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Module 4: Short questions

1. For what kind of problems in multidimensional heat transfer are analytical solutions possible?
Name some common analytical methods in steady state multidimensional heat transfer?
The multidimensional heat diffusion equation in a Cartesian coordinate ... Analytical
solutions are possible only for a limited number of cases (such as ... q=kA(∆T/L),
where the shape factor S=A/L. Common shape factors for selected ... In heat transfer
problems, the finite difference method is used more often and will be.
- separation of variables.

2. What are the limitations of analytical methods? In spite of their limitations, why are analytical
solutions useful?
Analytical solutions are possible only for a limited number of cases (such as linear problems
with simple geometry), which are used quite conveniently by engineers for solving multi-
dimensional heat conduction problems.

3. What is meant by “shape factor” in two-dimensional heat transfer analysis? What is the
advantage of using such a method? Is there a shape factor in 1D heat transfer?
This approach applied to 2-D conduction involving two isothermal surfaces, with all other
surfaces being adiabatic. The heat transfer from one surface (at a temperature T1 ) to the other
surface (at T2 ) can be expressed as: q=Sk(T1 -T2 ) where k is the thermal conductivity of the
solid and S is the conduction shape factor.
The shape factor can be related to the thermal resistance:
q=Sk(T1 - T2 )=(T1 -T2 )/(1/kS)= (T1 -T2 )/Rt
where Rt = 1/(kS)
1-D heat transfer can use shape factor also. Ex: Heat transfer inside a plane wall of thickness L
is q=kA( T/L), S=A/L

4. How do numerical solution methods differ from analytical methods? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of numerical and analytical methods?

Due to the increasing complexities encountered in the development of modern technology, analytical
solutions usually are not available. For these problems, numerical solutions obtained using high-speed
computer are very useful, especially when the geometry of the object of interest is irregular, or the
boundary conditions are nonlinear. In numerical analysis, three different approaches are commonly
used: the finite difference, the finite volume and the finite element methods.

5. What is the basis of energy balance method in numerical analysis? How does it differ from
the formal finite difference method using Taylor series approximation? For a specified nodal
network, will these two methods result in the same or a different set of equations?

c. no, a. steady, b.2 , d. constant ,e. variable

A. steady, b.2, c. no, d. constant, e. constant

8. What is an irregular boundary? What is a practical way of handling irregular boundary

surfaces with the finite difference method?
Many geometries encountered in practice such as turbine blades or engine blocks do not have
simple shapes, and it is difficult to fill such geometries having irregular boundaries with simple
volume elements. A practical way of dealing with such geometries is to replace the irregular
geometry by a series of simple volume elements. This simple approach is often satisfactory for
practical purposes, especially when the nodes are closely spaced near the boundary.

9. When performing numerical calculations of heat diffusion on a structured Cartesian grid in two
dimensions, a simplified form of the equations states that the temperature at a node is simply the
average of its four adjacent neighbours. What assumption is NOT required to allow this simplified form

a) must have no heat generation

b) must not be at a domain boundary .
c) must have uniform cell dimensions in both directions
d) must be a solid medium

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