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Our Goals

 Provide a comprehensive environment that meets children at their unique

developmental stage
 Nurture positive self-esteem by providing an environment for successful
 Encourage emotional development and social skills through providing acceptable
ways to express thoughts and feelings, learning to recognize and accept emotions in
 Support the physical development of large motor skills through outdoor and indoor
activities as well as fine motor development through the use of manipulative toys,
blocks, puzzles, writing utensils, and other small instruments.
 Facilitate cognitive development and critical thinking skills by broadening the child’s
hands-on experiences to increase their knowledge base, concepts and problem
solving skills.
 Develop language, literacy skills and multilingual skill and appreciation through
stories, music and songs, dramatic play, group discussion, and a print rich
 Foster responsibility for oneself in self-help, health, safety and interpersonal areas
and to facilitate appropriate independence.
 Enhance creativity by offering many kinds of materials and experiences in music, art,
dramatics and literature.

Our Mission
To provide the highest quality educational programming in a safe, nurturing child-centered
environment that earns the trust of the children and families we serve.

Philosophy and Goals


Our curriculum is founded on five key principles and beliefs, which are grounded in theories and research in early
childhood education and development.

1. We believe that every child is an individual who has the right to expect commitment, love and respect. Each
child regardless of social status, race, religion, or national origin, should be given the opportunity to thrive in a
supportive and responsive multicultural environment that will foster his or her holistic development.
2. We believe that every child is a competent and capable person, with innate abilities, unique talent, gifts and
unlimited possibilities for change and growth that must be nurtured, encouraged, and developed to his or her fullest
3. We believe that early childhood education should foster holistic development, to serve as the foundation for
intellectual growth and development.
4. We believe that early childhood education should nurture life skills, and promote independent, life-long
learners who have the positive dispositions, attitudes and feelings towards learning.
5. We recognize and support the critical role parents play in the lives of their children by promoting meaningful
and collaborative home-centre partnership.
Our philosophy at the Mattawa Child Care Centre is to provide and promote a responsive, a secure,
and healthy and enriching learning environments for the children in our care. We strive to introduce
children to new ideas, encourage them to expand their interest and provide opportunities to develop
new skill. At the Mattawa Child Care Centre we accept all children and their families, and encourage
them to share their at home experiences. We value each individual family, strive to engage them in
our programs and provide communication to families in a meaningful way.

At the Mattawa Child Care Centre we strive to

 To provide and promote a responsive, a secure, healthy and enriching learning environment
for the children in our care
 Promote Health, Safety, Nutrition and Well-Being
 Support Positive and responsive care and interactions with the children
 Support and foster positive and responsive interactions and communication with parents
 Involve and encourage parent involvement in the Centre Communication
 Supporting the Needs, Health and Safety and the Well Being of the Children are the first
and most important
 Provide developmentally appropriate activities to encourage social interactions and language
 Promote a healthy and safe environment for children in which it fosters learning through
exploration, play and inquiry
 Provide Child initiated/Adult supported activities
 Foster explorations of materials/toys, and play spaces both indoor and outdoor. Provide
open ended materials and learning experiences
 Support creativity in learning/play experiences
 Encourage science exploration through real concrete materials/nature based play
 Classrooms/Program set-up/environments encourage independence
 Opportunities for self-help skills
 Responsive and secure relationships with children and their educators
 Consistency of staffing in the programs
 Positive meal times(social time) nutritious snacks and meals following the Canadian Food
 Provide program schedules that is predictable, yet flexible to each individual child’s needs
 Plan for and create child-initiated and adult-supported experiences/play
 Incorporate outdoor(indoor during inclement weather) play providing a selection of various
materials/equipment for outdoor play according to season/weather
 Provide opportunities for gross-motor development with activities that support physical
 Encourage creative movement/musical experiences
 Encouraging mulit-culturalism in the programs. Providing activities and opportunities that
involve diversity though books, music, videos, food, holidays, and real-life images.
 Involving, Encouraging and Supporting Community Partners in the Centre
 Supporting Educators in relations to continuous learning by providing up to date training and
workshops in the field of Early Childhood Education
 Provide clearly defined limits
 Support Children’s Choices
 Positive, nurturing responsive
 Trusting relationships between Educators, Children and their Families
 Documentation/Review/Observations of children in the Programs. Providing Parent Teacher
Conversation Night. Assisting in Referrals/Support for Children to ensure that Early Intervention
is available to all children needing support.
 Follow Policies and Procedures set out by the Mattawa Child Care Centre, The Ministry of
Education and the College of Early Childhood Educator to ensure that the best practice are met
while caring for Children that are enrolled in our care
 Engage and support family choices about their child
 Recognize that each child is different in their own way and value them as individuals
 Encourage Children to express themselves through all forms of communication
 Communicate to children, families and all visitors in a warm and caring manner
 Recognizing and Understanding families Beliefs and Religions
 Encourage children with their self-help skills and recognizing their progress and efforts
 Promoting Good Health Practices such as hand washing, dental hygiene, proper nutrition and
healthy eating habits
 We focus on children’s Social, Emotional, Physical, Creative and cognitive development in a
holistic way
 Encourage Children, Families and Educators to interact and communicate in positive ways

