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GENERAL BIOLOGY REVIEWER  discovered the laws of inheritance which are: law of

segregation, law of independent assortment and law

Review: of dominance
 Nucleus: DNA synthesis – Nucleolus: RNA synthesis
 SER : lipid synthesis – RER: protein syntehis 1882: Walter Fleming
 Golgi Apparatus: temporary storage and transport of  was a pioneer of cytogenetics
macromolecules  was the first to conduct systematic study of
chromosomes during division and called this process
 Ribosomes- polypeptide (protein) synthesis
 Lysosomes: breaking/digestion of cells; “suicide bag of
1915: Thomas Morgan
 Mitochondria- converts chemical energy of food to  confirmed Mendelian laws of inheritance
chemical energy of ATP  hypothesis that genes are located on chromosomes
 Chloroplast: converts light energy to chemical energy of  did this by extensively breeding the common fruit fly
1953: Francis Crick & James Watson
HI STO R Y O F T H E C E LL  with Maurice Wilkins solved the structure of DNA

1590: Hans & Zacharias Jannsen CE LL TH EO R Y

 invented the first primitive microscope
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells
1660: Marcelo Malphigi
(Theodore Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden,
 first to observe blood capillaries in fish tails
 observed RBC through capillaries and found the
2. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life
connection between arteries (away from heart) and
(Schwann and Schleiden 1838-1839)
veins (to the heart)
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells (Rudolf Virchow,
1665: Robert Hooke
 saw a multitude of tiny pores (looked like the walled
components of a honeycomb) in cork and discovered

1668: Francesco Redi 1. The cell contains hereditary information DNA which is
 experimented to see if rotting meat turns into flies passed on from cell to cell during cell division.
 found out that flies can make other flies, but rotting 2. All cells are basically the same in chemical composition
meat can’t and metabolic activities.
3. All basic chemical and physiological functions are
1683: Anton Van Leeuwenhoek carried out inside the cells. (digestion, movement etc.)
 first man to witness a live cell under the microscope 4. A cell depends on the activities of subcellular structures
 described the algae Spirogyra and named the moving within the cell (organelles, plasma membrane etc.)
organisms animal cules, meaning “little animals”
 first to see and describe bacteria, yeast, plants, the E XC E PT IO N S FO R MO D ER N C ELL TH EO R Y
life in a drop of water and the circulation of corpuscles
in capillaries  Viruses are considered alive by some, yet they are
not made up of cells. Viruses have many features of
1831: Robert Brown life, but by definition of cell theory, they are not alive
 discovered the nucleus in plants using epidermis of  The first cell did not originate from a pre-existing cell.
orchid  Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own genetic
 found that cell had an opaque spot called “areola” material, and reproduce independently from the rest
(aka nucleus) of the cells

1839: Theodore Schwann TY P E S O F C ELL S

 Schleiden had found that all plants are composed of
cells and communicated his findings with Schwann 1. Prokaryotes (pro-KAR-ee-ot-es)
who had found similar structures in cells  from Old Greek pro (before) + karyon (nut or kernel) ,
 concluded “ All living things are made up of cells and referring to the cell nucleus, + suffix -otos, pl. -otes;
cell products” also spelled "procaryotes"
 are organisms without a cell nucleus (= karyon), or
1839: Matthias Jakob Schleiden any other membrane-bound organelles.
 different parts of plants are composed of cells and  Most are unicellular and have few internal structures
communicated it with Schwann  Bacteria and Archaea are two domains of prokaryotes
 recognized the importance of cell nucleus and its
importance with cell division 2. Eukaryotes
 are organisms whose cells are organized into
1855: Rudolf Virchow complex structures by internal membranes and a
 “omni cellula e cellula” cytoskeleton.
 All cells come from a pre-existing cell  The most characteristic membrane bound structure is
the nucleus.
1865: Gregor Johann Mendel
 This feature gives them their name, (also spelled
"eucaryote,") which comes from the Greek ευ, Why is it called “fluid mosaic”?
meaning good/true, and κάρυον, meaning nut,
referring to the nucleus.  It is fluid at room temperature
 Animals, plants, fungi, and protists are eukaryotes  Orientation of protein structure looks like a
 Varied functions of protein

