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Longitudinal apply read the lines

> filenames=list.files(getwd(),pattern="Rojesh.txt")
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chr "Rojesh.txt.txt"
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Warning message:
In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : incomplete final line found on 'Rojesh.txt.txt'
> files
[1] "The Political Economy of India -, 24.07.2012 Read The Political Economy of Development in India:"
[2] "Expanded Edition book reviews & author details and more at Free delivery on qualified orders. The"
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[4] "*Free Political Economy Of Under Development In India The Economic Development in India followed"
[5] "socialist-inspired people for most of its. Post-liberalisation, the Indian private sector, which was usually run by"
[6] "oligopolies of old family firms and required political connections to prosper was faced Political Economy of India -"
[7] "Business Maps of India Political economy refers to the distribution of political and economic power in a given"
[8] "society and how that influences the directions of development and policies. The political economy of revenue"
[9] "pressure and tax collection. This subject is aimed at understanding the process of economic development by first"
[10] "critically reviewing major theoriesperspectivesparadigms of economic. Buy The Political Economy of Development"
[11] "in India: Expanded. 2 days ago. Political Economy Of Under Development In India - Political economy -"
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[14] "Development INDIA and CHINA: AN ESSAY IN COMPARATIVE POLITICAL ECONOMY. launched on their path"
[15] "of development, but both suffered devastating famines. Economic development in India - Wikipedia Breaking down"
[16] "the last 65+ years of Indian development into several episodes of growth, it provides a rich set of insights into the"
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[22] "accessible book Bardhan examines the political and social constraints on Indian development. In the newly added"
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[27] "The Political Economy of Development in India PDF, 410kB This book examines the development dilemmas of the"
[28] "indigenous people adivasis of the Indian state of Kerala. It explores the different facets of change in their The"
[29] "Political Economy of Indias Growth Episodes Sabyasachi Kar. The purpose of this paper is to develop a"
[30] "political?economy model to show how. and tax collection efficiency, Indian Growth and Development Review, Vol."
[31] "?Political Economy of Growth and Development in India: Two Puzzles. This article examines two puzzling trends"
[32] "that have characterized Indias economic growth. The first is how and why the political economy of development in"
[33] "Political Economy of Development in India Oxford India Paperbacks. This paper seeks to review the political"
[34] "economy of the low-level equilibrium trap of slow growth in the Indian economy. Written in the context of Professor."
[35] "The Political Economy of Development in India A Historical Suruey New Delhi, 1999 D.H. Buchanan, The"
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[38] "edition with an epilogue on the political economy of reform in India Paperback – Sep 1 1998. The Political Economy"
[39] "of Development in India. - ResearchGate ?The Political Economy of Development in India Since. Independence."
[40] "Stuart Corbridge. Development Studies Institute. London School of Economics. Pranab Bardhan - Google Scholar"
[41] "Citations The Political Economy of Development in India: Expanded Edition with an Epilogue on the Political"
[42] "Economy of Reform in India by Pranab Bardhan Oxford. Political Economy of India - Political Science - Oxford"
[43] "Bibliographies The Political Economy of Development in India. Paper for Conference. Trade and Industry in the"
[44] "Asia Pacific. Australian National University, November 20 th. The Political Economy of Development in India. -"
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[52] "the. The Political Economy of Industrial Growth in India - Cambridge. 23 Aug 2017. Political economy is at the heart"
[53] "of India and its ongoing developmental trajectory. Political economy analysis of India, therefore, spans a Political"
[54] "economy of reforms - Frontline 16 Oct 2014. three-week program of classes and field visits to address the political"
[55] "economy of development and environmental management in India. The Political Economy of Development in India."
