Dialog Comperation Degress: Inggris Vers

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Dialog comperation degress

Good morning mam and good morning guys. Oke this today we will show you a short drama
about comparison degree. Before we show a short drama, let me introduce my self and my
team, I’m indri tiara deka as moderator and my team

Indah damai yanti  as

Indah fitriasari as
Heti anggela as
Intan ruvakho jano ade as
Ike deva andela as player

Here we will feature a drama titled "comparison degree ". Good to Witness

one day there were three friends who were walking in the park while

waiting for their other two friends to come, while waiting they accidentally saw

a cat that was sitting on the side of the road, so they approached the cat

Damai : hey guys, look at this cat, very funny

Heti: You think so?

Damai : yes ... try the color of the fur is very good

Intan: but you know, I think rabbits are cuter than cats

Heti: how can that be?

Intan: You know that when a rabbit eats its face it is very cute

Heti: You really don't know what cuteness is.

Damai and Intan: what? of course we know

Heti: no, no, you don't know, hmmm have you ever seen how to eat hamsters?

That's funny
Intan : agree !! maybe, hamsters are the smallest animals if we compare them to

rabbits and cats. but I believe that hamsters are the funniest of the two.

Damai : uughh .. let's stop arguing about this, okay


From a distance they saw the beautiful fitria and ike coming, while

carrying two bags of different shapes

Indah fitria: hay guys, sorry we are late

Damai : where have you been?

Ike: I delivered this beautiful bag to buy first

Indah fitria: guys, which one do you think is a good bag between the two?

Ike: It's beautiful I told you that this bag is ... better than that one

Intan: but in my opinion this is good, because the color is not too flashy

Heti: Both bags are good

Indah Fitria; I agree with the second heti of the bag that I bought is good, if it's

not good I might not buy it

Damai : hey it's not good to compare goods, because every item has its


Heti: well that's right, let's walk again

After finishing discussing the bag problem, they continued their

afternoon walk with jokes and laughter

disuatu hari ada tiga orang teman yang sedang berjalan-jalan di taman

sambil menunggu dua teman mereka yang lain datang, ketika sedang

menunggu tidak sengaja mereka melihat seekor kucing yang sedang berdiam di

pinggir jalan, sehingga mereka menghampiri kucing tersebut

Damai : hey guys, lihat kucing ini, sangat lucu

Heti : Anda pikir begitu?

Damai : ya,,, coba warna bulunya sangat bagus

Intan : tapi Anda tahu, saya pikir kelinci lebih imut dari pada kucing

Heti : bagaimana bisa begitu?

Intan : anda tahu bahwa ketika kelinci makan mukanya sangat imut

Heti : kalian benar-benar tidak tahu apa kelucuan itu .

Damai dan Intan : apaa? tentu saja kita tahu

Heti : tidak, tidak, kalian tidak tau, hmmm apakah Anda pernah melihat cara

makan hamster? Itu baru lucu

Intan : setuju !! mungkin, hamster adalah hewan terkecil jika kita

membandingkannya dengan kelinci dan kucing . tetapi saya yakin bahwa

hamster adalah yang paling lucu dari pada keduanya.

Damai : uughh .. mari kita berhenti berdebat tentang ini, oke


Dari kejauhan mereka melihat indah fitria dan ike datang, sambil

membawa dua buah tas yang berbeda bentuk

Indah fitria : hay guys, maaf kami terlambat

Damai : kalian dari mana saja ?

Ike : ini saya mengantarkan indah membeli tas dahulu

Indah fitria : guys menurut kalian mana tas yang bagus antara keduanya

Ike : indah kan saya sudah bilang bahwa tas yang ini…… yang bagus dari pada

yang itu

Intan : tapi menurut saya ini yang bagus, karna warnanya tidak terlalu mencolok

Heti : kedua tas tersebut bagus kok

Indah fitria ; saya setuju dengan heti kedua tas yang saya beli bagus, kalau

nggak bagus nggak mungkin saya beli dong

Damai ; hey tidak baik membandingkan barang, karna setiap barang pasti ada


Heti : nah betul itu, yasudah ayo kita jalan lagi


Setelah selesai membahas masalah tas tersebut mereka melanjutkan

jalan jalan sore mereka dengan canda dan tawa

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