1. Plasma Membrane 4. Cell Wall

 forms a boundary between the living cells and its  most commonly found in plant cells & bacteria
surroundings  supports & protects cells
 controls the traffic molecules into and out of the
 semi-permeable (regulates what goes in and out Internal Organization
of cell)  Cells contain organelles
 The plasma membrane takes up substances the  Organelles are structures with specialized
cell needs and disposes waste functions

5. Nucleus
 repository for genetic material
 directs activities of the cell

6. Nuclear Membrane
 surrounds nucleus; made of 2 layers
 openings allow material to enter and leave nucleus

7. Chromosomes
2. Phospholipid Bilayer  in nucleus; made of DNA
 In water, phospholipid spontaneously form a  contain instructions for traits & characteristics
stable two-layer sheet called a phospholipid
 Their hydrophobic heads face outward, exposed 8. Nucleolus
to the water and their hydrophobic tails point  inside the nucleus
inward, shielded from water.  contains RNA to build proteins

9. Cytoplasm
 Viscous fluid containing organelles
 components of cytoplasm
o Interconnected filaments & fibers
o Cytosol (fluid)
o Organelles (not nucleus)
o storage substances

10. Ribosomes
3. Fluid Mosaic Model  non-membrane bound organelles
 The kinked tails of many of the phospholipids,  Site of protein synthesis.
resulting from double bonds in lipid tails.  Protein factory of the cell
 The kinks make the membrane more fluid by
keeping adjacent phospholipid from packing tightly 11. Endomembrane system
together.  network of membranous organelles that partition
 In a living cell, the phospholipid bilayer remains the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells into functional
about as fluid as salad oil at room temperature compartments.
 Outside surface of the plasma membrane has  Compartmentalizes cell, channeling passage of
carbohydrates (chains of sugars) bonded to molecules through cell’s interior.
proteins and lipids in the membrane
 Glycoprotein – protein with sugar a) Endoplasmic Reticulum
Glycolipid - lipid with sugar  Largest internal membrane; transport
 Storage and secretion
 Membrane proteins = attachment of the
 SER: poison detoxification; no ribosomes but
membrane to the cytoskeleton and external fibers
has carbohydrates and lipids
providing identification tags and forming junctions
RER: releases new protein; has ribosomes
to adjacent cells
 Actin microfilaments can help change shape
b) Golgi Apparatus and move
 Series of flattened sacs that modifies,  Amoeboid/amoeba: pseudopodia (false feet)
packages, and transports materials out of
the cell b) Intermediate filaments
 collection of Golgi bodies  Ropelike structure that anchor organelles
 collect, package, and distribute molecules  Fibrous protein
synthesized at one location in the cell and  The nucleus is often held in place by a cage
utilized at another location of intermediate filaments.
o Front - cis , Back – trans
o Cisternae – stacked membrane c) Microtubles
folds  Composed of globular proteins (tubulins)
 For rigidity & shape; anchorage and tracks
c) Vesicles organelles
 Lysosomes - membrane-bound vesicles  In lysosomes: getting nutrients & digests
containing digestive enzymes – from Golgi –  Phagocytosis: “cell eating”
 Microbodies - enzyme-bearing, membrane-  Pinocytosis: “cell drinking”
enclosed vesicles.
 Peroxisomes - contain enzymes that
catalyze the removal of electrons and 16. Cell Junctions
associated hydrogen atoms  To function in a coordinated a way as a part of a
 Peroxisome – named for hydrogen tissue, the cells must have cell junctions,
peroxide produced as a by-product structures that connect them to one another.
 Enzyme breaks down to water and
oxygen 1. Tight Junction
 Binds the adjacent cells and provides a
12. Lysosomes leakproof sheet to avoid leakage
 Recycling Center; Internal pH is 5.
 Digest food particles inside or outside the cell. 2. Anchoring Junction/ Desmosomes
 Attachment of the adjacent cells
13. Vacuoles
 Membrane-bound sacs for storage, digestion, and 3. Communicating Junction
waste removal
 Osmotic balance of the cell  Circulatory and communication between
 Maintains plant shape adjacent cells
 Gap junction for animal cells
Plasmodesmata for plant cells
14. Centrioles
 In animal cells only
 paired organelles found together near the nucleus, 17. Cilia and Flagella
at right angles to each other.  The role of cytoskeleton in movement is clearly
 play a role in cellular reproduction seen in eukaryotic flagella and cilia, the locomotor
 mainly composed of microtubule [triplet appendages that protrude from certain cells Cilia
microtubule pattern: 9+3] and flagella
 Cilia = short numerous appendages that propel
protists such as Trichodina and Paramecium
 Flagella = Longer, generally less numerous
appendages on other protists are called flagella.
 A cilium or flagellum is composed of a core
microtubules wrapped in an extension of the
plasma membrane
 Doublet microtubule [9+2 pattern]
 The nine doublets extend into an anchoring
structure called a basal body, which has a pattern
of nine microtubule triplets.
 The position of the two microtubule doublets in a
flagellum that is stationary (left) and in the process
15. Cytoskeleton of bending (right)
 Framework of the cell  Bending involves protein knobs attached to each
 Contains small microfilaments and large microtubule doublet – the dynein arm
microtubules.  Using energy from ATP, the dynein arms grab an
 Supports the cell, giving it its shape and help with adjacent doublet and exert a sliding force as they
the movement of its organelles. start to walk “along” it.

