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Adjective + Comparative -Comparative + Superlative -Superlative Español

Angry Angrier Less angry The angriest The least angry Enfadado
Bad Worse ------------------------ The worst ------------------------- Malo/peor
Beautiful More beautiful Less beautiful The most beautiful The least beautiful Bonito
Big Bigger ------------------------ The biggest ------------------------- Grande
Boring More boring Less boring The most boring The least boring Aburrido
Careful More careful Less careful The most careful The least careful Cuidadoso
Clean Cleaner Less clean The cleanest The lest cleaner Limpio
Clever Cleverer The cleverest Listo
Cold Colder The coldest Frío
Colourful More colourful The most colourful Colorido
Confident More confident The most confident Seguro
Crazy Crazier The craziest Loco
Cute Cuter The cutest Mono
Dark Darker The darkest Oscuro
Difficult More difficult The most difficult Difícil
Dirty Dirtier The dirtiest Sucio
Early Earlier The earliest Pronto
Easy Easier The easiest Fá cil
Exciting More exciting The most exciting Emocionante
Famous More famous The most famous Famoso
Fantastic More fantastic The most fantastic Fantá stico
Fast Faster The fastest Rá pido
Friendly Friendlier The friendliest Amigable
Funny Funnier The funniest Divertido
Generous More generous The most generous Generoso
Good Better ------------------------ The best ------------------------- Bien/mejor
Great Greater The greatest Genial
Happy Happier The happiest Feliz
Hard Harder The hardest Duro
Hard-working More hard-working The most “” Trabajador
Adjective + Comparative -Comparative + Superlative -Superlative Español
Healthy Healthier The healthiest Sano
High Higher The highest Alto
Hot Hotter The hottest Caliente
Hungry Hungrier The hungriest Hambriento
Interesting More interesting The most “” Interesante
Kind Kinder The kindest Amable
Lazy Lazier The laziest Perezoso
Light Lighter The lightest Claro
Little Less Most Poco
Lively Livelier The liveliest Animado
Long Longer The longest Largo
Mean Meaner The meanest Mezquino/tacañ o
Naughty Naughtier The naughtiest Travieso
New Newer The newest Nuevo
Nice Nicer The nicest Simpá tico
Noisy Noisier The noisiest Ruidoso
Old Older/ elder The oldest/eldest Viejo
Quick Quicker The quickest Rá pido
Quiet Quieter The quietest Tranquilo
Sad Sadder The saddest Triste
Selfish More selfish The most selfish Egoísta
Short Shorter The shortest Corto
Shy shyer The shyest Tímido
Small Smaller The smallest Pequeñ o
Strong Stronger The strongest Fuerte
Sweet Sweeter The sweetest Dulce
Tall Taller The tallest Alto
Terrible More terrible The most terrible Terrible
Thirsty Thirstier The thirstiest Sediento
Young Younger The youngest Joven

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