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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College

Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)

First Semester 2020-2021

Week 3
Date September 7-11, 2020
Module Title Basic Principles in Physical Fitness Training

After completion of this module, you should be able to:
1. Name and describe the basic principles in physical fitness training
2. Explain how the FITT formula helps you build fitness.
3. Explain the principle of warm-up and a cool-down.
4. Determine Your Maximum Heart Rate
5. Discuss the value of writing goals and learn how to write S.M.A.R.T goals
6. Design a Physical Activity Log

It is the aim of physical fitness training to expose the body safely to stimuli that cause physiological
and structural adaptations to take place. Positive benefits include the increased capacity of the
body to work for longer periods before the onset of fatigue and the rapid return of the body to
normal once the activity has ceased.

Conversely, there is still much to know about training and despite of the existence of recent training
techniques, there are several fundamental and well established guidelines which form as the basis
for the development of any training programme (Plowman & Smith, 2015).

Ultimately, the only person who can force you to train is yourself. Once you have got over the
barriers of wanting to place stress on your body, you will need to consider how you are going to
introduce that stress. You must fully understand that all training, at its core, is about the
manipulation of stress upon the body. You would apply stress to the body in the form of hard
training and then recover, which allows the body to adapt and get stronger. To improve further
and consistently, you need to continually increase the amount of stress as the body adapts and
returns to homeostasis. To aid your fitness training, there are some principles which you may wish
to consider.


Activity 1: Basic Principles of Physical Fitness
Please refer to Module 2 Answer Sheets

READ ME: Principles of Physical Fitness Training

Every PhysEd 1 student should have The Physical Fitness Training Principles as a foundation for
their programme design. Physical activity plays a large role in peoples lives. Whether you take
part in activity for enjoyment or because you’re aiming to achieve a specific goal, exercise will place
stress on your body. Understanding the physical fitness principles will allow you to monitor the
stress (exercise load) placed upon yourself in order to make the training safe and effective and
helping you to achieve their goals. So let’s take a look at the principles, their definitions and what
they actually mean in lay terms.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
Principle 1: Overload
The body will adapt to the workload placed upon it. The more you do, the more you will be capable
of doing. This is how all the fitness improvements occur when exercising and training.
For the body to adapt it needs to be overloaded. This means that when you are working out, you
should strive to somehow increase the workload above what you did on your previous workout to
create a training adaptation. This increase in workout stress can be a very small increase, as many
small increases over time will eventually be a large increase or adaptation.

To determine how to increase the workload of a given workout you need to understanding the
F.I.T.T Principle.

Watch & Observe

The Overload Principle:

Principle 2: F.I.T.T.
An easy way to get started on developing a personal fitness program is utilizing the F.I.T.T. principle.
This acronym stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type. These are the areas in which you
could increase or overload in order to improve physical fitness.
F = Frequency of training - this refers to how often you will exercise or the number of training ‘
session either daily or weekly in order to find a balance that provides just enough stress for the
body to adapt and also allows enough rest time for healing
I = Intensity of training - this refers to the amount of effort or work that must be completed in a
specific exercise and this too requires a good balance to ensure that the intensity is hard
enough to overload the body, but not so difficult that it results in over training, injury or
T = Type of training - What type of exercise will you be doing? Will an exercise session be primarily
cardiovascular, resistance training or a combination of both? And, what specific exercises will
you perform.
T = Time of training (duration) - the amount of time spent training per session or per day. This will
vary based on the intensity and type.

FITT Principle:

Combining The Overload Principle and The F.I.T.T. Principle

F.I.T.T Resistance Training Cardiovascular Training
Frequency Increase the number of workout days Increase the number of workout days
Intensity Increase the resistance / weight Increase pace or % of Max. Heart Rate
Increase time involved in exercise or
Time Increase time involved in exercise
Increased repetitions.
Type Changing the exercise but still working the Changing the workout to a different
same area of the body cardio exercise. Ex. jogging to jump rope

Activity 2: Designing an Exercise Program using the FITT Principle

Please refer to Module 2 Answer Sheets

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
Principle 3: Specificity
How you exercise should be specific to your goals.

Your body’s response to training is based on the specific stimulus (training) applied. So, to increase
adaptation (results), exercise should be specific to an individual’s goals, tasks, movements and
capabilities. It is also known as the Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands (SAID) principle.

If your main goal is simply health, fitness and weight management, you should focus on total body
strength, cardio and a healthy diet. Make sure your training matches your goals.

Principle 4: Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are required to allow the body time to adapt to exercise.

Rest and Recovery is essential for reaching your weight loss and fitness goals. While you can often
do cardio every day (though you may want to rest after very intense workouts) you should have at
least a day of rest between strength training workouts. Make sure you don't work the same muscles
two days in a row to give your body the time it needs to rest and recover.

