Merry Madagascar Worksheet - Christmas Content

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1. Answer the questions

 How many friends have they made?
 What can’t the kid hold?
 What is difficult for some people?
 How to call the thing they are going to fly on?
 What is right on schedule?
 What do they check?
 What do they dream about?
 Who is in the hiding?
 Who is the Marauding Red Night Goblin?
 When does this Marauding Red Night Goblin come?
 What does the air fill with?
 What does the Marauding Red Night Goblin pelt at lemurs?
 What does Alex do?
 Who has Alex just shot down?
 Who is laughing now?

2. Change the words into those you really hear

-I hit down Santa.

-You on the naughty list for sure, now.
-Is it safe?
-Is what safe?
-Are there more of you? How many?
-Tell me, are you a machine?
-Maybe you have an army hidden inside of you. Talk to me, robot army.
-I am talking to you!
-That hurts.
-Look, everybody! It shakes like a bowl full of jam!
-Hey, this is great!
-Stop it, Julien! That's Santa Claus!
-No wonder he throws stones at you.
-Santa who?
-Santa! Santa, you OK? I can't believe I'm speaking to Santa Claus!
-I know.
-Wait. Who's Santa?
-What do you mean, "Who's Santa"? If you're not Santa, who are you?
-My name is...I can't recall.
-Look, he's got another hat on.
-He must have hit his head in the accident. Maybe he's got amnesia.
-Oh, this is bad. This is...This is bad! I've destroyed Christmas for everybody. I've destroyed
Christmas for, like, the entire world! Unless...
-Team huddle.
-This could work out great for everyone.
-Santa's head wound?
-No, not his head wound.

-Here's the plan: we find the sleigh, help Santa deliver the presents. Then, on the way home, he
drops us off in New York! It's perfect! What do you guys think?
-I'm in!
-Let's go find that sleigh.
-They are just lovely! Alex, go talk to them. Go, go, go, go, go!
-Hello, there, little reindeer.
-You pals up for a little road trip? What do you say?
-Back away! You don't understand who you're dealing with.
-Hey, no need to get psycho. They're just Santa's little...
-We meet again, South Polers.
-North Polers.
-OK, you guys know each other?
-It's a cold war that dates back ages.
-You see, Santa used to be based in the South Pole.
-This again? Santa chose North Pole, fair and square.
-Please. They bribed him with candy canes and cheap elf labor.
-That's it! Let's go!
-On my command, hit him in the bells.
-Wait, where's Private?
-You're the most adorable deer I've ever seen.
-That's the sweetest thing any penguin has ever said to me.
-Shake it off, Private! That North Poler might look like a tall drink of water, but she'll spit you
out like a glass of bad eggnog!
-Guys, guys. Come on, it's Christmas. You know, the time of giving.
-So, what do you say? Can you give us a ride?
-Son of the gun, we're only allowed to get orders from Santa.
-Why don't you ask your South Pole comrades to assist? I forget! They can't fly.
-Merry Christmas down there, stuck on the ground!
-Merry Christmas.
-Great. There goes our lift home.
-We'll fly it.
-Skipper, you're a penguin.
-And those reindeer have, like, magical abilities.
-That's exactly what they want you to think.
-Private, give 'em a little demo.
-The only thing magical about those North Polers, is that tank full of sparkly thing.
-Now, go find Big Red and we'll get this baby airborne.
-Fat man, behold the beauty of a traditional Julianuary carol, honoring... me.
-I like to...
-Very nice.
-You like to...
-All together.
-We like to...
-Move it!

3. Say if the statements are true or false

 Santa just wanna shake his booty

 Santa will never go back

 Alex made the mess now he is gonna clean it up

 It’s necessary to think some happy thought to fly Santa’s sleigh
 Everyone smiled at the miracle that was baby Julian
 Everybody gets presents for Julianiary
 Santa can make Christmas presents
 Santa has saved Julianiary
 From that moment forward all their presents are Julian’s presents

4. Correct false information

 They are about to arrive at their third destination

 Africa is straight ahead
 The landing is smooth
 They just use the front door
 Gloria gets stuck
 They escape from the owners of the house
 They get to the nearest zoo
 Little Abby gets very scared when she sees Santa’s new helpers
 Abby makes them a cake
 They decide to be Santa’s bald helpers
 They are sad to see New York again

5. Who said the phrase

 This is the worst Julianiary ever

 I’m sorry if I ruined your Julianiary
 No, she’s not my girlfriend
 We did it
 An inflatable hippo pool? And chlorine?
 We can’t leave him there dancing around with that bump on his head
 Only enough to get us to Madagascar
 So… it’s Madagascar or home?
 This is the life
 I was wrong!
 The Red Night Goblin’s attacking again!
 Where am I? The children, the presents

6. Fill in the gaps with the words you hear

-He got his __________ back.


-Terrible crisis, Santa!

-The South Polers stole __________ for joyride!

-Now, Christmas is __________ !


-That's an outright Christmas lie with all the trimmings.

-Yeah, Christmas isn't ruined. We __________ everything.

-It's the truth. Santa, the South Polers __________ Christmas.

-Cupid, stay out of this!

-I grow tired of your reindeer __________ . We want to be... bipolar.

-Son of the __________ .

-So you really delivered all the __________ ?

-It's the least we could do.

-And you even __________ Liechtenstein?


-Oh, chestnuts! Those __________ will be up any minute now!

-This way, Santa.

-But there's no sparkly __________ left.

-I'll use the reserve __________ then.

-Oh, reserve __________ .

-Hey, Santa, wait!

-My friends and I...

-Thank you all for __________ !

-Santa, wait!
-If that sleigh leaves, and you're not with Santa, you'll __________ it.

-Farewell, Private.
-We'll always __________ Madagascar!


And Julien, you're officially off the __________ list!

-What? You can't take me off the naughty list. I am the naughty list! What's the naughty list?

-Merry Christmas!

-Well, looks like Santa's back in __________ .

-And we're back in Madagascar.

-And you know what? We're gonna have the __________ Christmas ever.

-Right here!

-This'll get me back on the naughty list. __________ ball fight!

-All right, let's give these __________ a spin.

-I can't stop! I can't __________ !

-Rockefeller Center ain't got nothin' on this!

-Well, we may not have gotten home for Christmas, but we got __________ !

-I wouldn't do that if I were you.

-It's not snow! It's not __________ !
-See, Marty? It's not what you get.

-It's what you __________ .

-Give it a rest!

-I'm so naughty. Mort, you're __________ !

-Alex, you OK?

-Who's Alex?

-Merry Christmas and happy Julianuary, __________ !

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