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We, the students of CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY with the help of God, and believing in

the need for a better organized student government, and in the development of the youth as

future leaders of the nation, hereby form a unified student organization that shall embody the

ideals and principles of democracy, in collective efforts to promote the welfare of all students

and academic standards of our Alma Mater, do hereby promulgate and adopt this constitution

and by-laws that will promote, implement and maintain our goals and aspirations.


Section 1: This DOCUMENT shall be known as the 2017 Central Student Government

Constitution and By-Laws of Cavite State University.

Section 2: Nature of the Central Student Government. The CSG shall be the highest

governing student body in Cavite State University.


Section 1: The name of the organization shall be known as the Central Student

Government –Trece Martires City Campus (CSG).

Section 2: The office of the CSG is located at the Barangay Gregorio Trece Martires

City, Cavite.

Section 1: The CSG shall promote mutual understanding through social, civic,

recreational and educational programs and activities to develop globally

competitive and morally upright individuals.

Section 2: The CSG shall have the following objectives:

 Develop love of God, country and nature, moral character, discipline,

and self-confidence for effective and efficient leadership;

 Maintain school aspirations to promote quality education and academic

excellence; and

 Render responsive social services.


Section 1: All bona fide undergraduate students of Cavite State University – Trece

Martires City Campus are members of the constituency represented by the



Section 1: Every member has the right to exercise freedom of religious beliefs and faith.

Section 2: Every member has the right to avail of all the services, and enjoy the fullest

adequate facilities and services provided by the CSG.

Section 3: Every member has the right to conduct and participate in all CSG activities.

Section 4: Every member has the right to enjoy responsible freedom of speech and

expression, and of the press.

Section 5: Every member has the right to be informed of all the issues and matters

concerning them.

Section 6: Every member has the right to appeal in any matters affecting their right,

interest and welfare.

Section 7: Every member may exercise his/her rights regardless of gender preference,

race, ethnicity and religious beliefs.

Section 8: Every member shall have the right to form an organization or association in

conformity with the rules and regulations promulgated by the University.

Section 9: Every member has the right to vote, be nominated and be elected into office.

Section 10: Every member has the right to due process.


Section 1: Every member has the responsibility to observe the laws of the Republic of the

Philippines, and the rules and regulations of the University and the

constitution and by-laws at all times.

Section 2: Every member shall pay a semestral CSG Fee of two hundred pesos (Php

200.00) as per Board of Regents resolution no. 49 dated September 18, 2014.

Section 3: Every member shall seek to achieve the objectives of the CSG and the


a. President

b. Vice President

c. Secretary

d. Treasurer

e. Business Manager

f. Property Custodian

g. Public Relation Officer

h. Senators (4)

Section 1: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the CSG. He/she

shall have the following duties:

a) Preside over all the meetings and/or may designate another

officer to preside for a specific meeting;

b) Enforce the Constitution, By-Laws and other regulations that

may be promulgated;

c) Sign all official minutes, resolutions, correspondences, and

other official papers of the CSG;

d) Represent the CSG-Main Campus in the Federation of Central

Student Government (FCSG) and any official external or

internal affairs/functions;

e) Head the Executive Committee composed of the Presidents of

the different college student council;

f) Implement CSG programs and projects;

g) Create Ad Hoc Committees, as the need arises, the Chairperson

of which shall be appointed by the CSG President;

h) Appoint Secretary and Property Custodian of the CSG; and

i) Perform such other functions inherent and incidental to his/her


Section 2: The Vice President shall have the following duties:

a) Assist the President in all matters where his/her assistance is


b) Assume the office of the President if the position is vacant;

c) Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings or

programs of activities;

d) Head the Internal Affairs Committee, conceptualize programs

and projects, and plan activities with the College Student

Council Presidents;

e) Act as the Internal Auditor, and;

f) Perform the functions and duties of the President in case of the

latter are absences, disability, and dismissal.

Section 3: The Secretary shall have the following duties:

a) Keep accurate record of the minutes and document proceedings

of every meeting;

b) Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the CSG

and make them accessible to the studentry;

c) Call and prepare all notices of CSG meetings;

d) Head of Student Government Secretariat;

e) Recommend his/her assistant secretary; and

f) Perform such other duties assigned by the CSG.

