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Basing my opinion on what I have understood from a webinar I attended on the Introduction to

Flexible Learning System hosted by the University, I can tell how the said FLS has been laboriously
conceptualized, designed and crafted by the University designed team of experts. I have also come to an
understanding that this is a huge initiative by the University thru the leadership of our ever dynamic
University President , Dr. Daylinda Luz R. Laput, to address pressing issues that come along the
magnitude and range of the havoc singlehandedly caused by the COVD-19 Pandemic. While, this is
surely a significant leap from what used to be the University’s accustomed system of learning, a many ,
including myself, find FLS an opportune experience to explore and navigate around the world of
technology and different modalities for learning which have already been around but have only been
less explored due to some contextual constraints.

Speaking of constraints, I certainly know that for every new system introduced comes with it an
extra box of caveats. First constraint that I think would be a possible challenge during FLS
implementation is the technological infrastructure. While I understand how the University is ensuring
the health of the institution’s technological landscape; but in general, the Philippines still has a
developing technological conduits, especially on the stability of internet connection nationwide, plus the
financial capacity of the students to sustain online learning scheme in these trying times. Second
constraint that I personally think can be of consideration is the issue on pace of advancement among
learners across all learning modalities. As far as I know, the University is offering two options for
students to choose from in terms of their preferred learning modality: online or modular. Now, what can
possibly happen is that some students who would choose modular learning scheme may lag behind on
the course flow as they may get later feedback from the teacher compared to those students choosing
online scheme which has a sense of timeliness in terms of feedbacking. Of course, the University has
already prepared some concrete ways to at least mitigate the said chances of modular learners lagging
behind on the course flow; so, the waters still need to be tested soon. Third constraint that I see is the
budget flexible capacity of the national government to sustain the flexible learning system demands and
resources of academic institutions such as JRMSU through and through. While I know that the
government is presently at the capacity to address the budgetary requirement for the launching of the
system, but how long can this be sustained knowing that we are still walking through an uncertain alley
of determining an absolute end to this pandemic?

However, I can also see, as early as now, how the University FLS rewards seem to outweigh
those constraints I mentioned above. First, I can see how this system can propel more collaboration
engagements between and among departments, expertise, and the physical and human resources.
Second, learning system of the university becomes more adaptable to a wider array of social milieus,
even to a situation as challenging as this one that we have today. Third, I can see a promise in improving
the communication quality between teachers and students as a variety of communication modes would
be fairly and scholarly explored through the system. Fourth, learning assessments would become more
inclusive and versatile to a more pragmatic effect. Lastly, FLS has a more complimentary effect in the
lives of the students in the Generation Z circuit.

Therefore, my opinion only implies that every system may have pros and cons but in this case
the cons are surely surpassable. I can see from now how the system would improve basically through
close monitoring of its implementation, valuing feedback and benchmarking other institutional agencies.
After all, there is no fixed system. Systems are dynamic and are always relevant and responsive to
present requisites of time.

At the end of the day, it is only worth noting that some learning institutions may have already
cut their teeth on a system such as the FLS; so, it is only about learning from their pointers, and growing
our own and exciting FLS journey, for as Winstead said, “Every experience is unique and can hardly be
duplicated under different conditions”. I am just as excited as everyone to experience the system, let us
just all cross the bridge when get there.

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