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Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000
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Procedia CIRP 00 (2017)
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CIRP 91 (2020) 565–570

30th CIRP Design 2020 (CIRP Design 2020)

Project-based 28th
CIRP in an
30th Design
CIRP engineering-design
Design 2020 (CIRP
Conference, Design
May 2018, course
Nantes, France – developing
Project-based engineering
learning graduates for the course
in an engineering-design world of work
A new methodology to analyze the functional and physical of
existingmechanical- engineering
products forRamesh
an assembly graduates
Kuppuswamy oriented
a forMhakure
the world
*, Duncan family
b ofidentification
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Numeracy Kuppuswamy
*, Jean-Yves
Centre, of Cape*,Town,
Alain Mhakure
Town AlibAfrica
7700, South Siadat
* Corresponding
Écoleauthor. Tel.:Supérieure
Nationale +27 a21 650d’Arts
Department etfax: +27 21Arts
Métiers, 6503210. E-mail
et Métiers address:LCFC
of Cape
4 RueTown, South
Augustin Africa Metz 57078, France
ADP: Numeracy Centre, University of Cape Town, Cape Town 7700, South Africa

87650 4872;
37 54 30; fax: +27address:
E-mail 21 6503210. E-mail address:

This paper explores the use of project-based learning as an effective pedagogy to integrate institutional curriculum in a mechanical engineering
design course and the skills demands for the world of work. Current engineering education institutions produce engineers who are great scientists
– knowledgeable in engineering science, mathematics and analytical techniques, and research, but are nonetheless mediocre in the design of
InThis paperbusiness
the use of project-based
processes, or systems. the In
trend learning
paper we
as an
product pedagogy
that the
to integrate institutional
and customization
engineering is unbroken.
education design
curriculum in development,
Due tothrough
curriculum, this a mechanical engineering
project-based thelearning,
need of
agile course and the skills demandssystems
for the world of work. Current engineering education institutions produce engineers who are great scientists
offers students the opportunities to experience engineering design the way it is practiced and simulated in industry. Dataand
and reconfigurable production emerged to cope with various products and product families. To design for optimize
the study production
– knowledgeable
systems asusing as into engineering
well three science, product
choose the knowledge,
optimal mathematics and product
analytical techniques, and are
research, butIndeed,
are nonetheless mediocre in the design of
analyses, categories: skills,matches,
and values, of theanalysis
performance needed.
in a mechanical most of the
engineering known
productmethods aim to
design course.
analyze a processes,
product or one or systems.
product familyIn on
thisthepaper we argue
physical level. that the engineering
Different product education
families, designmay
however, curriculum,
differ through
largely in project-based
terms of the learning,
number and
Students were required to: Design a 21/2 axis Basic SCARA ROBOT (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) for a given application. A
offers of
nature students the opportunities
components. to experience
This factworking
impedes engineering design the way it is practiced and simulated in industry. Data for the forstudy constitutes
survey from graduate students inan efficient
industry comparison
shows that that and choice
project-based of learning,
appropriate product
enabled themfamily combinations
to effectively function theanproduction
in industrial
system. using
A new three
methodologycategories: knowledge, skills, and values, of the students’ performance in a mechanical engineering product design course.
atmosphere where designing isproducts
proposed wereto analyze existing
the mainstay. products ainone-way
In addition, view of ANOVA
their functional and that
test shows physical
there architecture. The aim is to
were strong associations cluster
these wereinrequired
products new to: Design
assembly a 21/2
oriented axis Basic
product SCARA
families for ROBOT
the (Selective
optimization of Compliance
existing assemblyAssembly
lines andRobot
the Arm) forofafuture
creation given reconfigurable
application. A
in the development of skills between: knowledge and skills (p = 0.001); and skills and values (p = 0.0008).
survey from
assembly graduate
systems. Based students
on Datumworking
physical thatstructure
that project-based learning,
of the products enabledFunctional
is analyzed. them to effectively function
subassemblies are in an industrial
identified, and
© 2020
a Keywords: The Authors.
functionalKeywords: Published
analysis project-based by
is performed.learning;
Moreover, B.V.
the mainstay.
aofhybrid In addition, a one-way
functional and physical ANOVA test
architecture shows that there were strong associations
graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts observed
This world work; engineering-design course; product design
in theisdevelopment
an open access
between product
of skills under the CC BY-NC-ND
families byknowledge
providingand design
skills (p =(
support 0.001); andproduction
to both, skills and values
= 0.0008). and product designers. An illustrative
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP Design Conference 2020
example of a nail-clipper is used to explain the proposed methodology. An industrial case study on two product families of steering columns of
Keywords: Keywords: project-based
is thenlearning;
carried world
out toofgive
work; engineering-design course; product design
1. Introduction
thyssenkrupp Presta France a first the learning
industrial evaluation curve of approach.
of the proposed a design engineer becomes shortened; less
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. design mistakes, economical and down to earth design
Peer-review under responsibility