a) Microfilaments
 Composed of globular protein (actin)
Structure Prokaryotes Animal Plants
Cell wall X membrane

Plasma Type unicellular multicellular

Present in
May be May be
present present
some sperm EN DO S Y MB IO T IC TH EO R Y
Multiple  An evolutionary theory of the origin of eukaryotic
DNA Circular Multiple linear cells from prokaryotic organisms.
80 s 80 s
Ribosomes 70 s 70 s sa 70 s sa  It holds that the organelles distinguishing eukaryote cells
organelles organelles evolved through symbiosis of individual single-celled
prokaryotic (bacteria and archaea).
Centriole X X

Chloroplast X

Mitochondria X


Microtubules X

Lysosomes X

Vacuole X Smaller Larger

Golgi body X

Nucleus X
Communicating Gap
X Plasmodesmata
Junction junction

Characteristics Prokaryotes Eukaryotes

Definition Pro = ‘before’ True nucleus

Fungi, protists,
Example Archaea, Bacteria
plants, animals

DNA Circular Multiple linear

80 s
Ribosomes 70s 70 s sa
Bacteria: Plants: cellulose AD EN O SI NE T RI P HO S PH AT E
Cell Wall
Peptidoglycan/murein Fungi: chitin
 It is the major currency of the cell that provides the energy
Flagella/Cilia Usually single strand Microvilli for most of the energy consuming activity of the cell.
 The ATP regulates many biochemical pathways
0.2-0.4 micrometer 10-100
1 – 10 micrometer micrometer
bound X ATP
Added phosphate
organelles 3rd phosphate
group is removed
Nucleus X (nucleoloid only)

Reproduction Binary fission Meiosis phosphorylation hydrolysis

Glycocalyx Capsule X

Energy from Energy is released

breakdown of ADP for cell functions
glucose molecules
 The mitochondria are oval-shaped organelles found in
1. ATP is a molecule with three phosphate groups most eukaryotic cells.
attached to the end • They are considered to be the ‘powerhouses’ of the cell
2. When ATP loses one of the phosphates it releases • converts chemical energy of food to chemical energy of
energy for cell functions ATP
3. Now it is ADP which is a molecule with only two
phosphates groups attached
4. Then energy is added from the breakdown of glucose
5. The energy helps add a phosphate group back on
making it become a group back on making it become an
ATP again and the process starts over