[56] "- Amazon UK Pranab Bardhan, The Political Economy of Development in India. Oxford: Isher Judge Ahluwalia,"
[57] "Industrial Growth in India: Stagnation since the Mid-. Sixties. Political Economy of India The Political Economy of"
[58] "Development in India: Expanded edition with an epilogue on the. Land, labor, and rural poverty: Essays in"
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[60] "Development in India 2nd Edition - Buy The Political Economy of Development in India 2nd Edition by Bardhan,"
[61] "PranabAuthor only for. Buy The Political Economy Of Development In India Book Online at. contribute to a"
[62] "people-centred economic development aimed at the expansion of. literature on the radical political economy of"
[63] "agrarian India that deals with the. Politics, Economic Development and Social Change in India It will cover 3 broad"
[64] "thematic areas: i key elements of Indias development experience in the 30 years following independence including"
[65] "the major economic.National Extension Service"
[66] "The Grow More Food Enquiry Committee, after examining the results of the campaign for"
[67] "increased food production stated that \"No plan can have any chance of success unless the"
[68] "millions of small farmers in the country accept its objective, share in its making, regard it as"
[69] "their own, and are prepared to make the sacrifices necessary for implementing it. The lesson"
[70] "to be derived from the working of the G. M. F. programmes thus were that all aspects of rural"
[71] "life are interrelated and that no lasting results can be achieved if individual aspects of it are"
[72] "dealt with in isolationâ€\u009d. This analysis led the Committee to propose the establishment of a"
[73] "“National Extension Organisationâ€\u009d for intensive rural work, which could reach every farmer"
[74] "and assist in the coordinated development of rural life as a whole."
[75] "Extension is a continuous process designed to make the rural people aware of their problems,"
[76] "and indicating to them ways and means by which they can solve them. It thus involves not"
[77] "only education of the rural people in determining their problems and the methods of solving"
[78] "them, but also inspiring them towards positive action in doing so."
[79] "Finally, it was pointed out that extension workers have to be supported effectively by"
[80] "research workers to whom they can bring their problems and whose results they carry to the"
[81] "people. Special arrangements are, therefore, needed to ensure the closest cooperation between"
[82] "extension and research."
[83] "In the second Five Year Plan document it was stated that the activities comprised within the"
[84] "community development and national extension service should be regarded as an integral part"
[85] "of a programme for improving all aspects of rural life. In the second place, the essence of the"
[86] "approach is that villagers come together for bringing about social change are assisted in"
[87] "building up a new life for themselves and participate with increasing awareness and"
[88] "responsibility in the planning and implementation of projects which are material to their well"
[89] "being. If the programme provides them with new opportunities, in turn, through their active"
[90] "participation in its execution, they give it a distinctive quality and enlarge its scope and"
[91] "influence. Self-help and cooperation are the principles on which the movement rests. Thirdly,"
[92] "the movement should bring within its scope all rural families, especially those who are"
[93] "\"under-privileged\", and enable them to take their place in the cooperative movement and"
[94] "other spheres in their own right. It is on account of these features that, national extension"
[95] "service and community development projects are regarded as the normal pattern of the"
[96] "welfare state in action."
[97] "It is necessary to stress that while the material conditions have to be assured, transformation"
[98] "of the social and economic life of rural areas is essentially a human problem. It is a problem,"
[99] "briefly, of changing the outlook of 100 million families living in the countryside, arousing in"
[100] "them enthusiasm for new knowledge and new ways of life and filling them with the ambition"
[101] "and the will to live and work for a better life. Extension services and community"
[102] "organisations are among the principal sources of vitality in democratic planning, and rural"
[103] "development projects are the means by which, through cooperative self-help and local effort,"
[104] "villages and groups of villages can achieve in increasing measure both social change and"
[105] "economic progress and become partners in the national plan."
[106] "The Nalagarh Committee Report (1958)"
[107] "At the initial stage there was considerable confusion and conflict about the roles and"
[108] "responsibilities of the three units of the programme implementation set-up. An Agricultural"
[109] "Administrative Committee (Nalagarh Committee) was set-up in 1958 and it reported that"
[110] "technical departments like agriculture have not been developed to the extent they were"
[111] "required and, therefore, have not been able to deliver the goods as they existed under "
[112] "6"
[113] "unsatisfactory conditions of work. The committee concluded that a streamlined agricultural"
[114] "administration is an urgent necessity and the food situation of the country can be appreciably"
[115] "eased if positive steps are taken to achieve this objective."