Adaptation requires recovery time. It is only during the recovery phase (days between workouts)
that the body is able to change and adapt to the stress of the workout. Adaptation allows you to
either do more work or do the same work with a smaller disruption of baseline values.

Recovery can be improved in a variety of ways, such as effective nutrition and hydration, light
aerobic exercise and stretching sessions.

It is important that you receive sufficient rest between training sessions, after periods of increased
training overload and both before and after competition.

You may read further:

Principle 5: Reversibility
Use it or lose it! Basically, if you stop training then the improvements you have made will be
So if you are ill or have a holiday and do not train for a period of time (even as little as a week) you
may not be able to resume training at the point where you left off.

Principle 6: Individuality
This principle maintains that no two individuals will benefit from exercise exactly the same way
physically or psychologically. Difference in genetics, age, experience, body size, and health status can
all affect the outcomes of a workout.
What works for one person may not work for the next. This is important to keep in mind for two
1. Don’t compare yourself to others. Everyone will have a different genetic make-up and life
situation than you, thus even if you are doing the same workouts, you may see different results.
2. Listen to your body. Find what works best for you and stick with it!

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

Principle 7: The Principle of Warm-up and Cool Down

Warm-up: low-intensity activity increases blood flow to the working muscles and prepares them for
high-intensity tasks. Proper warm-up increases body temperature

Cool down: helps transfer blood from working muscles back to vital organs. Cool down also is
essential for removing waste.

Read Me: Determine your Maximum Heart Rate
Have you ever felt your heart beating quickly during a workout and stopped to check your pulse on
your wrist or neck?

Your pulse determines your heart rate, or how many times your heart beats in one minute. Pulse
rates differ from person to person based on various factors, such as weight and activity level.

To get the best results, you should exercise below your maximum heart rate in what is referred to as
your target heart rate; this will guarantee that you are achieving the ideal intensity level for your
goals. Knowing and monitoring your maximum heart rate while you're active can be a powerful
gauge of your intensity level and help you to avoid over- or underexercising.

Heart Rate by Age

The traditional method, also known as HRmax, is a simple way of gauging your maximum heart
rate. Start by subtracting your age from 220. Then, use the result to calculate your range.
For example:
If you're 50 years old, the calculation would be: 220 - 50 = 170 (HRmax).
To calculate your heart rate on the high end of the suitable range (about 75 percent of your max
heart rate), multiply 170 by 0.75 (max intensity) to get about 128 beats per minute (bpm).

Heart Rate by Age and Gender

This method is more precise in predicting the risk of heart-related issues during a stress test. This
new formula for women is 206 minus 88 percent of their age:
For a 50-year-old, 206 - (50 x 0.88) = 162 bpm.

Heart Rate by Age and Resting Heart Rate

Your resting heart rate is a valuable metric to determine your fitness level and heart health. A
range of factors can affect your resting heart rate, including your body size, activity level, and body

According to the American Heart Association, the average person's resting heart rate should be
between 60 and 100 bpm. You'll need to know how to find your pulse in order to calculate your
resting heart rate.

The Karvonen method, otherwise known as the heart rate reserve (HRR) formula, takes your resting
heart rate into consideration by introducing the difference between your maximum heart rate and
your resting heart rate.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

Karvonen Formula

220 (-) Age (-) RHR (x) Intensity (+) RHR = Target Heart Rate

Example of 30 year old with a resting heart rate of 70

Threshold Heart Rate (minimum heart rate)

 Step one: 220 – 30 (age) = 190 (maximal heart rate)
 Step two: 190 (mhr) – 70 (resting heart rate) = 120 (heart rate range)
 Step three: 120 (hrr) x .60 (threshold percent) = 60 + 70 (RHR) = 144 (THR)

Target Ceiling Rate (maximum heart rate)

 Step one: 220 – 30 (age) = 190 (maximal heart rate)
 Step two: 190 (mhr) – 70 (resting heart rate) = 120 (heart rate range)
 Step three: 120 (hrr) x .85 (target ceiling percent) = 102 + 70 (rhr) = 172 (TCR)

Target Heart Rate Zone 144 – 172 beats per minute

Watch and Learn:

Finding Your Heart Rate

 Radial Pulse – Use the first and second finger to find a pulse at your wrist.
 Carotid Pulse – Use the first and second finger to find a pulse at your neck.

