Asignment HP

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Q1a: Consider a mountain stream with an effective head of 25 meters (m) and a flow rate of 600

liters (ℓ) per minute. How much power could a hydro plant generate? Assume plant efficiency
() of 83%.
H = 25m
Q =600lit/min = 0.01m3/s
(μ)Plant efficiency = 83%
P =ϒw*Q*H*μ =10*0.01*25*.83 = 2.075kw
Q1b: How much energy (E) will the hydro plant generate each year?
E = P*t =2.075*8760 =18177kwhrs/yr
Q2: Consider a second site with an effective head of 100 m and a flow rate of 6,000 cubic meters
per second (about Q1). Answer the same questions.
H = 100m
Q = 6000m3/s
(μ)Plant efficiency = 83%
P = ϒw*Q*H*μ = 10*100*6000*.83 = 4980000kw
E = P*t = 4980000kw*8760hr/yr =43624800000kwhr/yr =43624.8*10 6kwhr/yr
Q3. A common load is shared by two stations, one being a base load plant with 25 MW installed
capacity and other being a standby station with 30 MW capacity. The yearly output of the
standby station is 10.5*106 kwh and that of the base load plant is 125*106 kwh. The peak-load
taken by the standby station is 15MW and this station works for 2,500 hours during the year. The
base load station takes a peak of 22.5 MW.
Find out:
(i) Annual load factors for both stations
(ii) (ii) Plant use factors for both stations
(iii) (iii) Capacity factors for both stations

Case (I) base load

Installed capacity =25MW
Yearly output= 125*106Kwh
Peak load = 22.5MW
Station works for 2500hrs/yr
Annual load factor=?
Plant use factor =?
Capacity factor=?

total unit generated 125∗106 kwh
Annual load factor = = =63.4 %
peak load∗time 22.5∗103 kw∗8760 hr
maximum demand 22.5∗103 kw
Plant use factor= = =90 %
stationcapacity 25000 kw
total unit generated 125∗106
Average demand = = = 14.269*10kw
time 8760
average demand 14.269∗103
Capacity factor= = =57.1%
station capacity 25000
Case (II) stand by station
Installed capacity =30MW
Yearly output= 10.5*106Kwh
Peak load = 15MW
Station works for 2500hrs/yr
Annual load factor=?
Plant use factor=?
Capacity factor=?
total unit generted 10.5∗106
Annual load factor= = = 7.99%
peak load∗time 15∗103 kw∗8760 hr
maximum demand 15000 kw
Plant use factor = = = 50%
station capacity 30000 kw
total unit generated 125∗106 kwh
Average demand = = = 1198.63Kw
time 8760 hr
average demand 1198.63
Capacity factor = = = 4%
station capacity 30000
Q4. When a run-of-river plant operates as a peak load station with a weekly load factor of 20%,
all its capacity is firm capacity. What will be the minimum flow in the river so that the station
may serve as the base load station? It is given that
 Rated installed capacity of generator = 10000 KW
 Operating head = 15 m
 Plant efficiency = 80%

Estimate the daily load factor of the plant if the stream flows is 15 cumec.
Plant efficiency μ = 80%
Operating head ho = 15m
Installed capacity of generator = 10000 KW
i. Q =?
ii. If Q = 15 m3 /s daily load factor of the plant=?
i. When the plant operates as a peak load with 20% load factor, the total energy generated for
a weak

=10000*0.2*7*24 KWH =33.6*104kw

If Q is the minimum flow necessary for the plant as base load
P= μ*ϒW*H*Q
μ∗ϒ W ∗H
Power for a weak P = 117.72*7*24*Q=1.98*104Q
33.6∗10 4
Q= =16.99m3/s
1.98∗10 4
ii. Where Q =15m3/s