[116] "Intensive Agricultural Development Era (1960 onwards)"
[117] "A Ford Foundation Team (1959) in its report titled “India’s Food Crisis and Steps to Meet Itâ€\u009d"
[118] "urged selection of certain crops in certain areas for more intensive efforts. The team also"
[119] "recommended that the agricultural extension programmes should be based on local"
[120] "conditions, village production sytem and problems, and village potentials."
[121] "The I.A.D.P."
[122] "Though the Community Development Programme created conditions for socio-economic"
[123] "transformation of rural people and adoption of modem practices for improving their farms,"
[124] "home and communities in an integrated manner, its impact on agricultural production was not"
[125] "felt. Under the Community Development Programme the production efforts and available"
[126] "resources were widely diffused over the entire country. It was, therefore, agreed that in the"
[127] "interest of increasing agricultural production quickly, pilot projects should be initiated in"
[128] "selected areas having favorable conditions for maximizing food production. In 1960-61,"
[129] "seven districts in the were selected for this and the programme was popularly known as"
[130] "'Package Programme’."
[131] "The Intensive Agricultural Area Programme (1964)"
[132] "The mid-term appraisal of the Third Five Year Plan emphasized that much greater emphasis"
[133] "should be given to the development of scientific and progressive agriculture in an intensive"
[134] "manner and 20-25 per cent of the cultivated area of the country should be selected for"
[135] "intensive agricultural development. The IAAP, which came into operation in March 1964,"
[136] "also followed the package approach."
[137] "The High Yielding Varieties Programme and Multiple Cropping Programme (1966-67)"
[138] "These two programmes constituted the two major planks of the new agricultural strategy"
[139] "under the Fourth Five year plan, which aimed at attaining self-sufficiency in food by the end"
[140] "of 1970-71. The Programmes were initiated in areas having necessary organization and"
[141] "facilities, which were considered essential pre–requisites to rapid agricultural growth."
[142] "Hill and Tribal Area Development"
[143] "With a view to removing regional disparities, particularly in less endowed or disadvantaged"
[144] "areas like the hill and tribal areas, special sub-plans of development were introduced in the"
[145] "mid seventies. Special financial and fiscal concessions, credit on softer terms and subsidies"
[146] "were made available to under-developed areas to attract increased industrial investment. A"
[147] "Minimum Needs Programme was designed to secure to the rural areas within a reasonable"
[148] "time frame certain basic amenities in the field of education, health, drinking water,"
[149] "electrification, roads and house-sites."
[150] "Small Farmers Development Agencies (1971)"
[151] "The Small Farmers Development Agencies (SFDA) programme, aimed at the target group of"
[152] "small and marginal farmers and agricultural labourers, began in 1971 to assist persons"
[153] "specifically identified from this target group in raising their income level by helping them to"
[154] "adopt improved agricultural technology and acquiring means of increasing agricultural"
[155] "production like minor irrigation sources, and on the other hand, to diversify their farm"
[156] "economy through subsidiary activities like animal husbandry, dairying, horticulture etc. "

> str(files)
List of 1
$ : chr [1:156] "The Political Economy of India -, 24.07.2012 Read The Political Economy of
Development in India:" "Expanded Edition book reviews & author details and more at
Free delivery on qualified orders. The" "Political Economy of Development in India - jstor Indias Political
Economy of Development DEVT90051 â\200” The." "*Free Political Economy Of Under Development In India
The Economic Development in India followed" ...

