Refinary Cathodic Protection

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Duhok Polytechnic University

Technical College of Engineering

Petrochemical Engineering Department

Stage: 4th stage

Refinery cathodic protection.

Subject: Process Equipment Design & Drawing

Supervisory By: Dr. Ayad
Prepared By: Bryar khalil Abdullqadr

(2019 -2020)


Q NO: 1 AND Q NO: 2


Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to control the corrosion of
a metal surface by making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell.[1] A
simple method of protection connects the metal to be protected to a
more easily corroded "sacrificial metal" to act as the anode. The
sacrificial metal then corrodes instead of the protected metal. For
structures such as long pipelines, where passive galvanic cathodic
protection is not adequate, an external DC electrical power source is
used to provide sufficient current.
Cathodic protection systems protect a wide range of metallic structures
in various environments. Common applications are: steel water or fuel
pipelines and steel storage tanks such as home water heaters; steel
pier piles; ship and boat hulls; offshore oil platforms and onshore oil
well casings; offshore wind farm foundations and metal reinforcement
bars in concrete buildings and structures. Another common application
is in galvanized steel, in which a sacrificial coating of zinc on steel parts
protects them from rust.
Cathodic protection can, in some cases, prevent stress corrosion

 Content:-

 Cathodic protection in pipe line--------------------------------

 Cathodic protection in storage tank----------------------------

 What Is Cathodic Protection Used For-------------------------

 How does cathodic protection works to prevent rusting-----

 How Does Cathodic Protection Work-----------------------

 Types of Cathodic Protection-------------------------------

 What Is Cathodic Protection and How Does It Work-------

Answer Q NO : 2
 An Introduction to Oil and Gas Pipelines……………….
 Types of Pipelines……………………………………………………………..
 What are pipelines, and what are they used for…………………
 Why are pipelines the best, safest way to transport oil and gas……
 Advantages of Pipeline…………………………………………………….
 Disadvantages of Pipelines…………………………………………..
 Reference………………………………………………………………

*Cathodic protection in pipe line:

Modeling of Cathodic Protection for Pipelines The corrosion of metallic
structures buried in soils or in contact with soils has long been a serious
engineering and economic problem. All over the world millions of
kilometers of gas, water, oil pipelines, communication cables, power
cables as well as storage tanks, buildings foundations, and many other
structures are buried in the soil, suffering from soil corrosion problems
which affect mainly the external surfaces of these structures. In many
countries pipelines are by far the most important means of
hydrocarbon transportation. This applies to the transport of crude,
finished products and natural gas. It is an international problem with
more structures and materials buried in the soil. The truly international
scope of interest of this subject can be seen by the amount of literature
and researches in this field. Attempts have been made to overcome this
problem by the use of various types of techniques. The most common
and applicable technique is cathodic protection. In this research a
carbon steel pipe of length 100 cm buried in a wooden box submerged
by soil and impressed current cathodic protection system (ICCP). was
applied using power supply and electrical closed circuit, several
important factors affecting the pipe protection from corrosion has been
studied, like Anode position (distance and depth), soil resistivity (wet
and dry), condition the pipe (coated and un-coated), distribution of
potential and currents along the pipe(cathode) and the amount of
current required to achieve cathodic protection. A correlation was
achieved to simulate the ranges of parameters and factors affecting
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection. Regression of this model to
data and results yielded parameter values vary depending on the effect
of the same factor. II Two equations were achieved in bare and coated
pipe that explain the effect of many factors on the cathodic protection

potential (-850mV) and the relation of each factors with others as
shown below:
1. Bare carbon steel pipe. = 0.791+0.091 +0.144 -0.00188 -0.00180
2. Coated carbon steel pipe. = 0.467+0.742 -1.675 +0.00057 -0.00067

*Cathodic protection in storage tank:

Aboveground storage tanks are vital components in many industries
dealing with fluids and in particular those huge tanks used in the
petroleum industry. Storage tanks situated on soil ramps are exposed
to various causes of corrosion processes. Corrosion is an
electrochemical process interaction between the structure metal (tank
base and wall) and its environment (water, soil, etc.) resulting in a
change of the metal properties and ultimately structure failure. Broadly
speaking, corrosion is characterized by, presence of an electrolyte
(fluids, soil, etc.), presence of corrosion cells i.e. two patches of the
metal surface become electrically connected through the electrolyte.
Factors affecting corrosion are, metal fabrication process, stresses,
presence of acids, oxygen and other gases supplied, bacterial activities.

