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Catherine A.

Prado BSN II – B

Science, Technology, and Society

Activity No. 1
Climate Change
1. What significant contribution can individuals make in response to climate change?
 An individual can make a significant contribution in response to climate change by
starting to discipline oneself and being educated, it really makes difference. And it's
more important than ever to take matters into our own hands by simply: switching to
100% green power, saving energy and water, optimizing you diet, do composting or
waste management, by planting trees and protecting our forest, avoiding used of plastic,
picking up trash, turning off your engine and just ride bike, and changing the bulb lights
to LED’s. These are some simple tips on how you can not only reduce your own carbon
footprint by making both small and big changes, but also put pressure on politicians to
step up and do the right thing.

2. Is Climate Change preventable?

 Yes, but humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set
in motion more changes still. Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, global
warming would continue to happen for at least several more decades, if not centuries.
That’s because it takes a while for the planet to respond, and because carbon dioxide –
the predominant heat-trapping gas – lingers in the atmosphere for hundreds of years.
There is a time lag between what we do and when we feel it. And some of the effects of
global warming are no longer preventable.

3. What should be the significant contribution of the society as well as the government in
mitigating the hazards caused by climate change?
 Limiting greenhouse gas emissions is a common mitigation strategy. Other mitigation
strategies include: improving the energy efficiency of buildings to reduce emissions from
heating/cooling, planting forests and tree to remove excess carbon dioxide from our
atmosphere, reducing fuel emissions associated with motor vehicles.

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