A wide-spread echo from of thethe
scientific committee
industry tabulatesof thethat
28th CIRP Design Conference
(Kupusuz & Can, 2014). 2018. Mechanical engineering projects in the
1. Introduction the learning curve of a design engineer becomes shortened; less
graduates emerge from the mechanical engineering stream were real-world
design are inherently
mistakes, complex,
economical andill-defined,
down toandearth challenging
Keywords: Assembly; Design method; Family identification
notAdeveloping the critical “skills needed
wide-spread echo from the industry tabulates that in the workplace” (Barroso et al., 2016). For mechanical-engineering
(Kupusuz & Can, 2014). Mechanical engineering projects graduate
in the
(Nair et al.,
graduates 2009,from
emerge p. 132). Since mostengineering
the mechanical engineeringstream jobs entail
were students to are
real-world copeinherently
with the complex
designing and practice,
not developing engineering
the critical education
“skills needed in should then aim
the workplace” in the real-world
(Barroso of work,
et al., 2016). Forgraduate students need to be
mechanical-engineering taught
at preparing
Introduction graduates to meet the needs of industry
et al., 2009, p. 132). Since most engineering jobs entail of (Duston et and trained
the product
students using
to coperange project-based
with the learning
problems (PBL)
manufactured approach
that they encounter
al., 1997).and
designing The manufacturing
practice, engineering industry
should because
then aim of assembled
in in&this
the real-world Jeng,
of work, Ascontext,
this anstudents
the main to belearning
need challengetaughtin
at Due to manufacturing
preparing graduates and selling
the fast todevelopment
meet the needscutting
in edge
the products
of industry domain
(Duston into
of approach,
et modelling
and trainedPBL
andusing– provides
analysis is students
now notwith
project-based onlyopportunities
learning to cope
(PBL)with tosingle
al., marketplace.
1997). Theand For anthese products
manufacturing to beofthrives
industry competitive
because inand
the their formally
of products,
(Gratchev & taught
a limitedJeng, knowledge
2018).rangeAstoorsolve ill-defined
anexisting product
enquiry-based tasks which
digitalization, both “timing
designing, manufacturing and quality
andenterprises are
selling cuttingessential,
are edge
facing and both
products are are
into but presented
also to be
approach, PBL with
able minimum information,
to analyzestudents
– provides and to compare requiring minimum
products totodefine
with opportunities apply
challenges on
in the
the marketplace. design
For theseof the
market product” (Nicolai,
products to be a 1998,
competitive p. the
in 7). new
formally a facilitator
taught It can be
knowledge – aobserved
that classical
ill-defined tasks person.
Current engineering
marketplacetowards education
both reduction
“timing and institutions
of quality
product are produce
essential, and engineers
bothand Several
are product
are methods
presented with were
are attempted
minimum on teaching
in function
information, product
clients design
who are
shortened great
dependentproduct scientists
on the lifecycles.
design of the – knowledgeable
In addition,
product” there in engineering
is an1998,
(Nicolai, increasing and
p. 7). However,Table 1
guidance assembly describes the selected
oriented product
from a facilitator – a more teaching
families and assessment
are hardly to
knowledgeable find.
Current mathematics
engineering and being
education at thetechniques,
institutions timeand
sameproduce research,
in engineers
a global approaches used for
On themethods
Several product product
were design
attempted course.
on differ product
teaching mainly in two
but are
who arenonetheless
competition great mediocre
with scientists
competitors in over
– all the design
the world.
knowledgeable of
in components,
This trend,
engineering andThe
main literature
Table shows
1 describes that
(i) the
the PBL as
selected a teaching
components andapproach
and in
(ii) the
science, or systems
is mathematics
inducing theand (Banios, 1991).
development Bringing
from macro
analytical techniques, the industry
micro engineering
type education
of components
approaches used for(e.g. has four
product key advantages. First,
electrical, electronical).
design course. PBL
but to the
are nonethelessin classroom
diminished immense
in sizes duebenefits
design such as:
to components,
of augmenting allows
The students
Classical toshows
literature in solving
PBL as complex,
considering amainly
teaching andapproach
single ill-defined
products in
product varieties
processes, (high-volume
or systems (Banios,to1991).
Bringing production) [1].
the industry or solitary, already
engineering educationexisting
has four product families analyze
key advantages. First, PBLthe
To cope withtothis
2212-8271 © 2020 the augmenting
The classroom
Authors. Published
as well benefits
by Elsevier B.V.
as to besuch able as:
to product structuretoonengage
allows students a physical level (components
in solving complex, and level) which
identify possible optimization potentials in the existing causes
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP Design Conference 2020.difficulties regarding an efficient definition and
production system, it is important to have a precise knowledge comparison of different product families. Addressing this
2212-8271 © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
2212-8271 ©under
The Authors. of Published
the scientific
bycommittee of the CIRP Design Conference 2020.
Elsevier B.V.
This is an©open
2212-8271 2017access article Published
The Authors. under theby CC BY-NC-ND
Elsevier B.V. license (
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of scientific
of the the scientific committee
committee of the of theCIRP
28th CIRP Design
Design Conference
Conference 2020
566 Ramesh Kuppuswamy et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 565–570
2 Ramesh Kuppuswamy, Duncan Mhacure / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