What Is Cathodic Protection Used For?

Cathodic protection is often used to mitigate corrosion damage to
active metal surfaces. Cathodic protection is used all over the globe to
protect pipelines, water treatment plants, above and underwater

storage tanks, ship and boat hulls, offshore production platforms,
reinforcement bars in concrete structures and piers, and more.
Cathodic protection is often used to protect steel from corrosion.
Corrosion is caused when two dissimilar metals are submerged in an
electrolytic substance such as water, soil, or concrete. This type of
metal conducting path between the two dissimilar metals allows a
pathway through which free electrons move from the more active
metal (anode) to the less active metal (cathode). If free electrons from
the anode do not reach active sites on the cathode before the arrival of
oxygen, ions at the active sites can then recombine to produce ferrous
hydroxide, i.e. rust.

What Is Cathodic Protection and How Does It Work?

Corrosion is a natural process that can deteriorate metal structures and
cause costly damage for your business.
For corrosion to occur, four elements must be present: a host site from
which current flows, a destination site where no current flows, a
medium capable of conducting current (such as water, concrete, or
soil), and a metal path between the host and destination site.
Electrochemical corrosion of metals is the process by which ions on the
surface of a metal are transferred to another substance (a depolarizer,
or less active substance or metal). Such depolarizers are oxygen, acids,
or cations of more passive metals.

How does cathodic protection works to prevent rusting?
Cathodic protection prevents corrosion by converting all of the anodic
(active) sites on the metal surface to cathodic (passive) sites by
supplying electrical current (or free electrons) from an alternate source.
Usually this takes the form of galvanic anodes, which are more active
than steel

How Does Cathodic Protection Work?

In essence, cathodic protection connects the base metal at risk (steel)
to a sacrificial metal that corrodes in lieu of the base metal. The
technique of providing cathodic protection to steel preserves the metal
by providing a highly active metal that can act as an anode and provide
free electrons. By introducing these free electrons, the active metal
sacrifices its ions and keeps the less active steel from corroding.

*Types of Cathodic Protection:-

There are two basic types of cathodic protection: galvanic, and
impressed current cathodic protection.
Galvanic protection consists of applying a protective zinc coating to the
steel to prevent rusting. The zinc corrodes in place of the encapsulated
steel. These systems have limited life spans, as the sacrificial anode
protecting the underlying metal will continue to degrade over time until
the sacrificial anode is no longer capable of supplying protection.

2-Impressed Current Cathodic Protection:-

Impressed current cathodic protection systems consist of anodes that
are connected to a power source that provides a perpetual source of
electrical flow. The sacrificial anode method of protection uses a metal
more active than the base metal to “sacrifice” ions. These “sacrificial
anodes” (usually alloys such as magnesium, aluminum, or zinc) have a
stronger electrochemical potential. This method can often provide
much longer protection than a sacrificial anode, as the anode is
supplied by an unlimited power source.
Drawbacks of Cathodic Protection
Cathodic protection has been used for years to protect structures that
suffer long-term exposure to corrosive environments. But the
installation of a cathodic protection itself can be costly. The specific
details of how structures are constructed can also add to the
complexity — and therefore cost — of cathodic protection. In addition
to this cost, the system also requires routine maintenance, including
periodic visual inspection. In the case of impressed current cathodic
protection there is also the ongoing cost of electricity.  Sacrificial
anodes in particular have a limited amount of current available, are
subject to rapid corrosion, and therefore have a limited lifespan.
In summary, cathodic protection is a commonly used method of
protecting steel structures, yet can be costly and require routine
maintenance and replacement. Products that provide a protective layer
with zero reactivity are more likely to extend the life of steel structures
and create a nonreactive layer of protection.
For more information about Eon Coat, the longer-lasting and most cost-
effective corrosion prevention method on the market, contact us today.
*Economic Advantages Of Cathodic Protection Against Corrosion:-

