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Cheer up osana!

“I wasn’t perfect.” She said that in the long run.

Everyone has flaws. Especially in times of puberty, this is typically an

everyday issue for teenagers out there. Like for example having acne in some
parts of your face, but it’s ok. You see this may be an indication that you
would are be growing up and there’s a mutation of your genes or having some
kind of metabolism happening inside your body systems.

Scientifically speaking, during puberty hormonal production changes.

This can cause the sebaceous glands, located at the base of hair follicles, to
become overcharged. As a result, pimples are most likely to occur during the
teenage years and around menstruation, for women. Pimples most often
affect the face, back, chest, and shoulders. This is because there are many
sebaceous glands in these areas of skin.

According to recent surveys, acne vulgaris or those pimples on your

face affects 80 percent of teenagers. After those teenage years, it affects 3
percent in men and 12 percent in women.

Luckily there are preventive exercises that we can practice. First one is
having a healthy diet. Eating fruits and vegetables can slow the hormone
production that causes excess oil in the body.

Second is drinking water because primarily it is a necessity because

what we drink reflects in the flow of substances inside our systems. Also,
consuming water helps your skin self-moisturize as well as cleanse your cells
of built-up waste.

Lastly and not the least is to accept it. We somewhat lose our self-
esteem if we have these kinds of lesions on our faces. But it’s okay all of the
people around this world experienced the same scenario. There would be
many rejections in the mandatory beauty society but that’s you. Embrace
yourself and be proud you have that if you don’t have that maybe you’re not
even growing up.

In rare cases, people would experience depression saying that they’re not
good enough because of their looks or even got rejected because of that. If
people did that to you, just think of it that you need to man-up and pursue the
things you’re good at. Even if people make fun of your face, well someday
maybe you’ll be better than them and then, in the end, you’ll say: They were

Love your skin, don’t cover it with foundation, because cover your flaws ay
feel like that you’re not strong enough to show your overall confidence.

“I became strong.” She said to herself. Cheer up Osana

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