Hydrolysis = removal of phosphate group (3 group bc
doon mas marami energy)
 Phosphorylation = addition of phosphate group

Structure of Mitochondria
Synthesis of ATP
• ADP + Pi→ ATP + H2O
• Double membranous
• requires energy: 7.3 kcal/mole
• occurs in the cytosol by glycolysis
1. Outer membrane
occurs in mitochondria by cellular respiration
 is a selectively permeable membrane that
occurs in chloroplasts by photosynthesis
surrounds the mitochondria.
 It is the site of attachment for the respiratory
assembly of electron transport chain and ATP
Consumption of ATP
ATP powers most energy-consuming activities of cells, such
 It has an integral proteins and pores for
transporting molecules just like the cell
• Anabolic (synthesis) reactions such as:
 Joining transfer RNAs (tRNAs) to amino acids for
assembly in proteins
 Synthesis of nucleoside triphosphate for assembly 2. Inner membrane
into DNA and RNA  folds inward (called cristae) to increase surfaces
 Synthesis of polysaccharides for cellular metabolism
 Synthesis of fats  It contains ribosomes and the DNA of the
 Active transport of molecules and ions mitochondria
 Conduction of nerve impulses  has restricted permeability like the plasma
• Maintenance of cell volume by osmosis  is loaded with proteins involved in the electron
• Addition of phosphate groups (phosphorylation) to transport and ATP synthesis
different proteins (e.g. to alter their activity in cell  The inner membrane creates two enclosed
signalling) spaces within the mitochondria:
• Muscle contraction  Intermembrane – space between the
• Beating of cilia and flagella (including sperm) outer and inner membrane
• Bioluminescence  Matrix – fluid where proteins are

Extracellular ATP
In mammals, ATP also functions outside of the cells, is CHLO RO PL A ST
released in the following examples:
• From damaged cells to elicit inflammation and pain • converts light energy to chemical energy of sugar/food
• From the carotid body to signal a shortage of oxygen in • found in plants and algae
the blood • sites of photosynthesis
• From taste receptor cells to trigger action potentials in the • Photosynthesis- converts solar energy to chemical energy
sensory nerves leading back to the brain by absorbing sunlight and using it to drive the synthesis of
• From the stretched wall of the urinary bladder to signal organic compounds such as sugars from carbon dioxide
when the bladder needs emptying and water
• derived from the Greek work chloros which means ‘green’
and plastes which means ‘the one who forms’
• cellular organelles of green plants and some eukaryotic
MI T O C HO N DR IA organisms.
• they absorb sunlight and convert it to sugar molecules
 Mitochondria are the sites of cellular respiration, the • they also produce free energy stored in the form of ATP
metabolic process that uses oxygen to drive the and NADPH through photosynthesis
generation of ATP by extracting energy from sugars, fats, • by product of photosynthesis is O2
and other fuels
 Cell cycle system is driven by a built-in clock that can be
adjusted by external stimuli


 is nuclear division; the process by which the nucleus

divide to produce two new nuclei
 results in two daughter cells that are genetically identical
to each other and to the parental cell from which they

1. Interphase
 cell’s metabolic activity is very high.
 Chromosomes duplicate
 Many cell parts are made
Structure of Chloroplasts  Cell does most of its growing
 Lasts for at least 90% of the total time required
• double membranous for the cell cycle