 Resting Heart Rate - Relaxed, quiet, comfortable, base for your workout. Best taken in the
morning when you wake up (30 seconds x 2).
 Recovery Heart Rate - Heart's ability to return itself to a normal rhythm after being elevated
during exercise. If you are fit and in good shape, your heart rate should recover quickly.
 Target Heart Rate Zone - Zone you want your heart rate to be in when exercising (60% to 85%
of MHR)

Activity 3: Calculate your Target Heart Rate

Please refer to Module 2 Answer Sheets

Healthy Resting Heart Rate Chart

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
Resting Heart Rate for Men

Resting Heart Rate for Women

Pulse Rate Chart


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

Getting Started: SMART Goal Sheet
Before you start setting your goals, you need to learn how to write a fitness goal. To write goals,
you’re going to use the S.M.A.R.T. goal formula. Your success depends on your fitness goals that
really matter to you. Write down your fitness goals, put them where you can see them, and renew
them regularly.

Here’s how:

1. Set Personal Fitness Goals. Use the My SMART Goal Sheet to set goals that are specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

1.1. Establish Short-Term Goals First

1.2. Establish Lifetime Maintenance Goals
1.3. List Goals in Written Form
1.4. Recognize Obstacles to Achieving Goals

2. Plan Your Activity Calendar. Make a plan to keep active every day. Focus on fun by trying new

3. Record Your Progress. Keep a record of your activities every day


Activity 4: SMART Goal Sheet

Please refer to Module 2 Answer Sheets

Physical Activity Log
You are provided with a Physical Activity Log template on your Module 2 Answer Sheets, where
you will chart your physical activities at home. You can print out extra copies should the need

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021


ACSM’s ertification Review Second Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (2006).
Bushman, B. ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health, Second Edition. Champaign, IL:Human
Kinetics ( 2017).

Corbin, CB, Welk, GJ, Corbin, WR and Welk, CA. Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A
Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach, Eleventh Edition. NY: McGraw-Hill (2015).

Fahey, TD, Insel, PM, Roth , WT AND Insel, CE. Fitwell. Core Concepts and Labs in Physical
Fitness and Wellness, 12th Edition. New York: McGrawHill (2017).

Heyward, VH and Gibson, Ann L. Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Seventh
Edition. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics (2014).

Hoeger, WWK and and Hoeger, S. Fitness and Wellness, 11th Edition. Standford, CT: Cenage
Learning (2015).

Hoeger, S. A., Hoeger & K. Wenner. Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness, Tarrant County
College Department of Kinesiology; 13th Edition Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, USA (2016).

Sallis, J. F., and M. F. Hovell. “Determinants of Exercise Behavior.” Exercise and Sport Science
Reviews 18 (1990): 307–30.

Sallis, J. F., M. F. Hovell, and C. R. Hofstetter. “Predictors of Adoption and Maintenance of Vigorous
Physical Activity in Men and Women.” Preventive Medicine 21.2 (1992): 237–51.

Electronic Publications

American Heart Association. Available from
own_UCM_430168_Article.jsp#.V-kuJ4grKJA Accessed on June 12, 2020.

Bootcamp Military Fitness Institute. The Principles of Training. Last Updated March 2017. Available
/ Accessed on July 4, 2020.

Carone Fitness. Principles of Training. Available from
lesofexercise.pdf Accessed on June 15, 2020.

Dallastown Area School. The five Basic Principles of Fitness. Available from
principles_of_fitness.pdf Accessed on June 17, 2020.

Lifespan Fitness. Available from Accessed on June 22,

Randall K-12. Available from
Accessed on June 24, 2020.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
RiverHawks PE. Available from Accessed on
June 28, 2020.

Shaw, GB. Principles of Physical Fitness. Available from
Accessed on June 17, 2020.

Stadium Sport Physiotherapy. Available from Accessed on June 22, 2020.

Teach PE. Principles of Training. Available from Accessed on June 13, 2020.

The Fitness focus. Available from Accessed on June 17, 2020.

Topend Sports. Available from Accessed on

June 25, 2020.

Verde Valley Hikers. Available from

Accessed on June 14, 2020.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

SURNAME: ______________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________ CLASS SCHEDULE: ___________________
PE TEACHER : ____________________________ SUBMISSION DATE: ___________________


Activity 1Basic Principles of Physical Fitness Training

A. Direction:Read each scenario and decide which principle of exercise the scenario fits into.
Label each one “P” for progression, “O” for overload, and “S” for specificity.

Cardiovascular Endurance: week 1 we ran one lap, week 2 we ran two laps, week 3 we ran
three laps.
I’ve been working with a 20 pound medicine ball and used a 30 pound medicine ball today.

Cardiovascular Endurance: I run 5 laps every day but today I ran 8.


I am performing multiple arm stretches to help me work on my testing for the shoulder
stretch test.
I am working on crunches, curl ups, and oblique curl ups to help develop my abdominal
I have been performing bicep curls. I started with 5 pound weights, moved to 8 pounds and
now I’m at 10 pound weights.
I have been riding my bike every night for the last two weeks. I started with riding 10
7 minutes a day for two weeks, then 15 minutes a day for two weeks, and then 20 minutes a
day for two weeks.
I have been performing 20 lunges a day for the last month but today I did 40.

