The Distribution of Individuals Based On

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Findings and Discussions

1. The Age Group Distribution among 49 responses which were recorded during the
primary data collection was 24 for 21-25 years old people (Highest) and 5 for 15-20
years old people (Lowest)
2. The Distribution of Sex was as follows: 65% Males and 35% Females
3. The usage of ATM were recorded as 96% against only 4% who do not use the ATM
4. The distribution of individuals based on Educational Qualification were as follows: 22
Post Graduates (Highest), 15 Graduates, 6 Higher Secondary, 3 each for Below Higher
secondary and PHD
5. The distribution of most important dimensions based on the responses were recorded as
highest for Reliability (7) and Assurance (7) and security as the lowest (3)
6. We have used the Likert scale where the max range was 5 and the min range was 1;
wherein the Mean satisfaction score was the highest for Reliability at 3.81, followed by
Tangibles at 3.74, Assurance at 3.7, Discipline at 3.57, Ease of service at 3.53, Security
at 3.32 and Empathy as 3.30.
7. At 5% level of significance and 95% level of confidence the hypothesis was tested. The
test value was picked as 3 as the customer satisfaction level was neutral at 3; degree of
freedom (df) =46 and Level of significance = 0.05
8. One-sample t-test for ATM Services: Sample size (N) = 47, degree of freedom (df) = 47
-1 = 46, Level of significance = 0.05, So it is proved that for all the dimensions of service
quality of ATM, H0 is rejected. Hence ATM offers service quality to the customers
Limitations of the study
1. The study used a convenience sample rather than a random sample.
2. Second, the study utilized a small sample made principally of students in only single
academic institution
3. Sample size was restricted to the clients of State Bank of India, Patna.
4. Time played an essential imperative in the examination.
5. The approached used only quantitative information to approve the study, barring the
qualitative information.
6. Biasness in the respondents reaction can not be precluded

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