1. Outer membrane 2. Gap 1

 A semi-porous membrane and is permeable to small  Cells start to grow continuously and proteins are
molecules and ions which diffuse easily. synthesized
 Not permeable to larger protein  Spans from the time of cell division to the S phase
(DNA Synthesis)
 Replication of organelles (mitochondria and
2. Inner membrane ribosomes)
 Forms a border to the stroma.
 Regulates passage of materials in and out of the
chloroplast. G1 checkpoint – ensures that the cells are large
enough to divide and that enough nutrients are
3. Intermembrane
available to support daughter cells
 Space between outer and inner membrane
 10-20 nanometers
 Regulates most of the chloroplast’s activities such as o If cell receives go ahead signal at G1
fatty acids, lipids, carotenoids (orange pigments checkpoint, it will continue to cell cycle,
found in carrots) otherwise, it will switch to G0 (non-
dividing stage)
4. Stroma o Most body cells are in G0
 Fluid portion
 Alkaline aqueous fluid/liquid solution 3. S Phase
 Chloroplast DNA is suspended here and  DNA synthesis occurs
also ribosomes, starch granules, & free  At the beginning of the S phase, each
floating proteins chromosome is single.
 At the end of this phase, the chromosomes are
5. Thylakoid double, each consisting of two sister chromatids
 are small stacks that are interconnected -
 are the sites for the light reactions of the
photosynthesis to take place. 4. Gap 2
 Light harvesting structure  spans the time from the completion of DNA
 “thylakos’ = sack synthesis to the onset of cell division
 essential proteins for cell division are synthesized
6. Granum/Grana
 10-20 thylakoids per granum
G2 checkpoint – ensures that DNA replication in S
***plants are green bc they absorb blue violet & red/ red phase has been completes
orange light

5. Mitosis
CE LL C YC L E  the nucleus and its contents, including the
duplicated chromosomes, divide and are evenly
 Orderly sequence of events from the time a cell divides to distributed to form two daughter nuclei
form daughter cells to the time those daughter cells divide
again a) Prophase
 Eukaryotic cells that divide undergo a cell cycle while – In the nucleus, chromatin fibers become
prokaryotes undergo binary fission more tightly coiled and folded forming
discrete chromosomes
– The nucleoli disappears – The cell elongation that started in anaphase
– Each duplicated chromosome appears as continues
two identical sister chromatids joined – Daughter nuclei appear at the two poles of
together the cell as nuclear envelopes form around
– In the cytoplasm, the mitotic spindle begins the chromosomes
to form as microtubules rapidly grow out – Meanwhile, the chromatin fiber of each
from the centrosomes chromosome, uncoils, and nucleoli
– The nuclear envelope break into fragments reappear.
– Within the nuclear envelope gone, – At the end of the telophase, the mitotic
microtubules emerging from the spindle disappears
centrosomes at the pole (ends) of the – Mitosis, the equal division of one nucleus
spindle can reach the chromosomes into two genetically identical daughter
– At the centromere region, each sister nuclei is now finished
chromatid has a protein structure called
– Some of the spindle microtubules attach to 6. Cytokinesis
the kinetochore , throwing the  The cytoplasm is divided into two
chromosomes into agitated motion
a) Animal cell
– Occurs by the process known as cleavage
– First sign of cleavage is the appearance of
b) Metaphase cleavage furrow/ groove
– The mitotic spindle is fully formed, with its – The cytoplasm has a ring of microfilaments
poles at opposite ends of the cell which contracts which forms the groove
– The chromosomes convene on the b) Plant cell
methaphase plate, an imaginary plane – Membrane-enclosed vesicles containing
equidistant between the two poles of the cell wall material collect at the middle of
spindle parent cell
– The centromeres of all the chromosomes – Fusion of vesicles forms a membrane-
are lined up on the metaphase plate enclosed disk called cell plate
– For each chromosome, the kinetochores of – Cell plate grows outward accumulating
two sister chromatids face opposite pole of more cell wall materials as more vesicles
the spindle fuse with it
– The microtubules attached to a particular – Result: 2 daughter cells each bounded by
chromatid all come from one pole of the its own continuous plasma membrane and
spindle and those attached to its sister cell wall
chromatid come from the opposite pole

