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Name: Domalanta, Austin Josh M.

Course: BSCE
Student Number: 19-UR-0834 Section and Batch: BECED

Spanish Colonization Modern Issues

 Corruption caused by
Spaniards -Massive
 The actions of the corruption  Corruption caused by
Church and Spanish Filipinos
colonial authorities -Feast and  There are many
during the Spanish occasion religions and people
colonial period (1521- about are free to choose
1898) led to tensions religions is
and social upheavals in still
the Philippines practiced

Corruption in the Philippines worsens in 2019 global index

By CNN Philippines staff

Published Jan 23, 2020

Corruption is as old as history itself. In the Philippines, it appears to have started historically during
spanish colonial period when the archipelago was part of the kingdom of the spanish monarch.
Public offices, like everything else within the colony, was treated as a property of the king whuch he
can dispose of as he liked. Government offices or positions were awarded based in patronage or
austioned off to the highest bidder. Government was an instrument mainly for enslaving the
conquered subjects for the benefit of the king and his spanish subject

Beginning at the end of the world war ii, corruption once again flourished as filipino politicians
scrambled for a share of war damage payments, kickbacks in the financial aids and grants that
flooded in country for infrastructure during the period of rehabilitation, and opportunities for bribes
and exactions created by the imposition of import and foreign exchange controls, issuance of mining
and logging permits and preferential access to government loans and pork -barrel funds.

Catholicism in the Philippines during the Spanish Colonial Period 1521-1898

By Anchi Hoh

July 10, 2018

Since the colonial period, Catholicism has been the cornerstone of Filipino identity for millions in the
Philippines. Catholicism rapidly spread during the early years of Spanish colonialism, in part due to a
lack of otherwise centralized religious institutions, other than Islam in the south, which might have
challenged it. Its close associations with Filipino identity have placed the Catholic Church at the heart
of nationalism, social justice, and other movements, while at the same time has been associated
with power, elitism, and exploitation at various points in its history.

Catholicism and the Spanish state were inseparable, and the religious played a predominant role in
the administration of the Philippines. As a result, they were deeply implicated in the exploitation of
Filipinos; religious orders including the Augustinians, Dominicans, and Recollects, held the largest
tracts of land, haciendas and encomiendas granted by the Spanish government, renting plots to
tenant farmers. They were also responsible for the religious education and spiritual well-being of
their tenants, and some friars championed the interests of their parishes against the exploitation
committed by their orders and secular leaders.

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