Section 4: The Treasurer shall have the following duties:

a) Keep financial records of the CSG;

b) Serve as the disbursing officer of all the CSG’s funds;

c) Prepare the semester budget of the CSG;

d) Prepare financial reports every semester;

e) Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization;

f) Head the Finance Committee; and

g) Perform such other duties assigned by the CSG.

Section 5: The Business Manager shall have the following duties:

a) Manage the Income Generating Projects of the CSG;

b) Shall check and follow up the documents needed by the CSG in

carrying out its function; and

c) Perform such other duties assigned by the CSG.

Section 6: The Property Custodian shall have the following duties:

a) Shall be in-charge of the properties of the organization

including supplies and etc.

b) Shall make the best use of the organization’ resources; and

c) Perform such other duties assigned by the CSG.

Section 7: The Public Relation Officer shall have the following duties:

a) Popularize the thrusts and objectives of the CSG;

b) Build and maintain a credible image of the CSG;

c) Take charge in the promotion of CSG projects and activities;

d) Responsible for the dissemination of information to all


e) Serve as the coordinator of all activities of CSG and shall see to

it that the activities does not conflict with other important


f) Head of the Publicity Committee; and

g) Perform such other duties assigned by the CSG.

Section 8: The Senators shall be the head of the committee assigned by the

President and perform such other duties assigned by the CSG.


Section 1: The CSG shall conduct regular meeting every second week of the month.

Section 2: CSG officers shall be required to attend all meetings of the organization.

Section 3: Special meetings of the CSG may be called upon by the President or by

Adviser/s in case certain issues have to be discussed urgently.

Section 4: The quorum shall consist of fifty percent plus one (50% + 1) of the officers of

the organization. This quorum shall be present in every meeting of the

organization. Otherwise, the meeting shall be void.

Section 5: Each officer of the CSG is entitled to only one vote.

Section 6: Every meeting should have minutes which pertain to the matters discussed

during the meeting.


Section 1: The General Assembly of the CSG shall be composed of CSG

Officers, CSG Adviser(s), Presidents of College Student Council, Non-

academic and Academic Organizations and/or all members of CSG.

Section 2: The General Assembly shall be a forum for information and

consultation regarding the organization.

Section 3: The General Assembly shall be convened by the President at least once

every semester.


Section 1: The Central Student Government shall be maintained by means of

membership fees which shall be collected on a semestral basis that will

support the offering of acceptable and reasonable student services that

will tap the full potentials of the students and ultimately equip students with

industry-defined skills and competencies.

Section 2: The Central Student Government can establish special funds that come

from donations, dues, sponsorships, fund raising projects or any

derived from legitimate resources.

Section 3: The Central Student Government shall have an annual procurement

plan before they allocate budget according to the relevance, need and

urgency of the coverage of the approved Management of Central

Student Government Fees (BOR Resolution No. 49)

a.) The Central Student Government projects and committees shall be the

top priority.

 Committees shall include: Consultative Committee

 Committee on Waste Management

 Student Support Committee

 Student Development Committee

b.) The recognized Student Council and Student Organizations s hall be the

second priority of the CSG Fund to further support the welfare of the

students. These funds shall be used to;

c.) The representatives of the University for the Socio-cultural and Literary

Activities shall be the third priority of the CSG Fund.

d.) The recognized Student Publication Unit of the whole university and

different colleges shall be the fourth priority of the CSG Fund.

e.) The Subsidies and Allowances for students that will represent the

University for academic and non-academic competitions shall be the fifth

priority of the CSG Fund.

 Student Council and Student Organization facility


 Support for student activities and projects

 Trainings and Seminars

f.) The Mutual Aid and Benefits (can be availed by the 1% of the total

member of the organization) shall be the sixth priority of the CSG


g.) The Central Student Government shall allocate fund for the annual

insurances of the members of the organization.

h.) There shall be a (10%) contingency fund to cover up all the emergency

expenses of the organization.

Section 4: The fund shall be deposited in a bank wherein the signatories are the

Central Student Government President, Organization

Advisers/Coordinators and Dean of OSA . The passbook must be

under the safekeeping of the treasurer.

