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Prepared by DPA

Safety Management Manual Approved by Managing Director

Revision 01
Valid since October 2019

Drug And Alcohol Policy

It is AMANCIO SHIPPING CORP. Policy that NO ALCOHOL AND DRUG possession and/or
consumption is allowed on board all managed vessels.
It AMANCIO SHIPPING CORP. Policy that no seafarer employed shall navigate the vessel,
operate machinery or carry out his duties whilst he is impaired by drugs or alcohol or
suspected to be under the impairment of alcohol or drugs.

The Company has defined as alcohol impairment a blood alcohol content of 0.0mq/lt or
0.00% blood alcohol level (BAC). This is a strict ZERO ALCOHOL POLICY 1 ZERO
In order to enforce this policy:
I) Consumption and possession of alcohol for private or any other use on
board Company vessels is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.

2) The possession, use, trafficking of any kind of illegal drugs and for any reason on
board the ship is prohibited / STRICTLY FORBIDDEN

3) The Company implements procedures which meet or exceed the relevant Flag State
legislation and/or ICS/OCIMF guidelines and enforces a strict blood/breath and/or
urine test schedule involving:
a. Mandatory pre-joining tests for all seafarers
b. Periodical random testing/screening on board vessels. Each officer is to be
tested at least once annually
c. Regular Breathalyzer tests on board, either as a routine control procedure, or
during an investigative process or unannounced.
d. Mandatory baggage and personal belonging check prior boarding the vessel
for all on signers and for all seafarers returning to the vessel upon visit
ashore areas while vessel is at port with no exemptions.
Seafarers found to be in violation of this Policy shall be immediately released from duty and
dismissal action will be taken. Refusal to be subjected to D&A testing would equal to
admission of guilt and the person will be subject to the same repercussions as any offender.
Adherence to this Policy is considered as a term of employment.

Date: 23/09/2020 DPA:

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