Create Corpus from vector

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ways 2
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well 1
whole 1
whose 1
widely 1
wikipedia 2
will 2
within 3
work 3
workers 2
working 1
world\xe2\u0094 1
written 1
year 3
years 2
yielding 1
york 2
\xe2\u009cindia\xe2s 1
\xe2\u009cnational 1

> termFreq=rowSums(as.matrix(tdm))
> termFreq
able acceleration accept
1 1 1
accessible account achieve
2 1 2
achieved acquiring action
1 1 2
active activities addcadde
1 2 1
added address adivasis
1 1 1
administration administrative adopt
1 1 1
adoption agencies ago
1 2 1
agrarian agreed agricultural
1 1 13
agriculture ahluwalia aimed
2 1 4
also amazon amazonca
3 1 1
amazoncom amazonin ambition
2 3 1
amenities among analysis
1 1 2
animal appraisal appreciably
1 1 1
approach area areas
2 3 9
arousing arrangements article
1 1 1
asia aspects assist
1 3 2
assisted assured attaining
1 1 1
attract aug australian
1 1 1
author available aware
1 2 1
awareness bardhan based
1 8 2
basic basil become
1 1 1
began best better
1 1 1
bibliographies blackwell book
1 1 6
books breaking briefly
1 1 1
bring bringing broad
2 1 1
buchanan building business
1 1 2
buy cambridge came
6 1 1
campaign can capitalist
1 6 2
carry causes cent
1 1 1
certain chance change
3 1 4
changing characterized china
1 1 2
china\xe2\u0094 citations classes
1 1 1
closest collection come
1 2 1
committee communities community
6 1 5
comparative comprised concessions
2 1 1
concluded conditions conference
1 5 1
conflict confusion connections
1 1 1
considerable considered constituted
1 1 1
constraints contemporary context
1 1 1
continuous contribute contributing
1 1 1
cooperation cooperative coordinated
2 2 1
corbridge country countryside
1 4 1
cover created credit
1 1 1
crisis critically cropping
1 1 1
crops cthe cultivated
1 1 1
dairying days deals
1 1 1
dealt dec delhi
1 1 1
deliver delivery democratic
1 1 1
departments derived designed
1 1 2
details determining devastating
1 1 1
develop developed development
1 1 68
developmental devt dhanmanjiri
1 1 1
different diffused dilemmas
1 1 1
directions disadvantaged disparities
1 1 1
distinctive distribution districts
1 1 1
diversify document drinking
1 1 1
early eased economic
2 1 11
economicnational economics economies
1 2 1
economy edition education
67 8 2
effectively efficiency effort
1 1 1
efforts electrification elements
2 1 1
emphasis emphasized enable
1 1 1
end endowed enlarge
1 1 1
enquiry ensure enterprise
1 1 1
enthusiasm entire environment
1 1 1
environmental epilogue episodes
1 5 2
equilibrium era especially
1 1 1
essay essays essence
2 1 1
essential essentially establishment
1 1 1
etc every examine
1 1 1
examines examining execution
3 1 1
existed expanded expansion
1 6 1
experience explores extension
1 1 9
extent faced facets
1 1 1
facilities families family
1 2 1
famines farm farmer
1 1 1
farmers farms fastest
4 1 1
favorable features feb
1 1 1
felt field filling
1 2 1
finally financial firms
1 1 1
first fiscal five
2 1 3
followed following food
2 1 6
ford foundation fourth
1 1 1
frame free frontline
1 3 1
ghanshyam give given
1 1 2
global gmt goods
1 1 1
google greater group
1 1 2
groups grow growing
1 1 1
growth hand health
12 1 1
heart helping high
1 1 2
hill historical home
2 1 1
horticulture housesites human
1 1 1
husbandry iaap iadp
1 1 1
identified impact implementation
1 1 2
implementing improved improving
1 1 2
included including income
1 1 1
increased increasing independence
2 4 3
india indian indias
56 8 9
indicating indigeneity indigenous
1 1 1
individual industrial industry
1 3 1
influence influences initial
1 1 1
initiated insights inspiring
2 1 1
institute integral integrated
1 1 1
intensive interest interrelated
6 1 1
introduced investment involves