Goals of Hand in Hand Childcare

 Children who are children of God.
 Children who have a positive self-concept.
 Children will begin to identify their own emotions.
 Children who are healthy and physically coordinated.
 Children will gain an understanding of their community by exploring people, their
work, and their services.
 Children who can use language to communicate with others.
 Children who express themselves in many ways.
 Children who are curious and who want to learn.
 Children who are independent.
 Children who have a love for reading, writing, and books.

Philosophy of Hand in Hand Childcare

It is the philosophy of Hand in Hand Child Care Center that young children learn most
effectively when they have the opportunity to explore their environment and experience a variety
of materials and situations while they play. We also believe in a responsive, developmental
approach to early childhood learning which emphasizes that each child develops at their own rate
and that progress is measured individually rather than in comparison to other children in the

See Us Grow Childcare & Learning Center, LLC (here on in referred to as See Us Grow) is
passionate about children’s growth, development, and achievements. Our curriculum, nurturing, safe
environment and experienced caring teachers help your child develop vital learning skills and social
confidence. Age-specific programs, play spaces, and personal spaces combine to create a learning
atmosphere that is ideal for early childhood education at See Us Grow. We provide quality childcare
services as well as developmentally appropriate activities for the educational, social, emotional, and
physical development of those children entrusted in our care.
We provide an environment that promotes positive self-image and experiences that are matched to
each child’s developmental level so natural learning occurs.
 Low staff-to-child ratios
 Small group sizes
 Well trained, experienced staff
 Enrichment programs
 Nutritious snacks
 Parent support activities
 We offer drop-in care
Our mission statement

Donate via the Main Street Community Foundation

Our Philosophy and Goals

The program is based upon the premise that each child has the inherent right to develop the
skills necessary to be a life-long learner. The Early Childhood Program stimulates thinking and
expression, exploration and curiosity.

We believe every child is unique in terms of life experiences, developmental readiness and
cultural heritage. Partnership between school and home provide for a better understanding
and increased knowledge of the child’s educational goals, development and activities. The
foremost task of Bristol Preschool Child Care Center, Inc. program is to promote optimum
development of a healthy self-concept in each child.
Develop a positive self-image which is reflected by independence, self-discipline, confidence,
responsibility and appropriate interactions in a variety of ways.

Learn in a child-centered environment through spontaneity and curiosity which will assist in the
development of the child’s social and emotional health.

Be encouraged to reach their potential in all areas of development through adult support in a
happy and safe environment.

Have opportunity for choices; creativity of learning which will promote confidence for the
present and future learning and overall development.

Expand skills between school and home through active parent involvement which will enhance
individual self-growth.
To be alert, curious, self-confident, positive and independent.
To be aware of personal feelings and to begin to express themselves appropriately so they can
be understood by others. 

To respect the feelings and rights of others, to begin to understand another person’s point of
view and to begin to be independent and cooperative member of a group.

To feel secure in relationships with adults where there is mutual respect.

To be creative and come up with interesting ideas, problems and questions.

To think about relationships among things and to notice their simi- larities and differences.
To increase the various basic information and basic practical skills. 

To develop greater coordination and to explore, enjoy and increase the various ways of large
and small muscles. 

To develop language and speech vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and the enjoyment of
speaking and communicating with others.

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