real-world problems where multiple solutions are expected – engineering skills and soft skills such as: communication skills,
unlike in a traditional classroom setting where contrived team-work ability and the understanding of other society
problems are used (Gratchev & Jeng, 2018). Second, PBL gives cultures. This paper explores the project-based learning and
students the opportunity to work collaboratively on real-world assessment of a mechanical design course at the university level
problems which are ill-defined, hence developing critical on its contents and students’ projects. In order to get feedback
thinking skills and teamwork (Neo & Neo, 2009). Third, PBL from the project based mechanical design, focus group
allows students to work on problem like those in world of work, discussions and a survey were conducted, and the results are
students can develop the skills relevant to their professional presented. We asked them about the contribution of the design
careers. project experience on their practical design knowledge and
Table 1: Summary of four selected methods on teaching & assessment whether it had an impact on their performance in their learning.
of product design
Blended learning environments: Encourages the integration of technology
with the traditional face-to-face teaching approaches thus fostering flexible, 2. Framework of the project based mechanical design
interactive, and affective learning environments (Boelens et al., 2018). course
Learners predominantly control the realization of the blended learning
Augmented reality (AR) technology: AR creates a learning experience on In general the design framework for four-year programmes:
interface between real world and computer-generated objects. Future BSc (Eng) in Mechanical Engineering and BSc (Eng) in
engineers require real practical learning. AR provides ways of blending Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering degrees are
virtual and real world thus increasing students’ independent learning, and
maximising resources and time (Martín-Gutiérrez et al., 2015). Teachers
structured according to guiding learning outcomes – students
have limited knowledge on AR software whereas the developers are not should be able to: i) specify, design, develop and evaluate
familiar with creative design education, which makes it difficult to precision mechanical and electro-mechanical components,
incorporate AR.
subsystems or products; ii) have thorough knowledge of
Problem-based learning: A student-centred approach to learning, that
Increases students’ factual knowledge in addition to developing their higher product development procedures and methodologies,
problem- solving skills. Allows students to construct their own knowledge conceptual design, design evaluation, and able to generate
base – which is beyond factual. The archived knowledge enable them to general arrangement (GA) drawings for tender purposes and
solve problem located in unfamiliar contexts. For students who are
unfamiliar with the problem-based learning approach, lack of confidence final client approval; and iii) generate technical data packs
could be a hinderance (Yadav et al., 2011). containing detail drawings and engineering bill of materials
Case-based instruction: Students are taught using cases like the ones they (EBOM) with inclusion of tolerances, machining, welding and
will get in the world of work. It increases students’: problem solving skills;
higher order cognitive skills; understanding concepts; and act as a
material treatment specifications. In the context of this study, a
motivation to learning in general. Students are given the opportunity to see multidisciplinary teamwork project was assigned to the final
complex the application and importance of mechanical engineering year mechanical/electromechanical engineering students.
concepts in the real world without any concerns about the impact of their A teaching exercise towards enhancing the generic
concerns. Has not been used within design engineering because educators
have limited ability to use it in their courses (Holley,2017; Yodav, 2010). knowledge on a product development process was done through
formal lectures and weekly tutorial sessions. In addition, the
In addition to developing long-term knowledge retention, students are supported through scaffolding of the design
the use of real-world problems in PBL, motivates the students activities; formal and informal consultations with the lecturer;
to engage with the learning activities (Zhou et al., 2012; Uziak, workshop activities; and through peer interactions – where
2016). Last, through demonstrating how theories can be applied students use each other’s thinking as resources. A digital
to find solutions of ill-defined real-world problems, PBL platform was created for the course and in this platform both
strongly supports the integration of theory and practice (Shekar, lecture notes and design support information such as: material
2014). Kapusuz and Can (2014) also argue that PBL provides standards, industrial catalogue, geometric, dimension and
more effective pedagogy when integrating institutional tolerances and machine element standards were uploaded. Fig.1
curriculum and the skills demands for the world of work. In this shows the PBL towards executing the design project for
paper we argue that the engineering education design successful completion of the mechanical design course.
curriculum, should offer students the opportunities to From time to time assessment is done to evaluate the success
experience engineering design the way it is practiced and of the PBL and applied necessary course corrections such as:
simulated in industry – these opportunities can be provided for additional explanations on project instructions, additional
using project-based learning (Lopez-Quero, 2014). Barroso et formal and informal scaffolding were done. Shown in Fig. 2 is
al. (2016, p. 249) argues that “it is certainly clear that any the assessment framework for the PBL of a project driven
improvement to the existing lecture-centric programs that mechanical design course. In this study, data constitutes focus
dominate engineering would be welcomed by students, industry group interviews and satisfactory survey of students about their
and accreditors alike”. The central question that this paper seeks experiences of using PBL to acquire mechanical design skills
to address is: How does PBL in an undergraduate engineering as outlined by the design courses guiding principles. Students’
course promote the development of mechanical design skills performance on assignments were tested for correlation and
required in the world of work? Design projects encourage the significance differences. By tracking graduate students who are
students to be active and creative, cope with engineering already working in the industry, the study seeks to investigate
challenges and get practical experience. As a result of business the impact of the mechanical design course using PBL had
world globalization, many industrial companies operate in a prepared them to solve design tasks they encountered in the
vibrant and multicultural environment. They realized that workplace.
engineers work in their company meet the both technical
Ramesh Kuppuswamy et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 565–570 567
Ramesh Kuppuswamy, Duncan Mhacure/ Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000 3