Corrosion is a leading cause of piping and storage tank failures. Oil lines
or gas lines which are submerged under the ocean for long distances
are subject to corrosion in due course of time. Cathodic protection is an
efficient and economical method to control the corrosion of a metal
surface which has been buried or submerged.
When planning the construction of a buried or submerged system, the
design should take into account the corrosion from the environment.
Earth-buried pipelines are usually expensive investments. They are
generally protected from corrosion using coatings and covering.
However, coatings serve only as a primary protection and will not be
sufficient for lengthy pipe lines, which are subject to high degree of
corrosion if exposed to wet environment.
Corrosion is an electro chemical reaction that occurs if the coating gets
damaged even in a small area or if it develops cracks or if the thickness
of the coating is not adequate. The metal pipeline, thus exposed to soil
or water, will form two electrodes of opposing polarity (anodes and
cathodes) on the same metal. This may be due to chemical
composition, velocity, temperature, stress or impurities in the metal.

The electrical potential difference between these newly formed anodes
and cathodes gives rise to a current that causes the pipe line to lose
metal and become leaky. The corrosion develops and begins to spread,
causing enormous damage to property as well as environment.
The expected lifespan of a pipeline network is, depending on the
transport medium, a minimum of 50 years. Normally a pipe line should
be functional for a period of 100 years.
Cathodic Protection Benefits:
Some of the important and commonly used methods to prevent
corrosion are galvanizing, anodizing, painting and replacement of steel
with costlier metals. Galvanizing, anodizing and painting are extremely
useful when pipeline sizes are small and above ground or are easily
accessible for maintenance work. In the case of pipelines of large
dimensions buried under the ground or under water, the above
methods are not practicable or economical. Pipes carrying oil and gas at
high pressures need to be protected against corrosion. At high
pressures, it is not economical to keep a larger factor of safety for plate
thickness. This could lead to loss of revenue, increased maintenance
cost and plant outages. In such cases, cathodic protection along with
coating will prove the most economical.
For water pipes, cast iron or concrete pipes can be used as alternative
material. But for certain diameters and pressure, it is not economical to
use these pipes and so mild steel pipes are the only possible solution.
Mild steel pipes can also be coated with a thick layer of concrete.
Concrete covering is efficient when applied in dry and less corrosive
soils. However, this could cause cracks and improper bonds due to
mechanical vibrations, expansions and improper application. Concrete
becomes ten times more conducting when it is wet than when it is dry.
Hence in moist and corrosive soils, cathodic protection would prove to
be a better alternative.

It is possible to adjust current output and voltages in cathodic
protection as and when required to maintain proper degree of
protection, if coating deteriorates over time. It is also possible to check
whether the structure is sufficiently protected or not, if cathodic
protection is applied.
Pipelines are generally used for the transportation of water, petroleum
products, natural gas, and other utilities. The network of pipeline is
huge and installed throughout the world. Pipelines may be onshore or
offshore, and are subject to corrosion in both cases. It will be
dangerous and more expensive if corrosion prevention action is not
Application of Cathodic Protection Systems on Buried Pipelines.
Cathodic protection offers an optimum of safety and efficiency because
with a cathodic protection system, pipelines can be reliably operated
even in critical soils. Cathodic protection should be considered
wherever the system is exposed to an aggressive surrounding. It is
worth noting that it is technically possible to apply cathodic protection
for pipe lines that are buried or submerged.
Cathodic protection can be applied to pipe lines in addition to coating.
There may be areas in the pipe line where the thickness of the coating
is less than the prescribed norms and the quality of the coating is poor.
Cathodic protection can be used on bare pipelines as well. Both
galvanic anode and impressed current method can be applied to a
buried pipe line. The application of either of these types depends on
several factors, such as the required current, soil resistivity, and the
area to be protected.