Section 5: The CSG Fund shall be mainly used for student activities. Funds to be

used shall be backed up by approved proposal, resolution and

canvassing form duly noted by the CSG officers and adviser/s.

Section 6: The Central Student Government shall only allow a maximum of 5%

Contingency Fund of the total requested budget for the activity of the

concerned organization.

Section 7: The concerned organization shall liquidate expenses before the next

disbursement shall be authorized.

Section 8: A financial report, together with the relevant receipts and papers must

be submitted to the Vice President of the CSG two (2) weeks after the
activity for monitoring purposes, and/or specific concern of the student

service for which the fund is utilized.

Section 9: Central Student Government shall also liquidate expenses but shall not

be covered within the two-week deadline so that projects and programs

shall not be hampered.

Section 10: Any excess amount in the requested fund must be returned to the

Central Student Government.

Section 11: For the transparency of the Central Student Government, a financial

statement shall be posted in the CSG Bulletin Board, University

publication or any means of disseminating information for

transparency purposes.

Section 12: Central Student Government shall submit audited financial reports to

the Office of the Student Affairs and Services at the end of each term.

Section 13: Any excess funds or liabilities shall be carried over to the next school

year. Existing savings of organization shall likewise be pooled and will

form part of CSG Fund. These can be utilized subject to the resolution

approved by OSA and University Administrative Council. These shall

be strictly be used for student-related activities.

Section 14: Central Student Government shall provide all the necessities of the

COMELEC upon the annual exercise of the election of the officers.


Section 1: Sanctions shall be implemented to the organizations after a procedural

due process by the OSAS together with the CSG in determining its

offense. Organization shall be given a chance to defend themselves

upon the proceeding period.

Section 2: The grounds for implementing sanctions are the following but not

limited to:

 Failure to liquidate expenses after conducting activity

 Graft and corruption

 Unsupported and unreasonable financial report

 Malversation of funds

Section 3: The following are the corresponding sanctions for every offense:

 Request of budget shall be rejected by the Central Student

Government for the concerned organization who failed to

liquidate expenses during their previous activity.

 Officers who are involved in corruption and misuse of fund

shall be terminated after proven guilty.

Financial reports without attached receipts and supporting documents

shall not be accepted and acknowledged by the Central Student

Government and OSAS.


Section 1: The elective positions for CSG shall be the President, Vice President,

Treasurer, Business Manager, Public Relation Officer, and four (4)


Section 2: The elective positions for College Student Council (CSC) shall be in

accordance with the constitution and by-laws of their respective


Section 3: The CSG and CSC election shall be conducted at the same time; hence,

be scheduled every month of April.

Section 4: The officers of the CSG and CSC shall hold office for one (1)

academic year including summer.


Section 1: The major positions which are the President and the Vice President

shall not exceed one term in office. The President and the Vice President

shall only have one academic year to assume the said position.

Section 2: The minor positions which are the Secretary, Treasurer, Business

Manager, Public Relation Officer, Property Custodian, and Senator

shall not exceed two (2) consecutive terms.


Section 1: The Commission on Elections, herein referred to as the COMELEC,

shall be established within sixty (60) days before the day of election.
Section 2: The Commission on Election shall be an independent body.

Section 3: The COMELEC shall have forty five (45) days preparation for the


Section 4: The COMELEC shall be composed of one (1) chairman and nine (9)

commissioners, one (1) per college whom shall be chosen by the

College Dean, who do not have vested interest in the election, or in any

way related to any of the candidate.

Section 5: The commissioners shall choose a chairman among themselves.

Section 6: The chairman shall endorse a commissioner as his/her replacement

from the same college. The commissioner shall not have vested interest

in the election, or in any way related to any of the candidate from

his/her college with the approval of the commissioners.

Section 7: The COMELEC shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Conduct fair, honest, and systematic elections;

b. Validate electoral proceedings and result;

c. Accept or revoke candidacy;

d. Proclaim the new set of officers;

e. Keep all pertinent election papers/documents;

f. Decide upon protest relative to the conduct and result of the


g. Prepare and distribute the necessary election paraphernalia,

certificate of candidacy forms and other election related materials

before, during, and after the election; and,

h. Disqualify candidates who have violated any of the guidelines,

which have been promulgated.


