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Approximate Word Count: 200-300 words

In this section of the report, you need to describe your results both in words and through
tables and graphs.

Analysis (6 marks)
Marks Level Descriptor
0 Does not reach the standard described by the descriptors below.
Only descriptive or inferential statistics are applied.
A correct graphing technique is chosen but the graph does not address the
There is no clear statement of findings.

Appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics are applied but there are
3-4 The graph addresses the hypothesis but contains errors.
The statistical findings are stated but either not interpreted with regard to the
data or not linked to the hypothesis.

Descriptive and inferential statistics are appropriately and accurately applied.

The graph is correctly presented and addresses the hypothesis.
The statistical findings are interpreted with regard to the data and linked to the

As you are writing your analysis, make sure that you address all of the points below.

 You should calculate ONE measure of central tendency and ONE measure of
dispersion (unless your data is nominal in which case you will only use the mode).
When choosing which measure of central tendency is most appropriate, one of the
key considerations is the level of measurement of your data. Refer to the notes on
calculating results to help you to determine which measures to use

 Design a table with relevant descriptive statistics – both the measure of central
tendency (mean, median, mode) and dispersion (range, standard deviation). This
should be the first thing that appears in your analysis section.
 Write a short paragraph that explains what is in the descriptive stats table and what
the statistics tell us about the results of your study. Describe your data. Are there any
outliers in the data? What may account for that? Was there any data that had to
be thrown out? Why?
 Graph the measure of central tendency only. It should have a title that reflects your
hypothesis as well as correctly labelled axes. Be careful that your graph’s data is
not distorted.
 Select an appropriate inferential test and run the analysis using the links provided
 Be sure to include in your appendices a printout of your inferential statistics
calculations- omitting this will impact your marks.
 Identify the test that was used to determine the significance of your data. State the
p value that was obtained and then indicate whether you reject or retain the null
hypothesis. Then explain what this means in terms of the relationship between the IV
and DV in your study.

 Raw data (participants individual data) should not be included here, but must be in
an appendix. Only the processed data should appear in the results section.

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