Answer Q / NO : 2
An Introduction to Oil and Gas Pipelines
North America consists of a vast network of inter- and intrastate
pipelines that serve a vital role in transporting water, hazardous liquids,
and raw materials. There is an estimated 2.6 million miles of
pipelines in the nation, and it delivers trillions of cubic feet of natural
gas and hundreds of billions of tons of liquid petroleum products each
year. Because the pipeline network fuels the nation’s daily functions
and livelihoods by delivering resources used for energy purposes, it is
crucial to shed light on this transportation system. This article briefly
discusses oil and gas pipelines, what they are, why they exist, their
potential health and environmental impacts, proposed projects, and
who oversees them.
Types of Pipelines:-
1- Steel pipeline:-
Steel pipes are employed for the water pipelines. Large diameter pipes
can be manufactured from steel and can be extended over large

2. Cast Iron Pipeline
Cast iron pipes are mostly produced from gray cast iron for which
coatings and linings are applied so as to improve corrosion resistance.
These types of pipes have been widely used in the past.

However, today, ductile iron pipes which are superior to cast iron pipes
are being widely used.  Such a pipeline type is suitable for the
transmission of water, gas, and sewage.

3. Plastic Pipeline
It is generally used for the transmission of water over long distances.
Plastic pipes have great resistance to abrasion, chemical influence and
are easy to handle. Added to that, their light weight makes it easy for
the workers to lay and align as per the need. However, they have low
tensile strength and show poor performance during temperature

4. Concrete Pipeline:
Concrete pipe is manufactured from welded sheet steel
with jointing surfaces and concrete. It is particularly suited to large
diameter pipelines extending over great distances. Concrete pipes are
an appropriate choice for the transmission of water.

5. Water Pipeline:
It is employed to transfer water from treatment plants to buildings.
Generally, such pipelines are installed underground few meters
beneath the cities and streets based on frost line of the location and
the need for protection against accidental damage. These pipes can be
produced from steel, ductile-iron, and concrete.

6. Waste Water Pipeline
They are used to transport wastewater which is composed of a high
percentage of water and a small percentage of solid wastes. These
pipes can be manufactured from concrete, PVC, cast iron, or clay based
on the pressure in the pipe and other conditions. Pipe sizes are
controlled by the type of materials and pressure in the pipe.

7. Petroleum oil Pipeline:

It is manufactured from steel for which external coating and cathodic

protection are applied to decline external corrosion. Oil pipelines are
joined together by welding. There are two types of oil pipelines,
namely: crude oil pipeline– which transports crude oil to refineries,
and product pipeline– that carries refined products like gasoline to the

8. Gas Pipeline
Pipelines are the only practical means of transportation of natural gas
over land since the other methods such as truck and train are
considerably expensive.

Gas collection and transmission lines are made of steel whereas most
distribution lines use flexible plastic pipes, which are easy to lay and do
not corrode.

9. Slurry pipeline
Slurry is a mixture of solid particles and a liquid, usually water. The
mining industry and dredging utilize slurry pipeline.

It transports oil and natural gas from offshore oil and gas wells to
overland pipelines. Barges in less deep water and ships in sea are used
for the installation of submarine pipelines.

10. Transmission Pipeline:
It is used to transport crude oil, NGLs, natural gas and refined products
for long distances across countries and continents. Transmission
pipeline sizes are mostly greater than 25.4cm (10inch). Corrosion,
defective welding, seam failure, and material failure are common
causes of transmission pipeline damages.

11. Distribution Pipeline

It is used to transport natural gas to homes and businesses. The size of
distribution pipes ranges from 12.7 mm to 152.4 mm.

12. Collection Pipeline
Collection pipelines carry oil or gas products from the wells in the
ground to the oil batteries or natural gas processing center. Their
diameter varies from 101 mm to 304 mm.

What are pipelines, and what are they used for?

The pipeline network in the U.S. is a transportation system used to

move goods and materials. Pipelines transport a variety of products
such as sewage and water. However, the most common products
transported are for energy purposes, which include natural gas,
biofuels, and liquid petroleum. Pipelines exist throughout the country,
and they vary by the goods transported, the size of the pipes, and the
material used to make pipes.
While some pipelines are built above ground, the majority of pipelines
in the U.S. are buried underground. Because oil and gas pipelines are
well concealed from the public, most individuals are unaware of the
existence of the vast network of pipelines.

