FALLSEM2020-21 MAT2001 ETH VL2020210101214 Reference Material I 14-Jul-2020 Measure of Central Tendancy PDF

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There are two basic properties of a quantitative data set that are com- monly studied. These are central tendency and variability (or dispersion) Central Tendency: Quite often it is found that the entries in data set cluster around a central (or middle) value. This behavior of the data set is called the central tendency. The main Challenge is to locate a central value around which the clustering takes place. Three standard methods to measure the location of central tendency are: o@ Mean @ Median @ Mode Variability or Dispersion: Variability or dispersion of data set means the amount of discrepancies among the data entries. There are several ways to measure dispersion or variability in a data set and these are: e Range @ Quartile deviation @ Variance @ Standard deviation Measure op Cenbal terclen om Average top Op oNitorte aba On RverDe Green a ce which B mak represenred Ga pum be sna vob oo Ib Gren vepresenteen a green sep wo ibe pic Vale 5) he sep [debe)- In Sheba pes, re fervee res ay conhrt Pendencg p< lornmon C mectirer mean, mediar aod modes Gm) Gwen '@ olobe F a observes turs Ler fe be MI 787 ya £% meen = = fo Ww median roiddle number Qe Te. Sen other SARI mmrddlenumben + fe, n-odd meawr © 4 mec} eRe ave Dunahes | PEP rede pes) vepected rymnew Go Mish Como nuaber. Exemper a lee te mete DY Gund J & Sudeok one LL 2,2,3, 545 +5 meen = (tly Bd ETsEHHIT 2) ag im) ¥ median = 243 as z mode = Omer 2 wd 2? @ An Pepeated ‘fu ceo) Exemplere ) Gren a fof *3,3,2,3,32, 09 meen = UE 2 19k medion ~ 3 mote = 3 & Woe too celled. out ber [e re cash te meer] Measures de senbst beodenry Swen, Se stedenk mark en ye de i a go v2 we 48 won ee 4 Set Be be bye Se Ge ty ws oS) He Re te eo es el oc) an ake Ad ee BRAT eye = eniey + 26" Coho _ by rly - oy m4 > Exercise Pay package in lakhs for 50 students is given below: 18 17.4 16.5 15.9 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 ll pat 11 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.2 10.2 99 99 oo 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.3 9.3 8.5 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 83 8.2 17 17 17 17 1B 17 17 17 6.9 6.9 6 Compute the mean, median and mode Given a raw data set, we can rearrange it in two different ways. * Frequency distribution or Discrete frequency distribution: Using the frequency of the variable we can arrange it. This representation of the data is known as frequency distribution. Grouped frequency distribution or Continuous frequency distribution: Again we can arrange it for the class intervals. For this situation, it is called as Grouped frequency distribution of the variable. Discrete Distribution Sven, So Bhdents mare e ay AZ be a a 42 73 be we Se ae isp a, WT i ee A tai Mp EF +e ee ee sa. ce Gy ut Sl ae ss eG is eo Se s4 os ty Ci cy 2 24 os" a 7 * 4 54 Ko bo 63 The contnovs Frequency Distibution 6H bb clue , freqrenyy 6 Fi os a 7m Bo-e : a “a ge 3e s 2 gse—be 1 be ~22 ae 18 yo- f° e 2 Bo-Jo iS aa qele> 2 a9 a0 0-30 0 My REECE, Ferner a ee en Arithmetic Mean or Average + In case of the discrete frequency distribution: If f;’s are the frequencies of the variable x;’s then mean #=23 fini. where n =} f;. “+ In case of the continuous frequency distribution: If f;’s are the frequencies of the variable x;’s then mean Lnidvalue of each class)x fi 2 Lfi Example: Find the arithmetic mean of the following frequency dis- sribution: x: I 2 3 4 5 f: 5 9 1217 14 Solution: E f Sk 1 S s 2 9 18 3 12 36 4 17 68 5 14 70 6 10 60 7 6 42 B 299 gel = ML 4, z=y Lfxs 73 = 4.09 an Example: Calculate the arithmetic mean of the marks from the following table : Marks 10-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 No, of students ; 12 18 27 20 17 6 Solution: Marks No. of students Mid - point i 1) x) 0-10 12 5 10-20 18 15 270 20-30 27 25 675 30-40 20 35 700 40-50 17 45 765 50-60 6 55 330 Total 100 + 2,800 e a ool 1 Arithmetic mean or X= N tfs= 700 * 2,800 = 28 - make the data into continous frequency distribution. Then find the mean. So Skdents mark apo owe? 33 bh oe ~ oe ee won ee 4 Pe ee oy ky eR e2 og be ST 4b te ty oa se oo 2s = ee ee The Continous Frequency Distibution Diecrete Ereaveney Detnbaton) close fregrenty mivl poo} Fregnenty 2. oy i Fi : Fi a Bo-ke a 35 - 2 gos? L 4s é me > 47 ” ee & g ee 17 > crm Bode a 65 ge—le2 = £ - 95 2 Calculation of mean by using deviation concept: Sometime the values of the variable (x) or frequency (f) or both are large. Then, the calculation of mean by previous formulas is quite time-consuming. Hence, to avoid such situations we are calculating mean by taking the deviations of the given values from any arbitrary point “A” as explained below: - 1 Discrete frequency distribution: ¥ = A+ ie Yfid;, where “A” is an arbitrary point, d, = x; - AandN=Ef,. ws h Continuous frequency distribution: X = A + e Yhid;, where “A” is an arbitrary point, "h” is the magnitude of class interval in A 3 . and N =)\f,. Here, d; = = where X;’s are the mid value of each class. Example: Calculate the mean for the following frequency distribution. Class-interval : 0-8 816 16-24 24-32 32440 40-48 Frequency : 8 7 16 24 Is 7 Solution: Class-interval mid-vaiue Frequency da(xAjih fd x Sa) 4 = = 8-16 12 7 2 -I4 16-24 20 16 =, -16 24-32 28 24 0 0 32-40 36 15 1 15 40-48 4 1... 