P =117.6Q =117.6*15=1764kwh

Total unit generated in 24hrs = 1764 KW *24hr. = 42336

Peak load = 10000*24 = 240000 KW

Total unit generated

Load factor =
Peak load

42336 kw
240000 kw

= 0.1764

Q5. The load duration curve for a typical heavy load being served by a combined hydro-steam
system may be approximated by a straight line; maximum and minimum loads being 60,000 kW
and 20,000 kW respectively. The hydro power available at the time of minimum regulated flow
is just sufficient to take a peak load of 50,000 kWh per day. It is observed that it will be
economical to pump water from tail race to the reservoir by utilizing the steam power plant
during the off peak periods and thus running the station at 100% load factor. Determine the
maximum capacity of each type of plant. Assume the efficiency of steam conversion to be 60%.
Maximum demand =60,000 KW
Minimum demand = 20,000 KW
Efficiency of steam conversion is 60%.
Hydro power peak load = 50,000 kWh per day
OCBA represents the load duration curve for the combined system as shown in above. The total
maximum demand (i.e., 60,000 kW) is represented by OC, whereas the minimum demand (i.e.,
20,000 kW) is represented by OD.
Let OE = Capacity of steam plant
EC = Capacity of hydro plant
Area CHI = the energy available from hydro plant in the low flow period.
Area FGB = the off-peak* period energy available from steam plant.
Obviously, the energy of hydro plant represented by area HEFI and available from reservoir has
been supplied by steam power plant represented by area FGB. As steam electric conversion is
Area HEFI = 0.6* area FGB
Area HEFI = area CFE- area CHI
= *xy-50000 ………………………………….... (i)
Area FGB = *FG * GB
= *(24-x) (40000-y) …………………… (ii)
Putting the various values in exp. (i), we get,
1 1
*xy-50,000 = 0.6 [ (24-x) (40,000-y)]
2 2
Xy-2*50,000 =0.6[(24*40,000-24y-40000x+xy)]
= 576000- 14.4y – 24000x +.6xy
Xy-0.6xy-14.4y-24000x- 676000 =0
0.2xy+12000x+7.2y-338000 = 0 ………………………(iii)
Also from similar triangles CEF and CDB, we get,
y x
40,000 24
40,000 x
40,000 x
Putting y = from exp. (iii) into exp. (ii) we get,
333x2 + 24000x -3, 38000 =0
X2 + 24000x-3, 38000 = 0
X2 +72x-1015 = 0
−72+ √5184 +4060 −72± 96
X= = =12
2 24
Capacity of the hydro plant is
y (=EC) = = 20,000 KW
Capacity of steam plant is
60,000-20,000 = 40,000 KW

Q6. A common load is shared by 2 stations; one being a base load plant with 25 MW installed
capacity and other being a stand by station with 30 MW capacities. The yearly output of the
stand by station is 10.5*106kwh and that of the base plant is 125*106kwh. The peak load taken
by the stand by station is 15MW and this station works for 2500hrs during the year. The base
load station takes a peak of 22.5 MW. Find out (i) Annual load factors for both stations (ii) Plant
use factors for both stations (iii) Capacity factors for both stations
Case (I) base load
Installed capacity =25MW
Yearly output= 125*106Kwh
Peak load = 22.5MW
Station works for 2500hrs/yr
Annual load factor=?
Plant use factor =?
Capacity factor=?
total unit generated 125∗106 kwh
Annual load factor = = =63.4 %
peak load∗time 22.5∗103 kw∗8760 hr
maximum demand 22.5∗103 kw
Plant use factor= = =90 %
stationcapacity 25000 kw
total unit generated 125∗106
Average demand = = = 14.269*10kw
time 8760
average demand 14.269∗103
Capacity factor= = =57.1%
station capacity 25000
Case (II) stand by station
Installed capacity =30MW
Yearly output= 10.5*106Kwh
Peak load = 15MW
Station works for 2500hrs/yr

Annual load factor=?
Plant use factor=?
Capacity factor=?
total unit generted 10.5∗106
Annual load factor= = = 7.99%
peak load∗time 15∗103 kw∗8760 hr
maximum demand 15000 kw
Plant use factor = = = 50%
station capacity 30000 kw
total unit generated 125∗106 kwh
Average demand = = = 1198.63Kw
time 8760 hr
average demand 1198.63
Capacity factor = = = 4%
station capacity 30000

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