Why are pipelines the best, safest way to transport oil and gas?

Pipelines are the safest way to transport energy products for a variety
of reasons.

For starters, they are purpose-built to carry commodities like oil, gas
and refined products. Pipeline companies take active preventative
measures to ensure that safety, security, health and environmental
concerns are addressed at every step of the lifecycle—planning and
design, construction, and operation .

Pipeline companies also conduct ongoing “integrity management”

programs in the areas of evaluation, inspection and maintenance.
Pipeline operators also actively research new inspection and prevention
technologies. As a result, the number of significant pipeline incidents
has dropped 32% since 2011, according to the American Petroleum
Institute and the Association of Oil Pipelines.

While long-haul oil and gas pipelines are also more economical and
environmentally friendly than other modes of transport like rail or
trucking (pipelines create 61 to 77% less greenhouse gas emissions than
rail when moving crude over long distances, says one recent study),
they also have a safe delivery rate of greater than 99.999%. Enbridge,
for example, moved more than 22 billion barrels of crude oil and liquids
from 2008 through 2017, with a decade-long safe delivery record of

Advantages of Pipeline:
Pipelines have the following advantages over other means of transport:

1. They are ideally suited to transport the liquids and gases.

2. Pipelines can be laid through difficult terrains as well as under water.

3. It involves very low energy consumption.

4. It needs very little maintenance

5. Pipelines arc safe, accident-free and environmental friendly.

6.Reduction in cost of transportation is very significant.

7. Supply through pipelines is very reliable. It is free from obstacles in
road and rail transport.
8. In case of underground pipelines, the land in which pipeline is laid
can still be used for agricultural use.
9. It ensures supply in remote areas where road ways are not very
good, also it provides safe and secure supply for defence needs.

Disadvantages of Pipelines:

Following are the main disadvantages of pipeline transport:

1. It is not flexible, i.e., it can be used only for a few fixed points.

2. Its capacity cannot be increased once it is laid.

3. It is difficult to make security arrangements for pipelines.

4. Underground pipelines cannot be easily repaired and detection of

leakage is also difficult

1. Unlike roads no separate land acquisition is done for pipelines,

sometimes it is laid sidewise along the road. Which is not very
convenient if it is passing through dense populated areas. Also there is
always a risk of damaging pipeline because of road repair and other
activities containing excavation.
2. Illegal pilferage and wastage due to leak is a problem in pipelines.
3. Like other big linear structures patrolling and maintenance of
pipelines is a huge task.
4. In case of chemicals and petroleum pipelines any leak can cause a
5. In case of petroleum and minerals pipelines, as the pipeline is laid in
private owned lands also, compensation is decided by P&MP act 1962.
Which contains many points, which are obsolete and not feasible in
modern time. Causing problems to both land owners and companies
laying pipelines.

ft 3 ft 3
Q= 1500 MW * 320 MWH
= 480000 s

Q= 3.77 m^3/s

 Q= A*V

Assume that v= 20.5 m/s

A= V

A= 20.5 = 0.183 M^2

A= 4∗D2

0.183 = 4∗d 2

D= 0.48538 M
Density of LPG =509 Kg/m^3
Net elevation =0.345 Km =345 M
Specific Gravity =9.81 m/s^2
P=p g H
P= 509*9.81 *345
P= 1722685 pa =17 bar

L= 98000M
V = 2 m/s Assume
D= 0.48538 m
G= 9.81 M/S^3

f ∗L∗V 2

Hf= 2∗9.81∗0.48538 =699.2654

Hp = Z^2 +hf
Z= 345 M
Hp = Z^2 +hf
hp= 345^2 +614.3
hp= 119639.3
T = Thickness
P=Total Pressure
P1 =18
T= temperature factor Assume =90
P2= 119639.3*508*9.81

t= 2∗F∗E∗T∗Sy

( 99∗14.5 )∗0.48538
t= = 0.34 inch




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