2 14 TT 25 “Hire we ake A= 28 and i=’. Es A+ abla. B+ §xt- 2D). 28- me. 25-404 Median for Discrete Frequency Distribution In case of discrete frequency distribution median is obtained by considering the cumulative frequencies. The steps for calculating median are given below: (i) Find N/2, whereN = © ff. i (ii) See the (less than) cumulative frequency (c,f.) just greater thah N/2. (iii) The corresponding value of x is median. Example: Obtain the median for the following frequency distribution: a5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8B 9 fs & 10 Uo 1 2 25) IS 9 6 Solution: x a 1 8g 8 2 10 18 3 ty 29 4 16 45 5 20 x 6 25 90 T 1s 105 8 9 114 9 6 120 120 Hence N=120 = N/2=60 Cumulative frequency (c,f.) just greater than N/2, is 65 and the value of x Corresponding to 65 is 5. Therefore, median is 5. : Medio . For Contionus frequency distribution « Mier Medien = L+ 27 xe F Here, Fis) Idombly fhe medion less, The class corresponding to the cumulative frequency just greater to N/2 is the median class. Ph Cp — Commulehee frequency before median Closs foe, @ Ine medien eles C- Sve Y Be Hoos mnbewal Co L = wbeiver kirk oy Poe red foosumoe Suoenten = 10 £ ae . Nee me Gove Hsee = median less tooe (21.5 —¢) = 4695 medsan = hoot Ze = Wor fr BW, Clove, F~F Example: Find the median wage of the following distribution : Wages (in Rs.) : 20-30 30-40 40—50 50-60 60—70 No. of labourers’: 3 $ 20 i0 5 Solution: Wages (in Rs.) No. of labourers cf. 20—30 3° 3 30-—40 5 8 40—S0 20 28 50—80 10 38 60—70 5 43 Here N/2= 43/2= 21-5 .Cumolative frequency just greater than 21:5 is 28 and the corresponding class is 40-50. Thus median class is 40-50. Median = 40+ 39.215 - 8)= 40+ 675 =, 46-75 Thus median wage is Rs. 46-75. pede? pode B obsho lube? Fey ohstrete ne ep ree vem ole (>) ” 5 mode = NE ie emo W- Covrespor Example: For the following discrete frequency distribution, 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 f 4 9 6 2 22 5 7 a the value of x corresponding to the maximum frequency, viz.,25is4, Hence mode is 4, pode chsh bebso gue Feqrenty Fr ye Cone on : be oy bf AU mode ay Gf (feb) First identify the modal class, The class with a maximum frequency is the modal class. be he Lower Lorait gp model Aes raedlel close pe pe mogrotrde ae ea se GB L ; ote PIF celeotes precednp fo anit fx A amet saceeD whet pe rovdlet eee Q Gasmpe® : modal clas * gone rede. Earnple a Fe sa! omded, Example: Find the mode for the following distribution : Class - interval: 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 Frequency : $§ 8 7 2 28 20 id 10 Solution: Here maximum frequency is 28. Thus the class 40-50 is the modal class. the value of mode is given by x 10(28-12) ie Mode 40+ xB 12-29) = 10+ 6666 = 4667 approx.) Find the median and mode for the following three type of distributions. Discrete Frequency ay ae we ne 3g (a) oe oe won ee 4 sea by 4 oe a2 og be St 4b Seo te Bo oo s = a, ot bee ‘The Continous Frequency Distibution Deeg ere frequency Distipudon! clase freqrenyy mie poo Freqnenty % xs i f Fi a () aye . (b) i : 2 ose ae es ss : — FF fe & z ee 17 - crm Boe 65 ge—le2 = - 95 2s Geometric Mean (G) Geometric mean of a set of n observations is the ath root of their product. Thus the geometric mean G,’of m observations 4; ,4=1,2,..,0 is G=@i.m... 2) ‘The computation is facilitated by the use of logarithms. Taking logarithm of both sides, we get 1 “pgG= 2 (log + logmt...+ loga) == = loga i=l O= aniog |S z ™ | Geometric Mean (Continued) In case of frequency distribution x |,fi, (i= 1,2, ...,”) geometric mean, G is given by . goad n G= [ xf xBox ie where N= Lf is! Taking logarithms of both sides, we get 1 log G= 45 hi log m+ frlogxet ... + fxl0g x) Lt = & fi logx tf log Thus we see that logarithm of G is the arithmetic mean of the logarithms of the given values. = Anos (5 sings) i= In the case of grouped or continuous frequency distribution, x is taken to be the value. corresponding to the mid-point of the class-intervals. Harmonic Mean (H) Harmonic mean of a number of observations is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the‘reciprocals of the given values. Thus, harmonic mean H, of n observations x;, i= 1, 2,...,1 is H.——1 4 = = (1x) Min Incase of frequency distribution 3;|f;, (i= 1,2,...,"), Wa (We Bal 7 iat wz, (Ms) 4, wneen, EAI Onde Made 5d (meen meted) Mean — meelion = B 2 Smedina— 2007" 7 » Mode

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