1 1 1
irrigation isher isolation\xe2
1 1 1
it\xe2 jstor judge
1 1 1
jun kar kerala
1 1 1
key knowledge known
1 1 1
labor labourers land
1 1 1
largest last lasting
1 1 1
launched led less
1 1 1
lesson level life
1 1 7
like literature live
4 1 1
living local london
1 2 1
lowlevel made major
1 1 3
make making management
2 1 1
manner maps march
2 1 1
marginal material maximizing
1 2 1
means measure meet
3 1 1
methods mid midterm
1 2 1
million millions minimum
1 1 1
minor model modem
1 1 1
movement much multiple
3 1 1
nalagarh national necessary
2 4 3
necessity needed needs
1 1 1
new newly normal
8 1 1
november objective ocsa
1 2 1
oct offers old
1 1 1
oligopolies ongoing online
1 1 2
onwards operation opportunities
1 1 1
orders organisations organisation\xe2
1 1 1
organization outlook oxford
1 1 6
pacific package paper
1 2 3
paperback paperbacks part
1 2 1
participate participation particularly
1 1 1
partners path pattern
1 1 1
pdf people peoplecentred
1 6 1
per periods persons
1 1 1
phd pilot place
1 1 2
plan planks planning
5 1 2
pointed policies political
1 2 67
politicaleconomy politics popularly
1 1 1
positive postliberalisation potentials
2 1 1
poverty power practices
1 1 1
pranab pranabauthor prepared
6 1 1
pressure pre\xe2\u0093requisites prices
1 1 1
principal principles private
1 1 1
problem problems process
2 4 2
production prof professor
7 1 1
program programme programmes
1 11 4
programme\xe2 progress progressive
1 1 1
projects propose prosper
4 1 1
provides purpose puzzles
2 1 1
puzzling qualified qualifying
1 1 1
quality quickly radical
1 1 1
raising rapid reach
1 1 1
read readily realignment
2 1 1
reasonable recommended refers
1 1 1
reform reforms regard
3 1 1
regarded regional regulation
2 1 1
removing report reported
1 2 1
required research researchgate
2 2 1
resources responsibilities responsibility
1 1 1
rests results rev
1 3 1
revenue review reviewing
1 2 1
reviews rich right
2 1 1
roads roles run
1 1 1
rural sabyasachi sacrifices
12 1 1
sathe scholar school
1 1 1
science scientific scope
1 1 2
second sector sectors
2 1 1
secure seeks selected
1 1 3
selection selfhelp selfsufficiency
1 2 1
sep service services
1 3 1
set setup seven
1 2 1
seventies several sfda
1 1 1
shah share shipping
1 1 1
shodhganga show since
1 1 2
situation sixties slow
1 1 1
small social socialistinspired
4 5 2
society socioeconomic softer
1 1 1
solve solving sources
1 1 2
spans special specifically
1 3 1
spheres stage stagnation
1 1 1
state stated stateownership
3 2 1
steps strategy streamlined
2 1 1
stress stuart studies
1 1 1
subject subplans subsidiary
1 1 1
subsidies success suffered
1 1 1
supported suruey sytem
1 1 1
take taken target
1 1 2
tax team technical
2 2 1
technology terms thematic
1 1 1
theoriesperspectivesparadigms therefore third
1 4 1
thirdly though three
1 1 1
threeweek thus time
1 2 1
titled together towards
1 1 1
trade trajectory transformation
1 1 3
transition trap trends
1 1 1
tribal turn two
2 1 5
underdeveloped underprivileged understanding
1 1 1
units university unless
1 1 1
unpanunorg unsatisfactory urged
1 1 1
urgent usually varieties
1 1 1
various version view
1 1 1
village villagers villages
2 1 2
visits vitality vol
1 1 1
water ways welfare
1 2 1
well whole whose
1 1 1
widely wikipedia will
1 2 2
within work workers
3 3 2
working world\xe2\u0094 written
1 1 1
year years yielding
3 2 1
york \xe2\u009cindia\xe2s \xe2\u009cnational
2 1 1
> termFreqsubset=subset(termFreq,termFreq>=2)
> termFreqsubset
accessible achieve action activities agencies
2 2 2 2 2
agricultural agriculture aimed also amazoncom
13 2 4 3 2
amazonin analysis approach area areas
3 2 2 3 9
aspects assist available bardhan based
3 2 2 8 2
book bring business buy can
6 2 2 6 6