 Mitotic Promoting Factor/ Mitotic Promoting

Metaphase checkpoint – ensures that Kinases
chromosomes are attached to a spindle fiber via  Initiates mitosis
kinetochore  Aggregates of CDKs & cyclin
 Later in mitosis, MPF switches off non-cyclin part
destructing cyclin
c) Anaphase  Non-cyclin part of MPF which is inactive form
– Anaphase begins when the two
centromeres of each chromosome come
apart, separating the sister chromatids.  Cyclin-dependent Kinases (CDK)
– Once separate, each sister chromatid is  Cyclin – molecule which initiates the kinases
considered a full-fledged (daughter)  Kinases – go-ahead signal protein which initiates
chromosome. cell cycle; “ases” = protein
– Motor proteins of the kinetochores,  Absence of CDK = G0 stage
powered by ATP, “walk” the daughter
chromosomes centromere-first along the
microtubules toward opposite poles of the
– As this happens, the spindle microtubules
attached to the kinetochores shorten.
– However, the spindle microtubules not
attached to chromosomes lengthen.
– The poles are moved farther apart,
elongating the cell
– Anaphase is over when the equivalent and
complete chromosomes have reached the
two poles of the cell

d) Telophase
– is roughly the reverse of prophase
a) Leptonema
Somatic Cells Gametes  replicated chromosomes have coiled
and already visible.
Body cells Sex cells
 The number of chromosomes present is
the same as the number in diploid cell.
Diploid (2n) Haploid (n)
23 pairs of chromosomes (46 23 chromosomes b) Zygonema
chromosomes)  homologue chromosomes begin to pair
Ex: muscle cells, liver cells, Ex: Sperm cell, egg cell and twist around each other in a highly
neurons specific manner.
Produced through mitosis Produced through meiosis  The pairing is called synapsis. And
because the pair consists of four
chromatids it is referred to as bivalent
Results in 2 daughter cells Results in 4 haploid cells that
that are identical to each are genetically different from
other and to the parent cells each other (meiosis)
c) Pachynema
 chromosomes become much shorter
and thicker.
 A form of physical exchange between
ME IO S I S homologues takes place at specific
 reduces the amount of genetic information.  The process of physical exchange of
 produces haploid gametes or spores with only one set of a chromosome region is called
chromosomes. crossing-over.
 During sexual reproduction, gametes combine in the  Through the mechanism of crossing
fertilization to reconstitute the diploid complement found in over, the parts of the homologous
parental cells. chromosomes are recombined
 The process involves two successive division of a diploid (genetic recombination)
 Results in 4 haploid cells that are genetically different from d) Diplonema
each other and to the parent cells  the two pairs of sister chromatids
begin to separate from each other.
 It is at this point, where crossing-over
FIRST MEIOTIC DIVISION (reductional) is shown to have taken place.
 The area of contact between non-
 The first meiotic division results in reducing the number of sister chromatids, called chiasma,
chromosomes (reduction division). In most cases the become evident.
division is accompanied by cytokinesis
e) Diakenesis
 the four chromatids of each tetrad are
1. Interphase even more condensed and the
 At the end of this interphase, each chromosome chiasma often terminalize or move
consists of two genetically identical sister down the chromatids to the ends.
chromatids, attached together  This delays the separation of
 The chromosomes are not yet visible under the homologous chromosomes.
microscope except as a mass of chromatin
 The cell’s centrosome has also duplicated by the
end of this interphase 3. Metaphase I
 The chromosome tetrads are aligned on the
metaphase plate, midway between the two
2. Prophase I poles of the spindle
 Is the most complex phase of meiosis  Each chromosome is condensed and thick with
 Typically occupies 90% of the time required for its sister chromatids still attached at their
meiotic cell division centromeres
 Early in this phase, the chromatin coils up  Spindle microtubules are attached to
 In a process called synapsis, homologous kinetochores at the centromeres
chromosomes, each composed of two sister  In each tetrad, the homologous chromosomes
chromatids, come together as pairs are held together at sites of crossing over
 The resulting structure, consisting of four  For each tetrad, the spindle microtubules
chromatids, is called a tetrad attached to one of the homologous
 During synapsis, chromatids of homologous chromosomes come from one pole of the cell,
chromosomes exchange segments in a process and the microtubules attached to the other
called crossing over has been subdivided into five homologous chromosomes come from the
substages. opposite pole
 With this arrangement, the homologous
chromosomes of each tetrad are poised to
move toward opposite poles of the cell
5 substages of Prophase I
 The spindle apparatus is completely formed 3. Anaphase II
and the microtubules are attached to the  The centromeres of sister chromatids finally
centromere regions of the homologues. separate
 The synapsed tetrads are aligned at the  The sister chromatids (monads) of each
metaphase plate ( the equatorial plane of the pair,now individual daughter chromosomes,
cell ) instead of only replicated chromosomes. move toward opposite poles of the cell