Fig.1: Framework of PBL for a mechanical design course

Fig. 2: Assessment framework of PBL in a mechanical design course

assessment was devised to check both theoretical and practical

A two-stage assessment was imparted on the mechanical knowledge required for the product design project.
design course. In the first stage the knowledge garnered by the
student was assessed through administration of assignments and 3. Project-based learning methodology
project report for a given design project. A systematic design
process was taught, and the students were evaluated on the A team project task was given to the students of product
specific knowledge elements such as: problem formation, design course and the details of a typical project task is given
design planning, design analysis, lifecycle cost computation and below.
a detailed design in the form of engineered part drawings and • Project task: Design a Two and half axes basic SCARA
assembly drawings. In the second stage the knowledge elements ROBOT (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) for an
were corroborated against the learning outcomes stipulated by industrial application as a part of the product design course. The
the Engineering Council of South Africa. As a result, this
568 Ramesh Kuppuswamy et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 565–570
4 Ramesh Kuppuswamy, Duncan Mhacure / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

proposed basic SCARA ROBOT (see Fig.3) system may 4. Results and discussion
consist of several modules such as: Basic Structure & X axis; Y Fig. 4 show the examples of three different students’ designs
axis; Z -axis; End of Arm Tooling; supportive fixturing for (in 3D model) of the project product.
assembly; and Controller. Each full axis (X & Y) would include
positional and velocity loop whereas the half axis which is Z
axis is intended to use for pick and place and hence only
positional loop is to be included. Therefore, Z axis termed as
half axis. A team of 4 engineers, consisting of both mechanical
and electro-mechanical engineers, have assembled to execute
the design of each sub-module design in the short time frame
available. Each team have a system engineer whose main task
is to integrate the team member’s work and deliver a quality
output that meets the project requirement. The roles and
responsibility of the project team are given in Table. 2. The
students are expected to apply a comprehensive approach duly
considering user needs, planning and managing the process,
evaluation of alternatives, analysing techno-economic
performance and communicating the design solution. As a part
of the project build-up initial attempts were centred on building
the project using scientific tools such as Product requirement
specifications (PRS) of the system/sub-system, Functional
analysis (FA) of the system, Quality function diagram (QFD)
with appropriate assessment of the different design concepts,
Annotated Sketches of the design alternatives and resource Fig. 4: Three different designs demonstrated by the students
planning. Upon completion of the design concepts the students after the implementation of PBL method
were expected to build a decision support matrix to identify the
most suitable design for the intended task. The selected concept As a result of the PBL methodology students have
would then be subject to a life cycle costing analysis and demonstrated their ability to systematically formulate the
computation of “VALUE” which is a ratio of “WORTH” to design, and able to deliver a quality design output. The design
“LIFE CYCLE COST”. This will enable the students to consists of both manufacturing components, standard
understand the major expected gains in the new design. components and bought out sub-units. Furthermore, the
Necessary adjustments to enhance the VALUE would then be students have extended their thought process towards creating
evolved through further fine tuning the design, manufacturing the SCARA robot design for variety of applications such as
and assembly. Upon satisfactory magnitude of the “VALUE” a inspection of Printed Circuit Board (PCB), dispensing of liquid