Section 1: Who May Run For Office?

All bona fide members who meet the following requirements may run

for office:

a. He/she must be enrolled at their respective Campus for at least one year

residency (two-semesters and including summer) for major position following

the election;

b. For minor positions, he/she must be enrolled for at least two (2) semesters

following the election;

c. He/she must possess good moral character as certified by his/her College

Guidance counsellor or guidance facilitator;

d. He/she must give up his/her position from any local/college organization upon

oath taking;

e. He/she must have no bad track records (impeachment, and other school


f. He/she must not be a graduating student for the current academic year and the

next mid-year graduation.

Section 2: Application of Candidacy

a. The major position (President and Vice President) will require one year

residency in the university as an enrolled student.

b. Applicants must submit the following requirements:

b.1. Photocopy of the registration form of the current semester;

b.2. Photocopy of the registration forms in the two (2) semesters following

the election & all Certificate of Grades (COG) within the University;

b.3. Certification of good moral character duly signed by the Guidance

counsellor, guidance facilitator or college dean as the case may be;

b.4. Duly accomplished Certificate of Candidacy Form ( COC shall be

provided by the COMELEC);

b.5. Applicants must bring two (2) pieces 2x2 ID picture; and

b.6. Photocopy of school ID;

c. The applicant shall not have a grade of 4.0 and 5.0.

d. Applicants must appear in person upon submission of their duly accomplished

application form. Screening shall be conducted based on the approved

timeframe of the COMELEC.

e. All the requirements must be filed to the COMELEC within the filing period.

Section 4: Interested student or group of students may form political parties and

register it with the COMELEC. Requirements for registration include

the following:

a. The Candidate’s name;

b. Party name (for non-independent candidate);

c. Each party should not have more than two (2) candidates from the same college;

d. Principles and platform of government shall be in 3 copies; (1 copy for the

COMELEC, The Office of Student Affairs and Service and the candidate itself).

Section 5: For independent candidate, requirements for registration include the

a. The Candidate’s name;

b. Principles and platform of government shall be in 3 copies; (1 copy for the

COMELEC, The Office of Student Affairs and Service and the candidate itself).

Section 6: Campaign Rules & Regulations

a. Campaign Period

The campaign period shall officially start upon releasing the final list of the

candidates. Room to room campaign for each party or independent candidate is

allowed for a maximum of ten (10) minutes per room.

b. Campaign Materials

Streamers, posters, leaflets, flags and entertainment groups like bands singer, etc. are

allowed. The Candidates/parties will arrange schedule with the deans of each college

for the permit and allowed duration. The first offense will receive a warning while

second offence would mean disqualification of the whole party or independent

candidate. All materials shall be approved for posting by the University Records


c. Party Platforms

The COMELEC requires that each candidate or political party must have party

platform or platform Government. The COMELEC strictly discourages smear

campaign, mudslinging, personal and derogatory issues against any candidate.

d. Posting Areas

All bulletin boards will be utilized as reserve for each party as their posting area in

each college or department upon the approval of the deans concerned. Also, parties

will be allowed to post their campaign paraphernalia in places where large volume of

students are present.

e. Miting de Avance
Classes will be suspended to give way for the Miting de Avance within the vicinity of

the University. Question & answer shall be conducted to provide the students the

opportunity to raise questions.

Section 7: Voting

The casting of votes shall be done manually with the use of pens and ballots provided

by the COMELEC in particular.

Official voting shall start exactly 8 AM to 5 PM.

a. Students inside the University are free to cast their votes from their respective

precinct in their college.

The COMELEC shall supervise the election proceedings.

Section 8: Canvassing of Votes

Official canvassing of votes will be done solely by the COMELEC.

8.1. Canvassing Period will be the day after the Election Day starting 8:00am. The

initial canvassing of votes will be done at the designated precincts in every college and voting

area while the final canvassing will be done at the COMELEC Office.

8.2. Validation of votes


8.2.1. The circle of the chosen candidate is shaded.


8.2.1. Two (2) or more circles for each name of candidate are shaded within

the same space provided except for Senators.