4. Telophase II
4. Anaphase  Nuclei form at the cell poles
 is marked by the migration of chromosomes  There are now four daughter cells, each with
toward the two poles of the cell the haploid number of (single) chromosomes
 In contrast to mitosis, the sister chromatids  The monads are at the poles, forming two
making up each doubled chromosome remain groups of chromosomes. A nuclear
attached at their centromeres. membrane forms around each set of
 Only the tetrads (pair of homologous chromosomes.
chromosomes ) split up
 Chromosomes in each tetrad separate and 5. Cytokinesis
migrate toward the opposite poles.  The two nuclei are compartmentalized into
 The sister chromatids (dyads) remain attached separate daughter cells and complete the
at their respective centromere regions. mitotic cell division process.
 In animal cells, cytokinesis occurs by the
formation of the constriction in the middle of
5. Telophase I and Cytokinesis the cell until two daughter cells are formed.
 The chromosomes arrive at the poles of the The constriction is often called cleavage, or
cell cell furrow.
 Each pole of the cell has a haploid  However, in most, plant cells, this
chromosome set, although each chromosome constriction is not evident. Instead, a new
is still in duplicate form at this point cell membrane and cell wall are assembled
 In other words, each chromosome consists of between the two nuclei to form a cell plate
two sister chromatids  Each side of the cell plate is coated with a
 Usually cytokinesis occurs along with cell wall that eventually forms the two
Telophase I and two haploid daughter cells are progeny cells.
 In some organisms, the chromosomes uncoil
and the nuclear envelope re-forms and there is
an interphase before Meiosis II begins
 In other species, daughter cells produced in
the first meiotic division immediately begin
preparation for the second meiotic division
 In either case, no chromosome duplication
occurs between telophase I and the onset of
Meiosis II


 The events in the second meiotic division are quite similar

to mitotic divison
 The difference lies, however, in the number of
chromosomes that each daughter cell receives.
 While the original chromosome number is maintained in
mitosis, the number is reduced to half in meiosis.

1. Prophase II
 In organisms having an interphase after meiosis I
 The chromosomes condense again
 The nuclear envelope breaks down
 A spindle forms and moves toward the middle of
the cell
 The dyads contract

2. Metaphase II
 The chromosomes are aligned on the metaphase
plate with the kinetochores of the sister
chromatids of each chromosome pointing toward
opposite poles.
 centromere - region sa chromatid kung saan nagiintersect
yung sister chromatids, meron siyang dna

 centrosomes - organelle that contains the centrioles

 centrioles – organelle mainly composed of microtubules;

where spindle fiber is located

 chromatin - genetic material found in nucleus during

prophase and interphase; made of dense dna and protein
walang coiling, walang chromosomes

 chromatid - sila yung chromatin na nagcoil and condense

into a rod shaped figure - also called monad (can already
be called a chromosome) [all chromatids are
chromosomes, not all chromosomes are chromatids]

 chromosome - genetic material made of dna and proteins

tightly packed into a rod shaped figure - can either be a
monad (unduplicated chromosome) or a dyad (duplicated

(c) Sean Red sa last part

6 CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2 (Photosynthesis)

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6 CO2 + 6H2O (Cellular respiration)

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