on enginetring design of condensation mode of air pollution control b. Write a short note about condensation process with examples. Definition,General Applicability, Condensers Explanation -Diagram Working principle — Incineration 4.2. Write a stort note about Incineration process with sketches. », Discuss on combustion method of control of gaseous contaminants Definition, Equipment — 5 types,Diagram ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 4.68 Bio tters-Proces control and Monitoring S.a. Write a brief note about control and monitoring of gaseous pollutants on environment. ‘Explain what you understand by air quality standards and ar quality monitoring 6 Tabula the Nationa ir quay standards for residential, Industrial and sensitive areas PART-C 2) Discuss the sources of pollutants and its control in a.cement industry. Pe.3.53 Red book >. Explain briefly about the methods of biological air treatment system, ©. What are the environmental uid ine for sting of industries to ensure optimum use of aural and mane made resources in sustainable : ° _— manner? 9.. Enumerate and briefly expan vatiow Measures. Pg.3.58 Red book. ms ity in environment and write about its control ». Write a short note on Ultraviolet photolysis of air pollution control method UNIT V- INDOOR AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT Sources, types and control of indoor ai ai ing related : : mn indoor air pollutants, sick building syndrome and Builds ilasss-Scurees and Effects of Noise Pollution-Measuremeat-Standardert nd Povee . 4 it surement-Standards—Control and Preventiv, ! Sources, types and control of indoor air pollutants

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