8.2.2. Five (5) or more circles are shaded in the position for Senator.
8.2.3. There is an erasure on the circle of the candidate.

8.3. The candidate with the highest number of votes shall be declared as the

winner of the election.

8.4. Result should be verified by the COMELEC watchers.

8.5. The results of the canvassing will be validated by the COMELEC.

Section 9: Proclamation of Winners

Winners will be determined by virtue of the number of votes cast in their favour.

Results will be submitted to the Office of the Student Affairs and Services. Winners

will be officially proclaimed by the COMELEC after the canvassing of votes through

posting the result in the different colleges. He/She must give up her position from any

local/college organization upon oath taking.

Section 10: Election Protest and Recounts

Election protest and calls for recounts may be filed by any candidate or political party

who may wish to contest the result of the election with the COMELEC. Protest or

requests for recounts may be formally submitted to the COMELEC not later than 48

hours after proclamation of the winners.

Section 11: Election Related Activities

1. Information Campaign on Election

The COMELEC is tasked to conduct information dissemination to educate the voters

on the conduct of the election. Posters may be prepared for this purpose.

2. Cleaning Activities after the Election

The candidates will remove all the campaign materials with the supervision of

COMELEC officials after the election. Failure to abide shall be reported to Office of

the Student Affairs and Services.


Section 1: Adviser(s) of CSG are selected by the CSG officers.

Section 2: The organization adviser(s) of Central Student Government must meet

the following qualifications:

2.1must be a regular faculty or staff of this university

2.2must not have been involved in any disciplinary/administrative



Section 1: The adviser must supervise all the activities and meeting of CSG.

Section 2: Must be present in all approved activities of the CSG.

Section 3: Shall be signatory in any certified accomplished activity of the CSG.

Section 4: Must take responsibility for any violations committed by the CSG.


Section 1: The officers of the organization may be impeached on the following


a. Violations in the constitution and by-laws;

b. Gross misconduct, violence to person in authority and negligence;

c. Non-attendance in regular meetings for three (3) consecutive times;


d. Abuse or misuse of power and authority.

Section 2: Legislative branch shall be the one to hold the impeachment trial.

Section 3: Two-thirds (2/3) vote of the general assembly shall be necessary to

decide after hearing a case of impeachment.

Section 4: The decision of the general assembly shall be final. However, the

officer charged shall be informed twenty (20) days prior to his/her

impeachment proceedings of the charge/s against him/her to afford him/her

the opportunity to be heard with or without a counsel in his/her defense.

Section 5: Resignation of position other than the President shall be in writing and

subject to the approval of the executive branch.

Section 6: In the vacancy of the position of the President for the reason of death,

resignation, and impeachment, the Vice President shall take over.

Section 7: Any vacancy in the organization, except for the President and the Vice

president shall be filled within thirty (30) days from the day the

position is rendered or considered vacant. Immediately upon

appointment, the appointed officer shall serve the remaining period.


Section 1: There shall be a formal turnover between the outgoing CSG officers

and the incoming officers. It shall be exercised within one (1) month
after the election of the newly elected officers in order for the

organization to continue its operation in accordance to its function.

Section 2: There shall be a certification which includes the signatures of the

organizational advisers, incoming officers, and OSAS as a proof of

proper turnover from the outgoing officers to the incoming officers to

secure the well-being of the organization and of the members as well.


Section 1: Any amendment/revision of this constitution and by-laws shall be valid

when ratified by majority of members of the constituency in a student

plebiscite or constitutional convention duly called for the purpose or in

a consultative assembly.


Section 1: If any part or provision of this constitution and by-laws is held invalid

or unconstitutional, other provisions not affected thereby shall remain

in force and effect.


Section 1: All other policies, decrees, orders, issuance, rules and regulations

which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution and By-

Laws are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.


Section 1: This constitution shall take effect A.Y. 2017-2018 after its publication

in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation upon ratification

by majority of the quorum.

The foregoing proposed CSG Constitution and By-Laws was approved during the

Constitutional Convention of 2017 on the 13 th day of January, Two Thousand Seventeen, and

accordingly signed on the 17th day of March, Two Thousand Seventeen at the Pinazo Hostel,

Cavite State University, by the President of each college whose signatures are hereunder


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