detailed design consists of 3D models, assembly drawings and and assembly of capsule bottles. Also, different designs invert
bill of materials were developed. mounting, and stand-alone mounting of the SCARA Robot
were noted that depicts the in-depth learning abilities of the
Table 2: Roles and responsibilities of the project team PBL method. The success of the PBL was evaluated using a
Role Responsibility survey administered to the students who had successfully
Systems engineer Overall system design, Basic structure design X-
Axis Unit design completed the product design course and have become
Design engineer A Y-Axis unit design practicing engineers. Nearly 78% of the past students (21
respondents) have responded to the survey and more than 50%
Design engineer B Z-axis design, controller
of the past students were working in a product design intensive
Design engineer C End of arm tooling, Fixturing for the application
industry. The past students were asked to respond to each
statement by choosing a score from one to five. It was stated
that a score of five indicates that the past student is in very high
agreement of the stipulated statement whereas a score of 1
implies that the past student has a very low agreement with the
mentioned statement. The survey questions were devised into
three categories such as: knowledge, skills and values. The
knowledge category refers to the direct information
disseminated through formal lectures. The skills category refers
to the application of knowledge to resolve the given product
design problem with some assistance from the tutors and
lecturer. The values refer to the wisdom or the takeaway skill
to the industries. Table 3 shows the questions asked and the
average weightage of their response. The past students (84%)
agreed that the PBL method has enhanced their knowledge
content of the course. However, while executing the knowledge
Fig. 3: Project sketch of the Basic SCARA ROBOT
Ramesh Kuppuswamy et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 565–570 569
Ramesh Kuppuswamy, Duncan Mhacure/ Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000 5

content into a design output, several students have faced suggests that the samples were drawn from a different
difficulties and hence only 74% of the respondents confirmed population as the survey statements were different. In addition
that knowledge was truly transformed into design skills. Eighty to the satisfactory survey of the students, focus group
percent (80%) of the past students acknowledged that the discussions were also conducted. Table 5 shows the summary
product design skills acquired from the use of PBL as an of the focus group questions and the students’ responses to the
instructional methodology, enabled them to effectively function questions.
in an industrial atmosphere where designing products was the Table 4: ANOVA Comparison tests on (A) knowledge and
mainstay. To further demonstrate the correlation between the skills (B) skills and values
knowledge and skills, ANOVA tests were performed. A one- Table 4A
way ANOVA test was applied to compare the effect of a single Analysis of Variance Results
factor on the different groups: knowledge, skills and values. Source DF SS MS F P
The findings of ANOVA Comparison tests on (i) knowledge Total 41 9.3326 0.2276
and skills (ii) skills and values are shown in Table 4 A and Table A 1 3.4572 3.4572 23.5364 <0.0001
4B. Error 40 5.8754 0.1468
Table 3: Summary of respondents’ survey and results DF: Degree of freedom; SS: Sum of Squares; MS: Mean square; F
Claim statement for assessment by Detail Average weightage of the
value: Ratio of mean square over error mean square; and P value:
the past students statement in agreement implies statically different between groups
Knowledge Skills Value Table 4B
Does the PBL enabled you to analyse 4.38
and define the design problem, and
Analysis of Variance Results
identify the criteria to reach an Source DF SS MS F P
Nearly 78% of the past students have responded the survey and more than 50% of the past students were working in a