capitalist certain change china collection
2 3 4 2 2
committee community comparative conditions cooperation
6 5 2 5 2
cooperative country designed development early
2 4 2 68 2
economic economics economy edition education
11 2 67 8 2
efforts epilogue episodes essay examines
2 5 2 2 3
expanded extension families farmers field
6 9 2 4 2
first five followed food free
2 3 2 6 3
given group growth high hill
2 2 12 2 2
implementation improving increased increasing independence
2 2 2 4 3
india indian indias industrial initiated
56 8 9 3 2
intensive life like local major
6 7 4 2 3
make manner material means mid
2 2 2 3 2
movement nalagarh national necessary new
3 2 4 3 8
objective online oxford package paper
2 2 6 2 3
paperbacks people place plan planning
2 6 2 5 2
policies political positive pranab problem
2 67 2 6 2
problems process production programme programmes
4 2 7 11 4
projects provides read reform regarded
4 2 2 3 2
report required research results review
2 2 2 3 2
reviews rural scope second selected
2 12 2 2 3
selfhelp service setup since small
2 3 2 2 4
social socialistinspired sources special state
5 2 2 3 3
stated steps target tax team
2 2 2 2 2
therefore thus transformation tribal two
4 2 3 2 5
village villages ways wikipedia will
2 2 2 2 2
within work workers year years
3 3 2 3 2

Create a dataframe
> tdmdf=data.frame(term=names(termFreqsubset),freq=termFreqsubset)
> View(tdmdf)
> Ab=ggplot(data=tdmdf, aes(x=term,y=freq))+
+ geom_bar(stat="identity")+xlab("Terms")+
+ ylab("counts")+coord_flip()
> Ab

> wordcloud
function (words, freq, scale = c(4, 0.5), min.freq = 3, max.words = Inf,
random.order = TRUE, random.color = FALSE, rot.per = 0.1,
colors = "black", ordered.colors = FALSE, use.r.layout = FALSE,
fixed.asp = TRUE, ...)
if (!fixed.asp && rot.per > 0)
stop("Variable aspect ratio not supported for rotated words. Set rot.per=0.")
tails <- "g|j|p|q|y"
last <- 1
nc <- length(colors)
if (missing(freq)) {
if (is.character(words) || is.factor(words)) {
corpus <- tm::Corpus(tm::VectorSource(words))
corpus <- tm::tm_map(corpus, tm::removePunctuation)
corpus <- tm::tm_map(corpus, function(x) tm::removeWords(x,
else corpus <- words
tdm <- tm::TermDocumentMatrix(corpus)
freq <- slam::row_sums(tdm)
words <- names(freq)
if (ordered.colors) {
if (length(colors) != 1 && length(colors) != length(words)) {
stop(paste("Length of colors does not match length of words",
if (min.freq > max(freq))
min.freq <- 0
overlap <- function(x1, y1, sw1, sh1) {
if (!use.r.layout)
return(is_overlap(x1, y1, sw1, sh1, boxes))
s <- 0
if (length(boxes) == 0)
for (i in c(last, 1:length(boxes))) {
bnds <- boxes[[i]]
x2 <- bnds[1]
y2 <- bnds[2]
sw2 <- bnds[3]
sh2 <- bnds[4]
if (x1 < x2)
overlap <- x1 + sw1 > x2 - s
else overlap <- x2 + sw2 > x1 - s
if (y1 < y2)
overlap <- overlap && (y1 + sh1 > y2 - s)
else overlap <- overlap && (y2 + sh2 > y1 - s)
if (overlap) {
last <<- i
ord <- rank(-freq, ties.method = "random")
words <- words[ord <= max.words]
freq <- freq[ord <= max.words]
if (ordered.colors) {
colors <- colors[ord <= max.words]
if (random.order)
ord <-
else ord <- order(freq, decreasing = TRUE)
words <- words[ord]
freq <- freq[ord]
words <- words[freq >= min.freq]
freq <- freq[freq >= min.freq]
if (ordered.colors) {
colors <- colors[ord][freq >= min.freq]
thetaStep <- 0.1
rStep <- 0.05
op <- par("mar")
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
if (fixed.asp)
plot.window(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), asp = 1)
else plot.window(c(0, 1), c(0, 1))
normedFreq <- freq/max(freq)
size <- (scale[1] - scale[2]) * normedFreq + scale[2]
boxes <- list()
for (i in 1:length(words)) {
rotWord <- runif(1) < rot.per
r <- 0
theta <- runif(1, 0, 2 * pi)
x1 <- 0.5
y1 <- 0.5
wid <- strwidth(words[i], cex = size[i], ...)