I’ve been using the exercise bands and working on arm exercises to help develop my upper
body strength.
I’ve been running one lap a day in 2 minutes. Today, I am going to try and run my one lap
in 1:30.
I have increased the number of push ups each week by one. I’m now on week 12 and I’m
performing 12 push ups a day.
I’ve been working on stretching my leg muscles out so that I can do better on the Sit Reach
I started doing 15 curl ups a night for one month. The second month I did 20 curl ups. The
third month I did 25 curl ups.
I’ve been working on lunges to develop my leg muscles so that I can jump higher.

I’ve been working on three sets of 10 push ups three times a week for over two months.
Today, I’ve decided to try three sets of 15 push ups.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
B. Direction: Answer the following questions. Use complete sentences where indicated.

1. TRUE or FALSE (circle) – Sudden stops and starts in your exercise routine can cause more harm
than good to your muscles and joints.
2. How many hours should you give your body to recover from an intense workout? _______________
3. What does “balance” refer to?
4. TRUE or FALSE (circle) – You must overload your muscles to build strength.
5. Nathaniel wants to increase his upper body and cardiovascular strength. He plans to go to the gym
and use his backyard swimming pool to exercise and attain his goals. He plans to lift weights and do
calisthenics on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and swim laps in the pool on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays with a rest on Sunday.

In a paragraph below, explain how Nathaniel can maximize his training by applying the principles of
physical fitness training to his workout routine. Be sure to mention those principles and circle or
highlight them in your paragraph.








6. Explain each of the following considerations that should be taken into account when planning a
training program.
a) Diminishing returns
b) De-training
c) Variety
d) Periodization

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

SURNAME: ______________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________ CLASS SCHEDULE: ___________________
PE TEACHER : ____________________________ SUBMISSION DATE: ___________________


Activity 2
FITT Principles

Direction: Design an exercise programs to improve your favorite activity of sport. Make sure that
your program adheres to the FITT Principle.

Favorite activity or sport chosen ___________________________

FITT Muscular Strength Cardiovascular Flexibility





Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

SURNAME: ______________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________ CLASS SCHEDULE: ___________________
PE TEACHER : ____________________________ SUBMISSION DATE: ___________________


Activity 3
Target Heart Rate Range

A. Direction: Calculate your heart rate zones using both formulas:

1. What does it mean if your heart rate is not within your target heart rate range when you are done
exercising or participating in a physical activity?

2. What should you do if you take your pulse (heart rate) during activity and it is above your target
heart rate range? WHY?

3. What should you do if you take your pulse (heart rate) during activity and it is below your target
heart rate range? WHY? ____________________________________________________________

4. For each station, record your heart rate. Then comment on why you feel you were or were not
exercising in the target zone at that time.

5. A person’s maximum heart rate, R, at age A years can be calculated using the formula R = 220 − A.
5.1. Larissa is 18 years old. What is her maximum heart rate?
5.2. The optimal heart rate range during exercise is between 60% and 80% of a person’s maximum
heart rate. What is Larissa’s optimal exercise heart range?

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
6. Watch, perform and record your heart rate on the next page.

Jumping Jacks

Butt kicks


Push ups


Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021
SURNAME: ______________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________
COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________ CLASS SCHEDULE: ___________________
PE TEACHER : ____________________________ SUBMISSION DATE: ___________________


Activity 4
Goal Setting

Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bounded

Is it important to
What is it that Who? What? How much? How
what you want to
you want to Why? Where? often? How Achievable? By when?
achieve? When? many?
Short Term

Short Term

Short Term

Long Term

Long Term

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021

SURNAME: ______________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________

COURSE AND YEAR: ______________________ CLASS SCHEDULE: ___________________
PE TEACHER : ____________________________ SUBMISSION DATE: ___________________


Activity 5

Felt great today.
 swept & mopped the
 10 minutes Had a good sleep.
 Light Ate too much at
 walked around my
EXAMPLE  20 minutes  Moderate dinner. Feel a bit
 Vigorous stressed about
 Jogged around my  30 minutes math test
house tomorrow.











Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Physical Education 1 (PHYSED 1)
First Semester 2020-2021



DAY 10

DAY 11

DAY 12


DAY 13

DAY 14

DAY 15


DAY 16

DAY 17

DAY 18

Consider ways to increase your physical activity:

 Add activity. Find a new activity that you enjoy. Walk for 15 to 30 minutes before you sit
down for your favourite TV show or as a break during your work day.

 Trade active time for inactive time. Take a walk after dinner, ride an exercise bike or do
curl-ups while watching TV, walk to return video rentals or to pick up small grocery items.

 Do more of what you are already doing. Walk at a faster pace, walk for 30 minutes instead of
20, or walk five times a week instead of three times.

 Work a little harder. Turn your walks into power walks or jogs.


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