acceptable solution?
Does the PBL instructional method 3.8
Total 41 5.191 0.1266
provides adequate information and A 1 1.2862 1.2862 13.1762 0.0008
applicable engineering knowledge to
handle the given product design Error 40 3.9047 0.0976
challenge? DF: Degree of freedom; SS: Sum of Squares; MS: Mean square; F
value: Ratio of mean square over error mean square; and P value:
Does the PBL method enable you 4.4
select a best solution using implies statically different between groups
engineering tools such as quality
function diagram, decision support
matrix? Table 5: Summary of findings from the focus group discussions
Do the lectures give exposure to 4.5 FC question Participants say
conduct a literature/patent search Explain •While working as a group, realistic data were harnessed
across the scientific search your in the design formulation process especially on tools:
platforms? thoughts on Quality function diagram and Functional analysis
The product design course, using 3.8 the design •The PBL facilitates learning by doing but the multi-
PBL as an instructional strategy, has problem dimensional challenges hindered the project completion
imparted a practical knowledge on formation
the design, manufacturing and
within the short time frame
assembly with emphasis on
while using •While devising the functional analysis output a severe
economics, fool proof and the PBL lack of information among team members was noted but
innovation methodology. the scaffolding support by the tutors addressed some of
The use of the PBL to teach the 3.6 our concerns effectively
product design course contribute Any thoughts • While evolving a design solution with active
beyond what was learned in other on design participation of team members a shift from artistic to
courses. concept engineering design was noted.
Does the PBL instructional method 3.5 formation • Tutorial sessions has helped to fine tune the concept
enable you to work in a team to
product design intensive industry.

and designs
effectively execute and deliver the
design tasks?
Does the PBL instructional method 4.0 Any thoughts • The group discussion has enabled to understand
enable you to access, comprehends on life cycle sensitivity of the design change on LCC.
and applies knowledge acquired costing • PBL method opens unlimited thought leads and hence
outside formal instruction? (LCC) finishing the project in time remains as a daunting task
Does the PBL instructional method 4.65
• The concurrent lecture sessions helped a lot to establish
enable you to critically challenge the necessary equations for the LCC computations.
assumptions and embraces new Share your • PBL method creates a healthy competition between
thinking? experience team members especially on project completion.
on the • While integrating design corrections were required on
detailed the sub-units. This creates some conflict between
Statics such as P & F factor were used to analyse the data. P & design using members as different students have different priorities.
F factor enables to establish the relationship between the the PBL • Design for manufacture and assembly was not formally
different categories: knowledge, skills and values. The smaller method thought on the lecture hours. However, the tutorial
the “P” value, the smaller the probability of making mistakes sessions were helpful to make design corrections that
facilitate ease of manufacture and assemble.
by rejecting the null hypothesis, and consequently, the larger
• Lack of practical and commercial information for the
the corresponding coefficient. By evaluating the P-values of the sub-systems and standard machine components delay the
parameters: knowledge and skills, it is found that the P-values design project completion. However, the tutors and
which is smaller than 0.05 confirms a larger satisfaction on lectures support were immensely useful to stay in the
right track.
knowledge than the values. On a similar note it was observed
that there exists different level of satisfaction between skills and
This discussion has enabled us to deepen our understanding of
values. The values of “F” in Table 4A & 4B which is >1
the challenges and opportunities experienced by the students
570 Ramesh Kuppuswamy et al. / Procedia CIRP 91 (2020) 565–570
6 Ramesh Kuppuswamy, Duncan Mhacure / Procedia CIRP 00 (2020) 000–000

during the PBL method adopted in the product design course. Duston, A. J., Todd, R. H., Magleby, S. P., & Sorensen, C. D.
The student’s past performance on design subjects were (1997). A review of literature on teaching engineering design
considered to establish the focus group composition. The focus through project-oriented capstone courses. Journal of
group comprises of three students of each group: best, average Engineering Education, 86(1), 17-28.
and marginal students of the class. At the start of the focus Kupusuz, K. Y., & Can, S. (2014). A survey on lifelong
group discussion, the course convener had introduced the topics learning and project-based learning among engineering
such as: problem formation, concept development, concept students. Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, 116,
evaluations, life cycle costing and the detailed design. The 4187 – 4192. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.914.
focus group discussion was devised to be exploratory in nature Gratchev, I., & Jeng, D. S. (2018). Introducing a project-based
seeking to identify and explain thought processes and assignment in a traditionally taught engineering course.
European Journal of Engineering Education, 43(5), 788-799.
experiences on the PBL adopted for their product design course.
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