ht <- strheight(words[i], cex = size[i], ...)
if (grepl(tails, words[i]))
ht <- ht + ht * 0.2
if (rotWord) {
tmp <- ht
ht <- wid
wid <- tmp
isOverlaped <- TRUE
while (isOverlaped) {
if (!overlap(x1 - 0.5 * wid, y1 - 0.5 * ht, wid,
ht) && x1 - 0.5 * wid > 0 && y1 - 0.5 * ht >
0 && x1 + 0.5 * wid < 1 && y1 + 0.5 * ht < 1) {
if (!random.color) {
if (ordered.colors) {
cc <- colors[i]
else {
cc <- ceiling(nc * normedFreq[i])
cc <- colors[cc]
else {
cc <- colors[sample(1:nc, 1)]
text(x1, y1, words[i], cex = size[i], offset = 0,
srt = rotWord * 90, col = cc, ...)
boxes[[length(boxes) + 1]] <- c(x1 - 0.5 * wid,
y1 - 0.5 * ht, wid, ht)
isOverlaped <- FALSE
else {
if (r > sqrt(0.5)) {
warning(paste(words[i], "could not be fit on page. It will not be plotted."))
isOverlaped <- FALSE
theta <- theta + thetaStep
r <- r + rStep * thetaStep/(2 * pi)
x1 <- 0.5 + r * cos(theta)
y1 <- 0.5 + r * sin(theta)
par(mar = op)
<bytecode: 0x000001f4706a62f0>
<environment: namespace:wordcloud>
> wc=as.matrix(tdm)
> wordfreq=sort(rowSums(wc),decreasing=T)
> pal=brewer.pal(9,"BuGn")[-(1:4)]
> nwc=wordcloud(words=names(wordfreq),freq=wordfreq,
+ min.freq=3, random.order=F,colors=pal)
Sentiment Analysis
> class(articles.corpus)
[1] "SimpleCorpus" "Corpus"
> a=as.character(articles.corpus)
> class(a)
[1] "character"
> mysentiment=get_nrc_sentiment(a)
> SentimentScores=data.frame(colSums(mysentiment[,]))
> SentimentScores
anger 6
anticipation 28
disgust 5
fear 10
joy 18
sadness 10
surprise 9
trust 48
negative 20
positive 83
> names(SentimentScores)="Score"
> SentimentScores=cbind("sentiment"=rownames(SentimentScores)
+ ,SentimentScores)
> ggplot(SentimentScores,aes(x=sentiment, y=Score))+
+ geom_bar(aes(fill=sentiment),stat = "identity")+
+ theme(legend.position = "none")+
+ xlab("Sentiment")+ylab("Score")+
+ ggtitle("total Sentiment Score")
Topic Modelling
> articleDtm=DocumentTermMatrix(articles.corpus,
+ control = list(minWordLength=3))
> k=4
> SEED=1234
> article.lda=LDA(articleDtm,k,method="Gibbs",
+ control = list(seed=SEED))
> lda.topics=as.matrix(topics(article.lda))
> lda.topics
1 2
> lda.terms
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
"edition" "development" "political" "indian"

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